Friday, August 23, 2013

Look for the blessings and remember YOU are in control of you.

Today we are using the Ask Your Guides oracle.


Nature Spirits
You are pulled into a pit of despair and chaos. And you are missing the blessings that are all around you. Stop and look at your life and count the blessings that you still have. And you should look for the open doors that bring you blessings. Blessings are always available to you if you just look for them.


Nature Spirits
Where are you putting your focus today? Are you focusing on all your troubles and how your day sucks? This reminds you to look to nature, to go out and commune with the nature spirits. They have a great devotion to you and want to heal you from your emotional wound


Higher Self

This is telling us that you ultimately have control of your day. Who are you allowing into your space to trigger you into stinking thinking? My pastor used to say that the people you hang out with and the books you read, tv shows you watch, whatever has your attention really colors your world. So how are YOU contributing to your good or bad mood today? Because ultimately it is up to you. You choose to react or not to situations. Turn that stinking thinking upside down today.

My Take...

 Blessings are available if we only look for them and notice what we already  have in our lives that we have been overlooking. Go into nature, lay on the ground, and let the Earth take that stress and chaos from you. Connect with the knowledge of trees and get even more grounded. The earth wants to help us destress. And your higher self is letting you know that you are in control of your day. How you react is up to you. Don't let others trigger you. Put your focus on great things that you really resonate with in order to bring your vibration up and draw in the great things that match that vibration. Look for the miracles and blessings when you take control of your day, mind and spirit.

Have a great day.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Shine on!

Today I am using the Angels of Atlantis oracle and the Dreams Oracle


Zaphkiel is aware of the yearnings that have recently received. This stirring i often related to the fact that an ideal of love has not been experienced for some time. Explorer this notion, truly identifying what that could be. The Angels are returning you to a higher vibration of love, so don't cling tightly to the idea of love from your past and be prepared to embark on a new way of loving. This is a time of wondrous change in your loving propensities. Trust that Zaphkiel will work this out for your highest good. Chat He in your eighth chakra to stimulate the opening of your universal heart chakra. This will allow your force to envelop all aspects of your ideal love, in service of the unified field of light, for we are all interconnected.


Embrace the fact that you are the world

Here is another card that is about how we are interconnected. Hum. Seeing a theme here a bit.


Shine like the star that you are

Stand in your light. You are meant to shine for others to see, experience and learn from.

My Take...

We are discovering a new way of loving that is totally connected to how we are connected to everything and everyone we meet, we know, that exist in the known and unknown universe. And as we shine our light, the connections we make get stronger and thus the people we are connected to beginning to shine as well. Shine on, everyone!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Accept help and Drink from Kuan Yin's Emerald Fountain

Today I am using the Kuan Yin Oeacle and the Steampunk Tarot. 

Eight Immortals

Drink From The Emerald Fountain


We are ready to accept help from others whether that be beloved higher gudiance from our friends in spirit, our guides, teachers and celestial team or just people in our every day life. We have been trying to do it all alone and now the need for support is great. To break through your barrier you need help. You also need compassion for yourself. And Kuan Yin is offering that to you. Drink from the emerald green water of her fountain and be filled with the energy of the heart chakra. Things are about to chane so keep your support system close and remember to center and ground within your heart. 


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Move, Release, Receive

Today I am using the Magical Unicorns Oracle and the Legacy of the Divine Tarot. 


Run, walk, swim or otherwise move your body. This will give you more energy and happiness. 

4 of Coins

You have all you need. But in order to gain more you have to release the stranglehold on what you have

True (Truth)

Yes, what you are asking about is the truth. 
You already know the truth. It is deeply held within your heart. Listen for the truth from your Angels. If you are afraid to tell the truth, Archangel Michael will give you courage and protection. 

Ace of Coins

A great abundant gift is coming. Could be along the lines of wealth or health. But whatever it is, it will greatly improve your life. 

Hello and Good Bye

You will soon see that this change will make things better. 
This reminds me of the Fairy card Goodbye to the Old, Hello to the New. Change is afoot. Get ready. 

High Priestess

She is all about subconscious, mystery, teaching and gaining knowledge. She holds the wisdom of the scrolls and the fruit of the gods. A time is coming when you will be bestowed with great wisdom. 

My Take...

It is time to move, release all that no longer serves you at this time. You are holding too tightly to the things that you already have negating any blessings that may want to come your way. What is trying to come in is truth. The truth is being revealed to you know. And this is a great blessing that will improve your life. Say goodbye to the old and worn out in your life and welcome in the new and shiny and great things that you are meant to manifest now. Because great knowledge is coming in for all of us and we just have to make the time to listen and receive.

Monday, August 19, 2013

A time of peace is near

Today I am using the Angel Tarot and the Oracle of the Mermaid. 

Great wisdom is coming into your life. Like the coral that embedded the sound and frequency of days past, this ancient knowledge is opening to you via your intuition. A caring woman or man filled with the divine feminine vibration will enter your life to help you, a mentor of sorts. And this will assist you as you journey forward. A time of peace is coming. Let go of the chaos. You choose how to react and what to focus on in this world. Also make sure the words you say are exactly what you mean. You can create worlds through your words and thoughts. An end of a difficult situation is near and the peace that comes in will be greatly welcomed. 


Friday, August 16, 2013

Things are moving into a place of peace. Yay!

Today I am using the Classic Rider Waite Tarot and the Angel Therapy Oracle.

6 of Swords

Represents moving from rough waters into smooth more calm waters. You are leaving a bad situation and heading toward resolution. It reminds us to learn from our troubles. All experiences are opportunities for gaining wisdom. It can also suggest a trip or change of scenery

9 of Pentacles

Represents achievement of good things. Not only have you prospered but you've done so in a way you feel good about. Enjoyment of simple but decadent physical pleasures and treats are a focus here.

The Magician

This card indicates that it is time to focus on your goals and applying your determination and skill to achieve those goals. Everything you need is available to you and you have the ability necessary to carry out your desires.

Ace of Pentacles

This card brings with it the gift of luck and an opportunity for material gain or improved health. This is the seed of good things to come. You have the opportunity to grow something wonderful.

Solar Plexus Chakra

It is safe for your to be powerful and take charge of your life in positive ways.

Heal Away Addictions

It is time to let go of behaviors that are blocking you from your heart's desire. Ask Archangel Raphael to help you with this healing.

My Take..

Things are getting easier and we are moving into a more peaceful place. This may inspire us to move to a different location or just take a gander at places we have always wanted to see. We have achieved great things and they have manifested in our life or are about to. We just need to enjoy them while they are here. It's time to get going with those goals you have always dreamed you'd follow. Now is the time. You have all you need to make it happen. Luck is on your side and opportunities will find you.

This is a test of your power and your ability to take charge and put up those boundaries that you need to help keep your sanity. All the chaos that comes up is just so that you can heal these issues and release the karma of old emotional wounds. Ask God and Archangel Michael to transmute the negativity to love. And then experience how much better that lifted off your spirit feels inside.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ride the flow into a whole new beginning

Today I am using the Psychic Tarot and the Enchanted Map oracle.

6 of Cups

Memories of Love
You will find yourself walking down memory lane bring back to life old projects or getting to know old friends again.

The Fool

New Beginnings
It's time for you to take a brave step into the unknown

9 of Swords

Suffering in Silence
Your fear is holding you back. But this fear is just smoke and mirrors. Take action and discover that the way ahead is clear for you.

Crown Chakra

Sound of this chakra: Om
It is located at the top of the head. Called the thousand petal lotus or receiver of light. This chakra is your link to the universe. It is the connection between wisdom and spiritual insight.

Rude the Wave

Riding the wave of abundance. Success is easy and effortless.

Into the Unknown

Trust ... And all will be revealed 

Trust that this new phase in life will bring wonders and miracles to you.

Bone Collector

You are whole and have everything  you need within. Act as if you have what you need and you will realize that you already have it all.


Your intuition allows you to see beyond the mundane, logical and analytical. Follow it. Trust your intuition. Your hunches are on target. Success is yours if you follow the signs.

My Take...

Things are changing. People who once had karma and soul contracts with us have been released. So we are looking into our past to old relationships and projects that we want to bring back to life. Ride the wave of flow in your life and know abundance is yours. This will be a whole new beginning do you. It's where you step into the unknown and trust that all that is revealed to you will serve you in miraculous ways. Don't fear what is ahead. But if fear crops up, take action and know that you have everything you need within you. You are becoming more connected to the universe and the Akashic records and are following your instincts and intuition to lead you to your best life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

We are integrating and healing as we open up to new vistas

Two of Wands

There is a universal belief that one's reflection is a vital part of one's soul. It is said that reflective surfaces are soul catchers or doorways to the world of spirit. Buddhists accept that all existence is like a reflection in a mirror. Depicted in this card is a beautiful fairy seeking the deeper meaning of her existence. Unlike Narcissus, whose soul was trapped in his water reflection because of his vanity, this fairy is uniting with her \beloved self,\ or the aspect of her ego that is all loving. She sees in her own image the potential of sacred beauty. When we are ready for inner transformation, we come face-to-face with our true selves. Who is your true self? Are you radiant and glowing? This is a time of profound personal awareness and insight. Find a place of solitude and serenity and explore your hidden talents. Intuitive gifts strengthen you. Perhaps you can visualize your true face. As one Buddhist koan asks, \What does your original face look like?

24. Infinite Potential

Soul Message: If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it. –William Arthur Ward
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. 
–Japanese Proverb
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. – Carl Jung

Alchemy and Transformation: At this exalted juncture, one may become sensitive to energy fields and vortexes, ley lines, and power centers within the body of the earth. The human body, containing the miracle of the Divine Feminine, is once again in union with the Tree of Life that birthed the potential of the world. Once you realize this, you become a strong vessel of unlimited love, light, and wisdom.

Awakening to the Archetype –Sheela Na Gig (The Green Woman): Sheela Na Gig embodies a most profound and complete understanding of the Trinitarian nature of Infinite Potential, for She is Mother, Maiden, and Crone—all three aspects of the Triple Goddess—in one. What She teaches us is that without the death energy of the Crone, the Maiden cannot conceive and the Mother cannot give birth.

Everyday Encounters: You encounter the Triple Goddess of Infinite Potential whenever you conceive a thought or emotion and let it ripen in the womb of pure awareness before sharing it with the world. When you allow old habits and patterns to die a natural death, making room for the possibility of a new you. Tap into your psychic abilies. Trust your intuition.

Nature’s Healers: Lotus

Second Chakra

Chakra Attributes: (Color: Orange) (Herbs: Gardenia, Damiana) (Function: Desire, Pleasure, Sexuality, Procreation)

Healing Essence of the Chakra: Located in our lower belly, it is where we relate to our bodies through the procreative centers. Through a healthy second chakra one can heal relationship problems, transform deep and hurtful emotions, and balance life.

Healing Flower: Hibiscus

Keywords: Life Energy, Creative, Procreative, Giving, Receiving, Inner Truth

Affirmations: I make my decisions from a place of hope and faith. My creative drive is strong and exciting. My sexuality is fulfilling and meaningful. I am life.

California Poppy

Latin: Eschscholzia californica

Color(s): Pale Yellow to Deep Orange

Archetype: Deva, the Flower Fairies. These magician beings of etheric beauty are the omnipresent agents of Creative Will, the engineers of Nature. They direct, build, weave, and sustain all natural forces: solar, planetary, and universal. They are the “shining ones”—luminous beings of iridescent light, color and energy.

Signature: Growing abundantly in bright sunlight, California Poppy is quite durable in the hot summer months. Eight to twenty-four inch stems with blue-green leaves support soft, satiny petals ranging from pale yellow to deep orange. Its blooms close on cloudy days and at night.

Healing Properties: California Poppy carries within it the radiant heights of summer and the majesty of the sunlight. It helps to expand one’s vision to include the auric fields of flowers, plants, trees, animals, human beings and other beings found in nature.

Healing: The fairy world, in its supreme purity, has come to greet you today. Perhaps you are being rewarded for having opened your heart to the wonders of the natural world. The Little People wish to pay their respects and welcome you into their magical world. Rejoice. This is, indeed, an honor. Greater vision is offered to you at this time, for you have been met with the devic consciousness of the Golden Poppy Fairy, who overlights her helpers, carrying the treasure of the warm and nurturing Sunlight within her heart. Close your eyes and allow the rapture of her radiant enchantment to fill your own loving heart. She may make herself known to you as you sleep, in meditation, or in awakened moments of ordinary life. Since fairy folk cannot resist the allure of creative energy, perhaps the Poppy Fairy will join you in your own symphony of creative harmonies as you undertake that creative project for which you've been meaning to find the time.

My Take...

We are seeking the deeper meaning of our existence. And as we look out onto the horizon what do we see? We are integrating with our Higher Self and as we do the vistas open up for us. We are unlimited. If you can imagine it, you can create it. We need to heal our second chakra and maybe by listening to 288 hz music, it will assist us as well as having flowers around us like Gardenia to help keep us grounded. And as the sun peeks out on the horizon we are becoming abundant and shining full of new color and energy for healing. Our vision is expanding so we can see the auric fields of the people and plants, trees and everything.  Supreme purity has come to greet us today as we have finally opened our heart to the who of who we truly are and what we are meant to do.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Cinderella's story has a lot to teach us.

Today I am using the Vanessa Tarot and the Fool's Wisdom oracle.

Five of Cups

This card is all about emotional fulfillment that has been lost to us. But we need to not think lost but instead transmuted. Things change in order for us to grow. And when we grow things cannot be how they once were. Try and see this emotional loss in a new way. Put a positive spin on it.

Six of Coins

This shows how you are being generous in the world. Are you giving begrudgingly or are you truly giving from your heart?

Two of Cups

This is about a sacred union, it is about finding someone you really click with. Could mean a soul mate, twin flame or integrating with your higher self.

The Fool's Tax

reminds us that there are somethings that we just have to do.. like pay taxes. This really goes well with the 6 of Coins and asks again how are you giving... out of your poverty or out of your abundance? It's all about your focus.

The Stress Fool

Stress has really gotten a hold of me this last week. It is reminding us to stay in our body and ground ourselves. Breathe. Go into nature. You have been living too much in your head and with your head in the clouds. Now it is time to come back down to Earth for awhile.

My Take..

The Five of Cups has both Cinderella and Snow White on it. And it became apparent how Cinderella's story really related to this entire card sequence today. The premise of Cinderella is that she feels she is not good enough as she is to get the notice of the handsome prince. And she feels that she must be "saved" by the Fairy Godmother who comes out of no where to help her. What the FG (Fairy Godmother) shows to her is exactly who Cinderella truly is. She didn't create anything that wasn't already there inside Cinderella.

But inside Cinderella feels emotional and withdrawn. "Who am I to gain the notice of the price?" she asks herself. "I am a lowly chamber maid who sleeps in the ashes and cinders. Who am I to even dream of being that wonderful or even dream that such a thing is possible?" 

Snow White is showing her in the 5 of Cups that miracles can happen. She is showing her how all the kindness she has put into the world, and her great generosity that great things are coming her way. Cinderella is finally discovering who she really is.

And after the transformation, Cinderella embodies the all of who she truly had always been. It was like she could suddenly see through a magic mirror and see all the possibilities in life. Then later, as she was returned to rags, she is reminded that through her generosity and believing in herself that she can attain that magical state again. Yet this time she will do it all on her own.

When you embrace the all of who you are, even the parts you don't particularly like, and stay in that state of generosity and compassion for your fellow man -- the attainment of your soul mate, twin flame, higher self or whatever is possible. 

So, when you come across those trying times when you are forced to give. When you are forced to see yourself for who you truly are, remember Cinderella. She is an overcomer. She overcame the block of believing that she was less than. And embraced the fact that she is abundant beyond measure.

I ask that you remember that today. You are abundant beyond measure. You deserve all the great things you want to have in your life. Believe that. Breathe that in. Live that truth today. 


Monday, August 12, 2013

Storms come. Rains come. But it's all for our good.


The universe is pouring its abundance out to you. Be open to receiving.


Cycles and Rhythms
Honor the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions.


You are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality


Undying Love
The live you have shared is eternal regardless of the situation.


You and your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected.

My Take...

The Universe is giving us an influx of prosperity. And if your situation is anything like mine, it could mean that chaos comes before the abundance. God is shaking up our lives, getting rid of the old stuff in order to bring us this great prosperity. Time to get out of our comfort zones and move forward to a more rewarding place. It's time. The cycles have come around again, the moon is in the right phase and newness is beginning. Sure, there will be emotions and stress and anger and crying, but it is all for our good. Like parents taking things away from a child to keep us safe, God is removing the blocks we could not see in our lives in order for us to continue to grow. Keep your mind focused on exactly what you want and keep from getting into severe negative thinking. Things are manifesting quickly now. This is all due to God's unfailing, undying love for us. He protects us even when we don't realize we need protecting.

Friday, August 9, 2013

We are manifesting like little bunnies right now.

Today I am using the Wild Wood Tarot and the Archangel Michael oracle.

9 of Arrows - Dedication

The spiritual warrior dedicates their arrows of inspiration by playing the bow as an instrument of summoning. The inner oath helps keep one on a balanced footing by dedicating skills to a greater good.

2 of Arrows - Injustice

The scales of natural justice have been skewed by false judgments, ignorance or arrogance. Sitting in judgment with unbalanced scales  to an untrue premise, however ardently or sincerely will not prevail. The bow is broken and useless through prejudice and misuse.

Your Home Is Protected By Angels

Archangel Michael: Thank you for watching over my home and its inhabitants. I ask that you post guardian angels at each window and door ensuring its security. Thank you for guiding my finances so that I can easily afford to pay my rend, mortgage or taxes.

Theme: Queen of Bows - Hare

Hares have been linked to Spring (Eostre, the Saxon hare goddess) and sexuality since Celtic times when it was considered taboo to kill them. Prolific breeders, they represent fertility and potential. The hare also is famous for the "boxing" ritual that takes place during March.

My Take...

We need to ask for protection for our homes, finances and things of this world that we consider "ours". Our inspirations, the things we create, are really balanced within us but there is something unnatural trying to invade our spaces. This shows up as judgments or grumbling or chaos. And this takes us out of the flow of our inspiration and puts our focus on the grumblings that surround us. This is all happening because this is a time of rebirth, of newness and we have to get used to how it is going to be now. Pay attention to what you have your attention on. Try and keep a balanced mind, keep yourself on solid ground and put your mind to what you want and not what you do not. Because what we think about will manifest like little bunnies and you want to make sure you are manifesting a whole lot of good things.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A new relationship/person is coming into your life. Embrace what comes as a result

Today I am using the Ghoats and Spirits Tarot by Lisa Hunt and the Druid Craft Tarot by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm


The Grim Reaper's appearance reminds us how sacred life truly is. All things must pass and something in your life is dying. But this death is not the end. Just a transference of energy from one form to another. Death can open up pathways and new beginnings. 

The Lovers

Love can rule our emotions. And water is like a mirror here. Before forging a new partnership keep in mind that a successful outcome is all about a balance of energy and making good decisions. Don't let this emotional energy overwhelm you. 

Nine of Swords

This character represents a Mexican woman of lore who made an awful mistake and now regrets her decision. The swords represent lingering pain. What do you regret? Where does pain longer in your life? Get out of this stagnant way of thinking NOW!

Princess of Wands

This is a lively, playful person who is eager to experience life. She lives life and is a loyal friend and lover. I don't usually do reversed cards since the way I shuffle doesn't mix them up like that. But since the card flipped out and I picked it up upside down, I'll give you the reversed meaning. Could mean a new spark of creativity that is the pre cursor to a new project or you will find yourself confused and indecisive. There is an interruption or a block in the flow. 

Prince of Cups

This is the Grail Knight. He is a sensitive, artistic, gentle soul who is keenly aware of the spiritual and wants to find their mission in life. You may be following your heart and romantic dreams but be sure to avoid the pitfalls. You may be inviting others to a social event or offering your help to others. 

The High Priestess

She stands at the entrance to the realm of inner wisdom, the Otherworld and the unconscious. Magical power, stillness and depth are what she represents. Priestess power is internal and mediates the Otherworld. She seems to be our way forward channeling the goddess and the moon. Don't be in a rush to move forward on your journey. It is time for stillness to uncover vast wisdom. 

My Take..

You are letting something go in your life to make way for the new. And you are coming into a new relationship that will assist you with your path. But there have been romantic regrets in your past. Where does this pain still linger? Somewhere in your body? Release this old karma and your symptoms might vanish. But definitely get back into a way of thinking that is all happy, happy, joy, joy. This new person will be lively and creative and full of spunk and vinegar. New projects could start when this new person enters your life. Be sure to follow your heart and your romantic dreams but keep a watch out for the pitfalls or any big gaping hole that is standing in front of you. You are standing on the threshold of an opening where you will gain some great wisdom. It has something to do with the Otherworld, the unconscious and magic and/or alchemy. You are connecting more to the divine feminine and the moon energy now. Now is not the time to rush. Enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A cycle is ending. Be prepared for new insights and a new ally.

Today I am using the Rosetta Tarot and the Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore.

Ten of Cups - Safety

This is about the end of a cycle of emotional development and seeds of a new beginning are being planted. You are feeling a sense of fulfillment but also are experiencing letting go as there is no way to go forward except to release. This is the card of perfect success. In the normal tarot I would see this as happy family life, over the rainbow with family fulfillment. Long term relationships that successfully weave together many strands of your life.

Eight of Wands - Swiftness

It says that this card is the visual representation of how the brain looks when we get those ah ha or light bulb moments. Expect brilliant flashes of insight. In the Wizards Tarot it means communication from a distance that comes in an instant. It can also mean that you have a lot going on. But the goal is to grasp the best idea, illumination or brilliant flash before they evaporate before your eyes. Remember that is important to both listen and communicate to gain valuable insight. Events that are currently in motion will reach their resolution quickly. It is a fast-moving card of inevitability.

Five of Swords - Defeat

This is asking you to recognize your limits and recognize defeat when it appears. Letting go is necessary. You will gain insight from this defeat and that will lead to transformation. Take a careful look at the situation. Watch for manipulation. It is possible that someone is not playing fair. Look beyond immediate success. Your victory may cost you more than it's worth.

Page of Swords

Someone who is ready to try something new in relation to ideas, systems or communication. When the Page of Swords is involved, you may have your hands full or you may have a helpful ally. She will bring clarity and insight and a raising of your vibration. 

My Take...

A cycle of safety is ending. And new seeds are being planted. And those seeds are going to be growing like gangbusters. Brilliant ideas and flashes of insight are on the horizon. But capture those ideas quickly. Recognize your limits and if you are in a situation where you are in a no win situation, know that this is just another learning phase you are going through. Look beyond the success you have now. Something new is waiting for you. Maybe even a new ally or person to work with. Messages will come. But is all about clarity, insight and raising your vibration.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Time to flow and open to the music all around us

 Today I am using the Universal Wisdom oracle and the Gaia Oracle
In my own way I will be continuing the BraveHawk One Deck Challenge. All this week on my YouTube Channel I will be using the Steampunk Tarot. On Facebook I will be posting cards from the Celtic Tarot.

Music of the Spheres

You are about to enter a positive and fertile period through which you will discover the secret of living an inspired and fulfilling life. 
Communication and flow is all round you and they are asking you to immerse yourself in it. Whether it be music, writing or art flow like the sound of the ocean's waves. It is time again, a new cycle, in which to be creative. Listen to music that inspires you while you work. And as you engage in this bliss, others will be encouraged in doing their own good works. 

Earth Song

This card shows us our deep connection to the earth. We are like the molecules in her body, ever moving, ever creating. Ask her to assist you when stuck and in turn send her energy when you are blessed, well and healthy. 


If we were to trace creation back to its source, it would lead to a point of light from which all creation stems. 

This card has come into the reading to remind you of the unlimited creative power, healing and wisdom that can be accessed through this sacred sound. 
The sound of creation is all around us brushing against our aura and just asking us to let it in and create from that place of oneness where all life began. 

Sacred Journey

Life cycles, Family, Transformation

We are taking a walk through time and this life is merely one pit stop along the way where we fill ourselves to the brim with experiences of all kinds. Have your experiences been well rounded or have you pigeon holed your life with such a narrow focus that you will barely being along anything to the next point along our long path. 

My Take. 

It's a time of creation. It's a time to attach to the flow of the universe. And Gaia is there to assist us as are all the Angels, guides, masters, teachers and loved ones. Connect to the flow of a time beyond time and access that knowledge that finally needs to be released. It will be broken open through sound. Sing, make music, play and watch the knowledge become revealed to us. This is a sacred journey we are on and we are all here for family, our own past and present and which includes Gaia and her wonderful support system, the Universe. 

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Monday, August 5, 2013

You are being supported so that you can support others.

Today I am guiding the Goddess Guidance Oracle cards.


This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner.

This card has many doves and they can symbolize love, peace and act as messengers. We are receiving a message in our everyday life about how we need to get gentle and fair with ourselves and remember to be gentle and fair with others. This is a decision that you just need to decide and stick with. I know sometimes people do silly and somewhat stupid things and we get aggravated and angry. But make the decision to be kind and fair. It will only help yourself in the end.


Focused Intention
Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings, and actions focused on your target, and you will make your mark.

You are completely supported by those around you. You are supported in the intentions that you are currently making in connecting with Heaven and the Higher Realms. You are growing and expanding in how you connect and are being given a safe place to do that. Remember to focus your mind directly on what you want in order to get exactly what you want.


Guiding Children
You are good at helping, counseling, and healing children. Use your skills to help children now.

I hear, hold onto me, I have you now. You know the feeling of someone catching you before you fall, that is what I feel with this card. You have been re-steered in a new direction because you were about to fall and the Higher Realms caught you and moved you back onto your path. So if you have been feeling a bit put off, uneasy or discombobulated, that is why. Your direction has been reoriented to true north. To help with the uneasiness, go out into nature and connect with Gaia, nature spirits and nature. Like little children who reach for their parents, you have reached out and Damara has caught you and put a big band-aid on your knees.

My Take...

You are receiving the message to focus on peace and love and being gentle with yourself and others. Stick with the decision to be fair and not jump to conclusions and go to that angry place. Focus instead on love and how you are completely supported by Source, your angels, guides, masters, teachers and loved ones. And as they support you, remember to support others too. Treat others as you wish to be treated. And know that you have been caught before stumbling off your path by these wonderful guides and support system that you have behind you and they wish that you do the same for others as well.

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The World Is Your Oyster

The World Is Your Oyster. 

Yesterday the deceiver was uncovered. And for me, that happened a lot earlier in the week. The deception was finally confronted in the recesses of your mind and you pulled back your energy from this person and watched them literally wilt and recede from you. Without you, their power is nil. Embrace that concept for a minute. Stand in that power. 

Today's cards reflect your victory. THE SUN. It's now your time to shine. Happiness, abundance and success is yours. The SIX OF PENTACLES shows how generous you have been, how giving. See that path the man's body is obscuring? You walked that path.  You gave of yourself. You had trials and now you are coming out victorious. See what you have accomplished. It is quite a sight. And as you step forward from here THE WORLD is your oyster. This phase is over. You won. You stepped up and you over came. And I am so proud of you. Thank you for being who you are and doing what you do. 


Friday, August 2, 2013

You are being deceived

Today I am using the Gilded Tarot and the Ascended Masters oracle.

7 of Swords

Yes, the 7 of Swords has made a return to my readings. It showed up in one of my YouTube videos this last week. It shows a deceptive, envious, thieving person who is a bit all about taking and hoarding and me, me, me. Be on guard, someone is manipulating you.

5 of Pentacles

At this manipulation is further compounded by the 5 of Pentacles. Here you are now looking at all the lack and poverty and all that you do not have. Probably because this envious person has made you feel so less than that you are spiraling downward. Stop the descent! YOU ARE WORTHY!

8 of Pentacles

I mean, look at all your good works, look at how you are really focusing on your creative vision. There is reason for that 7 of Swords person to be envious. I mean, YOU ARE FULL OF AWESOME SAUCE and they know it! This is asking you to pay attention to the details and really notice how this person is manipulating you.

Energy Healing

You have healing abilities you can direct through your hands. 

My Take...

Someone is deceiving you. They are envious and manipulative and are seeing your awesome contribution to the world and are somehow ripping you off. They are taking the credit for what you have said and what you have uncovered or brought out. Watch out. You are the worthy one. You are the one meant to shine. Take back your power. You have the power to heal this situation. It is in your hands. Your hands are all about your purpose. These people are in a strange way serving you and forcing you to step up and stand out. SHINE, SHINE, SHINE ON!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

You are seizing a new opportunity as new doors open

 Today I am using the Shadowscapes Tarot, Magical Messages from the Fairies and the Goddess Guidance Oracle. 

7 of Wands

This is all about going after what you want no matter the people that come against you. Seizing the opportunity that is presented to you and keeping your mind on the prize. Remember to say "no" to those things that really don't resonate with you or serve you and your path in some way.

Ace of Pentacles

You're going to see concrete results that have real-world impact on some gift you are giving the world. You have the means to reach your goal. Just use your common sense and trust and believe in the good faith of others. You are being handed opportunities in the earthly realm and know that you are safe and protected to move forward with these gifts now that blocks have been removed.

The World

You have a wonderful feeling of accomplishment because you became involved by sharing what you have been working on with the world. You are flourishing and accomplishing great things. You are making great strides. Enjoy this feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. You are seeing your dreams come true.

Walk Away

Leave the unhealthy situation, and enjoy the new doors that open as a result!

Ask for What You Want

Let the Universe and other people know what you need. 

New Home

Moving is a step in the right direction for you. 


There is no need to worry, as everything is working out beautifully. 


Golden Opportunity
Important doors are opening for you right now. Walk through them. 

My Take...

You are seizing a new opportunity and not letting anyone deter you from your goal. Good for you! And you will see concrete results from the opportunity you are literally being handed. And because of all this you will have a fantastic result, you will see true satisfaction and accomplishment. You are seeing your dreams come true.

But there is a catch, however. There is something blocking you that you need to walk away from. It is an unhealthy situation and not good for you. It did serve you in one way, it pushed you forward but now that's over. Move on. Ask for what you want. Put your desires out there. And when you do, you will see a time of great peace and new opportunities and doors opening all over the place for you to show the world what you've got!