Monday, November 26, 2012

Peace Brings Opportunity & Abundance - 11/26

Ascended Masters - Epona - Crystals

This is all about connecting to the earth and to Gaia and doing that by using crystals and healing stones. We also connect to the fairies and the fae realm since Epona is also known as the Queen of the Fairies. This card is very purple and blue which says to me that we will be accessing our intuition more and more as well as speaking our truth. The ground is green which is the heart chakra. Lots of chakra opening today. Sounds good to me. I've been carrying around snowflake obsidian, tiger's eye and amethyst every day which seems to have a healing effect on the stress around me and thus I've been more calm as a result. Yay!

Healing With The Fairies - Peace of Mind

The Fairies make another appearance as they tell us to access this peace of mind that is available to us. Sodalitem, a crystal or gemstone, is very good for connecting with peace. She's wearing white which says to me than when we access this peace we will be more in touch with our Divine self. All the green in the card screams heart chakra. So breathe from your heart, go out into nature and access this wonderful feeling.

Mystic Dreamer Tarot - The Fool

The Fool is all about new beginnings and starting a new path. It also speaks of being spontaneous and living in the moment. The Fool is not actually a fool because he takes that risk. He steps out in faith in order to begin this new journey. This also asks you to take a serious look at that "pipe dream" and follow your heart's desire.

Messages from your Angels - Bridgette

"Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before proceeding further."

This is a warning card. There is something that is not quite right in Denmark. Take a deeper look and make sure that this new beginning is really the one you want to be taking. These choices are so important right now. Access your intuition to get focused intention on where you want your life to go from here. Whatever you had been thinking of when you saw the fool card, that isn't the only opportunity available to you. Expand your horizons. Trust yourself and your intuition.

Magical Messages from the Mermaids and Dolphins - Treasure Chest

"An unforeseen windfall of new abundance comes to you now!"

And if you trust your intuition, you will be rewarded. Wow-wee! Treasure Chest is a great omen. Abundance, a great windfall of good flowing to us. Your prayers have been answered and this new influx of greatness comes to you as a result.

My Take:

Use crystals and gemstones to open up your intuition and access the guidance available to you from your crown chakra and speak the truth you uncover. And as you do this you will connect with the Divine and come more from your heart chakra. Then you will take that risk and follow your heart's desire. But make sure you make the correct choice and use your intuition to make the final decision. Trust yourself. And if you do, you will have all the abundance the Divine can give you.

WOW. Sounds good to me.

Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh! Love the reading, really great and full of hope that our intuition is what is leading us to the abundance we all deserve.
