Thursday, February 28, 2013

A victory leads to mastery - 2-28

Today I'm using the Dragon Tarot by U.S.Games Systems, Inc.


This is all about victory. You come riding in on your white horse with the victory over the opposing kingdom. You have new wealth and abundance.


This is all about how we nurture our emotions, our romance, our love. It's also about our intuition and paying attention to it, nurturing it. Learn new ways to access your intuition.


This is where someone is controlling you and you are in bondage to them.  You feel you can't move forward because of this controlling influence. They ask that you break these chains and move forward with your life without these chains that bind you.


You are learning all your lessons. You are an alchemist, a master at the art of being you. You have all the tools you need to move forward with your life. You are living the axiom, As Above, So Below.

My Take...

You're having a victory in your life. And this is nurturing you in emotional ways including your intuition. But something is controlling you. You need to use your intuition for discernment concerning this. And as a result you will break free from this bondage and move forward more of a master than before.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Disruption of flow leads to healing - 2/27

Today I am using the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. I like this deck. It's all surrounding the mythology of the King Arthur pantheon. 


This is a lot like the tower card in the tarot. Foundations are going to be shaken and things that no longer serve you are going to fall away. And this has an interesting image of a little waterfall. It's all about flow. Your flow has been disrupted in some way. Find the block (it's probably a fear you're hanging onto at present) and let the universe flow in your life again. 


Knowledge, Healing

We are growing in our healing and knowledge powers. And the serpent is facing the card to the right which is protection. We are being protected when it comes to healing and knowledge. There is a lot of green in this card which means healing in the heart and the heart chakra. Snakes are low to the ground so this says to me that you may need grounding of some sort as well.


There is a path here with a symbol that looks a little like the Pisces sign, but it also looks like X marks the spot. This path is leading you to your protection in your emotions. A new sort of stability that you have not had before. Ask your angels and spirit guides for support and be wary of hidden agendas of others today.

My Take...

Something in our world is blocking our flow as we move forward in life. It is usually fears or some thinking we are doing that is not of the highest vibration. We need to work on that today and heal this fear. To do that, gain knowledge from like-minded sources that you trust. Be wary of hidden agendas of others that don't have your highest needs in mind. Follow the path to healing you find and ask your angels and guides to point the way to this.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Leaving Behind Prior Conditioning - 2/26

Today I am using the Osho Zen Tarot.


This card is normally titled The Devil. It's time to take a look in the pond and make a break out of whatever you have been conditioned by others to believe about yourself. Awake the sleeping lion within.


You are feeling like an outsider. This is good. This is a transitory period. Now you have to make sure you don't fill yourself with pain and misery. The only way to be connected with existence is to go inward, because at the center you are still and connected. You have been disconnected physically from spirit to learn lessons you could learn no other way.


We are protecting ourselves in an armor but it's truly keeping us from being healed. The buttons represent triggers, if touched will detonate at any second. We are fighting illusions, protecting ourselves from illusions. Stop fighting, trust, and forgive yourself.


You have walled yourself up in protection and we are clinging to things. Release and allow the universe to give you something better. Learn to share, learn to live in expansive ways.


This is all about the feminine receptive quality of water. This represents the perfect harmony of the universe when we are in tune with it. God can reach you only when you are receptive.


This is the Hanged Man in the normal tarot. When you open up to the ultimate, it immediately pours into you. You are no longer an ordinary human being, you have transcended. By allowing all of lives colors to penetrate us, we become more integrated.


You have become conditioned by the circumstances of your life and have unknowingly restricted yourself from believing many doors in life were closed to you when, in fact, all doors are always open for us. You protected yourself, fighting off what you thought was bad. You held onto everything you gained in fear of loss due to this conditioning. But now you are learning new ways to live, how to be open and receptive to the nurturing things in life and this is creating you anew, re-birthing you in a way. As you open to this new experience of bliss, oneness with the Creator, the ultimate bliss and integration pours into you. You are becoming something new, a child of not Earth, but the Universe.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Find answers within - 2/25

Today I am using the Whimsical Tarot created by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. It's a wonderful deck that I am totally enjoying. I may end up using this deck for my new children's story using my Writing Fiction with the Tarot method I have mentioned in previous videos. Check out the playlist on my YouTube channel


You start out flipping through a book wondering "what is this crap" and eventually you find yourself a master craftsman in your chosen area.


Using your talents for the good of all. Having the power to solve seemingly impossible situations.


Finding the answers, looking deep within oneself for solutions. A message/news about love, emotions, intuition.


Wisdom of an elder, giving sound advice based on past experience, leadership, authority, making decisions


Spiritual teacher, the established way of doing things, clash of belief systems, you benefit from tradition, paying too much attention to what others say an think


The "wish" card. You get your heart's desire.

Jumping Card:
TWO OF RODS - Gift or offering, convergence of unlikely ideas or projects, working with a partner on a creative project.

Shadow Card (the card on the bottom of the deck after shuffling) 
THE EMPRESS - Nurturing and creativity bring out abundance, pregnancy or prosperity.


You are becoming an apprentice in some areas in some area of your life, work and you use your ingenuity to solve the seeming impossible. You have all the tools you need to move forward on your path. You find answers within yourself based on your own newly revealed past lives that have come into your purview.  And you will question your belief systems and take up a leadership position. Then after the smoke clears from all of this, the smoke will clear and your heart's desire, your very wish for what you want to happen in the world will be closer than ever.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

We have been called - 2/23

This is a new day. The clouds have cleared and a sparkly newness fills the land. Today I am using the youthful and totally awesome Whimsical Tarot by U.S. Games, Inc. Check out their site. It's filled with so much awesomeness. I plan on taking a deeper look at the Tea Leaf Oracle cards and the Mother Peace tarot deck. Both have round cards. Is that not cool?

Here is the reading for today:


Celebrating in groups of like minded friends. Or you have found a new group to be a part of.


Inner fortitude, courage to forge ahead with a great inner resolve.


Taking action on mental beliefs, thoughts, or ideas.


Pages are messengers of whatever element they serve. This page would bring new insight on some idea, thought you are currently working on.


You have heard the call to your life purpose. Do you decide to heed this call or ignore it?


This is where you are an apprentice in some work, bliss, creative endeavor you do in the world. You will move forward until you become a master craftsman.


Joy, happiness, hope for the future. New guidance is being offered after a time of hardship.

My Take...

We've found a new set of friends which will lift us up and make us stronger and cause us to take action on ideas we have already formulated. A younger person will arrive and offer more insight into your creative bliss and the ideas you currently have will blossom more. This has all come about because you heeded the call of Gaia. You are here as a newly apprentice incarnation even though your soul is filled with ancient knowledge. You are the hope the world so desperately seeks. Look within for answers. The key you're looking for lies within your own heart.


Friday, February 22, 2013

A decision leads to abundance - 2/22

Today I'm using the cards from the Angel Tarot.


Victory! Good news is on its way. Public recognition or awards.

Lots of creativeness floating about in this image. I really resonate with his big smile today. Happiness is apparent today as you come riding back into town with all the riches and success in your back pocket. Lots of rose petals. True Love in abundance.

JUSTICE - Archangel Raguel

This is my personal archangel. Love her!
Fair and just decisions. Do what you know is right. Stand up for your beliefs.

The background of this image is all blue which means communication to me and also Archangel Gabriel. We are weighing a decision we need to make today. Trust yourself. You know what to do.


Loyal, Dedicated, Honorable, Kind
Time to buckle down and get things done! Honor your commitments. A guardian angel.

There is your prince waiting for you to come and accept his love and what he has to  give to you. Even the horse has his hair styled. Very inviting image. We are opening up to the abundance in our lives and we are blossoming. We are taking action on something today and that will relate to the decision you needed to make in the previous card.

My Take...

Creativity is flowing today and you will have success and victory in your inspirations today. But there is a decision to make. And you will take immediate action on whatever it is and that will bring you abundance and an invitation you can't resist.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dream Info Leads to A Whole New World For Us. - 2/21

Today I'm using two decks. My Dreaming Way Tarot made by U.S. Games, Inc. and the Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards by Findhorn Press. I'm going to go my intuitive way today. Let's see what unfolds.


This is where we are resting. This person is hunkered in for the night resting all his swords on rocks. Rocks mean stability and strength to me. Fortitude. So, as we rest, take a load off, meditate, we will come more into contact with the messages we are getting through our thoughts. Maybe merging with Higher Self or just communicating with Higher Self and your "spiritual team."


Here is our messenger running around ready to give you a message about some idea you have been working on. She seems a bit hesitant to tell you the message. Maybe your spiritual team think that you'll freak out too much if they reveal too much.


Kings are all about mastery of their element. Pentacles are all about wealth, health, family, abundance, they physical realm. He is working with slower energy of the 3D plane. Things are stabilizing and people are looking to you for support and encouragement. You've come through a series of tests even stronger than ever.


The Fool steps out in faith. He is all about new beginnings. Taking chances is paramount. This is where you have the opportunity to discover exactly what your free will can do in the world. Take risks now and move forward with style.


Dreams are very important now. You can consider them your own personal oracle system. You just have to figure out what the symbols in your dreams meant to you. Because no one can interpret your dreams but you.

Archangel Raziel is the angel of mysteries. He revels holy secrets when God gives him permission to do so. You ask Raziel help for spiritual insights, to understand esoteric information and pursue clairvoyance, alchemy and divine magic.


Inside of us we each have a divine spark, a piece of God, and that is called your own personal I AM Presence. You need to start tapping into the power of this divine inner nature. You are a creator god in training and Earth is your training ground. So, get to work with the manifesting of your dreams!

Archangel Michael is known for his strength and courage in battle. He's a leader who reigns as the head of all the angels. Michael fights for good to prevail over evil. He protects and defends those who love God. His name means Who Is Like God.

My Take...

We need to rest and relax right now because we will be receiving messages about some knowledge that we need to know right now that will help us become stronger than ever in this 3D world. This knowledge will help stabilize us and help us to understand the nature of our world. And this will bring about a new beginning for us, a whole new world, so to speak.

We will receive a lot of information via dreams and Michael is asking us to really take up this mantle of coming into our divine nature and accessing this inner I AM Presence in our lives.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New joy leads to abundance - 2/21

Today I'm using the mystical Dragon Tarot made by U.S. Games, Inc. ( )

3 of Cups

This is about celebration. You are coming into your own in fulfillment. You are moving forward in some way with this and you are happy and getting together with friends, family or like-minded souls. Maybe a group is welcoming you into their open arms. Are new insights bringing you new connections? This is all about your joy at finding the right friends to connect with in life.

2 of Swords

This is all about being blind to a decision or avoiding it all together. Are you impatient and letting fear hold you back? Are you withholding affection out of selfishness? Have you come to a stalemate in your life? Or maybe you're trying to make someone earn your trust. You are defensive and at an impasse. Find a solution to move forward and you will be able to successfully remove this blindfold.

9 of Coins

You are finally coming into your own. In this position, the 9 of Coins means you are living happily ever after with your wealth, health and abundance in the world with your family. And what could be better than that?

My Take...

Let's read the story...

We are celebrating a new joy that has come into our lives that is all about a new group of friends we have encountered. But we are being reminded to keep our eyes open and not to be blind to something coming our way that has to do with ideas and our mental thinking. Look for solutions to bypass this mental impasse. And if you succeed, you will have wonderful abundance in the physical world in the form of family, wealth and health. And maybe even a creative venture you're working on.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rebirth and Self-Mastery today - 2/19

Today I am using two different decks. The Celtic Tarot along the top and the Thoth Tarot on the bottom. The Thoth will be an accent card assisting the message of the top card.

Death / Queen of Wands

Death implies the end of something. It could be a job, a situation, a relationship. No matter what it is, death is a hard experience. Or it may be a welcome closure, a relief. On a spiritual level, it means that the death of old beliefs that no longer resonate with you.

Queen of Wands is all about inner and outer transformation. It's self-mastery. Transformation and self-actualization. This queen is manifesting who she really is in the world. Mastery of her self-knowledge and awakening the deepest core of who she is.

5 of Pentacles / 7 of Wands

5 of Pentacles suggests that we are going through a rough time, looking at the lack in our lives, could be financially or physically though our health. But you are letting these hard times really get to you, erode your spirit, your faith and your desire. This cards asks that you keep the faith and realize that beyond every dark day the sun will rise and shine again.

7 of Wands is all about having the courage to stand by what you value. Things will unfold like the lotus blossom. Allow yourself to move in new directions as the opportunities arise, just make sure it is a direction you value. This will help your career and creative expression if you do this.

The Devil / The Moon

The Devil is all about bondage or addition to some dangerous practice, substance, situation or person in your life. IT can represent overindulgence. It is a reminder to adopt more moderate practices in your life.

The Moon is a universal symbol of choice. It also is sometimes called the Karma card. Karma is all about work that needs to be done. It's a universal symbol of the divine feminine which reflects back to us the mystery of who we really are. It asks us to protect our life force and energy as we change and reclaim our authentic selves. It is also about illusions or dreams. Anubis (reflected in the jackals) represent letting go of the old and outdated concepts and beliefs in our lives.

My Take...

We are having a major change, rebirth of something in our lives that will cause us to have inner and outer transformation. We will begin manifesting who we are really meant to be in the world. We just need to be aware that we need to look away from the lack in our lives and toward the fulfilling things we want to manifest and stand by what we value and desire as our true north. But don't get too caught up in resonating with things that could be potential bad influences on you. A lot of things going on now are illusions and they give us the gift of choice. But we have work that is still needing to be done. So release the outdated beliefs and concepts and get ready for this wonderful future ahead.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Change is coming - 2/18

Wisdom for Healing - Change Direction

Wisdom for Healing - Appreciate Everything

Wisdom for Healing - Be Mindful of Conflict

Healing Cards - Wander where there is no path.

Archangel Michael cards - Spend More Time Outdoors

Thank you for motivating me to spend more time outdoors and for helping me relax and enjoy connecting with nature.

My Take...

The wind is blowing in a new direction. And our stars are so close that we can grab them now. Step out in faith. Appreciate everything you have now, be in gratitude. Count your blessings. But be mindful of any disruption that comes up today. Release control to the Angels and your Spiritual team. They are asking you to plow new ground. Walk in a new direction, do something different and ground breaking. And make sure you ground yourself in Gaia and do some things outside today.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Stand your ground today - 2/16

Today I am using the Vanessa Tarot. I am determined to resonate with this deck. It's so pretty and youthful.

The reading this morning will be intuitive. I will just give you my take today.

We've been feeling like all the color has drained out of our lives. Wear colors that really resonate with you today to give yourself a boost energetically. We're not feeling as if we can see the good in our lives, but believe me it's there. Stand up, stand your ground and take stock of your life. And get ready, change is coming fast. Foundations will be shaken. And as I received in my video reading for today, we will be advancing, moving forward, changing up how we do or relate to our bliss or creative ventures. Don't take stumbles too seriously now. And look for those fulfilling things coming in for you. We will tend to overlook them if we aren't paying good enough attention. This is bringing in a new beginning and new success and happiness for us.

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Communication within as we move forward - 2/15

Sorry that this is a little late. I had a lot going on at work this morning.

Today I am using the Fellowship of the Fool Tarot. This is a very pretty deck that I like a lot. I am going to give you the intuitive reading again, but add in the directions from the booklet.

XII - Gaia (The World)

Absolute freedom to choose. Infinite possibilities. You have unified your inner sense with your outer world. (from the booklet)

This looks like you have the world in your hand, literally. It's all blue so it's about communication and how you do that in the world. Not to be forgotten is the physical realm with the yellow flowers. Power is there for us. Fairies immediately come to mind. And our powerful connection to the elemental kingdom. The lady in this photo is wearing green and that is all about your heart and your heart chakra, your heart's desires in the world.

3 of Pentacles

Cooperation within a framework, creative work that is appreciated by others. Demonstrated skills and abilities. Being rewarded and recognized for good work. (from the booklet)

Every time I see this photo, it looks like this girl is jumping in victory. I see that path as one leg of the lady. So, she is in joy about a creative work that she is focusing on. This gives her power in her heart and high heart. And in the background I se what looks to me like the face of a Buddah. That reminds me of peace and inner stillness.

3 of Staves

Essential detachment, wait and see attitude, The Fool on the Hill card, someone who is biding their time, exploration of new interests. (from the booklet)

Looks like we have a few walls before us, stumbling blocks? One is much bigger than the other. The lady looks off in the distance as if waiting for something to arrive on the scene. The entire card is green and red. Green is all about the heart and red is about security, day to day workings in our lives and our passions and bliss in life. I think we are looking for our creative bliss to come info fruition but we are afraid of what might be revealed as we move forward in life. It triggers our fears of security and how we have always been. Maybe we need to allow others to assist us in our journey forward?

My Take...

We are coming to a completion of a cycle as we hold the world in our hands. We now don't need others who claim to be doing things for our own good to help us. We need to communicate with our inner world. We need to communicate with Gaia and the elemental kingdom as we move forward with our heart's desire. And will have the skills and tools we need. We are already proving that. People are noticing our labors. And as we look to the future, we need to remember that like-minded people will always be there and have our back.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lover's Path Tarot Reading - 2-14

Today we are using the Lover's Path Tarot for our Valentine's Day intuitive reading.

2 of Coins

Coins are all about family, resources, earthly things, wealth, health, abundance. And in this card you are juggling two sorts of these things. This man looks wise and like an elder or monk. That symbol in the middle looks like those Irish rings. One had a heart that is red, and this makes me think there is one of these possible abundances that is more important to you, more in your heart. In the background we see the stability and strength of the mountains fully supporting him behind the scenes. We are always supported as we delve into our things of the earth plane.

Ace of Coins

This is a gift of abundance. A gift of wealth. The greenery suggests that something is growing in your life and being green it's all about your heart chakra. Your heart's desire is going to be growing in abundance. Maybe you will receive resources to support your heart's desire. But this also looks like a wall. And this is telling me that maybe you are blocking some of this abundance. Allow the universe and God to give you the great things you deserve.

Six of Arrows

You've broken through this wall that is revealed in the Ace of Coins. And  now you are in calmer waters where you are more supported in your emotions, in your mental ideas, and thinking. You are moving from the darkness into the light today.

My Take...

Valentine's Day is usually about love and romance. But today I am receiving more info about your heart's desires, your bliss, the thing you are meant to do in the world. You may juggle two things but one is more important. And there will be a gift of wealth for you if you only allow the wall before you to fall down and receive. And as you break through this wall  you've created, you will come into more calmer peaceful waters and a place of stability in your life.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Divine Guidance cards - 2-13

I didn't have a lot of time to work on my blog this morning, so I pulled two cards from Cheryl Lee Harnish's fractal images.

What does this say to us?

Go within, into solitude. Detach. A lot of us have been getting this message lately. Connect more deeply with the Higher version of YOU. Speak your truth and sing, chant or pray.

Also, your angelic team is saying... WE'RE HERE! You are supported. Your gifts are definitely needed in this world. You are, as Abraham Hicks says, "On the Leading Edge" of this movement forward at this time. Now you will see your path opening up, blossoming more than ever before.

How wonderful is that? Just great. New energies are coming in and we are going to be on the leading edge of it.

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Waves of Love connect us 2/12

Today I'm using the Ghosts and Spirits Tarot. I'm going to go the intuitive way again today.

Knight of Cups.

Love is coming into action. We can feel its energy as this peaceful wave, like a calm wave lapping over us. Twin flames are blossoming all over the place.


Our soul is releasing the old karma. We may feel temporary pain but we are strong enough to handle it. We will come out the other side stronger than ever as the one source of all infuses us with his divine grace.

The Hanged Man

We are being filled with the grounded energy of Gaia and we will use this energy to heal others. What was once a mere skeleton of our lives will become flesh again. Things are being renewed before our eyes. As we renew, we connect our energy to the Heavens.

The Star

Our ancestors and loved ones support us in new ways. We feel them with us, by our side, lifting us up. It's a dance of the ages that will continue in the future as we become more and more connected to everything. We open up our communications and merge our dreams with reality.

My Take

Love comes over us in loving waves as we release old karma and are infused with the love of source. We are filled with this grounded energy that will reveal our healing abilities. This connects us to the Heavens and a new connection with our Galactic family and earthly spirited loved ones and ancestors.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Integration commencing - 2/11

Today I am using the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle card deck and I am doing this a bit differently than normal. Today, I will look at the card and try to intuitively see what I can see. Working on the intuition now is very important for us. So, we'll see what I get intuitively from this reading.

The Altar Priestess

Preparation, prayer, sacred ritual

We have the power of the stars inside us. We are literally created from the same things as the stars. We are opening to a new illumination in our lives at this time. We need to realize that we are much bigger than we are acting right now. Dream bigger for yourself. See other people as the bigger, more enlightened versions of themselves and know that everything is being done to further our course in this life.

The Lady of the Gift

Generosity, receiving, withholding

Fairies are all around us right now and the elemental kingdom is of predominance importance. Breathe life into your creations. You are creating jewels that will blow on the wind and assist others on their path.

The Desert Prince

Survival, False promises

We are at home with sacred knowledge. We are filled with a great courage and strength. Make your focused intentions on your bliss and see things from the higher perspective of the Gods.

The Cosmos

Creativity, vastness

Your very essence is of the stars. You have a galactic connection that cannot be denied right now. This aspect will soon be revealed to you.

My Take...

Our Higher Self is from the stars, the cosmos, the universe, and it is illuminating us through our thoughts, dreams and little signs throughout the day. The fairies are also playing a role now that helps us breathe life into our inspirations, creative bliss, We are stronger now than we know and are seeing things from the perspective of the Gods. This Higher Self will soon be revealed to you or you will integrate with it

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Daydreams lead to new awareness - 2/10

Lizard - Daydreaming
Animal Dreaming Oracle

Daydreams are spirit's way of allowing us to consciously explore our future. What you visualize in your daydream spirit offers a map to find.

Queen of Cups - Joie de Vivre Tarot

Nurturing our creativity and intuition. We have the key to open our heart's desire.

Bat - Rebirth
Animal Dreaming Oracle

Bat heralds a time of adopting new practices and discarding old ones.

Eight of Cups - Joie de Vivre Tarot

Just as the bat leaves his cave of darkness and is reborn every day, we are walking away from some experience in our life.

Magpie - Balance
Animal Dreaming Oracle

He's the bringer of balance, agent of awareness & force that champions the attainment and correct use of esoteric knowledge. You are being guided to a place of awareness. You are being primed for a deepening of purpose and a broadening of perception.

Six of Swords - Joie de Vivre Tarot

You are moving out of the chaos of life and into calmer, more stable waters.

My Take...

As we daydream we create our future that spirit gives us a map to bring into manifestation. We need only nurture our own creativity. We need to believe in ourselves and our vision. We are having a rebirth in our lives and walking away from what no longer serves us. And we are guided to a new place of awareness and moving into a better place in our lives.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Intuition and Healing lead to New Open Doors - 2/8

Featuring the Osho Zen Tarot deck. This is quite a different deck than the normal tarot. It uses Buddhist philosophy where peace is predominant. 

Queen of Water - Receptivity

The Queen of Water brings a time of unboundedness and gratitude for whatever life brings without any expectations or demands. Sensitivity, intuition and compassion are the qualities that shine forth now dissolving all obstacles that keep us separate from each other and the whole.

King of Water - Healing

It's a time when the deeply buried wounds of the past are coming to the surface, ready and available to be healed. We are no longer hiding from ourselves or others. In this attitude of openness and acceptance we can be healed.

5 of Rainbows - The Outsider

Whenever we feel left out or excluded it brings up this feeling of being a small and helpless child, of being less than others. Recognize that the roots of these feelings are in the past and let go of this old pain. It will bring you the clarity to realize  the doors of opportunity in your life have never really been closed or locked. All doors are truly open for us. Decide which way you want to go and walk through your door to a new experience that could change everything for you and your life.

My Take...

We are communicating in new ways, being more receptive to what others have to say and detaching from those concepts that don't ever serve us. We are now relying on our own sensitivity, intuition and compassion even more now. And we are healing our old wounds from the past. We are no longer hiding from aspects of ourselves. We are free. And new doors are opening and have been open for us, if we had only noticed. Notice these doors of opportunity and walk through into a new world created just for you!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Abundance 4 Us - 2/7

Magical Mermaids & Dolphins - Blessed Change

A major life change brings you great blessings.

A change is a-comin'. And it's gonna be a good one, but sometimes we don't see change as good. This change will serve you in the end even if it is a bit of a troubling event.

Magical Mermaids & Dolphins - Self Forgiveness

Let go of old guilt, and remember that you're God's perfect child!

Forgiveness is all about helping ourselves release the things that are troubling us. As we release, we allow more good to come in for us.

Magical Mermaids & Dolphins - Synchronicity

Your prayers and questions are being answered by synchornistic events. Notice them in order to increase their flow.

Events are happing at a rapid pace. Notice the signs that the universe, God and the angels are sending you.

Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides - Lady Bug

This is a time of good fortune and abundance, so be willing to receive all good things in your life.

Good fortune and abundance. Who's not all good with that?

Psychic Tarot - 5 of Pentacles

Financial and physical changes.

Focusing on lack will bring lack. So, let's focus with the ladybug on our abundance instead today.

My Take...

We are receiving change into our lives that will assist us in moving forward. Don't resist this. Forgive any old wounds in order to allow the good to flow in for you. Notice the signs and synchronicities that the universe is providing for you because we are receiving our abundance and good fortune right now. Relish that. Don't fall prey to negative thinking.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Practice leads to Miracles - 2/6

Life Purpose Oracle - Practice

Polish your skills by practicing regularly.

As we devote each day to working on our passion, our vision, our artistic creation, we get better and better, advancing daily.

Life Purpose Oracle - Infinite Abundance

You're fully supported as you devote yourself to your Divine life purpose.

This gal looks to me like the gal from the Practice card. But where in Practice she was grounded in Mother Gaia, brown and earthy, now she is abundant in color, vibrancy and fruit. As we have practiced, we have grown in our abundance. Daily we worked our craft and now look as us shine!

Life Purpose Oracle - Travel

Your life purpose involves traveling.

This may mean literal travel or you may astral travel or travel via your creations, maybe by a book you are working on that is about a far off land.

Healing With The Angels Oracle - Miracles

Miracles are occurring all around you. Be on a look out for them. You are getting a miracle about your passions, your heart's desire.

My Take...

It's all about our creative expression, our creative visions, our passions unfolding today. Practice leads to abundance in many things, which leads to travel and miracles. Sounds mighty nice, doesn't it? Enjoy this energy today.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Building a new future - 2-5

Angel Tarot - Archangel Raziel  - The Hermit

Spend Time in quiet meditation. Spiritual teaching. Self-discovery.

Angel Tarot - Four of Fire

Contentment,m peace and abundance. A happy home life. The successful completion of a project. Stability.

Angel Tarot - Four of Water

Missing an opportunity. Discontentment or boredom. Open your eyes to the possibilities.

Life Purpose Oracle - Builder

Your innate ability to build and create brings you a deep sense of accomplishment.

Archangel Michael Oracle - New Beginnings and a Fresh Start

Prayer: Thank you for bringing new opportunities and offering support, and for helping me release and heal my past. Fill me with trust as I experience these life changes.

My Take:

We have been big into our spiritual life and taking time out for self-discovery. Now it's time to find that peace and abundance that is coming in for us. We have completed a project and we are happy and stable. But keep an eye out for any new opportunities that could be fulfilling coming your way. Don't miss something great! 

You're all about building your new dream right now. Don't look too much into the past to find your future. Learn from your mistakes and move on. You are getting a new beginning and a fresh start that will catapult you into a new realm of experience. Enjoy it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Wishes fulfilled concerning project - 2/4

The Secret Tarot by Lo Scarboro

Secret Tarot -  The Tower

Jumping Card

Your life has been hit by lightening and something that doesn't serve you is going to fall away. Shaken foundations and change.

Secret Tarot - 9 of Chalices

This is the Wish Card. It's all about fulfillment of your heart's desire. You will get what you really want.

Secret Tarot - Knave (Page) of Wands

You're either starting to take a creative project seriously and are beginning to devote time to it, or you are about to receive a message about a creative inspiration.

My Take...

Change leads to fulfilling your heart's desire and you'll be getting some news about it via text, email, phone, internet or some communication form. 

Enjoy this time.

Have a wonderful day.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ponder on your BIG DREAM - 2/3

Angel Dreaming Oracle - Day Dream
Imagination, allow your mind to wander, quiet time

This is a time to go inside yourself and dream a little dream about how you want your life to be. Ponder on stories you want to write, dreams you had last night or things that truly inspire you.

Sacred Rose Tarot - Page of Cups
This is all about a message pertaining to your emotions. This is saying, stay home if you feel sick. You don't always have to do things to keep up appearance to please others. Now is the time to nurture you and your emotions. Also, you have a new creation brimming inside you, take time today to find it.

Angel Dreaming Oracle - School

Are you learning a new talent or dusting off an old one that hasn't seen the light of day in years? It's all about learning your craft today.

Sacred Rise Tarot - 2 of Pentacles

This card promises busy times ahead, lots going on and multiple things going on such as projects, financial concerns or health issues. Be flexible and go with the flow.

Angel Dreaming Oracle - Food
Nourishment, relationships, Health

This is asking us to nourish ourselves body, mind and spirit. We need to take care of ourselves like a mother would.

Sacred Rose Tarot - Queen of Wands

She is energetic, creative, dramatic, faithful, warm. She lives a busy life and seems to accomplish everything she attempts. New activities and challenges delight her. She is not afraid to try anything. Either you will meet someone like this queen or you are this queen.

My Take...

This is asking you to daydream about your big dream and take the time to really delve into what you want for it and how you feel about it. Because this is helping you learn a new lesson that you need to follow your big dream no matter what. Go with the flow. Multiple things may pop up that relate to it and help make it bigger. This is going to nourish you and bring out the creative powerhouse inside of you that challenges and delights you on many levels.

Sounds rightly inspiring.

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Reach for your dream - 2/2

Coming Apart (reversed)
Enchanted Map Oracle

A situation is unraveling. Get a better perspective on this. Untangle yourself from a place that you no longer belong. Don't fret. You will learn something valuable.

Give More
The Answer is Simple Oracle

Your heart's desire isn't out of reach but it will require more from you to bring it into fruition. Don't give up before you start to see results. Your spirit is able to achieve everything you dream of.

3 of Broomsticks (reversed) Swords
The Witchy Tarot

To me these two witches look like the hanged man being upside down like that. Seeing things from a new perspective. Some pain is born from misunderstanding. Make sure you discover the real truth. Someone may be trying to hurt you cruelly and needlessly.

3 of Flames (Wands)
The Witchy Tarot

The girl closest to us reminds me of the Hermit shining her light. Accepting help from someone working at a slower pace than she is. This is a card of great vision and foresight. You have taken an idea and started implementing it. You have laid the groundwork, congratulations. Expect to see signs of success soon.

The Star
The Witchy Tarot

This card offers hope and guidance. As you emerge from troubled waters, you will find clear signs directing your path. The Universe is offering refreshment, transformation is at hand. Reach out and grab it!

My Take...

You are moving away from some aspect of your life that was complex and puzzling. As you untangle yourself, don't stop working on your dream. There may be some kind of pain brought on by another who sees your potential and wants what you have. Don't fall for their nonsense. You have a great vision and you have already started bringing it into greatness. And as you move past your puzzling situation and untangle your emotions, you will see clear signs guiding you farther on your path. Have hope and reach for the stars.

Have a wonderful day.