Friday, May 31, 2013

You're dreams are coming true.

A message for today for everyone. Using the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle, The Answer is Simple Oracle and the Legacy of the Divine Tarot.

Stay Optimistic

Your dreams are coming true. Don't quit right before the miracle occurs.
This is really just a reminder to keep your thoughts positive. Think Law of Attraction. What you think about expands and shows up in your world. Take a look at your world. What energies do you see around you manifested in the people you meet? Are they loving and kind or angry and mean? This will tell you how you're doing attracting what you want into your life.

Music for Manifesting

To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing or play music.
Have you ever noticed how uplifted you feel when listening to your favorite tune, or just a song you haven't heard in an eon? You feel that calm joy rush over you like AAAHHHH! Refreshing and wonderful. Now get into the habit of thinking of your true heart's desires that you want to manifest whatever it may be, love, your creative vision or people you want to bring into your life. Pairing these two activities together will really work wonders in your manifestation powers.

Clear the Fog

Things look foggy but your ego is distorting the truth. The first thing you need to do to clear the confusion, and take nothing personally.

The Magician

This is a card of making dreams a realty. Time to focus on your goals and applying your determination. Everything you need is available to you and you have the ability necessary.

Knight of Coins

Slow moving knight (usually a man under 40) who is all about the physical realm and really great with children. There is a lot of movement in this card with the depiction of the horses. So, movement toward your heart's desire or something you're doing that is all about love.

4 of Cups

Missed opportunities. Daydreaming but not taking action on what is available to you.

My Take... 

Stay positive now. Your dreams are really coming true. Don't fool yourself into thinking they are not. You'll block the flow. You are abundant. Believe that. Keep that vibration by listening to uplifting music you love. This will assist you in manifesting what you most want. Don't be deceived by any uncertainty or foggy intentions of others that comes across your path. There is always something to learn and to be released in this life. That is what the 3D world is all about. Lessons. Soul growth.

It's time to manifest your dreams. You have all the tools at your disposal. You do have the momentum to really push forward with your dream. You are mastering all things of the physical realm And someone will come into your life, possibly a man, who will help you see all the opportunities you've been missing in life.

Sounds pretty awesome.

Enjoy it.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Purify your thoughts, let go of worry

Today I am using the Mystic Faery Tarot and the Magical Messages from the Fairies.

9 of Swords

This picture has a fairy bound up like the woman in the 8 of Swords but a bird is coming and bringing her a white rose. The white rose symbolizes happy love, purity, innocence, silence, humility and heavenly things. So maybe the bird is bringing you a message to purify your thoughts, make them more heavenly. This card is usually about how you are worrying and fretting about something in your life that is bothering you. Focus instead on happiness and love instead of anguish and pain. And the mental worrying you've been going through is self-imposed. Only you can let yourself out of it.

The Star

The Star refreshes and renews us. She gives us hope. The depths of her power are endless. Your emotional worries are over. To those weary in body and soul, she promises peace. And like a star, she does guide us.

Ace of Swords

You are facing a challenge or problem of some sort. Instead of complaining, learn to find healthy ways to face the challenge or solve the problems. Or find a realistic way to cope with them. The Ace of Swords is the gift of knowledge and understanding, cutting to the truth of things. You can except a flash of insight or an idea that will help you solve your current problem.

Whom Do You Need To Forgive?

As you release old anger or resentment, you will find that your wishes will come true.
You may feel justified in your anger right now. But the truth is that resentment only hurts you. The rage you're carrying blocks your deepest desires. Go outside and ask the fairies and the spirit of nature to clear your mind, body and emotions of lower energies that no longer support you.

My Take...

This reading is asking you to purify your thoughts. Forgive those who may have hurt you. Don't let negative hamster wheel thinking get you down. Know there is hope and guidance out there for you if you only look for it. Pay attention to the signs and any insight or idea that suddenly comes to you. This is healing for your circumstance.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Trust your Higher Self

Featuring the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle, Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides and the Power Animals oracle.

The Sacred Union

Partnership, romance
Partnership with the divine is yours whenever you need help. Spirit is always listening and always by your side. Coming together of harmonious alliances

The Phoenix

Resurrection, Surrendering to change
Could be a time for a complete overhaul of your circumstances. Time to move on, try something new.

The Cardinal

The polarities of your spiritual pursuits and physical pleasures are out of balance, so do whatever is necessary to bring them back into equilibrium.


Trust your Higher Self.
To follow your spiritual path, listen and heed spirit's directives. Your Higher Self will only give you straightforward, positive encouragement.Don't be deceived by Ego.

My Take...

A new sacred partnership with the Divine is coming in for us. (Could also be romance.) It is going to bring us a complete overhaul of our life, making it shiny and new. We've been out of balance in many ways and now it is time to find this new equilibrium in our lives. But we have to trust our Higher Self and what signs it sends   us, to trust our intuition and not be deceived by our negative ego.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Find the blessing in a hard decision

Featuring the Universal Tarot and Ascended Masters oracle.

2 of Swords 

You've closed your eyes to two difficult situations that you don't want to deal with. Two conflicting ideas. Could represent a truce or stale mate, the need for harmony and balance

XI - Justice

This is all about the importance of your choices. Decisions will have significant impact on your life.

Knight of Swords

A man enters the picture who knows what he wants. Single minded in his focus. Don't go to him about concerns of the heart.Could mean taking action on your ideas or decisions that you've made recently.


Find the Blessing in Your Current Situation
Every situation offers opportunities to grow and learn,. When we curse a situation, we block its energy and flow. As you recognize blessings, things begin to flow.

Lady Nada

Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter
Issue involves a significant or important woman in your life

My Take...

You've closed your eyes to some difficult situation that you don't want to deal with. Or maybe you are blind to this situation. Or you just don't want to address it now. You have an important choice to make and a man may come and help you with this decision who knows exactly what he wants. And he will help you take action on it. Remember to find the blessing in these hard decisions you need to make. And know that this decision will involve an important woman in your life.

Monday, May 27, 2013

5/27 - Going within is key today

Today I am using the Angels of Atlantis oracle and the Osho Zen Tarot.

Michael - I Am Presence
This card reminds you that the throne of your spiritual sovereignty is awaiting you, and that you have all the power of the Creator within you.

XX - Beyond Illusion
This card reminds us not to look outside for what is real, but to look within. Drop your opinionated mind and relax into your deepest truth.

Sandalphon - Evolution
This is a light filled times in your life. You are evolving by leaps and bounds. Fill your heart with gratitude. If manifestation is not apparent yet, destiny will soon come knocking at your door.

II - Inner Voice
Inner voice speaks in not words but the language of the heart. Seek silence and center within.

Raziel - Intuition
Turn inwards to your intuition, trust this inner wisdom, when you feel a calling to do something that is a power sign communicating to you.

10 of Cups - Harmony
Connecting with our heart and finding playfulness and intelligence there giving us wisdom and guidance.

My Take...
Today is all about going within. Seeing through the illusions and cutting to the truth. Relax. Find that peace, gratitude and harmony within. Trust the guidance you receive through your intuition and know you are evolving in this way by leaps and bounds.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

5/25 - New opportunities coming in

Featuring the Art Through the Eyes of the Soul oracle by Cheryl Yambrach Rose-Hall.

A new door is opening. Step through the threshold.

Doors open to allow us the opportunity to reach our fullest potential. Do not fear unknown territory.

Be courageous. Truth conquers all.

Knowledge of the situation dispels the fear of the unknown. This will lead to illumination and freedom.

A deep secret will come to light.

Take special care on how much you reveal a d the way it is brought out in the open. Consider the impact the knowledge will have on others and what they may do with the information.

Become your own sovereign.

Envision and Insist on being treated with integrity and respect

My Take..
New opportunities are coming in for us. Step up and grasp this new thing coming into your life and know that your knowledge gives you strength and the ability to conquer your fear of the unknown. A secret will come out and effect others. Insist on being treated with respect when this truth comes to light. You deserve it.

Friday, May 24, 2013

5-24 - Step up to the plate

Today I am using the Gothic Tarot, the Animal Dreaming oracle and the Madame Endora's Fortune Cards.

Ten of Pentacles

The fruition of a lifetime's worth of hard work, financial and emotional security, the support of family and the stability of home. A lot of abundance is coming in for us. If you consider this the "past" position, then you have had abundance in your past.

Three of Pentacles

Glory or recognition gained through skilled labor or trade, artistry, a rise to noble ranks, aristocracy. You are being recognized and rewarded for something you are doing in the world. You have started a new business, embarked on a new project or begun a fitness or health routine. And you are seeing signs of success.

Four of Pentacles

Gifts, legacy, inheritance, an attainment of wealth or power may lead to greed, possessiveness, spoiling. You have much abundance in your life but you are holding so tightly to it that you can't enjoy it. Let go a bit. Allow the universe to give you more. If you strangle hold your wealth, you will not receive more.

Koala - Inner Journeys

You are being assured that you inherently know the answers to your questions. Now is the time to start taking notice of your inner self, your innate connection to all the information of the universe.  Stop looking to others for corroboration, advice or wisdom. Take responsibility for your own life, your own path, your own destiny, by listening to your heart of hearts.

Koala says that you must  start your own journey, a quest that will unlock the answers you seek from a place deep within your essence. The journey must begin today.

The Caduceus

You will receive news from afar.
The caduceus is the symbol of the herald and a sign of the healer. Expect good news from afar. A healing process has begun.

My Take...

It's time to step up to the plate folks. The batter's box is open and ready for you. Stop looking to others for wisdom. You have the wisdom inside you. Yes, you. I'm talking to you, each one of you. Look at all your abundance. You have it in some form. Count your blessings and thank your creator for that and know that you had a part in it. It is all because you did your thing and were recognized and rewarded for being such a grand participant in the All That Is. But don't get greedy and hold tight to what has been offered to you. Remember to come from a place of gratitude and love. Give from your heart when you are led. And rejoice in the good fortune of others.

It's all about you gaining this knowledge now. Go inside yourself in meditation. Take a nature walk. Do something that brings you closer to God and listen to what is revealed to you. You are going to receive news. And this news will be healing. And it just may be from the stars.

Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

5-23 Bonus reading

Today I am using Angels of Atlantis oracle and the Sirian Starseed Tarot.

Gabriel - Grace

This is asking us to see others through the eyes of beauty. This card is blue and filled with how we communication our grace to others through our actions and speech.

Sandalphon - Love

Sandalphon's orange energy in this card is being melded with the Christos energy of love. Sandalphon is the angel of music as well as the angel of prayer. So when thinking about things today, input your love in prayer toward people who are really getting on your last nerve. He also helps us learn our God-given talents to make the world a better place. Listen to music today and feel the love of this archangel.

IV - Abundance

This is the Empress card in the normal tarot. Here she seems to be depicted as a Universal Mother instead of an Earth mother. Our creativity and abundance knows no bounds. We are creating our merkabas and embracing the light energy we receive from the divine and the universe. 

Six of Crystals

This card is all about giving and receiving and finding a way to take care of ourselves and others. This can also revolve around teaching and learning, supporting and being supported, resources, knowledge and power.

Seven of Crystals

You are finally seeing results from your creative vision. You have paused to check your results and making sure you are on course. You have been in a time of stagnation while you are waiting for your vision to come to fruition.

My Take...

We are asked to see everyone we meet through the eyes of beauty and to love and care for them in your abundance. Pray for people. Pray for Gaia. Send them your love. We are a part of the Universal Mother, the Earthen Mother. And we need to send our our positive energy. This asks us to give and receive in equal measure. So when you give, expect to also receive. Your stagnation time is over. Your vision is coming to fruition. Be ready for it.

5-23 You are becoming stronger through trials.

Today I am using Madam Endora's Fortune Cards and the Goddess Tarot.

XI - Strength - Oya

Strength to create peace between opposing forces. These forces may be inside you or personified in a situation. Tame them. You have strength.

The Sphinx - Jumping Card

Choose your words carefully.
The Sphinx poses a perplexing riddle Your abilities will be tested. a difficult problem requires contemplation. Don't act on impulse. Choose our words carefully and think before you speak.

The Siren - Jumping

A temptation may lead you astray. 
A Siren represents enchantment and dangerous allure. This bewitching water sprite embodies a mysterious and hypnotic influence. A captivating stimulus may incite foolish risk. Resist temptation. Voice your desires.

The Spirit

Unseen forces watch over you.
The Spirit is a watchful protector. You are influenced and guided by higher powers. Apparent setbacks may have long-term benefits. All things happen for a reason.


Passion and romance await.
The Enchantress foretells that passion and romance await. Unbridled sexuality weaves an irresistible spell. Your sex appeal is at its height. Secret fantasies manifest themselves through love letters and romantic gestures.

The King

Authority and diplomacy
The King represents a dominant male figure. A distinguished and wise man, the king is a natural leader who can assess and take charge of any situation. He is, at times, a lawmaker and judge, and must balance power with diplomacy. The King also represents great riches and inheritance.

My Take...

You are learning great strength right now. That is the energy around this reading. You are being protected by the angels and the higher realms ad they are watching over you. Your passions and creative visions are being nurtured through interactions with others. And you are stepping up into your leadership potential as a result. But remember to watch what you say and whom you say it to. Some people may take things differently than you do. And don't let temptation lead you into areas you don't want to delve. Remain focused on your own desires and you will be strengthened. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5-22 - The Secret of Creation is Inside You

Today I am using the Art Through The Eyes of the Soul Oracle by Cheryl Yambrach Rose.

Eriu's Eyes

Look Through The Mist, Find The Mystery

Don't cloud your judgement with doubt -- believe! The secret of Divine creation is within you. The Goddess is waiting to help you manifest your dreams.

Info about Eriu:
The modern Irish Éire evolved from the Old Irish word Ériu, which was the name of a Gaelic goddess. Ériu is generally believed to have been the matron goddess of Ireland, a goddess of sovereignty, or simply a goddess of the land. The origin of Ériu has been traced to the Proto-Celtic reconstruction *Φīwerjon- (nominative singular Φīwerjū < Pre-Proto-Celtic -jō).[1] This suggests a descent from the Proto-Indo-European reconstruction *piHwerjon-, likely related to the adjectival stem *piHwer- (cf. Sanskrit pīvan, pīvarī and pīvara meaning "fat, full, abounding"). This would suggest a meaning of "abundant land".

St. Maries de la Mer

Adapt to a New Situation

Don't be afraid of change. Trust the process. Your work may be more effective in another location.

Welsh Faery Glen

Be Curious, Look Deeper

Look beyond the natural world for a more enhanced view of things. See beyond the obvious.

My Take...

Watch your judgments of others. Know that YOU ARE THE CREATOR of your world. The Secret of creation is inside you. The Divine is inside you. You have the power to manifest your dreams. You have the ability to be abundant. Don't let your judgments of yourself or others stop you. Send out love to everyone and yourself. And know that change is always something that is a part of life. You need to focus now on your own inner child, and opening the veils to this new, lush location that will serve you even better. I'm thinking the veils open to the higher realms and a higher vibration. 

What are you curious about? Where is your desire leading you? Look beyond the obvious. See the deeper picture of how your desires are exactly what you should be focusing on. Put out you positive intentions and act in a playful manner. As you have fun and play, you raise your vibration without even trying.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5/21 - Focus on your Higher nature

Archangel Sandalphon: your prayers have been heard and answered. Have faith.

Archangel Chamuel: peace comes from remembering that only love is real.

Spread your wings
Archangel Ariel: do not hold back right now. the timing is perfect, and you are ready to soar

My Take.
We are really focused on things of a higher nature like ascended masters, God and the Big picture. This is asking you to speak a out those miraculous things that have happened to you, your awakening experience, and share that with someone whom might not accept this path. Fore it is only in the sharing when the peace can be found. You will be handing these people a way to access their own awakening and bring about a peace they have never known. And you will be successful in your endeavors. And as you help others you will take flight, raising your own vibration higher and higher. Don't hold back. The time is now for progress.

Have a good one!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Big Love Coming In - 5/20

Worth Waiting For (Romance Angels Oracle)

Divine timing is at work in your love life.
What is happening right now is something that we have all been waiting for. And even though the wait has been long, it is totally worth the wait.

Ghostlands (Enchanted Map Oracle)

Stay in the present moment. Don't go too much into the future or the past. Right now, live in the NOW.

Slow and Steady (r) (Enchanted Map Oracle)

Don't push forward. Like in the previous card, you need to take it slowly. If you don't, things could disrupt what you really need to happen. 

Maeve - Cycles and Rhythms. (Goddess Guidance Oracle)

Honor the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions.
We are coming to the end of a huge cycle and it all has to do with communications with the higher realms and how we step out in faith when we connect with ascended masters, goddesses, gods and the divine

Disruption (Wisdom of Avalon Oracle)

Something is disrupting the flow of your life. Maybe it's you. Don't let yourself sabotage your progress on your path. Ask your guides and angels to help you keep in the flow of your dreams.

Have Confidence (Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle)

Moving forward doe not necessarily require you to have confidence in yourself. Confidence in God is enough, along with knowing that God works through you and with you in all ways. Lean upon us if  your confidence wavers, and we will bouy your courage and faith.

Unconditional Love - Divine Mother (Ask Your Guides Oracle)

Mary Magdalene - Unconditional Love (Goddess Guidance Oracle)

Love yourself, others and every situation - no matter what the outward appearance may be.
Open your heart and drink from her cup. The Divine Mother is working with your soul to relieve you of these psychic injuries and doubts.

Retreat Into Nature - Green Man (Ascended Masters Oracle)

This is the male energy of Mother Earth. At least, that is how I see it. The yang to mother's ying. We need to balance this energy in our outer world as well as in our inner world. Ground yourself daily and try to get outside everyday if only for a small time. Ground yourself in Gaia and breathe in the blessings of Father Sun.

My Take...

We have been waiting for something to happen and it has been a looong wait. Stay in the present moment no matter how attracted you are to mulling over the past or focusing on the future. Take it slow and steady. Don't try to rush things. We are at the end of a cycle so things will unfold as they need to. Thing are already in motion. You may be tempted to disrupt the flow of something in your life but allow the universe to give  you this great influx of unconditional love from our Divine Mother and Christ Michael. Feel this love and experience it. Go out into nature and release the stress of your day so you can more readily access it. This is a big love. Embrace it.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Embrace your big breakthroughs - 5/18

Today I am not going to explain each card but instead tell you the inherent message present in them.

We are being asked to simplify. This could mean anything as drastic as downsizing to a house that more fits your needs to changing how you eat or de-cluttering and using principles of fung-schway.

There is a big breakthrough coming in for us and this breakthrough will really transform our lives. Take action on this opportunity when it presents itself. Embrace all its possibilities. Don't fall prey to others who poo-poo your idea. Make it an intention to see this project through to the end. You will be very productive and get a lot accomplished when you just dig in and set your mind to putting you first and starting this thing.

No matter what, you will have the determination to succeed and get-er-done. You may have a few battles to fight along the road but it's nothing you can't handle.

Change is good. Embrace your big breakthrough when it manifests in your life.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mish-mash of messages - 5/17

 Okay, I'm going a bit oracle crazy with all my mash-up decks. It feels all shiny and new. Today I am using Wisdom of the Hidden Realms, Angel Dreams, Ascended Masters, Goddess Guidance, Gateway, Soul Coaching oracles plus the Legacy of the Divine Tarot.

I know a LOT of decks today. Crazy!

Mapmaker of Destiny

Authentic Purpose, Inspiration, Free Will
You can now create your own destiny according to your own whims and parameters.


Spirituality, Wisdom, Humility
Accessing your third-eye, higher realms and ascended masters are now going to be easier than ever as our spirituality awakens more every day.

The Queen of Light

Illumination, Enlightenment, Celebration.
As your third-eye opens you will be receiving the enlightenment that you've been seeking. It's time to celebrate your success.

Dream Guides

Teacher, Guardian
Pay attention to your dreams. Ask your Dream Guides to reveal things to you that you need to know while you're sleeping.

Maeve - Cycles and Rhythms

Honor the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions.
Drink more water to aid your decent into the new energies and cycles that we are being emersed in at this time. Something is ending while something new and more along the lines of your bliss is beginning for you.

Purification - White Tara

Yes, it's another Yoga card! Well, it might as well be. Purify your food choices as well as your thoughts, motivations and inspirations.

Accepting What Is

I accept and embrace my inner majesty.
As we accept what is and focus on what we want, focusing in positive ways, we bring the positive things to us.


I live life passionately and courageously.
Something is causing us fear and we need to stand by our convictions and step up and into the light of a new day. Wield your sword high and say "I have the power!"

Lady Nada - Mother, Wife, Sister, Daugher

The divine feminine energy is coming in for us reminding us to be more nurturing to the people in our lives as well as ourself. Self-care is the key right now.

Green Man - Retreat Into Nature

Along with the divine feminine we have the divine male energy that is all about the elemental kingdom. Go into nature, ground yourself and release the built up stress from your daily walk in the world.

7 of Cups

You have a lot of choices available to you. They are asking you to choose one that really works for you and to your strengths. And then focus on only that.

Page of Cups

You are going to be receiving a message about relationships or something emotional you are currently working on.

Queen of Swords

She is a strong woman who can have a sharp tongue. She can cut to the the truth of a situation. She is also about nurturing your communications today. Or speaking up about something you've been closed mouth to thus far.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Be flexible and protect yourself - 5-16

Today I am using the Sacred Rose Tarot and the Trust Your Vibes Oracle.

Five of Swords / The Magician

The key word of the 5 of Swords is defeat. You are feeling mentally defeated. Maybe you had an argument with someone and you feel beaten up and exposed. But this is an ending of sorts of the argument. Someone is putting their own needs above yours.  So instead of worrying about what others think, it's time to focus on your goals. Everything you need is available to you right now.

Four of Pentacles / Three of Wands

You may have plenty, a lot of stuff accumulated, but you're afraid to use it, share it or enjoy it. This is where you need to trust and have faith that if anything falls away, something even better will be returned to you. The Three of Wands is about great vision and foresight. You have taken an idea and started laying the foundation and ground work and you can clearly see your goal.

Two of Cups / Knight of Swords

Strong passionate relationship is coming in or it could be any union of people, groups, ideas or talents. But a new man is coming into the picture. He is single minded and intensely focused. This Knight is all purple and while it means communications and taking action on that, I think it is more focused on your third eye and communication with the divine and the ascended masters.

Aura Cleanse / Be Flexible

Your spirit needs some psychic maintenance. Take a long bath in a combination of epsom salts and lavender oil. This will purify and balance your vibration and aura. Trust your guides and angels. Take an occasional risk. Change your plans and get our of your rut. Be flexible in your thinking and ideas today. Don't be a card carrying member of the woulda-shoulda-coulda club.

My Take...

You are feeling defeated but you really have all you need to get you through. Trust yourself. And don't hoard all your gifts and talents for yourself, give them to others and begin laying the groundwork of something new. A new soul mate or twin flame is coming in to assist with this. He will be full of communication and have a great connection to the higher realms through his third-eye. Don't forget to shield and protect yourself in anyway you can from psychic attacks and be flexible when dealing with people who are hard as stone to get through to.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time to stand up for yourself - 5/15

Today I am using the Extra Large Rider Waite Tarot deck and the Oracle of Shadows and Light.

9 of Wands

You are exhausted but still forging ahead even though you can't imagine going one more step. Not only are you almost there, you do have the strength to get there. Tap into your core determination.

The Magician

Time to focus on your goals, applying your determination and skill to achieve those goals. Everything you need is available to you.

6 of Wands

This card is a victory. Whatever you have set your hand to will prosper and you will be happy and successful.

4 of Pentacles

This card represents a miser. You may have plenty but you are afraid to use it, share it or enjoy it. Something is threatening you. Whether these are your own fears or someone trying to take what is yours. You're afraid of losing what you have.

10 of Wands

This is in a way a victory. You've achieved your goals. But is is also an ending. This phase of the project is over and you cannot continue in this manner. It's just too much work. Downsize your project. Ask for help. Hire more staff to lighten the work load.

Queen of Wands

Energetic, creative, dramatic, faithful and warm woman who lives a busy life and accomplishes everything with style. Her wonderful characteristics benefit everyone around her. She is a natural leader who loves to plan and organize.

The Sun

Brings a simple message of joy. After traveling through the long dark night of soul searching, you emerge into the light. You are able to see where you are and where you stand.

4 of Wands

Happy card that represents a moment of celebration. Whatever you've been working on is showing good signs of success and support. You are building good firm foundations in your life.

Snow Angel

The signs are with you now.
You have been getting signs from your guides and angels but you haven't been noticing them.

Nautilus Princess

Powerful, personal growth
Time to step up to a more senior position and into your leadership potential.

Voodoo In Blue

Back off!
You may have attracted the attention of people who are less than nice and sunny. Start trusting your instincts about those around you. And you may have to get a bit gruff and tell those who approach you to BACK OFF!

My Take...

You are tired, exhausted, but pushing through the pain. You have everything you need for your journey, your path forward and whatever you're planning will prosper. But don't be afraid to use what you have learned, what you have gained, what you have in your life, money, status. Don't hoard it all for yourself. Ask people to help you with your goal and you will emerge as someone whose path can benefit those around you. This will bring you joy and an opportunity to see where you are and where you stand. And where you stand is on a firm, solid foundation of happiness and joy.

There are signs that you are not noticing that all have to do with your leadership potential. And you may have to step into this position when someone of a shady character threatens you in some way. Step into your power and tell them in the nicest way possible to BACK OFF! You're in charge now.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Step up and stand out - 5/14

Spiritual activation, Stimulation
This card is here today to inspire you to become more spiritually active. You can use Selenite to stimulate and activate your chakras. This card asks you to be clear with your intentions.

Represents the lessons you are learning at this moment in your life.

Dress Rehearsal
Alternate, choices
Rehearse the options you would like to accomplish in positive mental movies

Cycles & Rhythms
Honor the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions.

Be strong
You are stronger than you think you are and your strength assures a happy outcome.

My Take...
You are being inspired to stand more in your spirituality and selenite can assist you with that. You have lessons you must learn and practice on. Practice makes perfect. And as you practice, look for the signs. Everything in life is a cycle and right now you are in a learning phase. Be strong. All this learning will develop your courage to stand up and stand out in faith.


Monday, May 13, 2013

More stable than ever - 5/13

Lugh - Celtic Sun God

To persistent action and positive thinking, your dreams manifesting into form. This is a time for you to stay persistent. Give any discouragement to Lugh and the angels, it will bouy your faith and give you signs of your progress.

Four of fire

Contentment, peace, and abundance. Happy home life. The successful completion of a project.

My Take...

Don't be discouraged as you move into these new energies. You will find that you are more stable than ever. A time of abundance and reaping has arrived. You are ending something and about to start a new cycle. Get out and get some sun, catch some rays if possible.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Don't worry. All is well - 5/10

Today I am using the Lost Tarot of Nostradamus and the Archangel Oracle.

All Is Well
Archangel Jeremiel
Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to with hidden blessings you will soon understand.

IX of Stars (9 of Swords)
Anxiety, worry. Difficult choice ahead that may lead to sacrifice or loss. Thoughts that keeps you from sleeping at night.

Postulant of Stars (Page of Swords)
Quick to offer advice but he's often at a loss for words. He tries to compensate by embroidering the truth. Lack of preparation, an imposter.

VI of Moons (6 of Cups)
Nostalgia, usually an adult looking back to childhood.

II of Spheres - (2 of Pentacles)
All about blockages and things that get in the way of progress. Distraction, worry. Juggling more than one project at a time.

My Take...

Everything is happening as it should so there is no need to worry. Be wary of messages from people with questionable motives., even so called friends from the past may not have your best interests in mind. Any blocks in your way are put there by the divine for you to work through. Relax and let the divine speak to you in a gentle reassuring voice... "All is well."

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rewards for spiritual teaching - 5/9

Today I am using cards from the Tarot of the Druids and the Gateway Oracle

3 of Pentacles
Being recognized and rewarded for something you are very good at

The Hierophant
Spiritual teacher. A man of tradition. An enlightened one.

4 of Pentacles
The Miser card. You are holding tightly to what you own or what you call yours. Allow others to give to you and you to give to other's without complaint or stress. Be at peace when Giving.

Cultivating Prosperity
The abundance if the Universe is poising into my life.

Shadow Card: Ace of Wands
Inspiring new creative, inspiring gift coming in for us.

My Take...

We ate being recognized and rewarded for our work as a spiritual teacher today. We just have to remember to allow the universe to give us what we deserve. And we do that by focusing in our prosperity and abundance not our lack. This is going to bring in new creative insights and an explosion of new inspiration.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Go with the flow today - 5/8

Today I am using the Answer is Simple oracle by Sonia Choquette and the Mary Queen of Angels Oracle.

Open the curtains of your life. Brush off that old dust of indecision and lets air out our lives a bit. It's spring. Clean the closets. Get all spic and span. A new breeze is blowing in your life. Dig some clothes you haven't worn from the back of the closet. It's time to dress up and decorate. Not just your home and space where you reside but also your appearance and your life.

Love is the answer to all my questions.

This goes well with the above card. Love yourself enough to brush your hair, your teeth, whatever it is you don't do on a daily basis. Today is the day to tell yourself through your self care that you love you.

This is telling you to stop looking for the negative things in your life. It may be time to swim with the dolphins and you scream SHARK! Watch your thinking and find ways to release stress before the mental shark attacks.

I trust in God to know the perfect solution for this situation.

And when you stop thinking in ways of mental chaos and destruction... Miracles can really happen in your life.

Let Go And Flow
The divine is working with you to access universal consciousness so you can tap into that fount of unlimited inspiration. Swing higher than you've ever swung before. Laugh, have fun. This is a time to bust out past your blocks and produce.

I am kind and thoughtful to myself and others.

Sometimes when we're stressed we tend to lash out at anyone in spitting distance. If you get aggravated today walk away, center yourself and ask for a peaceful resolution from your angels. They are always there to assist us. And as we release these tensions and worries we are more able to flow with the universal consciousness and really tap in.

My Take.
This pretty much seems self explanatory today. Dust off your self esteem by indulging in self care. Love yourself and don't focus on the things that worry or scare you. Know tat miracles are possible if you only believe. And go with the flow even if you have a stumbling block. The angels are always there to catch you. Just remember to call on them when you need them.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Look for the signs - 5/7

Today I am using the Goddess Guidance Oracle, the Steampunk Tarot and the Witchy Tarot.

Guiding Children
You are good at helping, counseling, and healing children. Use your skills to help children now.

It looks like this fairy is protecting this child. We've had many messages this week about nurturing our inner child. Now we need to make protecting that child-like part of us and making bringing that out into the open a priority.

Green Tara
Start Delegating
Ask others (including me) to help you, instead of trying to do everything by yourself.

Mother Mary
Expect a Miracle
Have faith that your prayers have been heard and are being answered.

Butterfly Maiden
You are experiencing enormous change right now, which brings great blessings.

Page of Pentacles
You are getting a message about the physical world, your creative bliss, abundance, wealth, health. And you are casting aside the veils that once had made areas unavailable to you.

Two of Swords
You are blind to some ideas, choices that you ha e available to you. Bout a new fire is being lit between you.

Six of Cups
Nostalgia for the past or people in the past is the theme of this card. Some aspect of the past is opening up for you. Old friends could show up on your doorstep or and old lover make a return to your life.

5 of Broomsticks(Wands)
This card is about conflict. Looks like someone has broken some of your things and this could trigger you in negative ways.

The Moon
The Moon is about uncertainty, dreams, intuition. This picture depicts two maidens looking at a frog wondering if it is their handsome prince.

Shadow Card
Ace of Boulders
This is a gift of abundance, wisdom,wealth, health, family. The owl is bringing wisdom to this witch via a scroll. New ancient wisdom is coming in and being offered.

My Take...

You need to nurture that inner child and go out and do something fun. Something that makes you forget the time. You've been working too hard. The Goddesses ask you to keep your thoughts focused positively. And expect that great things are coming to you because they are. You are in a blossoming, transforming time of your life.

You are going to receive a message that will help you make a decision about something. Watch for the signs the angels give you. It could come from a person from your past that starts out as a conflict. That makes you feel uncertain about how you are communicating.

The overall message of the shadow card is to expect this gift of abundance to appear for you no matter what else comes up in your life. Positive expectation makes all the difference.

Monday, May 6, 2013

A question to my angels

Q. I have been given messages that I am to be a leader of some kind and I was asking my angels what that was all about.

A. The leadership is a sign of respect from the universe for all you've had to endure during all your incarnations on Gaia. You are a Beloved One. An angel, divine embodied on Earth. This is why you shine to those who can see it. But yet you still doubt yourself. The pull of the 3D energies is more invasive than any of us knew. But still you are conquering it in many ways. Leadership is one of the man things you'll embrace when the shift finally makes the higher realms open to you. You are incarnated to be a way shower, a light worker and an Earth Angel. Mother Mary is assisting us with this. Don't get pulled down into the 3D energies. Know that soon all will be revealed to you.

Sing, eat, dance as if you never may again. And then when the higher realms are opened through your heart you will realize that was such a little emotion compared to the All That Is. You are welcomed to call on us anytime you need, beloved.

Your Archangels, Gabriel, Azrael and Michael.

Message from Athena - 5/6

From the Mythic Oracle deck.
Gods and Goddesses from the Greek Pantheon
From the consciousness of Athena

These cycles are coming to a close by way if an energy grid matrix that will soon be visible on Gaia, mother Earth. Our prospective plan is to ensure the upliftment of the human race in phases. Leaders, Lightworkers, way showers among the first. Others to follow. It will be a grand old time in the castle soon. Just wait. The energies will be amazing. More than you have ever felt before, more than you ever dreamed possible. You thought you were done growing, think again. You're just beginning your journey into a paradise the likes you've never known before. The time is just around the corner. Prepare. Meditate and live in joy. Let go of past mistakes, hurts or quibbles you have with others. Soon they will be no more anyway, Dearest Ones. Soon you will play with the Gods, dabble with the Greek Pantheon and commune with Horus in the Thames.

Your loving sister, Athena and the Pantheon

Friday, May 3, 2013

It's time to break out of your cocoon - 5/3

Today I am using the Soul Lessons & Soul Purpose oracle and the Wizard's Tarot.


Where and how are you seeking recognition for who you are and the talents you possess? Directly through hard work, or indirectly through passivity and acting out?

Your Soul's Purpose is to actively seek attention but for the right reasons: to inspire, uplift, and direct others to their Higher Self's greatest potential.


Can you sense that one phase of your life is ending and a new one is beginning? Do you feel that you're on the verge of exciting new possibilities but aren't sure where they'll come from? Does it seem that your life as you know it is crumbling before your eyes? You aren't imagining things, nor are you in danger. You're simply breaking free from past karma and releasing your spirit to a greater tomorrow.

Your Soul's Purpose right now, like a butterfly finding its way out of its cocoon, is to shed the past and soar to new heights. You're on the threshold of spreading your spiritual wings in brand-new directions of understanding, and embracing your full potential. This is a very exciting time, and well worth preparing for.


Where in your life are you at a chronic slow boil? Where are you going along with the program but failing to express your true feelings? Where is there a serious divide between how you show yourself to the world and who you really are? In what area (or with whom) are you always agitated, yet deny or hide your anger?

Your soul is stoking up the fire on your passive-agressive behaviors to burn off the patterns that keep you from speaking up and directly letting others know how you feel.

Your Soul's Purpose right now is to be authentic in your communication by first reconciling conflicts between your head and your heart. Take responsibility for your emotions and heed what they are trying to convey.


In tarot, the Hanged Man is a visionary who sacrifices one life to find another, Odin, the King of the Norse gods, was the original Hanged Man. In a supreme act of self-sacrifice, he hung upside-down from the World Tree for nine days and nights. In return, he was rewarded with the runes -- the gift of written language. Most tarot readers are used to seeing the Hanged Man upside-down., In the Wizard's Tarot, the Hanged Man has turned his life around. He's an upstanding citizen sharing his wisdom with a new generation of mystics.


You are being asked to shine your light to the world. Get out of your Hermit-ilke cave and reveal that wisdom and knowledge. This will help you bust out of the cocoon of safety you have built around you. Now speak up and speak out. Your truth is calling for you to reveal it to all. In your wisdom and knowledge, you have already learned what you needed and no longer need to see things from a new perspective. You are seeing things from a higher one. You are now connecting to your Soul and your Higher Self. Congrats.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Speak your truth and don't work too hard - 5/2

Today I am using the Shadowscapes Tarot and the Angel Dreams oracle cards

10 of Wands

You need to slow down and not take on too much work today. You have the tendency to move into workaholism. Resist that temptation. Today you will have an opportunity to speak your truth while maintaining your boundaries today. 

Two of Swords

Your heart really isn't in a decision you are about to make about some ideas, communication or mental things in general. Check in with your heart or you just may find yourself stuck. 

Queen of Pentacles

Today you are nurturing yourself and assisting your enlightenment. You are growing and expanding. New doors are opening and a new fire is lit inside you that will bring you into balance. 

Knight of Pentacles

You are saddling up and taking action on the new growth in your life. And this golden energy is making you blossom in new and exciting. Ride your life like a wild broncho and smile. You're getting a handle on things in your life. Yay!


Communication. Inner truth.
This card asks you to empower yourself by seeking your inner truth, emotional calmness or creative expression. You need to communicate who you are. It's time to accept yours and others originality and uniqueness. Don't worry how people might view you. Jump into your creative expression. You don't need anyone's approval. A clue that this imbalance exists is feeling compelled to prove your views are right. Another clue is the inability to share your thoughts and opinions and harbor ing feelings of inadequacy. Blue is the color of the throat chakra representing communication. 

Blue merges your individual consciousness with the universal consciousness. It ups the ante on creativity. Discover your authentic voice and speak your truth. Challenge your views. 

It's time to vocalize your thoughts, concerns or intentions. 

Archangels Michael, Metatron, Raguel, Sandalphon and Gabriel are associated with this symbol. 

Release stress and strengthen your voice by surrounding yourself with blue. 

Blue represents a connection with other planets and other star systems 

My Take...

You've taken on too much. And you need to delegate more. This sense of overwork is causing you to question the ideas that you have and you have come to a crossroads. Remember to nurture yourself and your abundance/wealth and take action on those creative ventures that really resonate with you on your path. And the way you take action is by how you are communicating this abundance to the world. Make your communications a good one.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Work on conquering your fears - 5/1

Happy Beltane!

Today I am using the Fool's Wisdom and the Messages from your Angels oracles.

The Skill Fool

The Fool's Wisdom: Always do your best.

The Fear Fool

The Fool's Wisdom: Laugh at your fears.

The Fool's Tax

The Fool's Wisdom: Live and learn


It's safe for you to be powerful. You know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as yourself.

My Take... 

When you focus on how you do what you do in the world, your creative vision, your bliss, and you don't let fear hold you back, you will be giving what you need to society, to the world. Sometimes your world may by your work, your family, your church. And sometimes you may be meant to influence the world itself. Balance your giving and receiving. Don't give too much and don't receive too much. I think we all need to focus on being a good receiver. We enjoy giving but have a hard time being given too. Just know that you are a powerful person. You are the creator of your life. Your every thought, your every sentence, your every creation of creative things, creates your world. Your world reflects back to you what you have been focusing on. So make your focus a powerful one.

Have a wonderful day.