These cards are from the Steampunk Tarot by John & Catlin Matthews.
I just love this tarot. It is a bit hard to get used to but the images are just fantastic. I recommend this deck for anyone who loves steampunk.
Eight of Engines (Wands)
This is the Woo, Woo, Woo card. Lots of energy and great communications. I have put a screenshot of the beginning of the description so you can see how great the divination responses are from the writers of the deck. This card features a satellite and it is just coming online. So we are coming online now with our Higher Selves. We are coming into a better connection with our spiritual team. And things are just going to get going from here. More communication and connection... yay!
Five of Submersibles (Cups)
This is the card where you are focused on the bad things that have happened in relationships. You are not focusing on yourself but others and other people are just either not living up to your expectations or they are just disappointing you. This card shows a man who looks a lot like Hugh Jackman seeing one of the ships in his fleet going down. Right now he can do nothing to save them and they will have to fend for themselves. But you can, as it says above, salvage something from this loss in your life.
Ace of Airships (Swords)
This card is usually about really getting a great inspiring connection from some sort of communication or idea. But you are just not connecting with the place or person you are trying to connect to. Don't fret. Fretting will only keep you from connecting. Just relax. Ask yourself what do you need to look at more clearly and honestly. And then take action on that. You will serve yourself well.
My Take...
So basically, you are getting this new connection with the higher realms, your higher self, your god, and now you are just freakkng the heck out. What do I do now you ask yourself. This is so different from what I know. But just know that you only need to allow and accept and to look at your situation honestly and with clarity and you will find that you are traveling on an awesome road filled with new wonders the like you may have never seen before.
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