Thursday, October 30, 2014

Card of the Day - 10/31 - Happy Halloween

Today is the last day of October and the last day we will use the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West. I am also using a card from the Mystic Dreamer Tarot by Heidi Darras.

 I hope you have enjoyed this month of daily card readings. Next month I will try to do two blog readings a week. And we will see how that goes. 

Today's card:  Page of Cups & Queen of Bats
Shadow card: 10 of Imps
Top Card: Queen of Imps

 The Page of Cups is a dreamer. She is emotional. She follows her intuition and finds herself in a happy place. She is happy even with this rocky surface beneath her feet. She doesn't let the obstacles and blocks of life get her down. She is emotionally resilient she asks you to never stop dreaming. 

The queen of Bats is smart. She has a good head in her shoulders. She is the female leader of the Queens. She has the ideas and knows how to implement them. Her fortes are communications, publishing, writing in all forms including emails. She writes with the same passion she speaks. She is unstoppable. Never take her on in a trivia contest. At the bottom of her chair which represents support is a moth. Moths have similar symbology as butterflies. They transform. They don't do it as beautifully as butterflies but transform they do. They also like to nibble on clothes which represents something outside of you that is eating away at how positively you express yourself to the world. The Queen of Bats says be strong but you sometimes doubt yourself. 

The shadow card portrays the underlying theme of the reading. Quasimodo is the type of man who does his best work hiding away from the world. When he appears in the town square he scares people and causes them to flee. He is not good one on one. Quasi has created all this abundance in the form of inspirations but he is weighed down and overburdened. He can sometimes get angry and lash out at others that dare to approach him because he is so stressed out.  this asks you to stop your striving and take more scheduled breaks. It will make all the difference. 

The Queen of Imps once again enters our reading in the same spot as yesterday. But today the stone goblins and the sunflower grab my attention. Sunflowers ask you to focus on the light of your creations. What is divine about what you are working on. Count your blessings. Goblins remind me of our inner critic that so quickly tells us we are less than. 

My Take

You are so stressed out that you are lashing out at others. Or you are so over sensitive that a loud radio gets on your nerves when it never has before. You are bringing in a lot of energy which is because it is Halloween and the veils are über thin. This asks you to take more breaks. Make sure you don't get overwhelmed. And you can help out others with that too so they don't get overwhelmed and lash out at you.  Dream more. Believe more in you and what you have to give, what you have to offer the world. We all lose our way at some point. If you feel lost .. Stop and send up a signal flare. You have people around you that will assist you when you need it. 


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Card of the Day 10/30

We are continuing to use the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West for the entire month of October. I will be dang happy when this month is over. I have about burned myself out in the cheeky Halloween Tarot. 

Today's card:  Page of Bats
Shadow card: Strength
Top Card: Queen of Imps

Numerology of the cards. 1 + 1 + 8 = 10 = 1
10 is the Wheel of Fortune. 
1 is the Magician
The Wheel of Fortune is about change and cycles. The Magician is about having all the tools you need. One of the tools is to watch what you say and think because what you think about you bring about. 

Doreen Virtue's Angel Numbers 101 app describes the energy of number one this way: 
Stay positive. Everything you’re thinking about right now is coming true, so be sure that you’re only thinking about what you desire. Give any fears to God and the angels.

A page brings messages. Bats/Swords is about ideas and communications. This is about us trying something new, a new idea, a new thing you want to speak out, write about or blog about. The eyeglass in the page's hand have swirls which says to me that she is hypnotized no longer. She is finally seeing clearly. 

The shadow card, the underlying theme of the reading is Strength. This is about mastering the fear inside you and challenging yourself to confront situations you might have bypassed in the past. This card's motto is: calm control and healing bring strength. It is where we are taming the animalistic impulses inside us. Sometimes I see those impulses as habits. The infinity symbol represents your connection withe the energy of the universe. It also represents the Magician. 

The Queen of Imps has discovered her inner power. Not to mention she is in tune with her intuition. She supports and nurtures the will, inspiration and passion of others. She knows she is guided by a higher   force. 

My Take

Change is coming in based on what is in our mind. So... What are you focusing on? If you want to bring in more positive things think in more positive ways. You are now seeing some situation in your life clearly. You are mastering and overcoming old habits and reflecting a sense of calm peace. You have discovered your inner power by nurturing yourself and being gentle with you. 

Like the song says: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller. 


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Card of the Day - 10/29

We are continuing to use the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West for the entire month of October. This reading is being assisted by the use of the exciting and cheeky Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore. I chose this card earlier in the day from my Steampunk Tarot app on my iPod Touch. 

Today's card: Seven of Pentacles & King of Ghosts

Shadow and top cards: The Hermit & Ten of Pumpkins. 

I added up the numerology of the cards. 7 + 1 (court cards are 1)+ 9 + 10=27=9. 

Doreen Virture's Angel Numbers 101 app says this about the number nine:

Get to work, Lightworker—now! The number 9 means that you’ve completed all of the prerequisites to achieve your life purpose. Stop procrastinating, as it’s time to start taking action steps. Even baby steps are useful.

The 9 is also about a completion of something and the hope of something new appearing on the horizon. 

So, now is the time of action. That is pretty funny considering The Hermit is all about going into solitude. And basically, inaction. The 7 of Pentacles is also about inaction. You are waiting on external things to manifest and you feel stuck.  The Steampunk Tarot defines the 7 of Pentacles this way. It's time to seriously assess the situation. It's the card of quiet contemplation. Identify what you had hoped to accomplish and see how far you've come. 

The King of Cups is driven by emotions, art and relationships he would rather sit back and watch his loved ones have a good time than actively participate in shared activities. He is driven by his heart. 

Basically what these three aspects are saying is that the waiting is over. It is time to start jumping into the fray and taking action on those things your heart leads you to. You've done all the work. And now is the time to saddle up and move em on out. 

The Hermit says that you'd rather stay in your man cave and hide out playing with your x-box and video game emulator. But you have broken the seal on your new beginning and it is coming in so you might as well get ready. 

The Ten of Pentacles says that if you take action now you will definitely be rewarded. You may feel like you're walking in the dark like a sightless man navigating the scary  city sidewalks. But this is telling you that even baby steps is enough right now. 

So the waiting is now over. Giddy up!


Monday, October 27, 2014

Card of the Day 10/28

We are continuing to use the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West for the entire month of October. 

Today's card: The Devil

The base of the reading says that we have new commitments coming in for us. And the top of things says a new relationship with bring an overflowing of emotions. 

The Devil card is what the energy of today represents. The Devil is about being in bondage to something. The top of the matter (Ace of Ghosts) and the base of the matter (4 of Imps) say that the thing that is most in our face is the idea of committing to a relationship. Maybe we've had a bad break up in the past that put us off of love. Maybe we focus all our energy on work and choke out any notion of a relationship. Whatever the reason is, we have a new opportunity for a positive fulfilling relationship in our life. Don't miss out because of the above reasons or because you are addicted to thinking in a certain way. The Devil tricks us in thinking that what we want isn't important. Do yourself a favor. If you want love this week, change your focus to the notion that love is always available to me at any time. 


Cards for November 2014

Cards for November 2014

Week 1: Ten of Pentacles

In the first week of November we find ourselves enjoying the riches and abundance we had created in October. Home, family, security and comfort are all ours in week one. This card is a symbol of financial security, accomplishment, and comfort. This is also a card of culmination and final fulfilment. You have reached a point of accomplishment in your journey which could result in an improved career, stable home environment and the beginning of a long-term relationship. This card also implies that you are fortunate and will have future lasting success.

Week 2. IV-The Emperor

In the second week of November we discover we need to step up into a place of power. People will look to us for leadership even if we aren't the boss. This is also the week of structure and organization. I'm hearing the word "prioritize." So this second week we need to make the main thing the main thing. The Emperor is the father figure of the Tarot. He is the provider and protector of his loved ones. He offers advice and wisdom and demonstrates authority and grounding. He has been there and done that. He takes what he has learned and passes it on. You may be passing on information you receive this week that will have a big impact on the people around you. He also creates order out of chaos. So if you have a lot of chaotic energies around you, you may be transmuting them for others. And maybe teaching them how to do it for themselves.

Week 3: 6 of Pentacles

In the third week of November you will become grateful for what you have already attained in your life. This card is about the flow of energy coming in and going out. Help is at hand for us if we only look for it. Sometimes this card is about weighing the needs of others if they come to you wanting you to give to them. Someone is giving and someone is receiving. It is up to you to decide which side of the fence you are on.

Week 4 III-The Empress

In the fourth week of November you will find yourself in a time of creative abundance, This is a time where we are nurturing ourselves and others and having a more tangible connection with the earth. This is also the week of Thanksgiving. So it is time to be grateful for what you have in your life. Count your blessings. This card also encourages you to spend time in nature. But it could also indicate a time of pregnancy or being particularly fertile. So if you are trying to have a baby, step it up in week four.

Shadow card of the month: 3 of Wands

This card speaks of a time where we are waiting for something to manifest. We have put the intention out there but it has not quite gotten here yet. I also see this card as new doors opening for us. So watch for new opportunities that become available in November. When I was writing this my mind thought March instead of November. So maybe what we create in November will manifest fully in March.

Theme of the month: 6 of Swords

To me this is about a time of moving away from the chaos in our lives and opening to a time of clarity and calmness. Were embracing a new sense of peace in our lives as we let go of our mental burdens. Just remember to look for the lessons you have accomplished this month and you will move forward in victory.

Card of the Day 10/27

We are continuing to use the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West for the entire month of October. 

Today's card: The Star
Shadow card: 4 of Pumpkins (Pentacles)
Top card: Page of Bats (Swords)

The first card is the Star. The Star is all about hope and guidance. The gargoyle is positioned at the top of a building and basically acts as a decorative gutter as it directs the flow of water off the structure. Gargoyles are also said to transmute negative energy around the building they reside in. 

This tells me that we will be receiving guidance about how to direct the flow of our emotions and transmute the negativity in and around us. 

The 4 of Pumpkins is what I like to call the Law of Attraction card. What you think about, you bring about. The man in this card has a tendency to hold onto the abundance he has already attained like a pro wrestler would hold his opponent in a head lock. You will only receive more when you are willing to release some of this abundance and allow the new to flow in. The man in the card is planting seeds. What seeds have you planted in your life lately. This will inspire new growth in your life. 

The Page of Bats is a youthful energy. Bats in this deck symbolize the mind, thinking and communication. This page is all about trying something new that is intellectual and organizational. This page can also be quite a know-it-all. 

My Take

We are learning new ways to let go of and release negativity in order for us to bring more new and exciting things in our lives. And our emotions will benefit as a result. It is time to plant the seeds of what you want to manifest and it all starts with your thought. What you think about, you bring about. 


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Card of the Day - 10/26

We are continuing to use the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West for the entire month of October. 

Today's cards: Hummingbird (Joy), Platypus (stop complaining and focus your attention on the blessings in your life.) 9 of Bats (Swords) and 8 of Pumpkins (Pentacles)
Shadow card: The Fool
Top card: 2 of Pumpkins (Pentacles)

The Hummingbird card is the card of joy. At the bottom it says "lighten up". So, how are you missing out on the joy in your life by taking life too seriously? The pink flowers say to me that you need to focus like the hummingbird on your true passions in life. You know what they are. They are constantly being brought back into your life time and time again. In order to bring joy into your life you need to reach for and focus on the things that bring you true joy.

The platypus tells us that we are mired in complaining and negativity. We need to refocus from complaining about what we don't want and instead focusing on what we do. When we focus on bad things, it's like a magnet and bad things are attracted to us. Make a point to refocus your attention back to the blessings in your life whenever you notice them straying to the dark side. 

The 9 of Bats revisits our spread but today it is the bats that have my attention. You have a lot of things on your mind. And these things wake you up early and disturb your sleep. I think it would be a good time to journal your thoughts. Take action on your anxiety and write it all down. If you're anything like me, you will find you can only write a few sentences about what is actually bothering you because you have your worries set on shuffle and repeat. Writing them down is the best type of magic. It's almost as if the worry gets trapped in the journal and any fear you had been feeling will be lessened. 

The 8 of Pumpkins is usually about working hard on something you are passionate about. It is called the apprentice card because you are just starting to try and master this skill. You are getting your hands dirty. And experiencing something first hand is the best way to become masterful. The man has an onion head. And onions are all about layers. This card has all sorts of layers and meaning  choose for yourself what resonates with you most. This man is putting a light inside of something he has created and made something else out of it. This reminds me how we all have a light inside us. By him focusing on his passion, creating hack-o-lanterns, he inspires others to bring out the best in themselves.  So, while you do what you love, you inspire others to do what they love too. 

The Fool is about new beginnings. Here is where we step out in faith toward some big dream we have in our lives. And I noticed there are a ton of stars in this card. Stars are about guidance and hope. It reminds us that we are never alone. His eyes are focused on the balls he is juggling and this reminds me of our energetic chakra system. Somehow our chakras are involved in this new beginning. Chakra clearing, anyone?. 

Two of Bats is where we have come to a stalemate and we are waffling between two things we need to make a decision on. This asks us to take time to meditate on what it is we truly desire. Access internal wisdom. 

My Take

You are missing out on the joy in your life by complaining and focusing on the negative. By focusing on your true passions you will inspire others to focus on their passions. You have a lot of things on your mind and you need to find a way to release this worry. Try journalling or meditating. Since there are so many energies coming in right now it may be time to get some energy healing maybe through massage or reiki. The Two of Bats asks to see if you can make a compromise between these two things. What would your creation look like if you morphed your worry into inspiration. Let your inner light shine and show the world the true you. No more hiding  it is time to step up and step out  Don't worry what others think of you or what you are doing. Reach for your joy and your joy will reach for you. Remember you are never alone and always supported. 
