Saturday, December 23, 2017

Wisdom of the Oracle Reading with Channelled information

Wisdom of the Oracle Reading with channelled info included. 

As the year comes to a close, you feel like you are walking a tight rope, exhausted and precariously balancing all you need to do... Hoping you can juggle it all and nothing falls to the way side. You want to fly, dream of doing it often, escaping the situation, but circumstances have you tied up in knots. 

You have not been in a happy place lately. But that is about to change. Remember you are fully supported by the universe, your guides, your spiritual team and God. Don't hesitate to ask them for help when you need it. Need energy? Ask for it. Need calm? Ask for it. Whatever you need, don't hesitate to ask for it. You deserve to have all the happiness and joy this life can bring. 

The first card "New Life" reminds me of that time when you first awake in the morning. You are stretching and working the kinks out of your body. If trials come up this week, remember that it is only a kink you are working out and it will be quickly released from your life. Aren't many trials in our life like that? So important one minute and moot the next.

Chains are falling away now. What had once seemed like a restriction will soon change to an open door. It is a time of blossoming leading to swift action. You will have a level head during this time and a long road of successes before you. I see a train track in front if you leading to infinite abundance. No restrictions on this track. Abundance is available if you only believe it is possible for you. 

You will shed old ways of thinking this week and become more of your authentic self. You will gravitate toward hobbies and people who are good influences for your future year of 2018. The sun is at your back lighting your way forward and dispelling the darkness. 

What we move into is a time of more freedom, fluid movement and ease. You are loosening up and releasing those things that have held you back. 

And as 2018 opens (approaches) you will leave behind the old and unwanted. It will be easy. You will barely notice it is gone until months later and wonder (marvel) how you ever lived that way.  You may feel in some instances like you are going backward but you are at a much higher level now. More sensitive to information coming in. Your third eye will be providing you with lots of knowledge (information) even if you don't realize it is.  Your 'knowing' level will ramp up and you will know just what you need to do to further your life without being told. 

2018 will be a year if action and growth in all ways. Enjoy the ride. You deserve the riches that are coming to you. 

Toni Walker
Divine-You Oracle & Tarot