Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Always Divinely Supported - 11/21

Saints & Angels Oracle - Miracle


Saints & Angels Oracle - Believe

St. Hildegard of Binger

Saints & Angels Oracle - Emotions

St. Dymphna

Saints & Angels Oracle -- Safe Travel

St. Christopher

Goddess Guidance Oracle - Isis

Past Life
This situation involves your past-life memories.

Goddess Guidance Oracle -  Aine 

Leap of Faith
Take a risk, and put your heart's true desire into action!

My Take...

Jesus is directing us to think higher thoughts. Make our thoughts more divine, more holy and as we do, miracles will come forth in our lives. We can literally have the world in our hands if we do this.

His Christ Consciousness is available to all who seek it out. Just meditate on Jesus and find this loving energy is all around us at all times, available and waiting. Receive your miracles

Believe that you have the power in your own hands. This card is very yellow and yellow is the solar plexus chakra. In your hands is also a healing energy. You have the healing power inside you right now. This is asking you to access it and discover how you can heal yourself and humanity and Gaia.

They ask that you shine a light for others to follow. Be that leader. Believe in your power and strength. Shine, shine, shine. We are to be a beacon for others to follow, like the hermit in the tarot. Show your spirituality, shine it for all to see and learn that your emotions are not a thing to be anxious about, but to celebrate.

And know that the Divine is always there for us, carrying us on his back wherever we go. Meditate on this for awhile. The Divine is always there, always accessible and wanting us to seek his face.

We have many issues that are coming forward now. Past life issues that need to be released. If you feel like a stress is not your own, thank it for its service and let it go.

And when you take that step to follow your heart's desire, don't just put a toe in the water, jump fully into the experience. Reach for the heights and let God catch you in his divine embrace. When you desire something it is of a divine nature. Who do you think gives you that pondering, that want to do something. It is indeed the God who loves us all.

Take your risks today and know that you are always supported.

Have a wonderful day.

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