Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Weekly Forecast 8-21 - 8-27

Cards used in this reading are from the Mary-El Tarot and
The Archangel Megatron Self-Mastery Oracle.

Weekly Forecast 8-21 - 8-27

The first card is THE HIGH PRIESTESS REVERSED. This card speaks of connecting to our intuition and how that connects to everything else. Revelations observed in visions. She is a lady in the know. Reversed means the connection is either lessened in intensity or blocked in some way.

The NINE OF CUPS REVERSED is called the wish card. Upright it is about wishes coming true. Reversed it asks you to really contemplate what it is you want in life. It can also mean that you will soon be finding deep fulfillment in something.

QUEEN OF SWORDS REVERSED can mean that a strong woman can come in and enrich your life but it might not be in the best or easiest way possible for you. Sometimes people teach us by showing us how we don't want to be.

 The FOUR OF CUPS is about have a lot of opportunities around us yet not paying attention to them. This card says "listen" to me. Relax and calm yourself and then pay attention to the gifts you are being offered even if they don't look like gifts to start with.

The Oracle Cards:

INNER CHILD - you have not been paying attention to that part of you that knows how to have fun and live from a place of joy. Look for things the inner kid in you will get a kick out of.

WATER - This card is about diving into your imagination and the land of dreams. Pay attention to your dreams. Write them down. They are giving you messages meant for you alone.

PRIORITIES - The angels have heard your call for help and are lending their assistance. Are your priorities unbalanced? Have you spread yourself too thin? Look at where you give your time and energy. Is it important to you or do you need to rethink what is most important in your life?

My Take:

Your connection to your intuition is fuzzy. You haven't been making this connection a priority. Try to find fun ways to connect to that deepest part of you where the miracles happen. You haven't been giving yourself the things you most need. You have been neglecting your own spirit and your support system is cracking. Make time to build yourself back up again. Believe in yourself again. Someone will show up to help you even if they seem to be everything you don't need. They are still teaching you important lessons. Dive into your imagination and the dreams you have set aside for so long. The key to breakthrough is there. Have fun with it. Don't take everything so seriously all the time. Opportunities are all around you if you would just notice them.

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