Today I'm using the Anubus Oracle that I accessed by I have had a lot of Egyptian themes in my life lately and thought it would apply here.
Today is the time to work on accessing our Stellar Gateway. It's your chakra that is 12 Ft. above your head. Imagine it as a glowing orb of golden light. The guardians of this chakra are Archangel Metatron and Angel Seraphina. Imagine its golden mass raining down on your head. And I am reminded by something Mariann Moore said about the Ace of Cups and how it symbolizes this love raining down on us. This is not only love but all this ancient knowledge that is ready to be provided to us if we are only willing to seek it. I am ready for this wisdom. How about you?
6 - SOBEK AND HORUS - Reconciliation of Opposites
Drawing this card indicates that resolution is afoot. If there is a conflict in your life or something in the way of your forward or upward motion, meditating with these two seemingly opposing forces can bring you to a deeper understanding of a relationship or situation. It can also open the way for forgiveness. If you bump into that part of yourself that is closed to forgiveness, stay open: it is one of the most potent keys for resolution. (This description is from
People in Ancient Egypt prayed to Sobek to protect them from crocodiles, which was an animal they really feared. He was a powerful and frightening deity. In some myths Sobek was the one who came out of the waters to create the world. He is a Creator God who is sometimes linked to Ra.
Horus is one of the first national Gods and he was a multi-layered God which meant many things to different people. He is referred to as the God of the sun, the moon, the sky, war and protection. He is a symbol of protection and royal power
16 - WADJET - Life-force Energy
Your ego may be undergoing a transformation or an adjustment that will balance your energies so that you can handle the power of this goddess. You may be experiencing a potent purification process that can express itself as a kundalini awakening. Be prepared for a major shift in consciousness leading you from ignorance and greed to a more enlightened awareness. You may wish to make a written inventory of whatever comes to mind that you have been ignoring. Note anything you’ve been acting out through inappropriate hunger or addictive ways. These are now ready to disintegrate and dissolve as you shift to a more enlightened way of being. If you’re hitting the wall or bottoming out in a particular situation, you can call on Wadjet to help you break through to the other side. (This description is from
Patron goddess of the land and depicted as a snake-headed woman or a snake, usually an Egyptian cobra, a venomous snake) Her oracle was in the renowned temple in Per-Wadjet that was dedicated to her worship and gave the city its name.
V - HIGHER LOVE AND WISDOM - Hathor, Set, and Wadjet
Engage with these neteru directly and see how they are part of your life, now. Allow yourself to experience the love of Hathor, and the allies you can take with you as you face the shadow in yourself and your situation. With the ensuing magcal resolution, you can stand with humility before Wadjet’s towering power. (This description is from
Hathor personifies the principles of feminine love, joy and motherhood. She was one of the most popular and important goddesses throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. Fertility, nurturing come to mind here, as does the Empress card in the Tarot.
Set killed his brother, Osiris. He's all about the conflict in our lives. The divine multi-layered God Horus and Set, the conflicting influence, came into battle in a popular Egyptian myth.
My Take...
We have a conflict (my life is like this right now, so I get the meaning) that is keeping us from moving forward. We need to release this karma to get to the next level so we must overcome our blocks in order to do this. Open up to forgiveness and know that the people who cause conflict in our lives are our greatest lessons. They are playing a role and we must overcome this conflict that triggers our negative emotions. Sobek and Horus both want us to have their protection in order for us to overcome this. (Thank you Sobek and Horus!)
And because of this conflict our Ego is transforming. We are becoming something new, something better than we are now. We are being purified for the shift that is coming in December. So embrace these changes no matter how hard they are to take. You will release the last of your karma and be able to shift when the time comes.
And as we shift, higher love and wisdom will be available to us in waves of energy the likes we have never seen or felt before. (I'm really looking forward to this.) They ask that you be in a state of allowing so we can receive this great wisdom and love offered to us.
WOW!! Does that sound cool or what? I'm loving it.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Man oh Man yeah Horus has been showing up the last couple of days, loved this reading.