Saturday, July 17, 2021

Gemini Mid-Month Reading for July

This is the mid-July reading for the sign of Gemini.

The Emperor - leader/authority energy, can indicate an Aries since this is the card of Aries. 

The Hanged Man - you are seeings things in a new way, you are being enlightened or you are taking a much needed pause. Can mean you may need to sacrifice something. 

7 of Swords - the card of the thief, deception, can mean you are taking only the things you resonate with from a situation. 

3 of Swords - heartache, can be referring to past heartache

King of Cups - a man who is a master of his emotions. He is someone who connects with his heart. 

Death - a big sweeping change, rebirth

Bottom of the deck: Four of Wands. I see this card as the theme of the reading. This is about stability, celebration, wedding, happy family and home. 

Lenormand cards Lady, Lily, Birds & Cross

Lady - main woman in the reading 

Lily - ancestry, family legacy,  older mature and sincere romance

Birds - conversation and chatter, gossip, gatherings, meetings, something fast moving and hectic. 

Cross - aim and suffering, something destined or spiritual 

A leader/authority/boss and lady have a broken relationship from the past. Family caused the rift between them causing a pause in their relationship. The man is now living in his heart and has learned this truth. Chatter about a destined connection is going on within you. You feel like all this time has been stolen from you. This is triggering a huge sweeping change in your life. 

Let's read it the other way, horizontally. 

A woman who is involved in your family legacy has been talking about suffering that happened to her. 

A leader/authority/boss is in a time of pause in life. This is causing you to become enlightened. But someone is stealing your heart. You have this woman above who has you living from your heart again like you did when you were younger. This is going to trigger a much needed change to bring blessings in your life. 

Hope this makes sense. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021


 Mark, bro, if you read this, contact me. Email in profile info.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Message for the Taurus Collective for July


Message for Taurus Collective for July

THE TOWER - sudden abrupt change, shaking of foundations, uprooting situations. 

9 OF CUPS - the wish card, ultimate fulfillment, could indicate a big party

WHEEL OF FORTUNE - destiny, chapter completing, fortune turns in your favor

3 OF CUPS - Celebrations with friends over an accomplishment, third party situation in a relationship

PAGE OF SWORDS - message of truth coming in, truth in a situation being revealed

HIGH PRIESTESS  - secrets, mystery, unconscious influences, intuition heightened

Lenormand cards - Tower, Fox Tree

Tower - institutions, authority, isolation or separation, reaching higher states or status.

Fox - conniving, false friend, deception,  duplicity, charms fraud, trickery

Tree -  Health and vitality, roots, growth, longevity, stability and life changes

The message:

Some sudden lightning bolt moment shakes up your life. It is a blessing in disguise since you come out of it getting your heart's desire while fortune turns in your favor. Then y ou celebrate with friends as a message of truth comes in revealing a secret offering, could be about a new job.

Okay, lets read the message in columns including the lenormand cards.

Some sort of authority figure causes a sudden shake up at a company which leads to a celebration with friends. Maybe the business is being sold and the employees are benefitting in some way. I don't know, you decide what this means. The authority could be a sly and deceitful person  promising pie in the sky things but the truth eventually comes out about the deception. There is a time of healing in the company which triggers a turn of good fortune due to the uncovered secret offerings made by the sly and deceptive authority figure. 

I hope this makes sense to you. Take what resonates and leave the rest. Read the cards for yourself and tell me what the story means to you for your particular circumstance. I would be totally interested to hear how this all turns out.


Monday, July 5, 2021

Message for the Sagittarius collective for July

Message for the Sagittarius collective for July

HIGH PRIESTESS - secrets, mystery, unconscious things, intuition

4 OF SWORDS - taking a break, vacation, time alone, meditation, taking a step back, healing, sickness

6 OF CUPS - you are thinking of someone from the past, childhood friend, soul mates, children 

8 OF SWORDS- being bound up in your thoughts, self imposed restriction, channelling messages

PAGE OF CUPS - message of love coming in 

3 OF WANDS / ACE OF SWORDS  something is coming in for you and you are waiting for it to arrive, self improvement.  Ace means clarity and truth. 

Lenormand - Choices, Ring, Clover

Choices - You have a multitude of paths to consider. Time to make a choice. 

Ring - commitment, agreement, contract, obligation, promise

Clover - unexpected luck, happy coincidence  harmony between body, mind and spirit , synchronicity 

The message...

Someone from the past comes in inadvertently (or maybe knowingly) revealing a secret. You take a step back to recover from the revelation. It has you so bound up in your thoughts you might miss the message of love coming in for you which is something you have been waiting for.  The message brings the clarity and truth you have been seeking. 

Okay, now let's read it in columns including the lenormand cards. 

You have a choice to make. Which path should you choose? A revealed secret from the past has you distracted and lost in thought. An offering of love has you rethinking your path as you take a step back to consider how this revelation might impact your life. 

A happy coincidence has you running into an old friend who has come in from afar revealing truths that just might change everything. 

I hope this makes sense to you. Take what resonates and leave the rest.


Message for the Capricorn Collective July

Message for the Capricorn Collective July

2 OF CUPS - soulmate connection, close friendship, kindred spirits

WHEEL OF FORTUNE -destiny, fortune turns in your favor

4 OF CUPS - missed opportunities, sadness,  depression

7 OF WANDS - standing up for yourself against others

THE MAGICIAN - you have everything you need for anything you are working on, manifesting something into the world. 

7 OF CUPS. Confusion, illusions, lots of options

Lenormand- whips, moon, dog

Whips- arguments, things happening in a repetitive manner, exercise daily, prayer, criticism, bickering, hobbies, habits, sex

Moon- intuition, instinct, perception, illuminate something, reflects and enhances other cards around it

Dog - true loyalty and faithful friendship, positive working relationships. Consider not only what you will get but what you will give. I

The message...

A soulmate comes in for you. It feels like destiny and fortune is turning in your favor. But for some reason you are not open to this soulmate at this time. You just can't see past all you have around you to accept one more new thing. 

You have to stand up for yourself since you have leveled up in some way and it is triggering the crazy in other people. Just know you manifested this since you have all you need to bring something into your life. You do have a lot of options available to you right now. And there will be one that will bring you the stability you are longing for. 

Okay, so let's read this vertically adding in the lenormand cards. 

There is some kind of argument you get into with someone. Maybe at your exercise place or the coffee shop you daily frequent.  The argument stays with you in your mind as you go through your day.  It softens your heart to let love seep in little by little. The more you see them every day, the more you realize this was a fated meeting and they are your soulmate. 

You manifested this random accidental meeting due to having everything you need to move forward with your life. A loyal and trusted friend suggests an opportunity over coffee but you are confused. You feel lost and unable to even entertain the idea. Be aware that this is the offer that will bring in the stability you have been seeking. 

I hope this makes sense. Not all readings will resonate with everyone. Just take what resonates and leave the rest. 


Message for the Aries Collective July

Message for the Aries Collective July

Can be spiritual teacher, wise council, maybe institutions or even marriage

Confusion, lots of options, illusions

This is referring to a message of something passionate, inspirational, creative, or even the beginning spark of an idea of a passion project. 

Patience, harmony, balance, moderation

Could indicate a nurturing female who is kind and intuitive, someone who knows her feelings. Could just indicate loving yourself or self care. 

This is about independence, freedom or a well taken care of woman with no money worries. 

Lenormand: Garden, Scythe, Ship

Garden- place to interact with people. Could be social media or email, networking, clubs, etc. 

Scythe - sudden, abrupt and complete cutting away or clearing out. Could be separating from something of value. 

Ship - exciting adventure or profound journey, movement away from something. Time to broaden your horizons, charting new directions. 

The message: 

The Heirophant card depicts a deer and a key. Deer says to me pathways and a key opens doors. a path is opening for a new spiritual journey forward. It comes at a time of separation. The 7 of cups is about confusion and a lot of options but the sand dollar on the card says to me you were left behind washed up in a lonely beach and had a desert period of life for a time. Now a message is coming forward. It is one of passion and promise. Could indicate a new passionate relationship or exciting project is about to begin. Temperance says have patience with that. The queen speaks of nurturing ourselves and being kind to ourselves as well. We may be in a time of independence but we are well taken care of currently

Okay so let's read these cards up and down the columns including the lenormand cards. 

So you get a message via social media, email a phone call and it opens up something for you that is spiritual in nature. Maybe this is just a message to have faith in your abilities. Things are going to balance out. 

This message causes a big change in your life causing something to fall away and leave your life for good. But you have a lot of options here so you may not even miss what leaves your pervue. something that leaves may take with it a kind nurturing woman who may not have been as forthright as she seemed. 

Now you are moving forward into much calmer waters as a new message of passion, inspiration is revealed via an unattached person who stands on her own two feet.  I added a clarifying card, The Magician. This woman has a way of magically making you realize you have all the tools you need to move forward with this project or passionate new beginning.

Hope this makes sense. 


Saturday, July 3, 2021

Air Signs Burdens Reading


Air Signs Burden Reading

This is a reading focusing on your most important burdens and how to deal with them. 

Burden: fights you can't win, anger

You have got a short fuse right now and can spew forth some angry words at the drop of a hat.  The Five of Swords clarifies this. This is one of those fights you just can't win. Can indicate self sabotage and the stress of dealing with others you just don't resonate with.  In this instance I find looking for the win-win solution to be the best option since you will never see eye to eye with these people.  This knight is clarified by 10 of Materials (Pentacles) this is the family, legacy, security card. It is clarified by The Star. This is about hope and guidance from your higher power or that part of yourself that just seems to make better choices. You are getting some kind of insight about family that is somehow going to make you angry and want to start fighting opponents you can't win against. Let it go for now and speak to your family to brainstorm ideas on what to do about whatever this problem is. 

Burden: The Truth Hurts

The queen of swords has a sharp tongue (she must be related to you or is you) and her words cut to the truth of a situation). This thing is a big energetic gift from the universe/god. It is about having a big passion for something, a passion project or divine guidance has shined down upon you.  This is clarified by the Ace of Voices (Swords). This is about clarity, truth and guidance coming in. This is in relation to people you are working with who are kindred souls. Some truth is revealed that will really surprise you. I pulled some more cards to clarify this (Death and Judgement). This means a big sweeping change will happen plus it will be a wake up call that you just won't see coming. Big surprises for sure. 

Burden: possible soulmate / divine union connection, jealousy

The king of cups is a very loving man who would give you the shirt off his back but he does have a deep dark secret he is concealing beneath his cloak. There is going to be a big offering made that will make your life easier. It looks like it is a gift from this man. It does have winds of change and a message of truth floating around it. This is clarified by the Temperance card and the a queen of cups.  It is just like you are in shock. You can't believe your luck. This woman who is connected to the king comes in and picks a fight with you. Maybe she is jealous. And what the heck is it with all the fighting air signs, geez! I have a feeling you have drawn the eye of this king and there could possibly be more similar fights in the future if you continue down this road. 

8 OF VOICES (Swords)
Burden: Stressful thinking

The eight of swords is all about being in self imposed restriction. You are just running that negative tape in your head and you have it on endless repeat.  This is clarified by the ace of Cups which is an overflowing of love in abundance.  This is further clarified by the 7 of Materials (pentacles) and the Fool card.  Something is coming into fruition for you. It I concerns a love offering you are freaked out about and a new beginning.  This could be that down the road the king of cups gets divorced from his queen and moves on with you. Or it could be any number of scenarios. That is just what came immediately to my mind. 

 Wheel of Fortune (destiny) and the six of wands (success, victory, recognition) I think you are getting together with this man within ten months. This is like a divinely guided thing and I am not sure it is something you can get out of. The wheel turns in your favor, though. So it's all good, right?


Hidden -Wisdom, elementals, Fairy, uncover

Balance - Harmony, equilibrium, centered, calm 

Create - Dynamic, inspiring, energy, gifts. 

Harmony - Balance, energy, breath, flow 

Empowerment - expansion, together, prosper, divine. 

This hidden thing you uncover about the king of cups will bring your life into more balance. It is so surprising since there were so many fights to start out the reading. You are in a better place emotionally and creatively. Plus you will gain a new insurgance of personal power. 

Hope this makes sense. 


Water Signs Burden Reading

Water Signs Burden Reading

This is a reading focusing on your most important burdens and how to deal with them. 

Burden: other people's interference in your love life

You have a soulmate coming in or they have already appeared. You two are like salt and pepper... You just go together. I can almost see a musical production number being acted out showing how right this connection is. It is very sweet. But other people are insisting to get in the way. They are talking smack about your love and what they are saying is not nice at all. Maybe this is an unconventional union, I don't know but the love just feels so real it's squishy. It is mainly the older folks who are dogging you. This is clarified by the ten of Water.  Usually this is the happy family card. But ain't nothing happy about this family. You are fighting tooth and nail for this love. The card depicts salmon swimming upstream. So the struggle is real. If you don't fight this opposition your love is going to be left on the banks to rot and decay.  The Queen of Pentacles clarified the two of cups. She is very grounding, very connected to mother earth. And she is offering you a pentacle, a new beginning in the world. Not sure who this woman is but she is on your side. You need to find her if you need emotional support during this time. 

Burden: the Waiting Game

Something in your life is coming in for you. This is giving you the much needed time to work on yourself.  This is a time to challenge yourself with ways to increase your personal power. This is aspected by the Emperor.  He is a leader and in this card he is working on the details of building something. Something here is being built for your future.  You will need to take the lead in your life to make whatever this is manifest. The card that clarifies the 3 of wands is the 6 of Wands. This is the card of victory, success and being recognized for your contribution to this endeavor. This is aspected by the seven of swords. Usually this is the thievery card. But I am seeing this map the man is holding as a blueprint. This thing you are building, or maybe the universe/god has these big plans but plans are being made for you even if you can't see them now. 

Burden: being torn from your pedestal

There is just something big about your energy. You guys are so grounded it is almost like you have leveled up and other people are uncomfortable being in the brightness of your awesomeness.  You seem to be juggling two energies. Could be about career, health, taking care of an elderly relative, any number of things. But you have two and are considering walking away from one of them due to all the nitpicking you are getting from others. This is clarified by the Fool. A new beginning is becoming available and this beginning has you working along side other kindred spirits who are creating things in the world just as you are. Your projects are so similar you have decided to work together or maybe your friends want to support this new thing and are diving in to assist you. 

Burden Soulmate relationship grows to more commitment but others are still unhappy.

This is part two of section one. Kinda has the same sort of energy as the soulmate part but now you are more committed, more serious. This thing is real and it is gonna happen no matter what anyone else says. This is aspected by the King of Wands. This king likes to play games and make the rules so watch out for someone trying to take over your life kind of like a puppet master would. Dont let that happen. Someone comes in with fiery words of truth which helps matters but you guys will have a tough choice to make. A crossroads appears putting you both at different paths and fearful you might lose this divine connection. I pulled another card to clarify and got King of pentacles. This shows a man growing corn. You will need to plant seeds and grow something together to make sue this relationship won't go off the rails at the last minute.  This could be having kids or creating a business together. Whatever it is it has to be the two of you together to make this connection stick for the long term. 


this map you are creating for the project you are building is very important to your success.  You have two offerings coming in at the end here which are both very grounded in nature. One has real movement while the other one is well loved.  You will each need to stand up for your creation and fight for it to stay on the world. This is a fragile process and may mean you need to super nurture yourself and each other to pull it off. The message of truth is to transform what you have both made and love into something that works together. 


Angel of Balance - being centered and self honoring in your choices   Try to stay in balance with your goals and the energy you put out. You don't want to burn out before it comes to fruition. 

Strategy - making a plan. This is the perfect time for setting up a strategy for achieving your goals. 

Angel of Strength - personal power and inner strength.  This is a time of increasing power for you. It is not a time to be passive or submissive but to speak your truth and take action on  your own behalf. You are capable of taking greater control and directing your own destiny. 

I hope this makes sense to you. 


Earth Signs Burden Reading

Earth Signs Burden Reading

This is a reading focusing on your most important burdens and what may happen if you do or don't deal with them. 

KING OF PENTACLES: Burden: Toxic attitude has leaked into your mind

This king has a great new beginning sitting in his lap. This is a gift, a new beginning, prosperity, wealth and abundance easily available to him.  But he has a big problem he is aspected by the Devil. This is toxic energy, a disruption, a bondage to something you are obsessed with. This is further aspected with the Hanged Man.  This can mean you will need to sacrifice something you have become negatively attached to.  This will cause you to be bound up in your mind and frozen in place into a situation of inaction. This might mean you could lose some of your wealth in order to get your attention
This is aspected by the Judgement card. I call this the wake up call.  That is why the universe might take something away from you in order to get your attention and wake you up. 

TEN OF WANDS: Burden: Heavy Burden/Load

The ten of wands is about have so many things to do that you can barely get everything done. This is clarified by 9 of Wands. This shows all the struggles you have been through but you are still standing. You are a little worse for wear but you are moving forward. This is aspected by The Empress and the Ten of Cups. The empress is about leveling up your self nurturing. The ten is the happy family card. Take more time to spend with your family. Maybe take that vacation you have been putting off and spend it with your loved ones. That energy can really heal you in a big way. 

3 OF SWORDS Burden: Heartache

This is aspected by the 8 of Swords and the Ace of Cups. The 3 of swords is all about heartache and something that has crushed your spirit. This could be an old pain but it is still effecting you. There is new love overflowing coming in and this might freak you out. For one it is because you haven't trusted love in so long you might not know how to react. The card that goes with this three is the Justice card. Something is coming in to balance the scales. You will be getting a message from your spiritual team, god or kindred friends who only have your best intentions at heart. Maybe it is a new love coming in or an old love that never had time to blossom coming back. Whatever it is I see true healing in your future. 

FIVE OF CUPS Burden: Wrong Focus

The five of cups is about sadness and maybe depression. But you have made this thinking process a way of life and now can't break free from it. You will need to go cold turkey with the bad thoughts because something is going to come in and wipe the slate clean for you. You will be forced to refocus. (Death card) This could be instigated by a message about someone's new passion or inspiration. (Page of Wands) Or maybe this new person coming in for you just has this way of naturally lifting your spirits. This ending is happening in your life that is like a chapter closing and a new chapter in life beginning.   You will have a choice to make as two different love interests come in for you ( Lovers, 2 of Pentacles) you may juggle them both for awhile but soon you will have to decide because you won't be able to keep up the juggling for long.

The King of Wands (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) is inspiring you you to make family, legacy, security your priority right. Not a lot of things matter beyond that for you right now. Take time to play with your kids, or other people's kids or just be like a kid. This is going to heal your spirit more than anything else right now. 

 Simplify your life- eliminate clutter from your home and work life to balance the flow of activities. As you purge things from your life you invite a new flow of positive energy into your life that will redeem you, refresh you and uplift you. 

Consult an Expert - more information is needed. Contact someone with expertise in this area. If you need help, it's okay! Don't fret. Sometimes we need the ear of someone more knowledgeable to assist us. If you were building a house and had no background in construction, bringing in a crew of professionals is normal, right? Don't let the stigma of needing help keep you from actually getting it. 

Time to Move On - it is time to let go of the old and worn out so that new can come in. God really wants to bless you right now. Your burdens have been heavy but you have managed to get through it all. It made you stronger. You are like a powerhouse now and I for one am so proud of all you have accomplished. Go you! Remember, you don't have to say yes to everything. You have that nurturing father/mother vibe and you want to save the world, I know.  But take it easy on yourself. You can't eat an entire elephant in one bite. (not that you would want to but I thought the analogy fit)
