Saturday, July 3, 2021

Fire Signs - Burdens Reading - What they are and what to do about them


I thought I would try out new types of readings here first. Here is a Fire Signs slanted Burdens reading.

TWO OF CUPS - Burden: Soulmate

This comes out first because this is what is most on your mind right now. Soulmate relationships are filling your mind. This is clarified by Justice, 2 of Wands and 6 of Swords. Justice is saying to me that you want to make things right with a soulmate. Are you burdened by a past wrong you did and need to apologize? Are you burdened by broken trust? There is an opening coming in here for you to move forward and accomplish this task. The energy is ripe for it. 2 of Wands is a crossroads card. Which way should you go? Trust your heart. It never leads you wrong. I see you moving toward a more peaceful state once you deal with and release this burden.

8 OF CUPS: Burden: Walking away

This could be related to burden one since maybe the act of walking away from someone you loved has haunted you. This is clarified by the knight of pentacles. You are offering a new beginning with this card. Maybe you are offering this new beginning to yourself. Time to take the road less traveled, maybe? This is a burden of regret.  The card that goes with this is Fool clarified by Temperance. Your life has really tested you and you have come out a stronger person. This new beginning is you stepping out in faith toward something you have been dreaming about for a long time. Trust yourself and be patient.

KNIGHT OF PENTACLES: Burden: An offering

You have struggled with this burden for a long time. Maybe an offering you made in the past was a wrong choice and it took you a long time to realize you received exactly what you have up by making that choice. Now it is time to make a new choice that resonates with you. The new choice is love overflowing with the Ace of Cups. It is clarified by the 7 of pentacles. This love, whatever it may be about, relationships, passions you are creating, anything really that you love is coming to a time of harvest. Pentacles is a slow moving energy so this has taken a long time to manifest. But I think it will be worth the wait.


I don't normally do reversed cards but this one seemed significant. The 7 of Swords is the card of deceit and treachery, theft of ideas. It is about coming into the dead of night and stealing things away you can receive in no other fashion. Being reversed means you have let go of this compulsion. You are growing. You have let this go because you received a message of inspiration or passion by someone. Maybe they have faith in you and that led to having faith in yourself. This is clarified by the 7 of pentacles and the 2 of cups. This soul mate from the beginning of the reading has been a good influence on you. You have become a better person by changing this habit of deceit. Congratulations.

THE OUTCOME: 5 of Pentacles reversed

Wow, you have truly grown. You went from being left out in the cold and not seeing your blessings to embracing these blessings and refocusing your life in a way that will lead you to this wonderfully blessed life. Did I say blessed enough times? You are totally seeing things in a new way and it has taken many burdens off your back. You are energetically lighter as a result. You feel free. You are in this grounded place where you can take care of yourself and not feel guilty about it. We need what we need when we need it. Be patient with yourself. The best is yet to come.


Broken Arrow - Embrace the energy of peace. You are really doing that right now and it has had significant impact on your life.

Eagle - See from a higher perspective. When you look at the world and your place in it from the perspective of God and his plan, you understand that some burdens are just meat to be and a catalyst to move you to where God wants you.

Fire Guardian - Ignite your passions. How ironic this came out since this is a reading for the Fire Signs. It is time to relight that fire inside you and get busy with the art of living your best life because it is totally available to you now.

Final message from the Heirophant: have faith that all will work out as it should in divine time.


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