Saturday, August 31, 2019

Energy Forecast for Mon 9-2

Cards in this reading are from the Thelma Tarot, Alexandre Musruck Lenormand and Sacred Mysteries: The Chakra Oracle.

THE HANGED MAN - REVERSED  - This card is about changing up the way you have been thinking. PuttIng a new spin on your thoughts. Grounding your thoughts. This is about surrender and choices. Since it is reversed, maybe you need to change up your thinking. Maybe you don't have the right perspective yet. Pay attention to what you are NOT seeing.

KNIGHT OF SWORDS - REVERSED - Swords is about your thoughts. Getting to the truth. Moving forward and taking action on the ideas we have. In reverse, you are not taking the action you need to take.  You are not seeing the truth you need to see.

PAGE OF WANDS - REVERSED - Wands is about our creativity and the things we are passionate about in the world. Pages bring and deliver messages. The is a message you need to receive that you are not getting concerning something you are really passionate about.

CHILD - Is about new beginnings, New ideas, New creations you are growing in the world. But this project still has some ways to go. It is still in its infancy. Give it time to expand and blossom.

KEY - This is about security, your key to success, Fulfillment. Something is important. Locking away something. Opening doors.

FLOWERS - This is about a gift, an invitation, a surprise. Can indicate a divorced woman. Little gestures that are well received.

ILLUSION - This means that the heart knows the truth within but you need to quiet your mind to hear your heart's message. You are being shown the illusionist nature of the world. Veils lifting. Truth revealed. You need to take time to have a good time in order to relieve stress.

Bottom of the deck (theme) SIX OF PENTACLES - REVERSED - This is about giving and receiving when upright. Maybe this is our of balance with you. You are either receiving too much or giving too much. Getting back into balance is key here.

My Take

You are out of balance in some way right now. Your thinking isn't where it needs to be. The same with your focus. You can't move forward because you are stuck in stinkin' thinking. You need to pull yourself out of this out of despair. Brush yourself off and decide to move forward anyway. Act as if you know what to do. Because inside you really do have all knowledge inside of you. You have to trust God will direct you down the right path.

You have this very important idea waiting to be created fully. Creating it will be the key to your future success. Right now you need to stop sabotaging yourself. When you finally get your head out of your nether regions all will be revealed to you. You just need time. Remember to commune with yourself on a regular basis. Take time to write out your ideas and aspirations. Journal. Get to know yourself again. You are a pretty cool character.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Weekend Reading Aug. 30-Sept. 1

Weekend Reading Aug. 30-Sept. 1

THE LOVERS - reversed. - This can indicate a disharmony in a partnership with either yourself or another person. A trouble with a commitment. Or a complicated decision that might not be to your best advantage. The Lovers is all about the heart and coming from a place of the heart. When reversed, maybe you are not living up to your own expectation and what you most want from life. Search for and do the things you love and you will feel more fulfilled today.

THE FOOL - A new beginning. Stepping out in faith and moving into a new chapter of life. You have left something behind and are moving into something you may not totally be ready for but you are there to take the chance anyway.

JUSTICE - reversed - The card upright signifies justice, fairness, truth and the law. You are being called to account for your actions and you will be judged accordingly. What you reap, you sow. A ruling is coming down shortly. This is about the search for truth. Reversed can indicate that you have done something you don’t think of morally right. You can hide it from the world and see if the secret comes out or you can come clean and reveal it before your are found out.

THE STAR -  reversed - This is all about hope and guidance. This is the combo of good common sense and using your intuition together in sync with each other. Can mean a reprieve after a period of turmoil. Reversed this can mean you have lost faith and hope in the Universe. You are feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges. This is a test of faith. Will you crumble and fall apart or stand firm. Can mean you are uninspired by life or hobbies or your work in general. Time to find the love and fulfillment again. Fill up your cup.

Bottom of the Deck (theme): ACE OF FIRE (Wands) Upright your creative potential is growing. Reversed it is lacking. This graphic looks like a beacon. Reversed it is as if all your creative potential is oozing out and dripping into the world. Maybe you are giving too much and not leaving enough of the good stuff for yourself. You are questioning your purpose and wonder if you are moving in the right direction.

My Take:

You are questioning the Universe and wondering if you are indeed on the right path. You need to trust yourself and your creator that you both know what you are doing. Creator has our needs at his center. Sometimes it may feel like we are being punished when we come across a challenge that cripples us. But we are being made stronger. And being stronger is in our best interest in the end.

You have started something and are questioning your commitment to it. Have you done the right thing, you wonder. Is it all going to be worth it? As you step out in faith and trust that what comes up for you is indeed in your best interest, you will become more fulfilled. You will be challenged, yes. But these challenges are leading you to a better place in your overall life purpose. You are in a growth period. Fill up your spiritual reserves in any way you can. Read, write, meditate. Do everything you can to assist yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself that you need this recharge period. We all do at times.

Cards in this reading are from The Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Energy Forecast for the month of September

EIGHT OF CUPS - This is about leaving what is known and moving toward the unknown. It is time for a change and you are ready for the journey, have been ready for awhile since this is in the position of the past. What new thing or situation are you walking toward?

NINE OF WANDS - This is about a real struggle. You have been through a hard time, are going through a hard time in the present, and you survived. You have fought your toes and are getting ready to fight again. You aren't thwarted emotionally. You are ready for this fight.

TEN OF WANDS reversed - Upright this card is about being overwhelmed. Reversed you are either not acknowledging the things that burden you or you have released the heavy load you carry and are moving forward into a new experience.

Bottom of the deck (theme) - SIX OF WANDS - This is the success card. You have fought the good fight, led your people into battle and came back victorious. This card depicts the parade through town and the people around cheering for your success. They cheer because the success isn't just yours, it is theirs too.

My Take:

It is time to walk away from some aspect of your life where you are comfortable. You have been ready for a long time. But doing this won't be as easy as it first seems. You will have struggled and have to stand up for yourself and your decisions. But you are ready for the fight. The really important things in life aren't always the easiest to win. But win you will. The burden you have carried for so long will be released in September and you walk away feeling like a winner.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Energy Forecast for Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sun. Aug. 29-Sept. 1 - Daily readings

Thurs., August 29 - Daily Energy Tidbit Reading

INDECISION -  It's time to make a decision. Urgent! There has been much dithering over the matter. Time to be firm and take the consequences.

NINE OF WINGS (Swords) - reversed - Compulsive behavior. Focusing on the past mistakes is unhelpful. You are worried about something.

NINE OF ROSES (Wands) - reversed - Self-defeating habits. You can't adapt to new information. Too much discipline makes you rigid and unable to change. Your victories are fought hard for. Can mean hard feeling about something.

My Take:

You need to make an important decision and you need to make it now. It has something to do with ideas and situations you can't get off your mind. You are really worried about something in your life and it is causing you to do things that throw you off course. You need some extreme self-care right now. Don't fall into the trap of letting your mental "you're not good enough" record keep running in your mind. Listen to uplifting music or spend time with ultra positive friends to kick you out of this terrible mindset.

Fri., August 30 - Daily Energy Tidbit Reading

AUTHORITY - Time to take control of a situation. Leadership.

ENTHUSIASM - Strong intuitive ability gives you flashes of inspiration. You are excited about something.

NINE OF GEMS (Pentacles) - You have accomplished a lot. Time to harvest the fruits of your labor. Wisdom through effort.

FOUR OF ROSES (Wands) - reversed - You would be better off working on developing friendships and a more positive attitude. A new commitment approaching in the future.  Stability coming in for you.

QUEEN OF WINGS (Swords) - reversed - Person coming in with qualities  of honesty and directness. You may disregard other's feelings about something. Could be you or this new person coming in regardless of gender.

My Take:

You have made some great strides in your work but you need to work on your people skills instead of the actual career path. Something you are working on is coming to fruition and you are really excited about it. And because of it something new is coming toward you. You have opened a new window of opportunity, per say. Don't disregard the feelings of others. Be direct and honest with them when the situation comes up.


Sat., August 31 - Daily Energy Tidbit Reading

PATIENCE - Don't be afraid to ask for assistance. You need to take your time and not rush things.

THREE OF ROSES (Wands) Allow yourself to feel happy and upbeat. Call in favors. Use your network.

THE DEVIL - reversed. - Someone s lying or trying to deceive you with trickery. You are attracted to someone who is unworthy of you.

My Take:

You need help with something. But don't take the first person you think will do it. They won't have your best interest at heart. You need to wait until the right person shows up. You may need to call in some of your friends for advice and your savior will be a friend of a friend. Don't let someone close to you trick you into doing something you're not ready for. Wait and take your time with this situation today.

Sun., Sept. 1 - Daily Energy Tidbit Reading

CHOICE - A difficult choice must be made.

PRINCE OF GEMS (Pentacles) - Responsible, trustworthy, respected, honest and hardworking person. Could indicate you or someone coming in.

THE LOVERS - Get in touch with what is truly attracting you to something in your life. What are you working on that is feeding the core of who you are. Where do you find your passions opening up and speaking to your life. You will make and choice and make a wise one.

My Take:

Today is a day you must make a decision. It concerns a situation or person that that has come into your life that is totally resonating with you. The choice will be a hard one but it will be good for you in the end.

Cards used in this reading are the Enchanted Love Tarot
and the Oracle of the Radiant Sun.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Energy Forecast for the week of August 26 - September 1

I actually broke down and did a reading on my YouTube channel.

Check it out of you'd like.

Energy Forecast for Week of August 26

#tarot #oracle #weeklyguidance

Cards used in this reading: Animal Wisdom Tarot and the Angels of Abundance Oracle cards.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Energy Forecast for Wed 8-28

Energy Forecast for Wednesday 8-28

Cards used in this reading are from the Paulina Tarot 
and the Oracle of the Shapeshifters Tarot.

EIGHT OF PENTACLES -  This is called the Apprentice card. The image shows an artist dabbing a paint brush on a palette. What are you creating that you are hard at work on? People are noticing your efforts and it spurs you to work harder. Don’t hide from the recognition. Shine instead. You inspire others to be better than they are currently.

EIGHT OF SWORDS (reversed) - This card usually depicts a woman amidst a bunch of swords, bound and trapped. But she isn’t really trapped. She can release herself if she wanted. She is bound up in her mind, not her body. In reverse it means the opposite. It’s time to move forward. Just be aware that you can’t always prepare for every eventuality that will happen in life. Go ahead and move forward anyway.

There are a lot of 8’s in this reading. I thought I’d take a walk over to my favorite Angel Number site and check out the situation about what the meaning is behind the infinity symbol called the eight.

Joanna’s Sacred Scribes on Blogspot has this to say about double 8’s:

Angel Number 888 indicates that financial and material abundance is on its way into your life and may be suggesting that you will receive unexpected rewards for past good work. Karma re-paid in kind.
   Angel Number 888 tells you that your life purpose is fully supported by the Universe. The Universe is abundant and generous and wishes to reward you. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future.  
   Angel Number 888 may also suggest that a phase in your life is about to end and is a sign of forewarning to enable you to prepare yourself and your life accordingly. It may also indicate that you are winding up an emotional, career or relationship phase in your life.  
   Never compromise your integrity in an effort to 'get ahead'. Honor your own truths and be true to yourself and your own life path and mission.

THE EMPEROR - This guy is the authority. He is the leader. He is the father we all look up to and follow. He lays down the law putting structure and order to our world. This is the card of the zodiac sign of Aries. Aries is a pioneer since it is the first sign of the zodiac. Leaders are pioneers so it seems to fit, doesn’t it? He is mind over heart. Logical. (Thinking Mr. Spock from Star Trek.)

Bottom of the deck (theme): TEN OF CUPS (reversed) - The Ten of Cups is usually the happy family card, the happily ever after card. Reversed it means  your family relationships aren’t as stable as you think they are.
The Oracle Cards:

THE UNENDING SADNESS OF LOOKING BACK (reversed) - Upright this means Endless regret, obsessive grief, replaying the past, negative nostalgia. Your focus on the pain increases its power. So reversed it says your focus on the good things and the positive increases its power. What a relief.

THE FAERY RING - New skills, advanced training, rapid improvements. It is said that a ring of this kind is created by fairies dancing. Can bring good luck, improve fertility and fortune.

My Take:

Your life purpose is being highlighted here due to all the eights in the reading. A phase in your life is ending (been getting that message all week). This is asking you to focus on exactly what it is that you excel at. What is your jam? What things do you do that is so totally in your wheelhouse you would do it for free? Keep doing those things. You will be noticed for your efforts. A doorway is opening that will allow you to move forward. But don’t just do so willy nilly. Do prepare a bit for your movement ahead. Either a leader type will come in and assist you with your transition or you are that leader stepping up to help others in moving forward. Remember to not neglect your family and friends as you move forward. It will do no good to move into a new beginning and leave a bunch of hard feelings behind. Remind those in your circle that you love them. Focus on never ending improvement in your skills no matter what you are doing. I see a happy dance in your future.

Don't Be Afraid of What Today Brings... 8-23-19

I am at a point right now in life where I haven’t been watching television except for the rare morning St. Louis news or whatever home renovation show my parents are watching or Dr. Pimple Popper. I blame my niece, Kaia for my mom’s obsession with that show. So, without the distraction of television I filled my time for three and a half years with cross stitch. I was a stitching maniac. I bought every stitching pattern, fabric, thread I could get my hands on. Prior to that I spent the four previous years obsessed with oracle and tarot cards and learning those systems of divination. Before that it was reading and I can attest to my never ending book hoard that comprise the eight bookshelves I have crammed in my room.

Based on these things I have an understanding about myself and the law of attraction. What you focus on becomes your world, if only for a short time. And the more you focus on it, the more invested you get.

I had a Facebook memory pop up today from 2013. Here is what it said:

        I pulled the Self Control- Higher Self card today and that is telling us that you ultimately have control of your day. Who are you allowing into your space to trigger you into stinking thinking? My pastor used to say that the people you hang out with and the books you read, tv shows you watch, whatever has your attention really colors your world. So how are YOU contributing to your good or bad mood today? Because ultimately it is up to you. You choose to react or not to situations. Turn that stinking thinking upside down today. 

Right before I saw this, I had a private message pop up with a link to a video saying “Is this you?” with three shocked emojis as ominous exclamation points. Apparently the person had been hacked but it had done its job and taken me aback. Being uncovered as a former oracle and tarot reader, a reader that is reviving her practice at it, sort of threatens another part of my life where I sing in my church’s worship team. To me these two things go together like peanut butter and jelly, but I fear to others it might cause a bit of a kerfuffle that I am not doing the right “Christian” thing by being a reader.

I was immediately reminded from an image I received in a dream last night:
Dream message: I saw a music cassette tape with a label that said Be Afraid. I see this as old thoughts past their time, like mice running on a wheel. Time to let go of the protection behind being afraid and truly move forward without fear.

Then I was prompted to do a tarot reading for myself using the Tarot of the Hidden Realm cards. The first card was the 4 of Wands. I saw a person in my mind’s eye holding their fingers in their ears with their eyes closed muttering “la la la la” over and over. The next card was the 4 of Cups. I laughed at the understanding at my reading. The Four of Cups is about not paying attention to the ideas surrounding you.

My dream said “Do Not Be Afraid.” And the cards said, don’t pay attention to those things that pop up today. Close your eyes to them and focus on something else. I felt a lot of relief at that.

Here was my post to Twitter today:

Energy Observations. You are in control. I see a person with their fingers in their ears chanting "la la la la." Someone is trying to out you, reveal your secrets. Pay them no heed . Either the time has come to face the music or not. You are okay either way.

I know I have not completely dealt with my fears. I know that I may have to let something go in order to move forward on my ultimate path. The future sounds scary but I know how these things sometimes go… I will fear it and fear it and fear it and then when push comes to shove and what I fear is uncovered and revealed, it’s never as monstrous as I thought it was going to be.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Energy Forecast for Tues 8-27

Energy Forecast Tues 8-27 - Dark to Light Reading

Using cards from the Work Your Light Oracle Cards, 
Messages from Your Angels Oracle and Deviant Moon Tarot.

Cards of Light

INNER TEMPLE - Devotion. Tune into the portal of your heart. Self-care. Do something for yourself for a change. Nurture the inner you. Treat your inner child with kid gloves. Don’t always put yourself last. It can be all about you sometimes.

THE EVER-UNFOLDING ROSE - Cracked open. It is happening for you, not to  you. Blossoming. Enjoying the little things of life. Inspiration. The rose is considered a symbol of balance. It expresses promise, new beginnings and hope. The thorns represent defense, loss and thoughtlessness.

YES. Just say yes. You have been saying yes to others. And now it is time to stand your ground. Say yes to yourself for a change. Maintain boundaries.

LEAP - You go first. The Universe will catch you. Like in visualization, you must imagine it before you can manifest it and take action on it. Put good images in your mind that you can indeed achieve your goals.

Cards of the Dark

KNIGHT OF PENTACLES - This whole reading is duality. But this card has put its focus on the cards of the light. So, that is what you must do as well. Pay no heed to the negative things of this world and instead bask in the glow of what the all that is has give us on the earth. This Knight is practical, patient and protective. A great guy to have at your side. Look for this type of person to show up in your life. Taking action on inspiration with a foundation of strength behind it.

9 OF WANDS - The image on this card shows someone who looks defeated. But they aren’t. They have struggled and suffered, yes. But this person is only taking a breather in order to stand and fight again. Stand your ground in your dealings with things and ideas today. After the fight just know that you are ready for more.

Bottom of the deck (theme): 5 OF CUPS - This is kind of a dismal theme message. But I feel like this is the energy from the past. This feels like your mind swirling in a broken record fashion going over and over things that are, well, over. You wonder if you are good enough. It looks like you are being scolded here. You aren’t the one focusing on the negative fallen cups. You have accepted your fate and moved forward. The person who is doing the yelling is the one who is stuck. Try to ignore the well meaning people in your life who try to tell you what is what. You already have your head screwed on straight.

ARIELLE - New psychic and spiritual experiences are changing the way you are viewing the world and yourself. Allow your spiritual gifts to open through study, prayer and meditation.

My Take:

Things are not as black and white as they first seem. Maybe you have been ignoring the grays of life thinking people’s mindsets are dialed in and set on something that will never change. You need to give others a chance to show you that they are well meaning. And if they aren’t, hear them out anyway and then discard what doesn’t resonate with you. You need to listen to your heart and what it is telling you over the roar of the crowd. You are blossoming and growing. And like the sunflower, you keep putting your focus on the light and on the good things in life, that is bound to rub off on you eventually. Say yes to yourself and what you want and need today. You matter. What you wants matters. Like the Fool card who is in search of a new beginning, take a step out in faith and leap. Let God catch you where you are and lift you up higher. You may struggle but you won’t be beaten down. You will thrive and stand to fight again. All this is leading to new spiritual gifts opening to you. Listen to what God and the Universe has in store for you now. You will be amazed at your progress.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Energy Forecast for Sun 8-25

Cards used in this reading are from the Sirian Starseed Tarot
and the Divine Guidance Oracle Cards.
Energy Forecast for Sun 🌞 8-25

ASCENSION - This is the card of ultimate enlightenment. You have learned from your experiences and risen to a new level of life in some way. You are more than you were before. There is a whole healing vibe here. The vibe of newness and rebirth. A new chapter in life is opening for us.

SAGE OF CRYSTALS - This is the Queen of Pentacles.  She is the ultimate nurturing mother. She's the 50's housewife who meets everyone's needs. I am hearing "except her own" . Remember to nurture yourself. Here the woman is in connection with the earth and nature. She is calm and focused. Something we all achieve to embody. Work toward this goal today.

Bottom of the deck: TWO OF ORBS. This is the element of air and thus the realm of our thoughts. You have two ideas warring within you. One makes you vulnerable and afraid. You hide it. And one you are more comfortable with and show it to the world 🌎. This shows a juggling aspect, as if you need both these ideas in your life to be whole. Her arms and the ones make an infinity symbol. A never ending cycle. Once you finish an assignment a new one begins.

The Oracle is 3 -INFINITE LOVE. This also has an infinity symbol on it. The reading is bookended by this symbol. Interesting. It's like the energy is hugging you. Reminding you that you are loved by the Universe and god. Your light shines and radiates out. The universe sees your beautiful heart and is calling you to allow this living energy to flow fully. It will heal your hurts and past negative experiences.

My Take

We have been getting messages nearly every day about a new chapter in life opening for us. Here resides more guidance about that fact. You have achieved a new level in something you are doing. It is making you more grounded and nurturing to not only yourself but others too. You are being loved by the universe and God today more than you normally are. Maybe your beautiful heart will need it more today than ever before. Sometimes leveling up can be trying to our psyche. Something is ending  while something new is beginning. My hope for you is happy times today.

Energy Forecast for Fri 8-23

Cards from The Didactic Tarot.
Energy Forecast for Fri 8-23

The first card is THE MOON. This is a card of confusion, the unconscious, cycles, mystery, the subconscious. Uncertainty surrounds you but also this is the energy of epiphanies and breakthrough. A full moon is a time of manifestation and manic behavior.

The second card is STRENGTH. You have made yourself vulnerable. You have approached something you feared and quietly and confidently conquered it. You are laid bare from The experience. People are you differently. But it is a good different. Your strength is showing now.

The third card is THE MAGICIAN. He is all about mastering all you have learned and putting that knowledge into practice. What have you finally gotten a handle on in your life? What challenge have you faced and overcome?

Bottom of the deck: THE EMPEROR. This guy is the leader extraordinary. He knows what to do and does it. He makes the hard decisions and lives with his choices no matter how they turn out.

Oracle Cards from The Transformation Oracle and
The Tree of Life Oracle.

The Oracle Cards:

CONTEMPLATION - Listen to the Universe in silent meditation. Try saying less and listening more. Notice what people don't say.

AUTUMN - windfall of memories, sentimentality, change. Memories may be your best guide for future decisions. You have the opportunity to reap the benefits of all you have learned.

My Take:

You are in a time of high intuition and the moon shows that you shine during times of extreme difficulty. Just be aware that this might pop up this week. You will face whatever comes your way with a quiet strength that others will find soothing and inspiring. All this is showing you the leader that is underneath your quiet reserve. You might not feel like the leader sort but you have all the building blocks to be a great one. Take a moment today to go to a quiet place and relax or meditate when things get extreme. Change is on the wind. Something new is coming in for you and it will bring with it a great harvest.

Energy Forecast for Monday - Oracle Cards for Mon 8-26

Cards in this reading are from the Sacred World Oracle.

Energy Forecast for Monday 8-26 (Oracle only)

THE FROG - The frog symbolizes a time for rebirth and renewal. It can thrive both in the water and on land. Simply stated you can navigate between emotional, physical and spiritual planes with ease to find the joy in your life. Also speaks of quick transformations. 

THE LION - Reminds me of the Strength card. You face your fear and do it anyway. You are vulnerable and approach life with an inner core of steel that most people do not possess. Leadership tendancies. Majesty, strength, courage, justice and military might are keywords for this card.

THE CRAB - When a crab crawls into your reading you are being reminded too think about your security and protection. Let your guard down for the right people but don't let people walk all over your emotions. This is about focusing on your boundaries and a how you need to construct them in the appropriate situations.

My Take:

Something is changing and change can be scary. It will be a quick transition which will be more in align with how you work and see life. You will feel very comfortable in this new role and will shine in it. You face the fears before you and your strength and might is evident. Just remember to watch your back and protect yourself. Some people might not have your best interests at heart. Set your boundaries and keep them locked and loaded this week.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Energy Forecast for Sat 8-24

Energy Forecast for Sat 8-24

Cards used in this reading are from theFantastical Creatures Tarot, 
Higher Intentions Oracle and the Empathic Oracle

From the Higher Intentions Oracle we have CLARITY and BALANCE. Clarity depicts bats flying. They use sonar so they don't actually "see" where they are going. They "sense" where they are going. Moose symbolism says we need to focus on seeking the truth and finding guidance within us. Those two cards really do go together, don't they? This will lead us to the balance we seek on Saturday.

The Empathic Oracle gives us OPEN HEART and GATES. No matter what is going on in our lives or wha direction we take, if we remember to see it all with a heart like God has, we will never go wrong. We are being led to a new doorway that is opening for us and leading us toward a new chapter in life. So the more we open our heart, the clearer the doorway will become for us.

THREE OF PENTACLES -  Excellence, mastery. This card shows that we are working hard at something and others are appreciating our efforts. This says to keep doing what you are doing. You are on the right track!

SEVEN OF CUPS - New opportunities, choices. This card is about having a lot of possibilities. This asks you to chose one or two and focus in on that instead of overwhelming yourself with a plethora of options. Confusion can set in if you dig into too many of the offers provided to you.

KING OF PENTACLES - This depicts a grounded man who is patient and dependable. He brings home the bacon and is loyal and faithful to a fault. This type of person will come into your life or this is you.

My Take.

We are working hard at something today and we will be appreciated for it. A lot of new opportunities will come in today leading to a time of confusion. Just do things one at a time and you should be fine. There will be a loyal and faithful friend around to assist you with your goals and to offer guidance. They have been there before. Trust your instincts today. Don't believe everything you see. Trust your gut. Your intuition is stronger than you know. A new door of opportunity is opening for you leading to a time of fulfillment.

Energy Forecast for Thurs 8-22

Cards in this reading are from the Everyday Enchantment Tarot
and the Mirror Truth Lenormand Cards
Energy Forecast for Thurs 8-22

In the past you have been impractical and impatient like the KNIGHT OF CUPS. He is the the lover of the tarot, soppy, superficial and emotional. He is begging for attention in this card. Pay attention to me, he says.

The KING OF BLADES is a knowledgeable and far seeing man who knows who he is, where he is going and what's what. He is a truth seeker. The truth is literally in the palm of his hands.

JUDGEMENT is where we need to assess ourselves and see if we live up to our expectations.  An angel is sounding the call and we take notice and step forward in the path to change.

The single Lenormand card is CROSSROADS. Seems fitting to be the card for this reading. A choice has to be made and we sit at the apex of that choice. Which way will we go? What will we choose?

The card at the bottom of the deck is the SIX OF WANDS. This is the success card. You have vaulted over the obstacles of your life and have come out ahead of the game.

My Take

In the past you have not lived up to the motto Be All You Can Be. But I'm the present you have grown. You are more mature, you have knowledge and the smarts to lead. You have a vision and are not afraid to express it. You have played attention to the signs and made a change. You are a success in all ways that really matter. You approach a new crossroads with the knowledge that "you've got this." You have surpassed your goals and now reaching for more. The world is your oyster.

Weekly Forecast 8-21 - 8-27

Cards used in this reading are from the Mary-El Tarot and
The Archangel Megatron Self-Mastery Oracle.

Weekly Forecast 8-21 - 8-27

The first card is THE HIGH PRIESTESS REVERSED. This card speaks of connecting to our intuition and how that connects to everything else. Revelations observed in visions. She is a lady in the know. Reversed means the connection is either lessened in intensity or blocked in some way.

The NINE OF CUPS REVERSED is called the wish card. Upright it is about wishes coming true. Reversed it asks you to really contemplate what it is you want in life. It can also mean that you will soon be finding deep fulfillment in something.

QUEEN OF SWORDS REVERSED can mean that a strong woman can come in and enrich your life but it might not be in the best or easiest way possible for you. Sometimes people teach us by showing us how we don't want to be.

 The FOUR OF CUPS is about have a lot of opportunities around us yet not paying attention to them. This card says "listen" to me. Relax and calm yourself and then pay attention to the gifts you are being offered even if they don't look like gifts to start with.

The Oracle Cards:

INNER CHILD - you have not been paying attention to that part of you that knows how to have fun and live from a place of joy. Look for things the inner kid in you will get a kick out of.

WATER - This card is about diving into your imagination and the land of dreams. Pay attention to your dreams. Write them down. They are giving you messages meant for you alone.

PRIORITIES - The angels have heard your call for help and are lending their assistance. Are your priorities unbalanced? Have you spread yourself too thin? Look at where you give your time and energy. Is it important to you or do you need to rethink what is most important in your life?

My Take:

Your connection to your intuition is fuzzy. You haven't been making this connection a priority. Try to find fun ways to connect to that deepest part of you where the miracles happen. You haven't been giving yourself the things you most need. You have been neglecting your own spirit and your support system is cracking. Make time to build yourself back up again. Believe in yourself again. Someone will show up to help you even if they seem to be everything you don't need. They are still teaching you important lessons. Dive into your imagination and the dreams you have set aside for so long. The key to breakthrough is there. Have fun with it. Don't take everything so seriously all the time. Opportunities are all around you if you would just notice them.

Energy Forecast for Wed- 8-21

Cards in this reading are from The Nature Tarot.
Energy Forecast for Wed. 8-21

The first card is the SIX OF WATER - INTUITION. This card is about being open, sensitivity and being in tune with nature and the world around us. It is also a card about nostaliga and remembering things from the past. People from the past may come back into your life for a time. This card depicts a turtle with a fish trailing after it. To me fish mean financial success and turtles are about a slow movement forward. So maybe someone from your past that has to do with money or your retirement will pop up today. Or when you meet this person from the past, don't hurry through it. It could mean a lot to your bottom line if you wait it out and see where the conversation goes.

The second card is the MASTER OF FIRE - RITUAL. This card is about invocation, prophecy, spells and traces. There is an eclipse in the card and this is a time for change. They usher in evolution. Deeply transitional times that lead to change. It is like the hand of the universe has come down and put you exactly where you need to be.

The third card is VII-JUSTICE. It is a time when you know your actions have consequences. It is about justice, fairness, truth and law. There is a natural flow bringing you safely through life and everything happens as it should. This card further strengthens the financial/money element in card number one.
Inspiration by Art Guidance cards.

This oracle is from the Art Guidance cards. It shows a burst of inspiration. What new idea or inspiration will set your creativity free today. The colors are all very blue and that says speaking your truth will be very important today as well. Shine like the star you are today.

My Take:

You will need to be in tune with your sensitivities today when you run across something from your past that has been making you think of the good ole days. Remember that the good ole days also had bad ole days. Try to keep that rumination in balance. You will get an inspired burst of creativity that seems almost otherworldly. As if you have been downloaded with divine information that you need to share with other no matter how awkward it may be for you to do so. And these actions you take revealing your truth and sharing this divine idea will ripple throughout the next week bringing new people, ideas and experiences into your path. It should prove to be an interesting day.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Energy Forecast for Tues. 8-20

Cards used in this reading are the Mystic Dreamer Tarot
and the Secret Language of Color Oracle Cards.

Energy Forecast for Tues. 8-20

THE PAGE OF WANDS REVERSED can mean a time of confusion and indecision. Your best laid plans could hit a snag or some type of paperwork. Can indicate a mean spirited person is in your immediate surroundings.

The SIX OF WANDS speaks about a victory after battle. You have slayed the dragon, won the day and came back home victorious. You have reached for the brass ring and attained it. You are singing yay, yay, yay all around the town.

The FOUR OF CUPS REVERSED is about breaking out of a self imposed rut. Opportunities are there and you recognize them as blessings instead of burdens.

Bottom of the deck (theme of reading): 8 OF WANDS REVERSED is associated with patience and inaction. You are frustrated about something. Upright it speaks of a creative flurry and messages/news from afar coming in. Maybe here you aren't getting the message and need to wait a little longer to receive the info you need to know.

The Oracle cards are MAGENTA and BRILLIANCE Magenta says to connect to your deepest knowing. It is a color that is unique, agreeable and helpful. It uplifts our spirits in times of unhappiness. Brilliance is pretty much white and is about change and transformation. The card depicts an image of a waterfall. Waterfalls are about flow and movement forward.

My Take:

Where do you need to get unstuck in your life? You have been unhappy long enough and on Tuesday the Energy wants to kick start and reboot your spirit. Time to let it go and let the creativity flow. Success is waiting for you around the corner. Stop being a fraidy cat and breakthrough your self constructed barrier. Riches are waiting for you beyond the blockage.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Energy Forecast for Mon. 8-19

Cards used in this reading are from the Akashic Tarot
and The Answer Is Simple Oracle.

Energy Forecast for Mon. 8-20

7 OF FORCES- BALANCE indicates a time of balance is at hand. Take a moment and see where your life isn't in balance and take steps to achieve a more balanced lifestyle. This also can mean legal issues and paperwork. You might need to get things in order in this area too. Don't fear, a beneficial resolution is coming your way.

8 o OF FORCES - THE LIGHTNING BOLT - this reminds me a lot of the Tower card in the tarot. It talks of a time of splitting apart. I am hearing the words, clean break. It is a time not to fight what is and accept how things are. It is what it is. That motto seems to resonate with this card. Lightning can also mean a revelation or a breakthrough. Yet, this breakthrough might be a little more trying ran you realize.

THE QUEEN OF FORCES - represents a woman who can help bring a better balance in your life. This also speaks of new roles and opportunities cropping up. During this time choose to support yourself. You hold the sun (creativity) and moon (receptivity) in your hands. And only you can wield this power. You make the decisions. It's all up to you.

Card on the bottom of the deck (theme of reading): THE SANDS OF TIME reversed.  You have more time than you think, so there is no need to hurry. The task at hand may require more research and follow-through. So don't rush through things.

CELEBRATE YOU (6)  you are a joy to be around. So stay in your good humor and radiance. People are watching you and you inspire them to be better versions of themselves. Stand tall and shine.

My Take:

At the center of this reading is a shake-up, revelation or breakthrough. maybe even a clean break from a job or a family member/friend. It a literal Tower moment where the foundation of your life is shaken. The cards around it say, woah, it's okay. You've got this! It is what it is. You might not be able to change it but it is one of those moments in your life where you know what you learn here will help you in the future. So don't rush through this experience. You need to live it and feel it fully. Something like this is on the horizon for others who might not react so gracefully. Your example is going to help center them and prove that they can indeed get through it. Someone will be there to assist you during this time and be a support to you. They will help keep you in balance when you waver or feel like toppling. It will all be worth it in the end. So, take a moment and breathe through it.

You've got this. Stand tall and shine!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Energy Forecast of Sun 8-18

Cards used in reading are Robin Wood Tarot,
Spirit Animal Oracle and Energy Oracle Cards
Energy Forecast Sun 8-18

The SIX OF SWORDS is about going from rough waters to a calm sea, but it is a journey. It may not happen immediately, it's a process. Swords is the element of air and concerns our thoughts and being in our head. Your mind is clearing and you are becoming more focused. Thank goodness!

The THREE OF SWORDS is about heartache upright. This card is reversed and it means holing on to internal grief and not releasing it. You aren't telling others how you are really feeling. Like the girl from Frozen, just let it go!

The SUN reversed is about needing to let your inner child out to play. You have been restricting yourself like a spiteful parent. Give yourself a break. Go out and have fun for a change!

LION SPIRIT depicts a lion head. Lions are the king of the jungle. You have been given a gift of pride and a healthy sense of worth. I feel like you will be supporting someone in their time of grief. You have always been the strong one. Lend a helping hand today!

The DOOR TO PERSONAL HEALING AND HAPPINESS depicts an open window. Makes me think a door for you gets closed in your face but a window is opening. A new opportunity is surfacing. And it is going to be even better than where you were. This card is a harbinger of positive change. Good things are on the horizon.

My Take:

Your journey forward is changing. You have hit a turning point and a tipping point where things will never be the same. The things you have been holding back from others will be revealed. And in that revelation, you are healed. Things get easier for you from this point forward. You will indeed be supporting someone in their time of grief, but that someone will be you. You are finally there for yourself. You are healing and whole. And because of this you grow in strength and personal power leading to new opportunities just showing up in your life. It will be a great day to remember.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Energy Forecast for Sat 8-17

Cards in the reading are from the above decks by Schiffer Publishing.
Cooks Tarot and Promethian Oracle.

Energy Forecast for August 17

The HERE AND NOW card reminds us to live in the present moment. The present is a much neglected oddity today with cell phones and tv distracting us, Netflix entertaining is and computers energizing us. Remember to center yourself today and live in the here and now.

The MARDUK card is about taking the negative things, letting them crumble and fall away and in its place something new and beautiful is birthed. Today you will access this clear ability to let the negative things effecting you fall away and replace it with something you have been creating in the back of your mind for a very long time.

The Knight of Pentacles is depicted here as the pizza delivery guy. He is dependable. He gets the job done. You can trust him at his word. This card asks you to consider the direction in life you are taking.

The King of Pentacles is The personification of domestic contentment. He has achieved what he aspired to and is now in a place where he can sit back and revel in his rewards.

The Two of Wands is about making a choice of which creative path you will follow. This card can also speak of partnership. I hear the words "just desserts". To me this says you will get what you deserve. I hope you have been living on the straight and narrow so those desserts are truly sweet.

You will need to stay in the present moment in order to deal with a literal Tower moment today leading to a time of contentment. You will have made a choice about your direction in life knowing this choice will reveal a more dependable you. Enjoy the day.

Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert - Divine You Oracle and Tarot Review

Here I am displaying both decks side by side. Top deck is my original 2012 deck.
Bottom deck and the box on the left is the newest one published by Schiffer.

Gaian Tarot
by Joanna Powell Colbert
Description of deck by Schiffer Publishing
Gaia (Mother Nature) is the primal Greek goddess said by ancients to have given birth to the sky, sea, mountains, and all of creation. This beautiful 78-card contemporary and mythical Tarot set with accompanying spiritual guide has a focus on the healing of the earth and of the self. The Major Arcana cards represent 22 soul lessons and archetypes that grew out of the religious and mystical worldview of Renaissance Europe. The Minors illustrate elements, numbers, and people. Interpretations include uprights and reverse divinatory meanings, themes, exercises, symbolism, journal questions, affirmations, and ten spreads. Sometimes the cards illustrate part of the world we live in, sometimes they show the realms of spirit, and sometimes they inhabit the borderlines between the two. Gaian spirituality understands that humans, plants, animals, stones, and stars are all inextricably linked—when one strand is pulled, the entire web is affected. Especially intended for those who practice earth-centered spirituality.

Size: box set 6″ x 9″ x 1 3/4″ | 78 art cards | 184 pp
ISBN13: 9780764350627 | Binding: box set

I have two editions of this deck. I am not certain which edition the first is. I bought the first deck in 2012 off of It has come to be a favorite deck. It doesn’t completely follow the rules of the original Rider Waite which makes it a great deck to use for intuitive tarot readings. Sometimes I feel we get lazy as readers and fall back on all the old traditional meanings. This deck brings the Earth into focus. Real people litter this deck with beauty. It is an awesome deck to just look at. It is based on photographs that have been manipulated and enhanced in a cool way that leaves one awestruck. It is like the real world but better, through the eyes of Joanna Powell Colbert.
The second deck I have is the most recent in my collection. The cards themselves are much bigger than my original deck. I think just by looking at them side by side and you would delete the white outside border, the cards would virtually be the same size. With the larger size of the deck, it does make it a bit of a hassle to shuffle, at least for me. But I do like how sturdy the cards are. I don’t feel like these would wear out too quickly. My other deck is more bendy and shuffable (is that a word?).
I love the deck but struggle with the renaming of the court cards. Yet they aren’t hard to distinguish from the original titles. I think my main problem is learning to use my intuition more when using this deck. It sort of forces you out of your comfort zone to come to a conclusion which more resonates with the person you are reading for.
The book is a thick sucker. Full color on all pages. It must have taken a mint to print. I appreciate when a publisher devotes the extra money to the use of color in the explanation manual. The layout is nice and clean which appeals to me as a graphic artist.
Although I love both decks equally, I do reach for my 2012 deck more often virtually because it is easier for me to handle. But if I want to take photographs, I am definitely using the newer deck. That deck just shines with an etherial quality that is out of this world.

I received the most recent Gaian deck from Schiffer Publishing in return for an honest review. I thank Schiffer and the author of this deck for allowing me to review these cards.