Saturday, July 3, 2021

Earth Signs Burden Reading

Earth Signs Burden Reading

This is a reading focusing on your most important burdens and what may happen if you do or don't deal with them. 

KING OF PENTACLES: Burden: Toxic attitude has leaked into your mind

This king has a great new beginning sitting in his lap. This is a gift, a new beginning, prosperity, wealth and abundance easily available to him.  But he has a big problem he is aspected by the Devil. This is toxic energy, a disruption, a bondage to something you are obsessed with. This is further aspected with the Hanged Man.  This can mean you will need to sacrifice something you have become negatively attached to.  This will cause you to be bound up in your mind and frozen in place into a situation of inaction. This might mean you could lose some of your wealth in order to get your attention
This is aspected by the Judgement card. I call this the wake up call.  That is why the universe might take something away from you in order to get your attention and wake you up. 

TEN OF WANDS: Burden: Heavy Burden/Load

The ten of wands is about have so many things to do that you can barely get everything done. This is clarified by 9 of Wands. This shows all the struggles you have been through but you are still standing. You are a little worse for wear but you are moving forward. This is aspected by The Empress and the Ten of Cups. The empress is about leveling up your self nurturing. The ten is the happy family card. Take more time to spend with your family. Maybe take that vacation you have been putting off and spend it with your loved ones. That energy can really heal you in a big way. 

3 OF SWORDS Burden: Heartache

This is aspected by the 8 of Swords and the Ace of Cups. The 3 of swords is all about heartache and something that has crushed your spirit. This could be an old pain but it is still effecting you. There is new love overflowing coming in and this might freak you out. For one it is because you haven't trusted love in so long you might not know how to react. The card that goes with this three is the Justice card. Something is coming in to balance the scales. You will be getting a message from your spiritual team, god or kindred friends who only have your best intentions at heart. Maybe it is a new love coming in or an old love that never had time to blossom coming back. Whatever it is I see true healing in your future. 

FIVE OF CUPS Burden: Wrong Focus

The five of cups is about sadness and maybe depression. But you have made this thinking process a way of life and now can't break free from it. You will need to go cold turkey with the bad thoughts because something is going to come in and wipe the slate clean for you. You will be forced to refocus. (Death card) This could be instigated by a message about someone's new passion or inspiration. (Page of Wands) Or maybe this new person coming in for you just has this way of naturally lifting your spirits. This ending is happening in your life that is like a chapter closing and a new chapter in life beginning.   You will have a choice to make as two different love interests come in for you ( Lovers, 2 of Pentacles) you may juggle them both for awhile but soon you will have to decide because you won't be able to keep up the juggling for long.

The King of Wands (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) is inspiring you you to make family, legacy, security your priority right. Not a lot of things matter beyond that for you right now. Take time to play with your kids, or other people's kids or just be like a kid. This is going to heal your spirit more than anything else right now. 

 Simplify your life- eliminate clutter from your home and work life to balance the flow of activities. As you purge things from your life you invite a new flow of positive energy into your life that will redeem you, refresh you and uplift you. 

Consult an Expert - more information is needed. Contact someone with expertise in this area. If you need help, it's okay! Don't fret. Sometimes we need the ear of someone more knowledgeable to assist us. If you were building a house and had no background in construction, bringing in a crew of professionals is normal, right? Don't let the stigma of needing help keep you from actually getting it. 

Time to Move On - it is time to let go of the old and worn out so that new can come in. God really wants to bless you right now. Your burdens have been heavy but you have managed to get through it all. It made you stronger. You are like a powerhouse now and I for one am so proud of all you have accomplished. Go you! Remember, you don't have to say yes to everything. You have that nurturing father/mother vibe and you want to save the world, I know.  But take it easy on yourself. You can't eat an entire elephant in one bite. (not that you would want to but I thought the analogy fit)


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