Monday, December 30, 2013

Releasing restriction

Today I am using cards from Legacy of a Divine Tarot and the Oracle of the Dragonfae. Many of these messages have come out in other readings lately but I thought it was important to reiterate this.

Shadow Card - (Underlying theme of the reading) 8 of Wands

I am not one who always reveals the shadow card because I don't think it's necessary but today I made an exception. The 8 of Wands is all about creative, moving energy. I like to call it the "woo woo woo" card. It can either that you're going to be really busy with a lot of balls in the air or you will receive a very important message from afar. I really feel it's the latter meaning considering other readings I've done recently. This will concern an important message from God concerning your destiny or maybe you'll get a great insight that really pushes you forward in the new year.

Past Position - 8 of Swords

To me, this means that in the past you've had restriction in your life. And it's not been restriction from others but from you restricting yourself. You've been listening to these phantom voices in your head that sound suspiciously like your parents telling you not to do this, not to do that, stay safe. You've gotten really good at anticipating what your parents might tell you and really don't need their guidance since it is all in your head. Stop listening to this phantom guidance. Get your guidance from inside you. Get yourself up off that web of restriction and free yourself. it's time to move forward in life and the new year is a perfect time.

Present Position - 9 of Cups

This tells me that you've been successful at releasing yourself from restriction and are now basking in the glow of some major abundance and happiness. This is the Wish Card. And you can have your fondest desire. Make an intention this year to have what you really want. Golden energy is above you. Central Sun energy maybe. This is a great thing to connect to this year. The bird reminds me of a parrot and now like a parrot you can speak up and not restrict yourself from giving your opinion like you may have done in the past. You matter. Your opinion matters... especially to people you are meant to serve this year.

Future Positions: King of Cups and Queen of Swords

To me, this is like a marriage of energies. We are really mastering our emotions and healing fears we've had from really revealing our feelings to others. And the Queen of Swords speaks about boundaries and how setting them and not letting others take advantage of your kindness really can assist you in your life.

And it all leads to...

Outcome - Death Card

This is always revealing a big change. It is where things won't be the same again. Maybe you lose your job in order to bring in the more fulfilling one. Or maybe you break up with your significant other in order to attract the person you were really supposed to be with all along. Whatever it is, it is... BIG!

Tatsuya - Dragonfae Oracle card

Take Courage
To me, this is saying that you really need to grow a spine where your creative vision is concerned. You've put it off long enough. Time to drag it out of the dark and work on it again. Take heed that the things that are currently coming against you, your challenges, are really assisting you even if it doesn't feel that way. When things fall apart, you will rebuild anew and things in your life will be better than ever.

My Take...

The restriction we've received in the past was of our own making. But we've released much of this restriction and are reveling in our abundance. We are accepting our need to not focus on the fear but instead on what fulfills us. And we are learning to keep those boundaries strong. Because of all of this a big change is coming that will force us to focus on our vision and our bliss more and more and in turn give  us the courage to be faithful to what we desire to work on in the world.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Reading

Something has caused us to see the negative side of things instead of the sunny, uplifting side. Look to the good. Look for the good and wonderful things in your life. Put your focus on that. Deal with the negative but don't worry. Don't fret and if you do you will bring more of the good and positive into your life. 


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Messages from the Flowers

I pulled some cards from the Flower Therapy oracle for you all. 

World Energy

The earth is going through a transition of energy and your sensitive body is feeling it. You are not alone. Accept help from others

Communicate with your angels

You have the ability to connect with the beings of love who surround you. Communicate with your angels and deliver their healing messages to others

Emotional Healing

Bleeding heart

It's safe for you to let go of emotional pain. By doing so you allow your heart to mens.

This card was stuck to the angel card and I pried them apart. So maybe communicating with your angels will help you resolve emotional pain. Even earth angels as well.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Time Is Now. Look At You Now, Baby

I, unfortunately, have been neglecting my blog as of late and since I am taking a mini Christmas hiatus from video readings, I am going to periodically post a reading on my blog during this time.

Today's cards come from the Vanessa Tarot and the Life Purpose Oracle. Life Purpose in general seems to be on the leading edge of everything lately. So, I thought this deck would be the perfect fit for today.


This is a reminder to get back into reading. Maybe you've been neglecting this love as of late, but you are requested to pick it up again. Plus, there is something significant you are going to pick up inside the pages of a book -- one that calls out to you. Or maybe you need to finally write that book you've been contemplating.

9 of Wands

Usually the person depicted on this card has had a hard time, been tested, tossed up and bruised but still stands at his post vigilantly waiting for the next sling or arrow. But this gal has the sun shining (success), a heart shaped face and is clothed in Egyptian garb. This is showing you that, yes, you went through a lot. I mean A LOT. But look at you now, baby! You're glowing. You're excited. You're ready to take on the world and nothing is going to stop you now.

Oracle Cards

This is saying that if you feel you need guidance and are not getting the answers you seek through watching videos, then get a pack of oracle cards, the ones that resonate with you, and start divining the answers for yourself. You have the talent inside you.

The Chariot

Movement forward and pretty fast movement since the person depicted there within has a sports card. This reminds you to stay balanced and choose peace when driving full force into a situation. Triumph. Victory. You've begun embracing the obscure aspects of yourself and purging the negativity and look at you now, baby! (Yes, I had to repeat myself.)

This reading is showing a lot of standing out, standing in your power. Or maybe it is time for you to really do this.


I get a couple of different messages from this. First is about the foods you eat. Make them colorful and natural. The more processed gunk you eat, the more it gunks up your system and makes your intuition just suck. Second, the lady depicted here looks like she is in the midst of creating something. What do you need to create? that has to do with books and oracle cards, or divine inspiration? Got any ideas?

The Magician

This says you have all you need to move forward. You're ready. The time is now to do the real work... time to shine!

My Take...

Info you receive from a book or from an oracle card reading will help you to more stand in your power. It will help you get unstuck and moving again. The time to create is now. Now is the time. You have all the tools at your disposal.

P.S. You might want to find info in the lyrics of the song, "St. Elmo's Fire". It was running through my head as I was writing this blog.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Deck Review - Tarot of a Hidden Realm by Llewellyn Worldwide Publishing

The Tarot of a Hidden Realm was a deck that I was unsure if I wanted or would even resonate with. But when I opened the package, I knew this was going to be one of those special decks that you use on a consistent basis.

Just looking at each card and you barely can tear your eyes away from the beauty each card encompasses. They are truly little works of art. If I had a second deck, I would frame them and put them on my wall. Just wonderful, wonderful images that I  adore looking at every day. The art is by Julia Jeffrey and I don't know of another deck she has designed, but someone needs to snap her up fast. She is awesome at capturing the messages in each of the cards.

This deck does not subscribe to the traditional Rider Waite images and even though this is the case, I have found the images to really speak to exactly the situation I was doing the reading for. This is a truly inspiring deck. Just great. It may be a bit more advanced since it does not subscribe to the Rider Waite tradition but if you use this deck, you are definitely going to get the right answer to your question. I can't stop using it.

The Tarot of a Hidden Realm shares its name, somewhat, with a popular oracle card deck called Wisdom of the Hidden Realms. But the two couldn't be farther apart in description.

This deck comes with a good sized book and that is always the case with a Barbara Moore deck. Her books are awesome and just make card reading a joy. Sometimes even when I know the meaning I will look in the book just to see what insight the wonderful Moore has imparted to us. This is a book you will want to keep close in your tarot career. But all her tarot themed books are just joys to witness.

If you are on the fence about purchasing this deck, take the plunge. This deck is a keeper. It will become your go-to deck for sure.

If you are looking for an unusual deck that is very unique,stands out, and gives excellently accurate readings, then this deck is definitely for you. You can pick it up at or you can get it from Llewellyn Publishing's website at

NOTE:The Tarot of a Hidden Realm was sent to me gratis by Llewellyn Publishing but this review is honest and accurate for my own experiences.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Illumination and acceptance

Sorry there hasn't been a blog post in awhile. Black Friday and Thanksgiving has been kicking my butt. I just have been feeling so unmotivated. 

Today I picked cards from the Sacred World oracle by Kris Waldherr and the Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue. 

We are going to be receiving grace in unexpected places and from unexpected sources. Maybe those people that you thought if you spoke your truth to them would reject you and surprisingly they are receptive. This is also about transcending difficulties and there has been a lot of difficulty going around lately. We may fear the dragonfly's sting but today it is harmless. 

Fireflies always remind me of lighting the darkness. And for my Sat video reading we had a card where we needed to work on that darkness or negativity that comes upon us sending out unconditional love to the broken and broken hearted. This also speaks of being illuminated. So look for sudden realizations and ah-ha moments to occur. 

What does this all lead to? Change, of course. Fire symbolizes duality. It offers light but it can also destroy. Look for balance here. Not only with your words but with your emotions. Think before speaking. Look for areas where you can bring energetic change. Embrace it and send love to it. Also send love to Gaia and the water spirits of the earth today. Bless your water before drinking it. It will cool those passions that might get a bit too fiery. 

So... What does the tarot think?

Success. Good news is coming about some sort of public recognition. What you thought was going to be perceived negatively will in fact be your blessing. A new teacher will appear for you bringing spiritual growth and advanced intuition. 

Sounds like it is proving to be the start if a good weekend. Make it a great one. 


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Reading for the latter half of November

I decided to pick a few cards to give us an idea what the energies will be like in the latter half of November. Since we are swiftly coming up on a full moon, I figured now was as good a time as any. 

The goddess, from the Goddess Oracle,  that came up for us was Brigid. She is depicted in this card as a triple goddess (maiden, mother & crone). She is the goddess of fire. The fire of transformation, smith craft, poetry, healing and divination. Her inspiration was vital to the bards and she acted as a muse, of sorts, for them. She is here to ignite that spark of inspiration in you. Are you feeling unfocused, no energy, unmotivated and yearning for something you can't quite put your finger on, she is here to assist you with this. She will help inspire your life to become sharper, clearer and more energetic. 

The tarot I'm using is the Deviant Moon Tarot. The first card is the Four of Pentacles. Here is where we are holding tight to something, usually our creative vision or our abundance and we are not letting it grow. Nothing new is coming in and nothing old is going out. It is sort of a stagnant place to be. It won't be until you allow yourself to receive, allow yourself to give when the stagnation goes away and a new breeze is blown into your life. 

The last card is the Knight of Wands. Knights take action. And wands are about creativity or inspiration. The fiery divine spark inside us is burning bright. But nothing will come of it if you don't put that spark forth into the world. It's time to mount that dragonfly and head out into the bright blue yonder. And now is the time because the full moon is displayed in this card. 

So, what does it all mean as a package? Our inspiration has been lacking as of late. We haven't been trusting the creative process the way we used to. We need to nurture that creativity and inspiration inside of us. We need to allow the new creative visions and abundance to come in and take action on that when it does. Sounds like things will be flying high in the latter part of November, so enjoy it. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ministering to the sick and broken

PATRONAGES:  She is invoked for shepherds, also by or for the sick and suffering.
A beautiful card to pull that talks to you about healing and hope.  The path may be a little bumpy, but when this card comes up, it is to let you know that you are not alone. Support, whether physical or spiritual is within your grasp.  There is also optimism around new journeys.  Family and friends are very important now. Healthwise, this card represents childhood illnesses, physical and mental disabilities; on the positive side, miracles can occur.

PATRONAGES:  She is invoked for foreign missions (due to her prayers for and correspondence with missions).  She is patron for florists, flower growers and aviators.
Good relations and mutual respect are what this card represents.  You might be dealing with both of these issues at this time, and the key is to  remember  that trust is what holds them together.  There may also be some impatience, ignore it. You just might feel the need for more simplicity in your life, if you do, surrender yourself to your blessings.

PATRONAGES:  He is invoked for barbers, hair stylists, hotel keepers, biracial people, race relations, public health , and public education.  Patron saint for social justice and television.  He is also invoked against rats.
This card is health and social justice oriented.  It could be a good time to research or look for alternative healing remedies.  Maybe you are interested in or feeling drawn to learn naturopathic methods as part of your spiritual path.  You may also be working on some level, for human justice, whether it is geared toward race relations, children, or abuse.  You could be very involved with or feel drawn to working with sick or abandoned animals.  It may signify veterinarians or doctors. You may just need to be a bit kinder to someone even though they make it very hard.  Remember, Martin's scissors can represent the cutting edge.

All the above text generated by I'm using The Saint Deck.

My Take...

You are not alone. Your ancestors, angels, guides, God and the ascended masters are with you at all times. You may be broken or sick or want to help the broken or sick but with the guidance of God you will move forward. Just sit and listen for the signs and whisperings of which direction to take. You may need to just break things down to the simplest terms in order to see your big vision. Sometimes when our world is cluttered with noise and just a bunch of "stuff," we miss the true blessings that are out there for us. We need to be kind to others even when they are not kind to us. The sick and broken sometimes look for excuses and we are not there to give them the answers but to lead them to the light, toward God and the blessings he will provide for them. We are there to minister to them but they have to make decisions on their own.

Sounds like we are really guided to really take that leadership position that we keep hearing about in other readings.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Magical Thinking Lights The Flames Inside Us.

11-11 Reading

Today I am using the Wisdom of the House of Night oracle cards by P.C. Cast and Colette Baron Reid. This is a very insightful deck and a great one to use in a reading

There is something holding us back, a block that is manifesting in a smoky, shadowy way. Maybe this is a mental block, or a block that you've created for yourself. But the raven is a magical creature and a bird that brings us the message that we have the power to break through this rigid block in our lives. We only need to focus on the light instead of the dark places in our lives. As we do our joy and are honest with ourselves about things, we will be able to re-ignite that flame within us where we keep the gold inside of us, our heart's desires. Do that thing that you do best. Don't try and recreate what others put forth. You were here to create uniquely. So, be unique. Stand out. And if you get a bit lost in the fray, clarity will be found in those times of quiet contemplation and meditation where your guides, ancestors angels and the divine can speak to you in that still small voice. Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings you are getting, they will not lead you wrong.

Due to the 11-11 date today, we are manifesting like crazy  thanks to this number combo. Make sure you pay attention to your thoughts today and make them really shine is a positive way.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Deck Review: The Steampunk Tarot by Llewellyn Publishing


Journey into a world that is like no other.

The Steampunk Tarot is a very unusual deck. It is based in the world that is slightly 1800's Victorian England and slightly mechanical, gears and industrial. If you have ever seen a depiction of a Steampunk world, it is very cool to look at. Top hats and umbrellas, gears and ancient pilot goggles - I love all things steampunk.So, this deck was definitely a great fit for me. We all have those decks that we gravitate to. This is my go-to deck. If I don't have a deck in mind, I will always grab this one. I totally resonate with it. Love it!
The Steampunk Tarot is a Rider-Waite based deck with the artwork by English artist, Aly Fell. If you have never heard of the Rider-Waite deck, you must be living under a rock or have never picked up a deck in the last two decades. A lot of decks these days are based on the original tarot deck, that is now published by U.S.Games Systems, Inc. It is the old-school tarot that many people still use and love. But a lot of tarot makers don't vary much from the original depictions of the cards that Pamela Colman Smith created in 1909. But of course, everyone puts their own spin on the cards. The Steampunk deck is no different. Fell has provided what looks like digital artwork for the cards. And if you are not a fan of digitsl, stand back and take a new look. You're gonna love this artwork. It's all in a bit of an amber/brown cast that truly brings about the steampunk genre.

The companion book is a massive 298 page tome written by my favorite tarot book author, Barbara Moore. (Yes, I'm a fan girl. Can authors have fan girls?) I always suggest any books written by her to people who are new and wanting to learn tarot and know the definitions as I learned them. It is awesome and definitely worth picking up along with the deck itself. Mine came together... love, love, love that. As far as descriptions of the card and divination info you get a small black and white photo of each card and a good bit of text that sometimes can run two or three pages.
Most tarot decks have court cards, which can or may not depict actual physical people. The usual deck will only have women depicted as the Queens. But it is a toss up to figure out what gender is a king, a queen, a knight or a page. And that doesn't bother me at all, but it will bother some.

If you are looking for an unusual deck that is very unique and stands out, then this deck is definitely for you. You can pick it up at like I did or you can get it from Llewellyn Publishing's website

Deck Review: Book of Shadows: So Below Tarot

Book of Shadows Tarot: Volume 2, 

also known as the So Below Deck

The Book of Shadows Tarot: So Below is the second offering in a unique two volume collection, concentrating on the magical energies that surround us in everyday life. This deck is created by Barbara Moore (text), Sabrina Ariganello & Alessia Pastorello (artwork)

I'm not sure why I didn't post a blog review about this deck back when I did my YouTube video for it. I guess I just overlooked it. 

This deck, the Book of Shadows: So Below, Volume 2, is the sister deck of the Book of Shadows: As Above tarot deck Volume 1. I received it from Llewellyn Publishing gratis in turn for a review. I guess my video review wasn't enough, so I am adding a blog report for it as well.

The card stock of the So Below deck is a tad bit more flimsy than the As Above deck. In a deck with a similar card stock, I actually accidently ripped the bottom of a card during shuffling. So, I fear the same might happen with this deck.

The artwork is awesome and colorful. It depicts the major and minor arcana as events in the real world instead of events in the heavens or dealings with the Gods and Goddesses like in the As Above deck. The artwork is by Sabrina Ariganello, Alessia Pastorello who also have done images for the Shaman Tarot.

Barbara Moore is a prolific writer of many tarot deck books. She is, in fact, my favorite author to read the descriptions by. So, I was sad that this deck didn't come with the same booklet that my As Above deck did. If you want the great wordsmith offerings you will have to purchase the As Above sister deck.  And in doing so, you will not only get the box with the magnetic closure but it will have a space for your So Below deck if you choose to put it in there. The book really makes this deck stand out. I am constantly picking that old crone lady card and the wording for this card always cracks me up.

But I have to admit that the wording and descriptions for the So Below deck are a bit easier to decypher than the As Above deck. The As Above deck is really spiritual and deals with the Gods and astrological wisdom. The So Below deck is the real world application and thus easier to understand.
I have pulled some dynamic readings with the So Below deck and it really speaks to me during a session. If you are looking for a great tarot deck that is a bit different than the normal and you aren't afraid of the pagan, witch, or goddess/god connotation, this would be a great deck that you should definitely pick up. And while you're at it, grab that As Above kit and make your collection complete.

You can buy this deck on or over at the Llewellyn Publishing site

You can check out my video review of this deck here: Deck Review: Book of Shadows Tarot: So Below

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Top Ten Oracle/Tarot Readers You Should Be Watching.

Top Ten Oracle/Tarot Readers You Should Be Watching.

For over a year I have been a big fan of oracle and tarot readers. And while some have come and gone, there are some that still post, even if only weekly, but they are definitely people you need to check out. Here are my top ten. Of course, I couldn't just pick ten so I doubled up on some of the numbers. 

Links to the readers are below each name.

10. Intuitive Mitchell Osborn

9. Ana at ALD Tarot and Linusgendelman

8. Mandy-EarthmotherUK and Karen-Orbs66

7. Debbie-Glammiewitch and Mariann Moore - Akashic Inspirations

6. Joe Neatherworld and Ayurvedicashakti

5. Angel Steve at Spirit Connections with Angel

4. Pat Rainville at Angel Divination

3. Lydia Roca (GoddessDivine) and Elizabeth Crowley

2. Tim from Gr8Angels444 and Suzanne Kammerer (Laughing Woman from Radiant Wisdom Tarot)

1. Doreen Virtue and Cheryl Lee Harnish

These are my ten picks. Who are YOUR favorites?

Expanding, developing and receiving

Today I am using the Archangel Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue. I wanted to get the angels take on today from the experts.

Relationship Harmony

Archangel Raguel
We angels are opening the hearts of everyone involved. Arguments and conflicts are being resolved now.

Gifts from God

Archangel Sandalphon
We angels bring you gifts from your creator. Open your arms to receive.

My Take...

We are expanding our awareness and really developing all the colors of our existence. It is time do your Hermit thing. You have studied and learned your lessons. Now it is time to shine that light, reveal that knowledge and really step into that power you were meant to. The arguments and conflicts are passing away as that vibration is leaving us. We are working less on the energy of fear and embracing the energy of love. And all this new found harmony is really brining us those new gifts and insights. And as we say in choir practice, we are "handing" these gifts to those we need to influence as we "hand" the music to the congregation by really feeling the music and in turn letting the congregation experience it as well. Time to do this with your gifts.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Deck Review: Bleu Cat Tarot

I received a new deck in the mail from Schiffer Publishing a few weeks back. And this is a pretty nifty deck. I am in love with the texture of the cards. It is SO neat. They aren't glossy, but there is a bit of a sheen on the back of each card which is decorated with nice cats in four corners. The front of the cards is in a barely noticeable linen-like texture that I am obsessed by. It makes the cards much easier to shuffle for me.

Each card is in a blue tone, hence the name Bleu Cats Tarot. It's a very free flowing design that is nice. Sometimes the cards don't completely mimic what I have been trained to know as the meaning of the cards, but that's okay. To each his own when it comes to tarot creation. But the descriptions in the book make this deck really shine. Don't be afraid to look in the book and get the definitions provided there. They are such a hoot.

This deck comes from the same designer of the Kilted Rubber Chicken Tarot (limited edition), Dream Raven Tarot and the Tarot of the Leaves. Beth Seilonen really out does herself here.

This deck is highly recommended. Don't be afraid when deck designers change the suits from wands and swords to plants and feathers. If you know the element (fire, water, air) of each suit, then deciphering these suits are just a piece of cake.

Take a gander at this tarot. It is pretty cool, if I do say so. I plan on putting it into my oracle/tarot rotation immediately.

You can pick up this deck on or over at the Schiffer Publishing site.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

We shine, we see clearly, new gifts appearing

Today I am using the Wisdom of Avalon oracle cards by Collette Baron Reid. I actually pulled these cards the other day but sometimes I cannot get to posting about them until a few days later when time is on my side.

This marker is leading us to a place where we can open up to our intuition more. We will be seeing things more clearly but when this happens we really need to shield ourselves and protect ourselves from the others who might want to harm us. Keep that radar up when you're engaging in your new found strong intuition. You are a light target for the dark. And remember, because you shine, everyone can see you.

The Owl - Deception, Wisdom
This owl is hanging out and observing stuff. And you are noticing things you don't normally pick up on. Maybe you're seeing colors like me, auras, or something else entirely. It is all nifty and cool and will be coming in more and more for you. The owl also reminds us to be honest with ourselves and snap out of any lies or deception we have fooled ourselves with. Lies and deceit are exposed in this owl energy. So keep a watch out. And you have a secret, it might be the time to come clean before someone else spills the beans.

You are currently in a prison of your own making. You have these strikes against you. You are keeping yourself from moving forward toward a new path that is opening by keeping these strikes against you clear in your mind. You have to let go of fear and restriction and know that you are always able to get where you need to go as long as you keep your highest good in mind and keep your mind focused on the positive. Be patient and pay attention to the next right action that is available for you to jump on.

My Take...

We are opening up to our intuition more and more. And we need to remember to shield ourselves with the white light of the divine and the blue light of Archangel Michael. As we shine, others see us including those of the dark. Protection is key right now. And you are noticing things more and more frequently with your new internal radar working at full force. You are noticing the lies and deceit along with the cool new abilities and the good things of the world. But if you are not feeling this new flow of energy this means that you are restricting yourself. You are keeping you from shining. You are still in fear and loathing the bad things of life. Turn that frown upside down and begin to see how great this world really is. And when you reorient your thinking, you will reorient your life.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Working on Healing

I actually pulled this reading over the weekend but haven't had time to post about it until now. Today I am using the Ascended Masters oracle and the Mystic Dreamer Tarot.

I pulled this from Hilarion is Chohan of the Fifth Ray, the green ray, of truth, science, vision and prosperity. He works with souls to help them gain mastery in the third-eye chakra. The apostle Paul was one of Hilarion’s incarnations. Hilarion helps prepare souls to receive the Holy Spirit’s gift of healing. His etheric retreat is called the Temple of Truth and is located over the island of Crete in Greece.

So, we are receiving the gift of healing and Hilarion is really helping us to accept this help. We can be a bit stubborn, if you know what I mean. Sometimes we know things are available for us or we know we should be doing something but we don't. Hilarion is here to help heal you and really help you activate that third eye so you can begin seeing even more truth than you already see.

Hilarion is helping us gain mastery in things that we are interested in. I have noticed that I have been getting downloads in regards to beauty and makeup and such similar things. Who knew you could get downloads about that kind of thing. Crazy,right? But healing comes in all forms.

The 8 of Pentacles is usually called the Apprentice card. You are working hard and really focusing in on what you love to do. Now, maybe you need to add a bit more focus in your life. Or maybe you need to begin to notice that lovely view out the window there that is there and waiting for you to see. What in your life have you been ignoring? I ignored my skin care and beauty routine for 20 years. Now I am making up for lost time. So, what do you need to focus in on that you let slide by the way side? This aspect of you and your purpose will really heal you today. So take time to think on this.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Forecast

I thought I would do a forecast today telling us what to look out for the coming days. Today I am using the Druid Craft Tarot and the Ascended Masters oracle.

Artistic Expression - Paul the Venetian

This card signals that your artistic talents are in need of creative expression. You have hidden talents that lie dormant. This trapped energy can make you feel tired, restless and anxious and can lead to addictions if the energy isn't expressed. Your creativeness needs an outlet. So, take some time and make an artist date with yourself and create, create, create.

Prince of Pentacles

When not referring to a person, this card can indicate that a practical, patient and methodical approach to a project is needed, or that these qualities need to be used in improving your health through exercise and nutrition. It may suggest an impending overland journey

Princes are like Knights. They are protectors of the kingdom and they meet the townspeople and demand the tax money. They do the dirty work. They really get into the fine details of what the king wants and takes action on that. What manifestation do you need to take action on right now? Are you blocking yourself by what if, or shoulda, woulda, coulda statements? You will be healed once you venture forward. One step at a time. A journey always starts with a single step, so take that step toward your dream today.

My Take...

Your artistic expression, creative vision, that thing you do, needs to be channeled today. Nike had it right. You really need to get into that thing you do and just do it. Your unexpressed artistic, creative stuff just builds up inside you like a huge block and then it comes out as addictions. We do things we know we shouldn't.  Take heed of this today. We need to be practical and patient and really pay attention to what we do. Do things mindfully today. But do take action. Don't end the day saying what you shoulda done. Take that journey and make it a great one!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

We are guided and supported

Today I am using the Divine Guidance oracle by Cheryl Lee Harnish and the Angel Dreams Oracle by Doreen Virtue.

44 - Divine Guidance

Beautiful soul, you play a very important role in awakening the planet. You are wrapped in the loving embrace of the Divine. You are being guided and supported on your path.

This is like the best card in the deck. It symbolizes all that we want. Guidance from a divine source that leads us where we want to go. Woo Hoo! Plus, it is number 44 and that is all about how your angels are with you. You have the whole celestial team active today. Wonder Team Powers.... ACTIVATED!

22- The Grid

The Grid is a living energy matrix that surrounds Mother Earth. It has secret passageways to other dimensions and galaxies. Coolness, huh? This card is here to show how you have the ability to transverse these secret areas during dream time or meditation. It is also number 22 which is all about peace, balance, harmony and teamwork. It could mean that you need to get together with another in order to make this grid travel possible.

11- Infinite Possibilities

Your day dreams are the creation of your deepest desires and wishes. The universe is asking you to allow yourself to dream the BIG dream. Fore it is through your  dreams and during dream time when you manifest your biggest abundance. The possibilities are truly endless. I mean, 11 is all about how we are manifesting right now, in this moment. And we are manifesting things that will endure.

Day Dream

I am kind of excited to see this card especially after the card above talks about day dreams. This is putting a focus on imagination and how when you allow your mind to wander and bring forth that infinite possibilities, things in your life blossom. Time to get into a quiet space and dream those big dreams.

Dress Rehearsal

Ha ha. Goes right along with the Day Dream card. The things you need to focus on are those aspects of your big dream that you can make even bigger by expanding what you would do in certain situations. Do you need to talk to someone about something? Imagine that someone is like the most influential person in your area of expertise and then imagine that the person just loves, loves, loves what you are bringing forth and wants to give you a big chunk of your dream right now. It would be amazing but not impossible.

Past Lives

Gifts, Review, Recognize the gifts you've acquired from past lives.

Our past lives are really coming forth to bring us those great things/skills and such  we acquired during those lifetimes. So, expect to see unexpected abilities crop up at various times. Has anyone besides me been seeing blue sparkles in the air, like little blue points of light? They pop up more and more frequently and I believe this is some talent struggling to break through the surface.

My Take...

We are being guided and supported to transverse those secret areas of the Earth's Grid in order to bring forth all these possibilities to the planet. And to do this properly, we need to dream, dream, dream! Don't play the game of the world, play the game of the universe and bring this amazing positivity to the planet. What would this world look like if we all dreamed it into amazingness? Don't let your past lives get your down. Embrace what they have to offer you and let go of the rest.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lots of energies and lessons bubbling in the air today.

Today I am using the Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

Moon Cycles

Archangel Haniel: Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations and capitalize upon these cycles.

We are being surrounded by peace right now. And the energies of the full moon only make these energies stronger. This peace is to help offset the chaos that is now percolating in some people's lives right now.

You Are Safe

Archangel Michael: I am protecting you against lower energies and guarding you, your loved ones and home.

AA Michael is just telling us that he is with us. And he is protecting us from all this negative chaos and craziness that is popping up right now. We are okay. Don't freak out. He and God have it handled.


Archangel Azrael: I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal.

You are in a time of need. Obviously because people around you are just plain cracking up. You may not experience it directly but it is sure setting off every alarm in your body and mind. Ask Azrael to help your heart to heal and be protected from this nonsense surrounding us.

Beloved One

Archangel Chamuel: I am helping you with your spiritual soul mate relationship.

People have come into our lives just to trigger us. They make us crazy and we sometime want to bop them on the head and ask them to stop that and buzz off. But these things we are learning at this time is very important. Don't miss these lessons. They are key right now.


Archngel Gabriel: As you nurture a child, you nurture your own inner child. Both activities are important right now.

Yes, we need to nurture ourselves. We need to be good to ourselves. We need to take that bath at the end of the day with all those luscious bubbles and scented soaps. We need to see the beauty in our lives and really treat ourselves well.

My Take...

The energies right now are just bubbling with possibilities. We are asked to take advantage of this time because it is such a great time to manifest. There is an extra amount of peace and protection in the air as the people around us are triggered in their addictions and we see the fall out in their lives. We need to realize that our hearts are healing right now. We are being made new. Have you noticed how the crazy things in life don't bother you as much as they used to? People have been placed in our lives at key time to teach us lessons. Some are not that easy but if we pass, and usually we do, we will gain a great fulfillment in our lives. Remember to nurture yourself and really be good to you. And as you are good to you, you are also good to others. Nurture all those around you today and help them to claim their birthright, their creative passions and assistance from the Higher Realms and God.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Oracle & Tarot Collection

Many people have asked me exactly how many decks I have. The count as if today is 185. Here is a list of them all in case you want to request a particular deck in one of my YouTube readings. 

My Oracle and Tarot Collection:

Sacred Rose Tarot
Gothic Tarot
Gilded Tarot
Woodland Wisdom Oracle
Madame Endora's Fortune Card 
universal Tarot
Dragon Tarot
Universal Waite Tarot
Hanson Roberts Tarot
Sacred Circle Tarot
Witches Tarot
Joie de Vivre Tarot
Wizards Tarot
Ancestral Path Tarot
Mystic Dreamers Tarot
Legacy of the Divine Tarot
Quest Tarot
Cat's Eye Tarot
Tarot of a Moon Garden
Whimsical Tarot
Vanessa Tarot
Gummy Bear Tarot
Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore
Steampunk Tarot by Catlin & John Matthews
Mystic Faery Tarot
Goddess Tarot
Fool's Wisdom oracle
Twilight Realm: A Tarot of Faery
Mary-El Tarot
Druid Craft Tarot
Fairy Ring Oracle
Sacred Geometry Oracle
Camelot Oracle
Goddess Oracle
Spirit of the Wheel Meditation deck oracle
The Lover's Path Tarot
Oracle of the Dragonfae
Oracle of the Shspeshifters
Unicorns Cards by Diana Cooper
Keys to the Universe Cards
Wisdom Cards by Diana Cooper
Wisdom Cards by Louise Hay
The Hidden Path Oracle
Animal Wisdom Tarot
Circle of Life Tarot (card shape is a circle)
The Heart Tarot (cards are shaped like a heart)
Shining Angels Tarot (card shape is a circle)
Tarot of the Sidhe (pronounced "she". They are a type of Fairy)
Atlantis cards by Diana Cooper
Angels of Light Cards by Diana Cooper
Arthurian Tarot
Paulina Tarot
Tarot of the Spirit
Grace Cards
Self-Care cards
Healing Cards
Karma Cards
Thoth Tarot - small deck
The Gifts of the Goddess affirmation cards
Archeon Tarot
Fantastical Creatures Tarot
Sharman-Castelli Tarot
Old English Tarot
Dreaming Way Tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot
Radiant Rider Waite Tarot
Vampire Tarot
Spiral Tarot
Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot
Medicine Woman Tarot
Witchy Tarot - large & mini deck
Celtic Tarot - large & mini deck
Secret Tarot - large & mini deck
Tarot of the Druids - large & mini deck 
Faery Tarot
Gaian Tarot
The Hobbit Tarot
The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot
Inner Realms Tarot
Book of Shadows Tarot - As Above
Book of Shadows Tarot - So Below
Anne Stokes Gothic Tarot
Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle
The Secret Language of Color Cards
Gaia Oracle
Mythic Oracle
Mythic Tarot
Rider Waite Tarot
Blue Angel Oracle
Oracle of the Mermaids
Animal Dreaming Oracle
Indigo Angels Oracle
Angel Therapy Oracle
Mary Queen of Angels Oracle
Wisdom of Avalon Oracle
Wisdom if the Hidden Realms Oracle
Saints & Angels oracle
Magical Unicorns Oracle
Archangel oracle
Ascended Masters oracle
Return of Spirit Oracle
Archangel Michael Oracle
Wisdom of the House of Night oracle
Goddess Guidance Oracle
Flower Therapy Oracle
Magical Times Empowerment cards
Enchanted Map Oracle
Conscious Spirit Oracle
Magical Mermaids and Dolphins oracle
Archangel Power Tarot
Healing with the Fairies Oracle
Angel Tarot
Sacred World Oracle
Ask Your Guides Oracle
Mystical Lenormand
Gypsy Witch Fortune Cards
Healing with the Angels oracle
Divine Guidance oracle
Path of the Soul Oracle
Angel Dreams Oracle
Universal Wisdom Oracle
Trust your Vibes Oracle
Daily Guidance from your Angels Oracle
Messages from your Angels oracle
Celebration of Love Oracle
The Answer Is Simple Oracle
Spirit Oracle
Earth Magic Oracle
Psychic Tarot 
Soul Coaching Oracle
My Daily Affirmation Cards
Higher Intuition Oracle
Archangel Raphael Oracle
Life Purpose Oracle
Astrology Cards
Romance Angels Oracle
Art Through The Eyes of the Soul oracle
Gateway Oracle
Power Animal Oracle
Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides oracle
Dream Oracle Cards
Fenstra Tarot
Deviant Moon Tarot
Lost Tarot of Nostradamus
Voice of the Trees oracle
Enchanted Oracle
Wild Wisdom of the Fairy Oracle
Fairies Oracle
Osho Zen Tarot
Sirian Starseed Tarot
Celtic Wisdom oracle
Fallen Angels Oracle
Wild Wood Tarot
Kuan Yin Oracle
Oracle of Shadows and Light
Ascension Cards
Isis Oracle
Crystal Oracle
Gods & Titans oracle
Goddesses & Sirens oracle
Angels of Atlantis oracle
Messenger Oracle
Angels, Gods & Goddesses oracle
Robin Wood Tarot
Shadowscapes Tarot
Connelly Tarot
Morgan Greer Tarot
Ghosts & Spirits Tarot
Housewives Tarot
Keys to the Arcturians cards
Halloween Tarot
Brotherhood of Light Egyptian Tarot
Tarot de Marsalle
Large Rider Waite Tarot
Large Thoth Tarot

My Oracles that I created:
RUNZ Cards
The Titans: The Elder Gods
Zeus and the 12 Olympians 
Little Egypt Newspaper Oracle