Friday, January 31, 2014

Abundance and Messages coming in

Today I pulled the "Wealth" card from the Wisdom of Avalon deck. I didn't make a screen shot for you so I apologize. But it is all about a great abundance and gift coming in for us. And we have been getting this message for a while in my YouTube readings. Check out my channel here:

I also pulled a card from Colette Baron Reid's Pick a Card online web app. And I received:

The Hawk

omens, messages
When the Hawk appears, expect a message to be delivered to you to aid you in your quest. Perhaps a telephone call from a friend will help you solve a mystery, or a chance meeting with someone may solve a riddle. You may literally see writing on a wall or overhear a conversation between strangers that reveals your own answer unexpectedly. You will know it when it happens. Be open to messages from others, and be aware of omens and signs in nature.
The world is constantly attempting to communicate with us, but we human beings have forgotten how to listen. So, remember who you are—an intrinsic part of the Great Mystery of life.
Listen and learn. This is the gift of the Hawk as he soars into your life from Avalon’s skies.  

This is asking us to really key in on those fine details of this wonderful abundance and keep a look out for the signs that the Ascended Masters, your guides and the Angels are trying to send you. Opportunities are going to be cropping up everywhere for those wise enough to see them.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

2014 Resolutions

People all over the place have been putting up their 2014 resolutions, whether they be about beauty resolutions concerning how much makeup they buy or what they plan to do with their YouTube channels or just what they want to accomplish in life this year. 

I have been struggling through a new book by Leonie Dawson about how to create an Amazing 2014 for yourself. One of the exercises is to list 100 things you want to accomplish this year. I am not certain whether I should put thing on there that are my "pie in the sky" wants or just the things I think I can accomplish. It is a bit daunting for me.

They do ask you to pick a word for the year. I am waffling between FOCUS, TRUTH and INSPIRED. Last year I managed to do an oracle/tarot reading almost every day of the week and that nearly burned me out from doing readings. I had been doing free readings for people for a while  last year and that got overwhelming very quickly. I just couldn't keep up. I guess since I am a transmuter of the negative energies of others, that practice of free readings overwhelmed my energy system. Moderation is key for readings this year. So, as a result, I am only doing three readings a week instead of seven and this has really helped my sense of overwhelm. I do feel a bit guilty by not providing guidance for every day but I hope people understand why I am doing it this way.

Another thing I want to focus on this year is my fiction writing. Since I did readings every day last year my fiction writing suffered. I only posted one or two episodes last year and not much the half year before that. And I am totally guilty about that.

Other than those two things, they are my big goals for the year, my small goals are just zilch. I need to have goals and I am just ambivalent about making other goals since when I get home from work every day, I am just drained to the max.

If anyone has any ideas for me by way of goals I could accomplish this year that will advance my YouTube channel or help me with my fiction writing, please comment and let me know. Plus, tell me what you are planning to resolve for 2014!

Blessings to all.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Deck Reviews- Tree of Life oracle and The Stone Circle Oracle by Schiffer Publishing

Today I am reviewing two wonderful oracle card decks from Schiffer Publishing. 


by Elaine Clayton

The first is a totally elemental/nature deck. It is dedicated to the trees and the wisdom of the trees in all its phases. It is called The Tree of Life oracle by Elaine Clayton.

The cards are made of a good stock. But the lamination or shiny surface makes it hard for cards to pop out of the deck. And that is how I usually get my messages. I know some people like to select the card on their own, but I like spirit to give their two cents in a reading. And the extra lamination makes the cards hard to, as I said, pop out. The only other niggle I have is that the guide book, which is a wonderful length at around 96 pages, does not have an easy way to look up the cards. While each card is numbered in the book, that corresponding number is not on each individual card, so as I learn the deck I am forced to consult the index each time I use it. The back of each card is the logo of the deck plus a nice tree bark background. Unfortunately, if you plan to read reversals, you will know ahead of time if the card is upside down or not. That particularly doesn't bother me, but i now it could bother others.

It comes in a sturdy box with a magnetic closure that I always find a wonderful addition to any oracle deck. And Schiffer does these types of boxes well.

Apart from those little niggles, the deck is just an awesome and wonderful addition to any oracle collection. I completely enjoy connecting with this natural deck in all it's phases. I do pull a similar card most frequently, and I think that speaks of how true the deck is to your life. Life doesn't always change so drastically, it is a growing process, and the image of a tree perfectly corresponds with this concept. I am in love with this deck.

You can purchase this deck at Schiffer Publishing at their website or at

I do hope you take time to take a look at this deck. It is a true keeper.


by Sophia Kelly Shultz

The second deck I am reviewing today is the Stone Circle Oracle: Transformation Through Meditation by Sophia Kelly Shultz. This is a bigger deck (4x6-ish), a bit more difficult to shuffle, and like the previous deck, it is a really laminated card but on good card stock. The back of the card is an image of the nature spirit The Green Man. 

This is a very eclectic deck that features images from Southwest pictographs to Egyptian Gods to Thoth, Yemaja, Morning Light, Athena, Spider and Rapture. This deck conjures for the oracle reader a variety of things to pull from as they do a reading. And the 115-ish page book has quite a lengthy description for each card which is always helpful.

The "stone circle" referred to in the deck comes from the author's experience in Pennsylvania, where this particular stone circle is located. A stone circle is a ceremonial location, much like Stonehenge, where peoples from the past did their ceremonies, offerings and alignments.

I have found that the best reading for me comprises two cards from which I use to compare the energies of the offerings to bring a complete picture. There are different spreads in the book from which you can draw if you don't know what to do.

I, personally, find this deck quite intriguing and have pulled some wonderful readings from it that were not only accurate but inspiring. Thank you to the author for this great deck. I am a fan!

You can purchase this deck at Schiffer Publishing at their website or at

I was sent these decks as gratis by Schiffer Publishing but the opinions are my own and I was not require to like these decks by Schiffer.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Caution, transformation ahead. Pay attention to the small details

Today I an using the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavandish.

Secret Doorway

Working with intuition, second sight opening, dimensional doorways

The Littlest Faery

Appreciate the beauty and value of the exquisite and small

Stolen from Her Sleep

Unaware, unconscious, unawakened

This is all about new doors opening for us. New experiences, skills and connections. I have been getting messages about how, at least me, is supposed to be "awakened" relatively soon. Yay. So, this could be for you too. So, new doors opening. I am excited to be able to connect to my spiritual team. I had someone tell me this week that my intellectual guides, a man and a woman, wanted me to wear more white and they would teach me metaphysics.

This is asking us to pay attention to the small details, the small insights, the small ah-ha moments. It will be those moments that you just brush past you as if they aren't important. But these insights will be important. PAY ATTENTION, they say.

The last card is a card of transformation. You were asleep. You will be taken away, the card shows gnomes, and transformed. You will now be awakened. You need to ground in Mother Earth in a big way. Work with the fairies and trees and plants. You will be reborn, in a way, and life will suddenly seem more beautiful and full of the promise you've been searching for.

My Take...

New doors of experience are opening, new gateways, and this will be noticed by you when you pay attention to the little things. You will begin to awaken in little ways. And then suddenly, BOOM! Transformation. All is shiny and new but they ask that you stay connected to nature and work with your elemental/nature team. Begin to get guidance from the trees and plants. 

It all sounds like an excited ride. I'm pumped for this to occur!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Your future is bright and amazing

As the new year begins I have been contemplating what more I can bring to you. What more can I offer you in 2014? This will be my meditation as the year begins. 

On to the reading. 

10 of Swords
The Dragon's Duel
The Star

Mental thoughts and chaotic communications from others that held you back has colored the recent past. But there is good news afoot. A fork in the road is before you and it offers you a new choice. In reality we can make a new choice in any moment. Maybe it is time to take a good look at these choices and let your heart guide you to the balance and stability you seek

King of Cups
The Sun Dancer

We are learning to detach from the fear, from the emotions that really don't serve us. We are able more and more often to feel the unconditional love and spread that to others. Let the intention you set be of love and assistance others. You are really mastering your emotions right now. And because of this the sun is shining bright in your realm of creativity. You've found the joy again in your vision and you are doing a celestial happy dance and high five with your spiritual team and angels.  This new abundance is because you are embracing your true calling. You have listened to the still small voice of god and discovered your true path. 

The Wheel of Fortune
The High Lord of Gratitude & Service (rev)
The Magician

And if course, as you detach and embrace your calling, things change. But this change is all because of you and the work you have done. You sat on the loom and spun the thread and created. Now is a time for deep self inventory. Maybe this is why I keep seeing posts about how to create your amazing year in 2014. Time to set intentions for your year and make plans because you are ready to stand proud in your mastery and show the world who you are.  As above, so below could mean a more direct connection to your higher self. 

Make today amazing and your tomorrow's will shine so bright you'll have to wear shades. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Best in Oracle 2013

Picking a number of favorite oracles is a bit harder for me. The tarot is easy because it is so cut and dried in my mind. I guess that is because at its base level, every tarot deck is the same. It is the theme that is different. But when it comes to oracles, variety is the spice of life.


Yes, this is a must for any collection. It can be used as a simple "what ascended master is working with me today" or as a general message. It is a very versatile deck and a definite winner in my book.
Oracle of Shadows and Light


At first this deck may seem a bit scary due to the name but it is really a great deck that gets to the point when you are doing a reading


Just like it's sister deck, this is a must have in any oracle collection. I find so much ancient knowledge flow forth from this deck that it isn't funny. Just one awesome message after another. Get this one!

INDIGO ANGELS by Doreen Virtue

I didn't know if I was going to be able to read with this deck when I got it, but slowly it opened me up and suddenly I was able to get great readings from it. Just an awesome deck. Gentle, loving messages.
Messages from Your Angels




What can you say about these angel decks. Just so resonating and so fantastic. The first two angel decks depicted here were a few of the first ones I ever owned before I knew what oracle reading was all about. They are so fun to use and get messages from. If you get any deck and are uncertain, try one of these three. So awesome. Must haves!


What can I say, another Lucy deck, yes I am obsessed. But they are just SO GOOD! The messages here in are so ancient knowledge-ish and so earthy that you can't help but find awesome guidance in this deck.
Angels of Atlantis


This is an oracle that is easy to love. It is easy to use and interpret even if you don't exactly know what ancient monuments are depicted on the cards. So high vibrational and awesome. Get this deck too!




I have had a number of people mention to me how high vibrational these decks are. And when I use them I like to use the book provided because Chery's insights are so amazing. Lots of positive energy in these cards.
Archangel Michael oracle


I resisted getting this oracle. Back when I first started reading I was sure that AA Michael had totally ignored me. I never really felt his presence or guidance. But once I did get this deck, it totally opened my eyes to the awesomeness of AA Michael and the other angelics out there.



by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
These are a bit on the scary side since they are so geared toward a certain genre but I found these two decks to be the most resonating and gave the best messages this year. You have to get these decks if you are a true oracle-aholic or if you just want the native american vibe or goddess energy!



WISDOM OF AVALON by Colette Baron Reid

If you have not used an oracle by Colette Baron Reid, then now is the time. These decks are really successful at getting to the heart of the matter where guidance is concerned. So great and the deck themes really resonate with me.

One Deck I Did Not Resonate With:

UNIVERSAL WISDOM ORACLE by Blue Angel Publishing

I am not sure why I couldn't resonate with this deck, but I had a heck of a time getting connected to it. I had it as an app on my iPod for awhile but it was the first one I deleted due to a need of space because I knew I wasn't using it. I am so sorry to say that this deck was just not for me.

Best in Tarot 2013

I have used quite a number of tarot decks this year and have loved nearly all of them, but there are a few that really stood out to me in 2013.


This is a great deck. Its images really speak to you about the true meaning of the card. But many of the court cards, like Knight and Page are harder to interpret.

STEAMPUNK TAROT by Barbara Moore

This has been my go-to deck for most the year. I just love the amber tones of the cards, I love the steampunk image and it is just an overall wonderful deck. A must have in your collection, in my humble opinion.

STEAMPUNK TAROT by John and Catlin Matthews

This deck, as with other John Matthews decks is wonderfully expressive. Many of the majors have been renamed and all the suits are different than the norm, but there is just something so unique and wonderful about this deck that I just love, love, love.


This is a newer deck for me. I am in love with the feel of these cards. They are unlike the stock of any other deck. And although the suits have been changed to reflect the theme of the deck, it is easy to figure out once you know what element each suit is comprised of.


I am just so much a fan of the artwork of this deck. I want to plaster it all over my walls. The artwork is just 'that' wonderful and fantastic. And this deck gives the most accurate readings of any deck I currently have. It is spooky accurate. So if you really want a beautiful deck that delivers the messages of truth, this is for you.

ANGEL TAROT by Doreen Virtue

I love everything about this tarot except how thick it is and the huge mass of the deck. It is incredibly hard to shuffle and awkward but it is still a great deck. It has loving messages that bring forth true divine guidance. But I wish that there was a mention in the book of what major card it is when they have chosen to rename the majors.

WITCHES TAROT by Ellen Dugan

I am a big fan of this deck. It is totally nature and naturally based energy in this deck. I love the images. I know some don't prefer the photshopped images, but I really am digging this deck. It is another must have in your collection.


I was challenged this last year to do a week or two of just one tarot deck. And although definitely challenging, it really opened me up to the wisdom of the Wizards deck. If you love Harry Potter, then this deck is something you definitely want to check out.

Fun Deck of the Year


I get a kick out of this tiny deck. It is so fun and fantastic. It is a revision of the Rider Waite deck but it is very gentle and delicate. Check this one out if you can

Runner-up Fun Deck of the Year


This is like the Barbie Dream version of Tarot cards. Each card depicts an image of a cool and attractive cartoonish gal who is quite fun and exciting or daring and adventurous. It is a very cool and small deck that is a great add to any collection.

These are my favorites of 2013. 
What are yours?