Friday, November 30, 2012

It's Your Choice - 11/30

Power Animals Oracle - Horse 

Freedom - You always have a CHOICE.

So, this is letting us know that going into December, we have a choice to make. Do we want to assist with the shift of the ages or do we want to continue our triggered game of duality? The choice is yours. I, myself, choose freedom and life and love and all this amazingness that is coming our way. I ask you to think about choosing that as well. We need everyone we can get to assist with the ascension.

Fellowship of the Fool Tarot - 2 of Swords

This is just another confirmation about the choices we have to make. Do we choose duality or do we choose ascension? Weigh your options. Don't be blind to what is to come, accept this wonderful destiny

Eight of Arrows - Lover's Path Tarot

Usually this is a card about self-imposed restriction. You're stuck on your web with all you need  around you to free yourself but you're just lying there doing nothing... okay, maybe it does apply. But what I also get from this card is... see those arrows? (Sorry I had to cut the card top off, my iPod didn't display the entire thing in my window to take the screenshot.) that the arrows are implanted in the earth, in Gaia. This is asking us to focus our attention on Gaia. This shift is for her, and for us all, but mainly for the ascension of Gaia. As we focus on Gaia, get out of our heads and into our heart, we will help her move into this higher frequency.

Magical Unicorns Oracle - Love from Your Parents

No matter what, your mother and father love you as much as they can.

This tells me that your Father Divine and Mother Divine in heaven, two halves of the One Source of All, want you to know that you are loved. And that there will be even more love once the shift has happened. Right now, they can only love you as much as you are willing to accept. So, accept it in abundance!

Ascended Masters Oracle - Detach from Drama

Pallas Athena

One of the things we can do in order to assist in the shift of the ages is to detach from any conflicts, drama and craziness in our lives. We choose (refer back to the horse card) how we react. So choose wisely today and every day in December. Like they like to say around my workplace, choose your battles.

Saints and Angels Oracle - Triumphant

Guardian Angel

And the Saints and Angels are just confirming here that if we go through all these things, we will be able to make this shift happen. I have already gotten may confirmations that it will occur and it will happen to all of our benefits. So make it a great one.

I'm not doing My Take today because I think this just speaks for itself.

Have a wonderful day!!


  1. Thanks Toni, you're right we do have a choice to allow duality to continue to drag us down or to turn our face towards the light and have Faith and Trust in the Love of the Divine.

  2. All the lightworkers are great, but we need everyone possible to bring this ascension to the entire planet. I hope people choose the light and not the darkness.
