Today is all about using your mind to problem solve and trouble shoot your day with creativity, positivity and intuition.
Vanessa Tarot - The High Priestess
She is all about the conscious/subconscious aspects of things. She is intuition and inspiration and her wisdom and knowledge comes from within. She is all about the mysteries and secrets if life.
Wisdom Cards - There is a solution to every problem.
We create habits and problems to fulfill a need. When I can find a positive way to fulfill the need, I can release the problem.
Wisdom Cards - My Mental Pattern is Positive and Joyful.
Everything in my life - every experience, every relationship is a mirror of the mental pattern that is going on inside me.
My Take ...
Something is hidden from you. It's a mystery. And a secret is involved somehow. Memories and dreams will reveal a lot to you. We're getting more psychic every day and these impressions are coming to us from our dreams or flashes of memories from past lives.
We've been just getting by without solving this mystery or discovering the secret but we're just going through the motions. We want to be inspired and lit on fire by this mystery not bored.
As we look to others we see ourselves and the way we've been responding to life. When we notice this truth, our mystery will be revealed, we'll be able to release our issues and come out the other side stronger and more willing to follow our inner guidance. Because the solution was inside us all the time.
Have a wonderful day.
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