Saturday, January 31, 2015

Today's energy 1/31

Today's energy is brought to us by the Tarot of the Hidden Realms deck. The ten of Pentacles is about a great abundance. This may not mean wealth in particular but it surely could. This is abundance in all forms. Today what you connect with and what makes you happy and comfortable springs forth. You are standing at the end of a long road that you've traveled. You find yourself well prepared for the next chapter in your life. Rejoice. 


Friday, January 23, 2015

Quick reading for today

This morning I pulled a few cards for myself and sometimes I wonder if these cards are really just for me. I don't have images for them today because I didn't plan on doing this blog post.

First I pulled 3 cards from The Fool's Wisdom oracle by Sonia Choquette. The cards were:

The Stress Fool - Breathe

The Help Fool - Ask for assistance/help

The Thank Fool - Be grateful.

I look at the cards and thing... huh. I am not stressed right now. But I keep getting the messages to rest and take a load off of the harsh activities. So, there that is. I don't feel like this is for me so I thought I'd throw this out there. It is basically saying that you are  too stressed right now. And you may need to ask for the assistance of your angels, your spiritual team or someone you know to help you out of this tight spot. Then be grateful and thankful for their assistance. Let them know that you really are happy that they galloped up and came to your rescue.

Then I pulled from the Wizard's Tarot. The cards were:

9 of Swords - Okay, harsh. Worries. Mind spinning. Goes with the Stress Fool.

Queen of Wands. - She is really standing in her power here. So this means that we need to stand in our power when these worrisome stressful things invade our thoughts or our life.

7 of Pentacles (reversed) - This is the waiting for your abundance to harvest card. But since it is upside down it means that the abundance is flowing in now. It is moving.

The Shadow card at the bottom of the deck was the 10 of Wands. This is the overwork card. So, someone is really burning the candle at both ends here. Working for their money. Sing the song 9 to 5 and you'll get the energy of this card.

The Top card is The Tower. I'm like.. really? Please, Universe. Give a gal a break. Not a real bone break but a break from the harsh.

So, what is this all really saying?

Someone is stressed or is about to be stressed. Their mind is spinning and they are in complete overwork mode. But they are asking you to keep your boundaries up. You can't just do stuff always for others. You need to take care of YOU. You are important too. Don't ever forget that. And when you maintain your boundaries and you stand in your power, your abundance will come flowing in. It is like the Universe is saying... FINALLY, you get it. Here is a treat for doing it right. Have some cool stuff you have been wanting. Don't forget to be thankful and grateful for this treat of abundance. Because if you are, the abundance cycle will keep flowing toward you. Stay positive this week and know that I really love all of you and hope you have a wonderful week.



Friday, January 2, 2015

Time To Set Goals For 2015 - Our Best Year Yet!

Setting goals is a really important thing we need to do at all times and not just at the beginning of the year. Maybe in 2015 you will resolve to get more organized, buy a planner, a calendar, or just write down what you need to do. It is a proven fact that if you write your goals down that you are more likely to accomplish them.
So, I want us to work together this year to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves and make 2015 a bang up, awesome, sparkly best year ever!
I was watching a video about how to make the most of 2015 and make it your best year ever. There are all sorts of organizing, planning and goal setting videos on YouTube. Just do a search and check them out. 

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself when contemplating your goals for 2015.
  • What 3 things are you most proud of in 2014?
  • What areas of my life do I excel in?
  • What areas in my life need more attention?
  • What 3 things can you improve on in 2015
  • What do I need to stop or start in 2015 to accomplish my goals?
  • What will be my word or words for 2015 that will describe how I will approach this next year?
  • Explain a little about why you picked these words or word for 2015. What make that word work for helping you make your best year yet seem more achievable?
  • What will I do to make sure my goals are achieved? Maybe add sticky notes to your planner and do quarterly check ins with yourself.

Check out this video to learn more about goal setting.

I followed along with this video and I filled out my journal (see an excerpt below). I could not just decide on one word for 2015, and that's okay. Do what speaks to you. You know you better than anyone else. Below are my words for 2015 and my reasons for picking them. I thought I'd give you an example if you were stuck on this question.


Keep me updated about how your year is going. Let's check in with each other to make sure we stick with the goals that will help us accomplish our best year yet.
Make It A Great 2015!