Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Tarot Oracle Reading for 6/30-7/2 - Cat's Eye Tarot


Reading for June 30-July 2

Using cards from the Cat's Eye Tarot & Inner Realms Tarot. Plus mini cards from Tarot - The Complete Kit & the Magical Dimensions Oracle.

I was trying to make this simple with just three cards but to me, that just isn't enough to glean a whole reading from.  The clarifying cards always lend so much dimension to a simple reading.

(Interesting note that when I first typed this I put Ace of Cups and not Ace of Swords. 
Love coming in, maybe?)
This is a good card to get in the beginning. Slicing to the truth of something. Great ideas coming in. Could be about a project or something you are working on. Getting a download from the universe isn't unheard of with this card. I can also see this being a card of justice since we are getting the whole truth and clarity vibe.

This is about balance and moderation. Patience is also highlighted here. The feeling here is that if you want a cookie, eat a cookie. One not fifteen. LIving life in moderation lets us explore all sorts of things. This is like just putting your toe in and testing the waters to see if it appeals to you. This applies to life too.

This card is haunting me. Why? I am open to new ideas and experiences that will fill my energetic cup. But this card says NO! Not once but twice. What's up with that universe? The universe doesn't want you to get distracted by silly things when they have much bigger plans in store for us. We really don't have room to focus on all the other fluff coming in right now.

The Ace of Swords is clarified by the Knight of Swords and the 9 of Wands. This says to me angry young man wanting to pick a fight. He has been through a lot and his experience with this oppression is just about over but he has just had enough. Universe says... Just wait a little longer and it's all gonna be good.

The Temperance card is clarified by the Ace of Swords (again?) and the 2 of Cups soulmate card. Big important energy here. Looks like someone needs to take a step back and have a real long enlightening talk with their significant other or whomever the soulmate is for you.

The Four of Cups is clarified by the Four of Cups (really?) But also The Fool. There is a new beginning coming in but we are being told to wait and assess before moving forward. It's a big beginning that the Universe is kinda forcing on us right now. Maybe this refers to the "shift" you are always hearing about as we all ascend in vibration to a higher level. As the planet ascends, so do we and so does our entire universe... including any galactics/spirit teams that are assisting us during this process.

I chose an Oracle card from the Magical Dimensions Oracle and got 
ROOT PORTAL - Vitality, Stability & Survival; Fearful. 
We need to really work on this chakra. It is indeed an important one that grounds and stabilizes us. Our energy may be out of balance and we are leaking out valuable energy. Get out into nature. Garden, go for a walk, whatever. Just get outside and do something to connect you to mother earth. This also points out we should not succumb to fear. Our energy is too depleted to fight. Time to charge up!

The 7 of Swords and Two of Swords from the inner Realm Tarot round out this reading. This seven is another card that has been haunting my readings. There is some kind of secrecy involved here. You are being asked to trust your heart and not your mind. If you just look at the situation all you see is the deception, treachery and gossip. Your heart will tell the true story. Listen to what your heart is telling you and it won't steer you wrong.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Message after the Full moon in Capricorn June 25th


Cards used Gaian Tarot clarified by Witches Tarot Mini deck.

In the past influence I see this smoke signal. Reminds me of the Storm Warning Energy Oracle card. Something was brewing in the past and it was beginning to get its kindling going but it hasn't ignited yet. I am not feeling this is a good energy. clarified by 2 of Wands. Starting to get an idea of what the big picture is really about. You sense in a bigger scale that something is about to go arwy.

Coming into the present the fire has started. Something is beginning. It is passionate and exciting. Giddy even. But the clarification by the Temperance card says woah, buddy. Have a little patience about this. You don't want to burn yourself out before you even get started.

The heart of the matter is the Star clarified by the 6 of Pentacles and the King of Earth clarified by the Heirophant. You need to give out guidance and hope right now because it is really needed by the world. Especially by this Money Man who has a spiritual nature. He may even be a guru or a pastor. He needs a message of hope.

The 9 of Air is all about worry and I am afraid to say what you are worrying about is coming into being and almost here. This card is clarified by the 7 of Pentacles which is about waiting for your harvest to ripen.

The Knight of Fire is wanting you to take action on that passionate thing you were so excited about above. It will come into fruition soon. But I don't think this is the same thing you were worrying about in the previous card. That felt relationship based. This feels big love passion project based.

The outcome is the Tower aspected by the 2 of swords and the Empress. There is a divine union here with the King of Earth and The Empress. Maybe you are working on the passion project with this person and it is interfering with your normal everyday life relationships. You will need to make a big decision where to put your focus because this could be the last straw that broke the camel's back in your relationship.a

Overall message is to be patient and stand in your creative power. This passion project is something you have been thinking about for a long time so keep at it. It will bring great things into the world.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Energy Reading for the Week of June 14-20


Week of June 14-20

So, we have two piles here of cards. One pile is 4 jumping cards. These are the energies that are really popping right now and could be more important to you than the actual reading. The other pile is the actual energy reading where I pulled cards using the same spread Tarot by Janine uses in her videos. I am really enjoying this spread and using it a lot lately. It is called the Kachina Knife Spread and usually only has five cards but Janine uses seven cards and adds clarifying cards to the future outcome.

The first jumping cards came out as a pair so I am reading them as one idea. 9 of Wands and the Ace of Wands. This is interesting energy. It shows that this week may be a struggle to get through. The nine does depict an energy of being tossed and turned by the storm of your life. But you are still standing and ready for more. Be aware that there is only one more wand missing on this card before it is complete. And the next card is an Ace which is the tenth wand. Cycle complete. So the week might not be as worrisome as you may have first thought. This ace is about an energetic boost from the universe, a gift of divine inspiration from Source that could pertain so some project you are considering starting. So get those creative juices flowing the time is ripe for creation.

The next two jumping cards are the 2 of Cups and the 8 of Cups. This is all about soulmate or twin flame energy. This is either You are walking away from a soulmate or a soulmate is walking away from you. And inversely you are either walking toward a soulmate or a soulmate is walking toward you.

In the actual reading the top card represents the past energy that is significant to the reading below. You make a decision in the past or a decision in the past was made that is important to what is unfolding.

The first card is the 9 of Cups. This is called the wish card and it indicates you are wishing for something to greatly fulfill you. This is something that means a lot to you and having it will fill your cup to the top, so to speak. This is the Heart of the Matter in the spread. The card that goes along with that is the Hierophant. This can mean a lot of things. It can be a traditional way of doing things, a religious institution, a spiritual man, a spiritual teacher or any number of other ideas along those lines. The Emperor takes the spot of being in the Present energy. He is an authority figure, a leader. He makes the decisions. This can be  you or someone else. So, basically an authority figure made a decision in the past that is impacting you right now. And it has to do with a spiritual man or institution which will somehow have a hand in your ultimate fulfillment. This could be as simple as this soulmate which is coming toward you may be what fulfills you and this soulmate may be a spiritual teacher or a spiritual person of some sort.

This decision is directly impacting an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. woman or man or concerns this person. This person is very spiritual and driven by passion so this could be the spiritual teacher from above. The card to the left of this is the World. This is all about a completion of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. This also has the influence of the Empress which is a creatively abundant woman birthing something into the world. This could relate to the jumping ace of wands from earlier. This project is about to take off in a big way.

I am seeing the Hierophant and the King of Wands as the same person. An authority figure made a decision that caused him to walk away from a soulmate which can be indicated by the Empress. But God is giving him a second chance at love, a new opportunity for that ultimate fulfillment. The cycle from the past may have ended but this promises a new cycle or love is about to begin anew.
