Weekly Oracle and Tarot Reading
for Thurs., Aug. 15 till Wed., Aug. 24th
Tarot cards are from the Pagan Ways Tarot deck
The 6 of Wands reversed It can mean that despite delays and challenges, that things you have been hoping for or working on may finally come through. Upright this card is about victory after battle. It still has a good connotation reversed. Still positive. The sunflowers symbolize pointing your face toward God. Sunflowers seek out the sun pointing their faces to its heat over and over. To have success you will need a single-minded focus on what draws your attention. Victory isn't apparent yet, but it's coming. So never fear it won't work out for you in the end.
The Knight of Wands in the present position indicates that a new idea or creative inspiration is about to get your attention. The card says Adventure. A new adventure awaits. But don't be too stubborn about it. The Ram on the shield represents the sign of Aries. Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac and thus the pioneer. You may be leading the charge in whatever area has your focus right now. So don't give up just because you may be the only one who sees the way forward.
The Five of Swords can be representative of interoffice drama. Currently, there is a negative energy around you that is feeding on itself by promoting gossip and lack of productivity. Fives are also about no one really winning an argument. Time to focus on the win-win solution instead of one that just works to your best interest. You are the trailblazer right now and others might not like how you are changing and they aren't. Some people don't like to be reminded how stuck they are in life. So take the ideas and inspiration you get and move forward with it anyway. Don't let the inaction of others stop you.
Bottom of the deck: Overall meaning:
The Three of Pentacles reversed can point out that you are working in a relatively mundane job in which your contributions and experience go unappreciated and under-valued. There is not much opportunity for growth and advancement, and you feel as if your skills and capabilities are not being utilized. It might be time for a new job or to rethink how you see your current employment. What can you change that will make it more fulfilling for you? You have the ideas and inspiration inside you just waiting to burst forth. Let it out and shine!
I pulled a couple of oracle cards for this reading as well.
From the Mythic Creatures Oracle I pulled the Cyclops card. This speaks of a narrow focus and a more caveman like attitude. Don't get all up in everyone else's face when they don't see things like you do this week. Relax and take a step back. You are working five paces ahead of them. They don't have your vision. Give them a break.
Rumi's Gift Oracle Cards bring two cards: Devotion and Letting Go. You need to let go of your worries right now. You are on the right track. Your devotion to your cause and ideas are all moving along as they should and you might need to just remind yourself that you and your ideas matter. Speak to like-minded friends to keep you on the straight and narrow. But not too narrow, mind you. You see the big picture as well as know all the little details. You need a sounding board or a brainstorm session to get it all out and organized.
Don't worry. You've got this. This week should be a breeze if you remember to breathe and listen to your heart.
Tarot and Oracle Cards are all by Schiffer Publishing.
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