Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Message of Struggle

Power Struggle

When we pull an oracle card that says "Take Back Your Power," that concept is easier said than done. I struggle with this from time to time. In my job as a graphic artist I have worked with personalities that vary from complacent to down right testy. And one theme comes up time and time again...

SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. Take Back Your Power.

I doubt very many people in my small town have ever heard of the concept of Gaia's ascension and the vibrational shift that is about to occur at the end of 2012. This is not a topic the normal news media follows or even speaks about. These shadowy people who are responsible for all the chaos and crap in the world work in secret posing as Joe Citizen. Joe Politician. Or Joe Anybody. And they are directly opposed to Gaia's ascension. 


They have their own agendas. They have their own ideals. And they directly oppose enlightenment. 

They realize that when we shift into a new dimension, we will be one with love. We will see that what is out there in the universe is not some dastardly alien invasion waiting to happen. God, the one source of all, sees all people as beings of love working on their journeys in density.

We have to remember that we need to see even this secret contingent as part of the all, part of us. Because when it all comes down to it, that's how it works. We are all one.

This place in which we live is the most difficult place to be. And just being here is a challenge in itself. What we are striving for is a remembrance of who we really are. And who we really are is love everlasting. Who we really are is that we are one with our creator, God. 

We are just one tiny aspect of God. And when we come into this shift we will merge with our Higher Self, at least, that is what I believe. And at that time, a lot of what we forgot coming into density will be reveled to us.

It should be a wondrous time.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Message of Experience

The Earth is a place of continual learning. We fear, we want, we desire, we create and it is all good in the eyes of our creator, the I AM.

We must fully engage our I AM Presence to see the Divinity of all people no matter what level of learning they are at.

Who we are, at our source, is a collection if all we've ever come across, who we've interacted with, what we've learned through experience and teachers. We are a vast vault of knowledge. And many of us also have access to The Book of Life, the Akashic Records (whether we know it or not), where all knowledge is written and stored.

You are no one without your ability to experience.

Most, if not all, business people went through schooling to attain their desires to start a new creation like a company, an Esty shop, a regular job or an online school of thought.

We all learn. We all create based on everything that has ever touched us.

I honor the knowledge in all, even those who feel the need to throw insults at another. We are all on different paths in this place we call the Earthly plane.

Blessings to all on your journeys.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Message from Thoth and Metatron

Here I am once again revealing to you truths that you already intuitively know. These truths are self evident. (wink and a smile) These truths are in all of us. We are the truth of the Divine embodied. We are the truth of the Universe embodied. This world, the third density, is a tough one to be in and only the most advanced souls come online here, as you say. The fact that you are here at all at this time speaks a lot of your soul and your soul's advancement. We are so close to the shift for all, but many are already in this process. You are beings of light embodied. You have such power you don't realize. Trust in the Universal flow, in the Divine to support you. As you do what you love, your bliss, you are in this flow. Continue in this state when not working on your most lovely creations, the bliss of you. As you bring this vibration into the world, you assist others in their upliftment. Please do this daily. It will so help the collective consciousness of all

--Thoth, the Guardian of the Earthly Plane and Metatron, your Angel of Divine Knowledge

Friday, October 12, 2012

Cross of Truth Spread - Tarot

I put this spread together for myself. Sort of a conglom of the Celtic Cross and the Spread that Cheryl Lee Harnish does. These cards are just for placement purposes.

Position 1 - This is the Main Issue/Situation.

Position 2 - This is the Challenge or Blessings coming across your path

Position 3 - This is what is happening in Spirit.

Position 4 - This is what is happening in the Physical

Position 5 - Influences just Past

Position 6 - Influences yet to come

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dream with Archangel Michael

I had a dream the other night. It wasn't a significant dream. It didn't really have anything scary or joyous. It was just me and my father going to meet my sister somewhere. My dad was on one side of a semi-busy street and I ran back into an unfamiliar house to get something. When I came out I looked both ways and was about to cross the street when I was lifted up. I immediately knew that this was Archangel Michael. Although, I didn't see him in the dream, I just knew it was him. He lifted me up and above the street and placed me down safely next to where my father was.

That was the extent of the dream.

That dream told me that there is nothing you can't ask Archangel Michael or the angels help for. Even something as insignificant as crossing the street, he is there or us. Our angels are always there for us and they want us to call on them more.

Please call on your angels today. Talk to your angels, tell them your troubles, your joys. Tell them what your dreams are. They want to help us for the betterment of all.

Message from Archangel Joseph (Jophiel?)

Trust is like water. If you don't hold it just so it could slip out of your hands. Trust is important, essential right now. Trust is the beginning of the spiral of creation. Trust can heal. Trust can harm. Trust is a double-edged sword. Be careful who you trust. Not everyone is there to support your highest will. Trust the angels, your guides and God if you don't know who to trust. Ask for their guidance. They are all here for your betterment. They are all here to watch you, help you ascend into a new age, a new enlightenment of God's awesome creation. All is brand new. Every day a new adventure. Revel in it and watch it unfold in you, and in the universe. In you and in everyone else.

Joseph the Archangel (Jophiel? maybe)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Message from Krishna

I was looking at my Facebook seeing how GMA Sam Champion had come out of the closet announcing he was gay and newly engaged. I pondered how my Christian friends would react to such an unveiling. Then I received this message:

"God doesn't say 'I don't love you because you're gay' God loves all the same. From king to pauper, no one is better than the next. God loves unconditionally. God loves perfectly. It is man who puts words into God's mouth.

Much of the Bible is true, but not all. Man put his ego into the Bible. He put his own feelings, things he only 'believed' were of God. Much that was Godly was left out. Gnostics, scrolls, many teachings that would transform this world even farther. The awakening is coming. Get your nose out of the Bible and look for it. See it approaching. Are you ready?"
-- Krishna

Friday, October 5, 2012

Message from Gaia

Last night I knew I needed to ground myself. Most if the last two days have been stress-filled and exhausting for me. After a week off reflecting upon my new spiritual path and discovering new gifts, it has been more stressful for me than normal.

Maybe that's because I'm more connected now to the real me, my Higher Self. I notice sensations in my stomach that I used to feel as a child. I am more connected to my body and its needs.

So, I felt compelled to ground myself. I imagined my feet growing, sprouting roots and sinking into the dirt traveling all the way to the core. I imagined energy flowing from me into Gaia. Then I imagined her returning it to me. I kept this image going for over five minutes. I felt refreshed when it was completed.

Then afterward, I received this message:

My energy heals you - welcome it and return it in a rhythm older than time. Many before you have done this. Some more mystical than you, some on a greater spiritual path, but you too are special, unique. You feed on me for hearing and return the gift of energy back. You know what it means to balance. Balance was your word for today wasn't it? Many around you mirrored that experience. Thank you for your blessing and enjoy the gift bestowed upon you today, healing.
-- Gaia, Mother Earth

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oracle Card Reading For Oct. 4th

From the Archangel Michael Deck
Energy Healing Work - you either need energy healing or you are a healer!

Michael is telling us that we need to check our energy levels. Are we giving our energy away? Are we doing so much for others that it leaves us drained? Take heart, you are in control of your own energy system and you have the power to renew your strength.

Take a mental step back and ground yourself. Imagine you are a tree and your roots go deep, deep, deep into the Earth, all the way to the core. And then imagine that core Earth energy rising up through your root system all the way to your feet and into your entire body. Then imagine your roots continuing upward beyond your head into the Cosmos. Energize yourself and then give the rest to the Universe. As you receive, you also give. A lovely message for us to remember.

From the Wisdom of the Hidden Realm
The Lady of the Gift - Get your giving and receiving into balance.
The Camel Boy - ask for what you need and the universe will provide it for you. 

The Lady of the Gift tells us that we may be out of balance. We may be giving much more than receiving. She asks us to imagine that the world is your church. When you tithe to the world, only give ten percent. Don't go overboard being a people pleaser. You need to remember to please yourself from time to time. Retain some of that energy for yourself. To be in balance you must give AND receive.

The Camel Boy tells us that we have been stingy with our creating. We've been trying to do it all ourselves. The Universe, God, Creation, The Cosmos, other people, they want to help you in every way. Allow them that gift. Ask for what you want, what you really need. And let them provide it for you. The act of someone giving to you is a great gift for not only you but them as well.

From the Oracle of Shadows and Light
Candy Cane Angel - it's time for a treat. 

You've been striving for a long time. Putting in the overtime and getting your work done. You've been an industrious little Angel, but you're now tired and exhausted.  The Candy Cane Angel tells us that we deserve to treat ourselves. You always do for others, yet forget yourself. That is no way to live.

Put the I DESERVE back into your vocabulary. You deserve a treat today. Go out for an ice cream, take a nature walk, take that break you always insist you don't need. Do something for YOU today because YOU DESERVE IT!

If you would like to watch my YouTube video about this reading, check it out here:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Message from Creation

I have been getting up extra early lately. Maybe because of my vacation, but I felt like God was wanting me to spend more time with him, listening to him. This morning was no different. I felt called to sit outside on the porch. Dawn had yet to break on the horizon and the world was awash with the sounds of the night. Here is the message I received while pondering God's wondrous creation:

At the break of dawn the world is a flutter with joyful sounds. It's a huge celebration of creation. In chorus and subtle harmony, all the sounds of the night, the creatures, birds and insects welcome us to a new day.

You can hear acorns falling with the subtle sense that a tree may be born from this giving. Nature is abundant. And when some acorns don't take root or if flowers don't bloom, nature just tries again. Without complaining. Trusting that the process of the gift is enough and that God will inspire growth of only those things he wishes.

So is true of us humans. We must bear fruit, create wonderful things, make merry and multiply our efforts. It's up to God to decide what takes root. Create away, you creator of God. Bear your fruit daily. Ask the Angels to assist you.

"We love it when you call on us. We long to help you along your spiritual path. Blessings to all. Live your truth today!!"
This message goes surprisingly well with today's oracle card reading. Check it out if you are so inclined.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Message From My Higher Self and the Angels

Healing Cards by Caroline Myss and Peter Ochogrosso
Here is a bit of automatic writing I did this morning. After pondering on the card on the left in this photo.

The universe is an ever expanding concept. Every corner reveals great mysteries that we must uncover, go through the trials of and conquer. So, too, is it true of the human experience. Every corner of us reveals a truth about us as an individual and as a collective. We only need to look inside ourselves and see he same mysteries and complexities the universe provides. Not only are we all one, that includes universes and planets, stars and unknown spaces. God, the one source of all, created all and made all at once. We are individual expressions of God, the God force. We must delve deep in ourselves to find that God Spark. Call on your Higher Self for answers. Your Higher Self knows the vastness of you. Trust it to guide you not only in your times of trials but in victories as well. To know HIM is to know YOURSELF.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Working with Archangel Zadkiel

Angels of Atlantis Oracle Card
by Stewart Pierce
I have recently discovered that one of my main Archangels is Zadkiel. (The others are Archangels Michael, Ariel, Raguel and Metatron) He is the Divine Comforter. He wants to take fear out of us and fill us with Divine Love.

I'm not sure when I learned to fear the world. I know that it wasn't fun always thinking the worst of things, expecting the worse. That is no way to live and I don't want you to live that way either.

Call on Archangel Zadkiel to comfort you, to take away your fear, to pull you into his embrace and warm your heart with Divine Love.

Angels are there for you at any time. Like a conveience store, they are available 24/7. And don't think that you can call on them too often. The angels want you to talk to them daily, ask for their suggestions.

The angels leave you messages of their presence. Coins, feathers, number sequences. Anything that reminds you of angels is them whispering hello to you.

I discovered my angel by using a pendulum. I wrote out a number of angel names in a line and asked the pendulum to tell me who my main archangel was. It swung immediately to Zadkiel. Try it for yourself.

Angels are messengers of God and they only want the best for us. Call on them for help today.

I'm sending you many Angel Blessings,