I hope you have enjoyed this month of daily card readings. Next month I will try to do two blog readings a week. And we will see how that goes.
Today's card: Page of Cups & Queen of Bats
Shadow card: 10 of Imps
Top Card: Queen of Imps
The Page of Cups is a dreamer. She is emotional. She follows her intuition and finds herself in a happy place. She is happy even with this rocky surface beneath her feet. She doesn't let the obstacles and blocks of life get her down. She is emotionally resilient she asks you to never stop dreaming.
The queen of Bats is smart. She has a good head in her shoulders. She is the female leader of the Queens. She has the ideas and knows how to implement them. Her fortes are communications, publishing, writing in all forms including emails. She writes with the same passion she speaks. She is unstoppable. Never take her on in a trivia contest. At the bottom of her chair which represents support is a moth. Moths have similar symbology as butterflies. They transform. They don't do it as beautifully as butterflies but transform they do. They also like to nibble on clothes which represents something outside of you that is eating away at how positively you express yourself to the world. The Queen of Bats says be strong but you sometimes doubt yourself.
The shadow card portrays the underlying theme of the reading. Quasimodo is the type of man who does his best work hiding away from the world. When he appears in the town square he scares people and causes them to flee. He is not good one on one. Quasi has created all this abundance in the form of inspirations but he is weighed down and overburdened. He can sometimes get angry and lash out at others that dare to approach him because he is so stressed out. this asks you to stop your striving and take more scheduled breaks. It will make all the difference.
The Queen of Imps once again enters our reading in the same spot as yesterday. But today the stone goblins and the sunflower grab my attention. Sunflowers ask you to focus on the light of your creations. What is divine about what you are working on. Count your blessings. Goblins remind me of our inner critic that so quickly tells us we are less than.
My Take
You are so stressed out that you are lashing out at others. Or you are so over sensitive that a loud radio gets on your nerves when it never has before. You are bringing in a lot of energy which is because it is Halloween and the veils are über thin. This asks you to take more breaks. Make sure you don't get overwhelmed. And you can help out others with that too so they don't get overwhelmed and lash out at you. Dream more. Believe more in you and what you have to give, what you have to offer the world. We all lose our way at some point. If you feel lost .. Stop and send up a signal flare. You have people around you that will assist you when you need it.