Monday, August 19, 2019

Energy Forecast for Tues. 8-20

Cards used in this reading are the Mystic Dreamer Tarot
and the Secret Language of Color Oracle Cards.

Energy Forecast for Tues. 8-20

THE PAGE OF WANDS REVERSED can mean a time of confusion and indecision. Your best laid plans could hit a snag or some type of paperwork. Can indicate a mean spirited person is in your immediate surroundings.

The SIX OF WANDS speaks about a victory after battle. You have slayed the dragon, won the day and came back home victorious. You have reached for the brass ring and attained it. You are singing yay, yay, yay all around the town.

The FOUR OF CUPS REVERSED is about breaking out of a self imposed rut. Opportunities are there and you recognize them as blessings instead of burdens.

Bottom of the deck (theme of reading): 8 OF WANDS REVERSED is associated with patience and inaction. You are frustrated about something. Upright it speaks of a creative flurry and messages/news from afar coming in. Maybe here you aren't getting the message and need to wait a little longer to receive the info you need to know.

The Oracle cards are MAGENTA and BRILLIANCE Magenta says to connect to your deepest knowing. It is a color that is unique, agreeable and helpful. It uplifts our spirits in times of unhappiness. Brilliance is pretty much white and is about change and transformation. The card depicts an image of a waterfall. Waterfalls are about flow and movement forward.

My Take:

Where do you need to get unstuck in your life? You have been unhappy long enough and on Tuesday the Energy wants to kick start and reboot your spirit. Time to let it go and let the creativity flow. Success is waiting for you around the corner. Stop being a fraidy cat and breakthrough your self constructed barrier. Riches are waiting for you beyond the blockage.

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