Friday, May 22, 2015

Legacy of a Secret Agent Oracle reading May 22

Today I pulled out and dusted off my old Legacy Plotting cards. I originally used these to help me plot my spy serial. But I decided that they also made pretty good oracle cards. I had started to make some more spiritual type cards and had them saved in the same folder with the Legacy ones.

I pulled this reading by looking at the time. It was 12:28pm when I decided this. So I went to the 12th and 28th card in the folder. Then I needed one more number. I saw the number 10 on my web browser. And that was how I chose my cards for today.

10 breaks down to the energy of 1 since 1+0=1
One is all about being independent, standing your ground by yourself and starting out on something new. A lot of the aces in the tarot are gifts so I can see this number representing as a gift as well.

12 breaks down to the energy of 3 since 1+2=3
I see this number as creativity but also pain. You are either celebrating or you aren't here. There isn't much in between. You are either being recognized for your great work or waiting for that work to show up. It is also said this number is the number of the Ascended Masters being with you. It is the number of joy. It represents the triad: father, son, holy spirit so it can be a holy number as well.

28 breaks down to 10 and ten breaks down to 1. See example above. But there is another thing about 10's specifically, they are endings. Something is ending here.

The cards I chose from these numbers were pretty interesting.

Knowledge: Akashic Rune
The Akashic Records are the records of your entire existence in no only this earthy plane but every other incarnation you have every experienced whether it is here on earth or on another planet or plane of existence. To me this tells of an influx of knowledge from your own past is coming in to assist you in some way. You may get "ah-ha" moments due to this energy.

Mackenzie Gray
Mackenzie Gray is a secret agent and star of the Legacy spin-off series Legacy of Spies. He really cares about people, the environment and can pretty much get himself out of any crazy situation with ease. He is an overcomer of obstacles. This lets me know that you will be an overcomer yourself this week. That ah-ha moment will definitely come at just the right time.

The World Tree
This tells of how we are connected to everything. We are connected to God, a part of God, and the reaches of God are infinite. We have this ability to be totally connected this week. That is why it is a great week to meditate and get connected to your higher self and the Akashic Records. The energies are ripe for such a connection.

My Take: We are receiving a gift. It will probably mean an ending to something but that is okay, it will be a blessing in disguise. But you won't be shocked by it because you will have a knowing about it before hand. This gift will help you to overcome any obstacle put before you because of this ending. And please know you have more people who care about you and where you need to be in the world than  you know. This knowing will relate to doing something creative that brings you joy.  Maybe you will finally start to follow your bliss this week. And frankly, it is about time.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Reading for weekend May 15-17

Cards: Gilded Tarot

Tarot Draw: 2 of Swords, Ten of Pentacles, four of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles

2 of Swords: Decisions/Crossroads
This card is all blue so we are making a decision about how we communicate or based on something that is communicated to us this weekend

Ten of Pentacles: Abundance/Riches/Your Treasure
This decision will bring abundance into your life, abundance to overflowing

4 of Pentacles: Let Go/Holding onto Something/Law of Attraction
This abundance you receive is not only for you but for others. If it comes in the form of ideas or communication, you need to share that knowledge. This card tells of how you will want to keep/hoard this info for another day but don't be tempted to do that. Share the live you receive

9 of Wands: Tough Journey/Standing your ground
Your life has been made up of such choices. And you will again be tested. So stand your ground. You have it in you to succeed. You don't give up. Keep on, keeping on, my friend

These cards are from John Holland's Spirit Messages oracle. 

Connect to your animal spirit guide. They want to help you to open your heart and love unconditionally like a favorite pet would. Then listen for all the messages you receive this weekend. Write them down to assist with your healing

Shadow card: 9 of Swords

Your tendency  this weekend is to want to freak out. But the reading is giving you tools to prevent this. 

Have a blessed and wonderful weekend