Friday, August 30, 2019

Weekend Reading Aug. 30-Sept. 1

Weekend Reading Aug. 30-Sept. 1

THE LOVERS - reversed. - This can indicate a disharmony in a partnership with either yourself or another person. A trouble with a commitment. Or a complicated decision that might not be to your best advantage. The Lovers is all about the heart and coming from a place of the heart. When reversed, maybe you are not living up to your own expectation and what you most want from life. Search for and do the things you love and you will feel more fulfilled today.

THE FOOL - A new beginning. Stepping out in faith and moving into a new chapter of life. You have left something behind and are moving into something you may not totally be ready for but you are there to take the chance anyway.

JUSTICE - reversed - The card upright signifies justice, fairness, truth and the law. You are being called to account for your actions and you will be judged accordingly. What you reap, you sow. A ruling is coming down shortly. This is about the search for truth. Reversed can indicate that you have done something you don’t think of morally right. You can hide it from the world and see if the secret comes out or you can come clean and reveal it before your are found out.

THE STAR -  reversed - This is all about hope and guidance. This is the combo of good common sense and using your intuition together in sync with each other. Can mean a reprieve after a period of turmoil. Reversed this can mean you have lost faith and hope in the Universe. You are feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges. This is a test of faith. Will you crumble and fall apart or stand firm. Can mean you are uninspired by life or hobbies or your work in general. Time to find the love and fulfillment again. Fill up your cup.

Bottom of the Deck (theme): ACE OF FIRE (Wands) Upright your creative potential is growing. Reversed it is lacking. This graphic looks like a beacon. Reversed it is as if all your creative potential is oozing out and dripping into the world. Maybe you are giving too much and not leaving enough of the good stuff for yourself. You are questioning your purpose and wonder if you are moving in the right direction.

My Take:

You are questioning the Universe and wondering if you are indeed on the right path. You need to trust yourself and your creator that you both know what you are doing. Creator has our needs at his center. Sometimes it may feel like we are being punished when we come across a challenge that cripples us. But we are being made stronger. And being stronger is in our best interest in the end.

You have started something and are questioning your commitment to it. Have you done the right thing, you wonder. Is it all going to be worth it? As you step out in faith and trust that what comes up for you is indeed in your best interest, you will become more fulfilled. You will be challenged, yes. But these challenges are leading you to a better place in your overall life purpose. You are in a growth period. Fill up your spiritual reserves in any way you can. Read, write, meditate. Do everything you can to assist yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself that you need this recharge period. We all do at times.

Cards in this reading are from The Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid.

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