Thursday, August 22, 2019

Energy Forecast for Tues 8-27

Energy Forecast Tues 8-27 - Dark to Light Reading

Using cards from the Work Your Light Oracle Cards, 
Messages from Your Angels Oracle and Deviant Moon Tarot.

Cards of Light

INNER TEMPLE - Devotion. Tune into the portal of your heart. Self-care. Do something for yourself for a change. Nurture the inner you. Treat your inner child with kid gloves. Don’t always put yourself last. It can be all about you sometimes.

THE EVER-UNFOLDING ROSE - Cracked open. It is happening for you, not to  you. Blossoming. Enjoying the little things of life. Inspiration. The rose is considered a symbol of balance. It expresses promise, new beginnings and hope. The thorns represent defense, loss and thoughtlessness.

YES. Just say yes. You have been saying yes to others. And now it is time to stand your ground. Say yes to yourself for a change. Maintain boundaries.

LEAP - You go first. The Universe will catch you. Like in visualization, you must imagine it before you can manifest it and take action on it. Put good images in your mind that you can indeed achieve your goals.

Cards of the Dark

KNIGHT OF PENTACLES - This whole reading is duality. But this card has put its focus on the cards of the light. So, that is what you must do as well. Pay no heed to the negative things of this world and instead bask in the glow of what the all that is has give us on the earth. This Knight is practical, patient and protective. A great guy to have at your side. Look for this type of person to show up in your life. Taking action on inspiration with a foundation of strength behind it.

9 OF WANDS - The image on this card shows someone who looks defeated. But they aren’t. They have struggled and suffered, yes. But this person is only taking a breather in order to stand and fight again. Stand your ground in your dealings with things and ideas today. After the fight just know that you are ready for more.

Bottom of the deck (theme): 5 OF CUPS - This is kind of a dismal theme message. But I feel like this is the energy from the past. This feels like your mind swirling in a broken record fashion going over and over things that are, well, over. You wonder if you are good enough. It looks like you are being scolded here. You aren’t the one focusing on the negative fallen cups. You have accepted your fate and moved forward. The person who is doing the yelling is the one who is stuck. Try to ignore the well meaning people in your life who try to tell you what is what. You already have your head screwed on straight.

ARIELLE - New psychic and spiritual experiences are changing the way you are viewing the world and yourself. Allow your spiritual gifts to open through study, prayer and meditation.

My Take:

Things are not as black and white as they first seem. Maybe you have been ignoring the grays of life thinking people’s mindsets are dialed in and set on something that will never change. You need to give others a chance to show you that they are well meaning. And if they aren’t, hear them out anyway and then discard what doesn’t resonate with you. You need to listen to your heart and what it is telling you over the roar of the crowd. You are blossoming and growing. And like the sunflower, you keep putting your focus on the light and on the good things in life, that is bound to rub off on you eventually. Say yes to yourself and what you want and need today. You matter. What you wants matters. Like the Fool card who is in search of a new beginning, take a step out in faith and leap. Let God catch you where you are and lift you up higher. You may struggle but you won’t be beaten down. You will thrive and stand to fight again. All this is leading to new spiritual gifts opening to you. Listen to what God and the Universe has in store for you now. You will be amazed at your progress.

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