Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Card of the Day - 9/30

Today we continue to use the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West for our reading. 

The card of the day is:
 7 OF IMPS ( Wands)

It is time to make for higher ground and seperate yourselves from the conflicts and fear in your life. People, it seems, have ganged up against you but it is really just one someone who is charming, gregarious and persuasive who can get others to confirm to their vision of what is possible. This is not a time to conform, it is a time to set your self apart from the rest. don't listen to the gossip and Nay saying of others. 

All of this chaos in front of you is causing you to miss the opportunities around you that the universe and spirit is trying so greatly to set into your lap. A lot of this is wisdom. If you don't accept this new wisdom/ancient knowledge, someone else will. Then you will lose out on this great blessing that the spirit and the universe is trying to bestow. 

There is a lot of change happening now and sometimes you want to yell, "stop the world, I want to get off." This seeming bad stuff that is being hurled at you is truly a blessing in disguise. Detach yourself from the drama and look for the blessings below. 

The blessing below the Wheel of Fortune Card is the 9 of Ghosts (Cup). Most decks refer to it as the wish card. You are being supported. Trust and have faith that this is true. We don't go through experiences without a reason. So try and look for the lessons in this experience. Now make your wish and send it out to the universe. 


Monday, September 29, 2014

Card of the Day - 9/29/14

Today I am pulling a card of the day from the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West. I may on occasion pick a card of the day throughout the month from this deck to celebrate the upcoming Halloween holiday.

Today's card:
This card is the 0 (zero) card in the deck. It is the first card in every tarot deck. This is about beginnings. Traditionally it speaks of stepping out in faith but many decks that have unusual artwork tend to add meaning to the cards. That is true in this card today. 

The clown is juggling six multi-colored balls. They could represent opportunities forthcoming or six of the seven traditional chakra points. I spy a heart in one and a peace symbol in another. So you have the opportunity to focus on that which you love and being able to do that will give you a sense of peace, or I'm also hearing "relief". Isn't it a relief to finally stop fighting other's opinions and just do that which you know you were born to do? Don't people please and miss this opportunity. 

The clowns clothes shows how dualistic we have been. On the one hand we are independent and focus on that which we desire. And at other times we put on this smiley mask telling the world we are okay when in truth we are crumbling inside. We know we need help but who do we turn to when everyone's first priority is themselves?

You don't need to wear this mask. Take off the cake makeup and reveal to the world the true you. Step forth on this new path that is offered unencumbered by karma or pain from the past.  You are being given a gift. 

The shadow card reveals that we have been making major strides toward successfully controlling that inner critic that constantly tells us we are not good enough. We are becoming the master of our mind by controlling our thinking and reactions to things. Have you noticed how some things that used to send your emotions to the moon are now evening out? Have you marveled at how amazing that feat truly is? I know I have. 

The High Priestess is the card on the top of the deck. She tells us that now that we have mastered our mind, now it is time to start trusting our intuition and internal guidance. 

So embrace the new path that opens up today for you. You just might find a few gifts littered on the path before you.


Friday, September 26, 2014

DECK REVIEW: Gorgon Tarot by Dolores Fitchie

The Gorgon's Tarot released on June 28, 2014
by Dolores Fitchie (Author)

The Gorgon's Tarot is a round, mostly black and white deck with splashes of color in a few cards. The beautiful deck is designed by Dolores Fitchie using her discreet, tongue-in-cheek humor, it is a fun deck to use and read! My big problem with it is that it is way too large. There are other round decks on the market that are smaller and easier to shuffle. This deck makes it nearly impossible to get a good mix with the cards. I think the best way to choose cards is to spread the deck onto a flat surface and choose cards that way. Cutting the deck into three sections makes it a bit easier to get the cards shuffled and mixed well but I usually don't want to put that must effort into the act of mixing up the cards. I like to focus on praying as I shuffle not grunting in emotional pain.

This is a traditional 78-card deck is complemented by an additional Major Arcana card called The Blind Gorgon. This card can be used in a reading as a "wild card," or you can make up your own meaning for it. I find that many of the cards with the unusual imagery gives each card new meanings. The deck has a bit of a Pagan feel to it and it is just a lovely deck. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced readers.

This deck was published by Schiffer Publishing. They have many decks to choose from in their library. Check them out. I received this deck gratis in return for an honest review. You can buy them at Schiffer's website: www.schifferbooks.com or at www.Amazon.com.

Oracle Tarot Reading for Fri, Sat & Sun, Sept. 26-28

Today I chose to use the following decks: the Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso 
and the Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

The first card: Seven of Swords
This card is all about how there are people in our lives who are speaking harshly about us or are just in envy-mode about something we have accomplished. This could also mean that you are envious of someone else's accomplishments. But I think this is more about others and how they effect your vibrational levels. Don't listen to the nay-sayers. Go with your gut. Pay attention to your intuition and any messages that you receive and resonate with. Pay attention to the signs that God and the angels send you today and through the weekend.

 The second card: Strength
This card is all about how strong we have become. We have tamed some lion in our lives and now we are feeling more powerful and more in control of our lives. We are looking forward with expectation to tomorrow and we are blessed by things blossoming in our lives. A new dawn awaits us in the next card.

The third card: Ten of Cups
This card is all about happy families and how we are being emotionally taken care of. This could mean the beginning of a family is in your future if you are single. But you are feeling more in control of your emotions and you are indeed happy, happy, happy.

The final card: Sensitivity
The Life Purpose Oracle tells us that we are becoming more sensitive to the energies around us. We need to choose our reactions to people. We need to set our intentions as the day starts that we are well taken care of emotionally and we are well able to get through our day with strength and vitality.

In one of the books I am reading by Pam Grout (E-Squared or E-Cubed), there is an exercise that tells us to write down what we want as if it is already ours. We need to stop complaining and continually tell the universe that  we can handle anything that comes out way and everything that comes our way is just absolutely amazing.

My Take
We are being challenged by a lot of emotional things this weekend. And we just need to tell ourselves and the universe that we can handle it. And it is going to turn out great. Heck, it will even be a blessing in disguise. And everything will turn out rosy. I mean, you can handle it. You have this wonderful strength about you. You just need to trust yourself and trust that whatever comes to meet you is something you can handle and it is right in your wheelhouse. You can handle it. Because when you do handle it, a huge blessing is awaiting you. It is something you are waiting for. It is all about blessings in your family. So, maybe you are worried about some family member. I remember when my dad was in the hospital after being run over by a car. He was on death's door and I remember hearing that if you put your intention out there in terms that cannot be disputed that the universe would listen.  So every time I saw my dad in the hospital I said to him and the universe. YOU ARE HEALED. This is the universe asking you to take charge of your emotions and heal yourself of whatever has been a burden to you. You are extra sensitive so it may seem worse than it truly is but you can handle all things.

I hope this makes sense to you. Let me know what you think of this reading by posting a comment below.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Small Barnes and Noble Tarot / Oracle Card and Planner Haul

Tarot of the Vampyres, Psychic Tarot for the Heart
and Guardian Angel Tarot

After I went with my parents to St. Louis yesterday to take my mother to Barnes Hospital, we stopped by Barnes and Noble and I picked up a few more decks. Yes, I am obsessed. I can't have too many. My choices today were Tarot of the Vampyres, Psychic Tarot for the Heart and Guardian Angel Tarot.
Two Weekly Planners and 4 sets of Magnetic Bookmarks.

Plus I picked up a couple of Weekly Paper Planners/Calendars for 2015.

I have been obsessed with watching YouTube videos about FiloFax decoration, Planner Inserts and all things calendar and planner-esque. I don't know why because I don't have a whole lot to plan in my life considering how busy I am usually at work. But here are a few photos of my new goodies. Enjoy.


As Above/So Below Reading from The Book of Shadows Tarot Vols 1 & 2

The Book of Shadows Tarot Vol. 1 As Above
The Book of Shadows Tarot Vol. 2 So Below

I am doing a reading with my two Book of Shadows decks As Above and So Below. So I decided to pull three cards from each deck and see if what is happening above meshes with what is happening below
8 of Pentacles says to go head and work hard on that creative vision but Mother of Earth reminds us to go out into nature and nurture ourselves.
The Ten of Pentacles says to enjoy your time with family and friends but The Hermit (The Path) reminds us that we all need to make decisions onour own and follow our own spiritual path
The King of Chalices tells us to not forget to enjoy life and play, paint and do drawings/art. Express ourselves. And the 6 of Water reminds us that this sort of creative play is what opens up our intuition and portals into other spiritual experiences.
Wow. Did all that go together or what? Amazing.