Friday, November 30, 2012

It's Your Choice - 11/30

Power Animals Oracle - Horse 

Freedom - You always have a CHOICE.

So, this is letting us know that going into December, we have a choice to make. Do we want to assist with the shift of the ages or do we want to continue our triggered game of duality? The choice is yours. I, myself, choose freedom and life and love and all this amazingness that is coming our way. I ask you to think about choosing that as well. We need everyone we can get to assist with the ascension.

Fellowship of the Fool Tarot - 2 of Swords

This is just another confirmation about the choices we have to make. Do we choose duality or do we choose ascension? Weigh your options. Don't be blind to what is to come, accept this wonderful destiny

Eight of Arrows - Lover's Path Tarot

Usually this is a card about self-imposed restriction. You're stuck on your web with all you need  around you to free yourself but you're just lying there doing nothing... okay, maybe it does apply. But what I also get from this card is... see those arrows? (Sorry I had to cut the card top off, my iPod didn't display the entire thing in my window to take the screenshot.) that the arrows are implanted in the earth, in Gaia. This is asking us to focus our attention on Gaia. This shift is for her, and for us all, but mainly for the ascension of Gaia. As we focus on Gaia, get out of our heads and into our heart, we will help her move into this higher frequency.

Magical Unicorns Oracle - Love from Your Parents

No matter what, your mother and father love you as much as they can.

This tells me that your Father Divine and Mother Divine in heaven, two halves of the One Source of All, want you to know that you are loved. And that there will be even more love once the shift has happened. Right now, they can only love you as much as you are willing to accept. So, accept it in abundance!

Ascended Masters Oracle - Detach from Drama

Pallas Athena

One of the things we can do in order to assist in the shift of the ages is to detach from any conflicts, drama and craziness in our lives. We choose (refer back to the horse card) how we react. So choose wisely today and every day in December. Like they like to say around my workplace, choose your battles.

Saints and Angels Oracle - Triumphant

Guardian Angel

And the Saints and Angels are just confirming here that if we go through all these things, we will be able to make this shift happen. I have already gotten may confirmations that it will occur and it will happen to all of our benefits. So make it a great one.

I'm not doing My Take today because I think this just speaks for itself.

Have a wonderful day!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Diana Cooper's spiritual predictions. Pretty cool stuff.

You have got to check this out. It is a screen shot from Diana Cooper's book entitled: 

Transition to the Golden age in 2032

This part is about 2012.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Unconditional Love, Wisdom and Knowledge 11/29

I'm going a rune reading today. Gotta keep changing it up. That's just how I roll. LOL! This is a three rune cast using the Goddess Stone Oracle.


Love is on the agenda today! Aphrodite's energy will make you irresistable, especially if you display generosity and an open heart. Remember, in order to receive love, you must give it to yourself first, unconditionally. This means learning to accept that no one, nothing, is perfect. We are each perfectly imperfect and beautiful in our own way. Don't allow another's opinion of you define who you are. Those who judge are, in essence, judging themselves, looking for a scapegoat, and usually extremely insecure within themselves. The Divine created you, and you are exactly who you are meant to be in every moment. Hug yourself daily! (description from

Key words: Love, Passion, Partnerships, Charity Work, Family, Friendship


Its a power day! But before you go full-steam ahead, do realize that the key to achieving what you want lies in wielding your power wisely. It is a favorable day for chasing your goals...make sure you keep it positive; use diplomacy and consider all possible outcomes, and you can't fail!
   Lawsuits may go your way at this time, favorable outcomes are possible if you're involved in a legal battle now. Trust that everything is going according to a divine plan. Seek legal advice or counseling if you find you cannot solve a difficult problem on your own. No one knows everything....ask for the help you need! (description from

Key Words: Power, Energy, Movement, Justice, Wisdom, Advice


You'll have a thirst for knowledge today! Cerridwen brings the energy of higher learning and wisdom into your life at this time. Have you been considering taking a class? Embarking on a journey to places you've been itching to visit? It is the perfect time to soak up new ideas, and also, to share what you know, bringing the benefit of your experience to others. (description from

Key Words: Knowledge, Wisdom, Higher Learning, Teaching, Networking with others of like mind.

My Take...

This great love is available to us right now and it is being offered to every one of us unconditionally. We only need to accept it. This is also telling you that you need to be the True You, the You that you were meant to be. Don't keep that mask on and pretend any longer. Reveal your true self.

And the availability of this love is very powerful and moving us forward and into a higher vibration making us resonate with the new Earth  when she shifts in Dec 2012. Everything is going according to Divine plan and you need to get ready because it is coming quickly.

And as this great love is offered to us, we also receive wisdom and knowledge from the higher realms that will transform our lives forever. Follow those inner hunches you get, that sudden inspiration, because that is the Divine speaking to you. Soak it up and enjoy what is about to become yours forever.

Wow. Sort of a repeat of yesterday, but I'm good with that.

Have a wonderful day.

Higher Love and Wisdom Available to Us - 11/28

Today I'm using the Anubus Oracle that I accessed by I have had a lot of Egyptian themes in my life lately and thought it would apply here.

Today is the time to work on accessing our Stellar Gateway. It's your chakra that is 12 Ft. above your head. Imagine it as a glowing orb of golden light. The guardians of this chakra are Archangel Metatron and Angel Seraphina. Imagine its golden mass raining down on your head. And I am reminded by something Mariann Moore said about the Ace of Cups and how it symbolizes this love raining down on us. This is not only love but all this ancient knowledge that is ready to be provided to us if we are only willing to seek it. I am ready for this wisdom. How about you?

6 - SOBEK AND HORUS - Reconciliation of Opposites

Drawing this card indicates that resolution is afoot. If there is a conflict in your life or something in the way of your forward or upward motion, meditating with these two seemingly opposing forces can bring you to a deeper understanding of a relationship or situation. It can also open the way for forgiveness. If you bump into that part of yourself that is closed to forgiveness, stay open: it is one of the most potent keys for resolution. (This description is from

People in Ancient Egypt prayed to Sobek to protect them from crocodiles, which was an animal they really feared. He was a powerful and frightening deity. In some myths Sobek was the one who came out of the waters to create the world. He is a Creator God who is sometimes linked to Ra.

Horus is one of the first national Gods and he was a multi-layered God which meant many things to different people. He is referred to as the God of the sun, the moon, the sky, war and protection. He is a symbol of protection and royal power

16 - WADJET - Life-force Energy

Your ego may be undergoing a transformation or an adjustment that will balance your energies so that you can handle the power of this goddess. You may be experiencing a potent purification process that can express itself as a kundalini awakening. Be prepared for a major shift in consciousness leading you from ignorance and greed to a more enlightened awareness. You may wish to make a written inventory of whatever comes to mind that you have been ignoring. Note anything you’ve been acting out through inappropriate hunger or addictive ways. These are now ready to disintegrate and dissolve as you shift to a more enlightened way of being.  If you’re hitting the wall or bottoming out in a particular situation, you can call on Wadjet to help you break through to the other side. (This description is from

Patron goddess of the land and depicted as a snake-headed woman or a snake, usually an Egyptian cobra, a venomous snake) Her oracle was in the renowned temple in Per-Wadjet that was dedicated to her worship and gave the city its name.

V - HIGHER LOVE AND WISDOM - Hathor, Set, and Wadjet

Engage with these neteru directly and see how they are part of your life, now. Allow yourself to experience the love of Hathor, and the allies you can take with you as you face the shadow in yourself and your situation. With the ensuing magcal resolution, you can stand with humility before Wadjet’s towering power. (This description is from

Hathor personifies the principles of feminine love, joy and motherhood. She was one of the most popular and important goddesses throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. Fertility, nurturing come to mind here, as does the Empress card in the Tarot.

Set killed his brother, Osiris. He's all about the conflict in our lives. The divine multi-layered God Horus and Set, the conflicting influence, came into battle in a popular Egyptian myth.

My Take...

We have a conflict (my life is like this right now, so I get the meaning) that is keeping us from moving forward. We need to release this karma to get to the next level so we must overcome our blocks in order to do this. Open up to forgiveness and know that the people who cause conflict in our lives are our greatest lessons. They are playing a role and we must overcome this conflict that triggers our negative emotions. Sobek and Horus both want us to have their protection in order for us to overcome this. (Thank you Sobek and Horus!)

And because of this conflict our Ego is transforming. We are becoming something new, something better than we are now. We are being purified for the shift that is coming in December. So embrace these changes no matter how hard they are to take. You will release the last of your karma and be able to shift when the time comes.

And as we shift, higher love and wisdom will be available to us in waves of energy the likes we have never seen or felt before. (I'm really looking forward to this.) They ask that you be in a state of allowing so we can receive this great wisdom and love offered to us.

WOW!! Does that sound cool or what? I'm loving it.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Change Is A Comin' - 11/27

Mystic Faerie Tarot - Wheel of Fortune

This is all about a change that is about to happen in your life. It could be any kind of change. But it's swift and is over quickly but things coming out of it will be different for you. Sometimes this change isn't always for the best but you must roll with the punches.

Magical Messages from the Fairies - Do Some Research

You need more information about this situation. Look into it further before proceeding.

This is asking you to look further into something you're working on right now. Something in your life needs further reflection on. What is it?

Healing with the Fairies - Detoxification (2Xs)

The Fairies are asking us to detoxify our bodies, our food, our thoughts and our lives. I actually pulled this card two times in a row. So this message is very, very important. I am constantly pulling the Detox cards from the various oracle cards I own, so they are very serious about this.

Healing with the Fairies - Inner Power

You have within you all the power of the Universe and the fairies are asking you to access this inner power. You are so powerful and you don't even know it. Since we are creators, we can create whatever we want in this 3rd density, but we are not convinced of this power so we struggle.

Wisdom for Healing Cards - Notice Subtle Changes

This is asking you to make small changes. They suggest wearing different colors than you normally wear. Let the color absorb into your aura and give you new experiences. We are really influenced by color every day and don't even notice. The soothing color of blue. The healing color of green. The passionate color of red and the creative color of orange. Access this power today.

Mystic Faerie Tarot - The Hanged Man

You've been struggling and this is asking you to see your situation from a different perspective. Take a look at it with new eyes. How would your child see this problem, your grandmother? This is asking you to have faith and know that any strife is always for your ultimate good. You will gain enlightenment when you do this.

My Take:

There is going to be a change. It could be big. It could be little, but it's coming. Whatever it is really protect your heart considering there is a lot of greens and pinks in this card. (just a suggestion.)

Whatever the change is, you will have to do some reflection on it. See the emblem on the book the fairy is holding? Looks like the Wheel of Fortune to me. And in the background is a heart. That is telling me that love or feelings of the heart is somehow involved.

And after this change you will need to detox. So maybe you've been around a whole lot of people who are very negative. And the chaos is hurting you. They want you to get alone and go into reflection in order to access the power of your crown chakra. See the purple in the card? You will need to clean your aura, shield yourself and prepare for what is coming next.

Because what is coming next will give you a great sense of inner power. So maybe the shift at the end of Dec will bring great things for you. It will open you up and you need to be ready for that. You will be more in your crown chakra, your throat chakra and your third eye. This will mean more access to the higher realms. See how she's sitting on the moon and in space? She's holding a star, which could represent loved ones in heaven, star beings or whomever you've been trying to connect to from the higher realms.

Then they want you to notice the subtle changes you experience as a result of this inner power. And you will be showing these things to the world because you want everyone to be able to do what you can do. And you will be more creative and the Divine will be working behind the scenes to assist you. Show your true colors.

And as a result, you will be enlightened. You've taken a look at the world and knocked it on its head. You are reflecting and having a sense of joy and happiness.

Sounds like a whole new world is coming our way. Let's get ready for it and enjoy it.

Have a wonderful day.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Message from Chango, Mother Mary and Ma'at

Last night I woke up at 2:30 am with the names Chango and Ma'at repeating over and over in my head. I knew who Ma'at was but I had to look up Chango. It always surprises me when these people or concepts that come to me during dream time turn out to be true. A long time ago I had a dream and a word, necromancer, came to me in a dream. I had to look it up and low and behold it was true. So, I have learned to trust these things.

Since I had that experience, I went back to sleep and when I woke up I had a "knowing" as if someone was speaking to me through telepathy. It said that intuition would be so important after the shift since the Divine Feminine was coming in stronger than ever. And that this would make things much easier for us all.

After I got to work and as I waited in the lunchroom for my time to start, I asked if Chango and Ma'at had another message for me. Here is what I got:

Intuition will be so important as 2013 opens. You will be challenged on many levels. Open to this challenge and find that place inside you where peace resides and your true riches will be revealed to you. Once again, connect to those departed loved ones you thought lost forever. Like a flash of lightening, insight will come to you and everything will cease to be such a struggle. We send you blessings and insight and a hope that we will once again connect on the Higher Realms.

Your brothers and sisters await you...

Chango, Mother Mary and Ma'at.

P.S. Mother Mary threw me a curve ball at the end. She likes to surprise me like that.

Have a wonderful day.

Peace Brings Opportunity & Abundance - 11/26

Ascended Masters - Epona - Crystals

This is all about connecting to the earth and to Gaia and doing that by using crystals and healing stones. We also connect to the fairies and the fae realm since Epona is also known as the Queen of the Fairies. This card is very purple and blue which says to me that we will be accessing our intuition more and more as well as speaking our truth. The ground is green which is the heart chakra. Lots of chakra opening today. Sounds good to me. I've been carrying around snowflake obsidian, tiger's eye and amethyst every day which seems to have a healing effect on the stress around me and thus I've been more calm as a result. Yay!

Healing With The Fairies - Peace of Mind

The Fairies make another appearance as they tell us to access this peace of mind that is available to us. Sodalitem, a crystal or gemstone, is very good for connecting with peace. She's wearing white which says to me than when we access this peace we will be more in touch with our Divine self. All the green in the card screams heart chakra. So breathe from your heart, go out into nature and access this wonderful feeling.

Mystic Dreamer Tarot - The Fool

The Fool is all about new beginnings and starting a new path. It also speaks of being spontaneous and living in the moment. The Fool is not actually a fool because he takes that risk. He steps out in faith in order to begin this new journey. This also asks you to take a serious look at that "pipe dream" and follow your heart's desire.

Messages from your Angels - Bridgette

"Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before proceeding further."

This is a warning card. There is something that is not quite right in Denmark. Take a deeper look and make sure that this new beginning is really the one you want to be taking. These choices are so important right now. Access your intuition to get focused intention on where you want your life to go from here. Whatever you had been thinking of when you saw the fool card, that isn't the only opportunity available to you. Expand your horizons. Trust yourself and your intuition.

Magical Messages from the Mermaids and Dolphins - Treasure Chest

"An unforeseen windfall of new abundance comes to you now!"

And if you trust your intuition, you will be rewarded. Wow-wee! Treasure Chest is a great omen. Abundance, a great windfall of good flowing to us. Your prayers have been answered and this new influx of greatness comes to you as a result.

My Take:

Use crystals and gemstones to open up your intuition and access the guidance available to you from your crown chakra and speak the truth you uncover. And as you do this you will connect with the Divine and come more from your heart chakra. Then you will take that risk and follow your heart's desire. But make sure you make the correct choice and use your intuition to make the final decision. Trust yourself. And if you do, you will have all the abundance the Divine can give you.

WOW. Sounds good to me.

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Manifest Peace of Mind - 11/24

Psychic Tarot -Fertility (The Empress)

This is all about manifesting that is coming into sight for you. You're connecting to the life force of the Universe and getting creative insights from the higher realms

Goddess Guidance Oracle -Oonagh
Easy Does It
There is no need to hurry or force things to happen. Everything is occurring in perfect timing.

It's time to pause and reflect and take it easy.

Angel Therapy Oracle - God Box
Write any worries, concerns or desires on a piece of paper that you put into a special container called a God Box as a way if letting go and allowing the Divine to help you.

Power Animals Oracle - Raccoon
Resourcefulness-You have all the resources you need.

Power Animals Oracle - Seal
Imagination-Immerse yourself in artistic and creative expression.

My take...

This is actually asking you to open yourself up to the universe. Your seeds have been planted and you will be manifesting but you are in a temporary time of pause. It's time to reflect on what you really want, your spiritual guts and your path. Your creativity is at a peak right now. And you either need nurturing in your life or you are there to provide a nurturing aspect to others.

Oonagh asks you to take it easy, reflect and don't push it. She is asking you to connect with crystals, fairies and spirit animals. Everything that is happening right now is Divine.

God Box, that's a really neat concept. I live it, actually. You give all your worries, dreams and desires to the box, then release it and allow the Divine and the Divine's helpers to assist you. Awesome.

And thus will give you a great peace of mind, and who doesn't need that?

So, while you are in this period if reflection, you should know that everything you need is available to you. Meditate and go inside and connect to this guidance. One of the resources at the ready is your imagination. This great gift will serve you greatly. Let this aspect grow while you're in this time of pause. Just imagine what great things will manifest.

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Speak In Positive Terms - 11/23

Wisdom of the Hidden Realms - The Prison Waif

Self-sabotage, poverty consciousness

This is all about how you are looking at the world. Are you seeing it as a world that offers you nothing and you in turn have to "work hard for your money?" If this is how your outlook is, this is why you are in this poverty consciousness. What you think about comes to you. So begin to think better thoughts. Say CANCEL, DELETE, to those negative and thoughts that never serve you. And replace them with a better quality thought. And you will be much better for it. Your mood will take an upswing and things in your world will start working out without you having to do anything else.

Ascended Masters - Work Your Magic


We all have this magic of thinking positively in our wheel-house. We are magical beings. We are creators. We create our world by just our thoughts. And this is telling you to use those thoughts in magical ways. I like to say that I'm "working my magic" when I design an ad. And just using that term not only tells my subconscious mind that I am magical, it tells others to "pay attention to this, you can do it too."

Angel Tarot - Three of Earth

The power of creativity. Recognition for high-quality work. Be a team player.

This is all about getting recognition for a job well done. You are a craftsman and you are getting better and better. You're not quite at the master level but you are working you skill with a sense of magical abandon that makes others take notice. You are having a time of wondrous transformation in your world. Enjoy this newfound path and scurry up with abandon!

My take...

See the world in a positive way. Use positive words in your everyday speech and get used to saying positive things to yourself. This will only serve you in the long run. Know that you have this magical ability inside you and you can use this ability to push you higher or sink you lower. It's all your choice.

And know that when you choose the positive route, you will be recognized for these accomplishments and move forward on the road of your life. You will come away transformed.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Our Heart's Desire, Only Higher - 11/22

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle - Contemplation Time

Spend time alone, meditating upon what you truly desire.

The Mermaids and Dolphins want us to focus on our true desires. They don't want us to put them to the side and think about them when we have time, they want us to feel the fulfillment of working on these desires that the Divine has inspired us to start. This is a time for blossoming. 

Get into nature and become inspired by the glory of what is around us everyday. We seldom notice the beautiful scenery in our rush to get to work. And sometimes I wonder why we are all in such a hurry to get to a place we don't even want to go to? Meditate on your creative inspirations and watch them bloom in your mind with your focused intention.

Fellowship of the Fool Tarot - 8 of Pentacles

I have this deck as an app on my iPod and funny thing happened concerning this card. I picked a one card draw from my Rider-Waite Tarot app and I received the exact same card, the 8 of Pentacles. How awesome and synchronistic is that? Isn't this card pretty? All the cards are done in watercolor and colored pencil. Love it! This is the card of the Apprentice. You are more advanced than you were in the 3 of Pentacles where you were getting acknowledged for your craft, now you are on the road to mastering it. Good for you. 

Wildwood Tarot - 8 of Vessels - Rebirth

This image shows a huge vessel which I think is God, the one source of all. He is filling us up with his divine goodness, inspiration and love. And he wants us to spread this love to the world. See the river below? The waters of our good works and positive light in the world is filling the river of life and inspiring others who live on or near this river. And this influence flows in all directions. As we inspire others, the one source of all in turn inspires us. It's a whole circle of life thing. Wonderful image.

Soul Lessons & Soul Purpose Oracle  - Ask With Sincerity

This is the message from the book that came with the deck:
The Universe is available to assist you, but only if you have the state of mind and spirit to receive direction.It will guide you, but it won't agree with you,so  before you ask for insight,you must be sincere in wanting answers.
Your soul's purpose right now is to be receptive to what the Universe has to offer.Are you prepared to listen to Higher Direction even if it means a change of plans, or do you simply want the Universe to agree with you and make the world do things your way? It's the latter,you're wasting your time.
Your soul's lesson: Release all your preconceived beliefs and attitudes about how things must work out,and let the Universe show you a new way.Trust that it has a better plan.Your assignment on soul level is to mentally,emotionally,and even physically get out of the way so that higher wisdom can direct your life.Clear your mind completely and wait for guidance.It will come,and it will surprise and reward you with its insight.

I felt like the description from the book would be a great addition here. Isn't that an awesome thought? If we are sincere in our wanting toward whatever we're doing and are receptive to what the Divine wants to do and where he wants to lead us, we may open up all these great vistas. Wow! We are called to take on a Higher Direction. Double Wow! The Divine has a better plan for us than even we can conceive of. Accept this wondrous opportunity and dive right in to getter your heart's desire but ten times better than you ever expected. 

Sending you blessings and this wonderful sense of awe. Can you feel it?

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Always Divinely Supported - 11/21

Saints & Angels Oracle - Miracle


Saints & Angels Oracle - Believe

St. Hildegard of Binger

Saints & Angels Oracle - Emotions

St. Dymphna

Saints & Angels Oracle -- Safe Travel

St. Christopher

Goddess Guidance Oracle - Isis

Past Life
This situation involves your past-life memories.

Goddess Guidance Oracle -  Aine 

Leap of Faith
Take a risk, and put your heart's true desire into action!

My Take...

Jesus is directing us to think higher thoughts. Make our thoughts more divine, more holy and as we do, miracles will come forth in our lives. We can literally have the world in our hands if we do this.

His Christ Consciousness is available to all who seek it out. Just meditate on Jesus and find this loving energy is all around us at all times, available and waiting. Receive your miracles

Believe that you have the power in your own hands. This card is very yellow and yellow is the solar plexus chakra. In your hands is also a healing energy. You have the healing power inside you right now. This is asking you to access it and discover how you can heal yourself and humanity and Gaia.

They ask that you shine a light for others to follow. Be that leader. Believe in your power and strength. Shine, shine, shine. We are to be a beacon for others to follow, like the hermit in the tarot. Show your spirituality, shine it for all to see and learn that your emotions are not a thing to be anxious about, but to celebrate.

And know that the Divine is always there for us, carrying us on his back wherever we go. Meditate on this for awhile. The Divine is always there, always accessible and wanting us to seek his face.

We have many issues that are coming forward now. Past life issues that need to be released. If you feel like a stress is not your own, thank it for its service and let it go.

And when you take that step to follow your heart's desire, don't just put a toe in the water, jump fully into the experience. Reach for the heights and let God catch you in his divine embrace. When you desire something it is of a divine nature. Who do you think gives you that pondering, that want to do something. It is indeed the God who loves us all.

Take your risks today and know that you are always supported.

Have a wonderful day.

Focused and Guided Intention 11/20

Goddess Guidance Oracle - Artemis

Guardian - "You and your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected."

Angel Tarot - King of  Water

Open your heart and mind to those around you. Trustworthy and heartfelt advice. Charity work.

Ascended Masters - Teacher

Mahachohan Ragoczy

A fire burns inside you all. You stand on the precipice of creation watching and knowing that there is so much more available to you yet not taking that last step. Artemis asks you to focus your intention and creative endeavors in a way that makes your heart sing. That makes your spirit fly high.

The sun rises on the horizon in this photo as the Divine in you, the God in you, is awakening as each day passes.

Your emotions are becoming of paramount importance right now. And you are beginning to master them. You're more able to catch those unwanted thoughts and push them away from you. And in this we are proud.

Focus in on your heart center as the end of the year approaches and you will find yourself safe and protected. Swim in the waters of this divine love that is coming in and find the newness that is available to you.

And as you delve deeper and deeper in this water of emotions, you will begin to teach these things you have learned to others. This is also very important. Paramount as I said before. You will help others open their heart chakra and third-eye. And we thank you very much. (the collective ascension group)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Intuitive Problem Solving - 11/19

Today is all about using your mind to problem solve and trouble shoot your day with creativity, positivity and intuition.

Vanessa Tarot - The High Priestess

She is all about the conscious/subconscious aspects of things. She is intuition and inspiration and her wisdom and knowledge comes from within. She is all about the mysteries and secrets if life.

Wisdom Cards - There is a solution to every problem.

We create habits and problems to fulfill a need. When I can find a positive way to fulfill the need, I can release the problem.

Wisdom Cards - My Mental Pattern is Positive and Joyful.

Everything in my life - every experience, every relationship is a mirror of the mental pattern that is going on inside me.

My Take ...

Something is hidden from you. It's a mystery. And a secret is involved somehow. Memories and dreams will reveal a lot to you. We're getting more psychic every day and these impressions are coming to us from our dreams or flashes of memories from past lives.

We've been just getting by without solving this mystery or discovering the secret but we're just going through the motions. We want to be inspired and lit on fire by this mystery not bored.

As we look to others we see ourselves and the way we've been responding to life. When we notice this truth, our mystery will be revealed, we'll be able to release our issues and come out the other side stronger and more willing to follow our inner guidance. Because the solution was inside us all the time.

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's in the details

It's in the Details - 11/17

Page of Coins - Vanessa Tarot
Curiosity. Being engrossed by the world and discovering it anew

Nine of Wands - Vanessa Tarot
Dominance, Enforced order, having one's way but sacrificing a lot

My Take...

It's a mini reading today. We are seeing the world with new eyes and really getting into the details if our situation. But we realize in this intense look at our lives, some things need to be stripped away to make way for the wonderful energies of Dec 2012.

But don't fear, put on your God or Goddess garb and get ready to commune with the Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Archangels and God. It's a whole new world, people!

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Flying High, Miracles - 11/16

I received a new tarot deck in the mail the other day. It's not your traditional tarot deck, but I love it just the same. It's very 1950's. It's called the Housewives Tarot. Today's reading will feature these cards. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Gateway Oracle - Flying Free

I unfurl my wings and fly.

You have been working on a project but you've been pretty much keeping it to yourself. This card asks you to open up your wings and show these fruits to the world. The result will be -- LIFTOFF! You'll see things from a higher perspective and know that sharing your gifts is your purpose at this time, right now.

Gateway Oracle - Expecting Miracles

Miracles are blossoming in my life.

When you expect the best, the best comes to you. That's how the Law of Attraction works. But this is asking you to expect even better than the best - expect miracles. Imagine your big dream with added nuts and whipped cream and a big cherry on top. Dream even bigger than you've ever dreamed and know that scenario is available to you.

Housewives Tarot - Wheel of Fortune

There is going to be a change, a sudden and swift one. But don't fear. These types of changes are almost inevitable now that we're coming to the big shift at the end of the year. If you fly fee and expect miracles, this change should lead you exactly where you want to go.

Housewives Tarot - The World

Because of this change you'll find yourself complete. You've come to the end of a phase of life and look forward to a new beginning more glorious than you've ever imagined.

Housewives Tarot - Queen of Cups

A very nice and sweet woman enters your life with this new phase. She brings out in you a time of introspection. But you may be highly emotional at this time, so watch out!

Housewives Tarot - King of Swords

A stubborn abrupt, take charge guy has come into your life. He's full of ideas and intelligence. 

Housewives Tarot - Six of Cups

An emotional guy that could be someone from your past, someone you think on with fond memories is making an appearance. This reunion could be related to your new beginning and a new creative endeavor. Maybe this endeavor is some old project you are reviving.

My Take...

You have a project. It's really coming into fruition right now. And you're experiencing all these synchronic events and ... yes, I'll say it, MIRACLES! They just pop out of the blue like some blessing from above. And that is what they are.

But there is going to be a change, a sudden and swift one that will bring all these great riches to your project. Travel may be involved.

A nice and sweet woman enters the picture, maybe to assist you with this project and she's going to make you hunker down and take a moment to reflect on your project. And you'll get an awakening. You will see the darkness lifting and a new day dawning, a new beginning because of a new guy full of ideas is now in the picture.

Then someone or something from your past is revived and you will look on it with fond memories. It could be an old friend or an old project that you see with new eyes.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Freedom - 11/15

Cheryl Richardson's My Daily Affirmation Cards 

I am on the road to financial freedom by living well within my means and saving money for a bright and secure future.

Mary Queen of Angels Oracle - Jesus

I pray for Jesus' help and guidance with this situation.

You have a close, personal relationship with Jesus. He's a role model of love, compassion, forgiveness and faith. Lean on him for the support you need.

The Answer is Simple Oracle - Have Fun

Keep the inner light of your spirit shining bright. Surround yourself with things that delight you.

The Answer is Simple Oracle - See The Light

Know that you are no worse or no better than anyone else. Everyone in your life reflects an aspect of you. Look for common ground and see the divinity in everyone.

The Answer is Simple Oracle - Say "No!"

The ego is exposing you to behaviors and circumstances that are not in your best interest. This is asking you, "how are you moving against the flow of spirit?"

The Answer is Simple Oracle - You Are Safe

Like the Archangel Michael card in the Archangel Oracle, the angels want you to know that you are always safe and supported by them, God and the universe. The ego taunts you with fears and danger at every corner. But spirit is surrounding you with its powerful protective shield of light.

My Take...

The entire reading is focused on freedom. Freedom with your finances. Freedom with your spirituality. Freedom with your living your bliss, in feeling that sense of fun. Freedom knowing that you are safe and always supported.

When Mother Mary sends you her son, Jesus, in this reading, I feel that whatever is occurring in your life is very, very important. I mean, you don't call out the big guns for just anything, right? 

Jesus is our savior and redeemer. He is also a great reminder of what one person can accomplish with a singular vision. He lived this sense of freedom. He knew what was possible to him and did it without fear. He did miracles, parted the Red Sea, healed numerous people and he tells us that we can do all this and even more.

Break free from your limiting beliefs and grasp this concept. Use Jesus as your mentor, teacher and friend. He wants only the best for you.

He also is telling us to HAVE FUN AND SAY NO. These concepts are so important. Feeling this sense of fun really gives us grace in our life. We feel free to follow our bliss when we are in a joy-filled mood. Things happen so easily, effortless for us.

And saying NO is all about establishing boundaries. He wants us to have compassion for ourselves and not over extend ourselves with doing things that are not of our highest good. If you really don't want to do something, say no with no regrets.

We see the light in a situation when we realize that we are all one. At the end of the day no one is better or less than we are. So don't feel less than. You never are. You are always exactly where you need to be in any moment. And God wants you to know that your challenges are pushing your forward to your bliss, your greater good, where God wants you to be. He is never tormenting you. 

And just like Archangel Michael, please know that you are always safe to send out your light. If you feel fearful, start expressing the true you to like-minded friends who are supportive. And when you feel stronger,  you can shine your light to everyone else.

Focus on your bliss and the positive. Follow that passion that is inside you. When you have a desire to do something you've never tried before, this is God speaking to you. It is a divinely inspired gift of spirit. Take the nudge and run with it.

And don't forget to focus on doing the things that bring you the greatest joy and know you are always supported by the Divine, the angels, your spirit guides and me.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

No Regrets - 11/14

Yes! Day three and I'm still at it. Yay!

This reading started out looking a bit dire but in the end it came out wonderfully. So please read all the way to the end.
The Sacred Circle Tarot and
Soul Coaching Oracle

The Sacred Circle Tarot - 5 of Cups - Regret

This is where you are wallowing in regret for something you have lost. And in this wallowing you are pushing away all the blessings that are coming into you. You're not seeing what is offered by the universe for you highest good. And everything you're not seeing is something very valuable for your emotional well being. This situation is not terminal, but this is something that you just must forge through to come into your blessings.

Soul Coaching Oracle - Breakthrough
I soar into limitless love, light and joy.

Everything you've been doing for the past few years has brought you to this point. You have grown both spiritually and mentally and in a way "grown up."

Soul Coaching Oracle - Power
I am a radiant, glorious, powerful being.

This is all about taking back your power. You need to accept that within you is a great strength. This strength is a place of divinity that nurtures your soul. It strengthens your inner sense and soul. This card appears when you are ready to stand in your power.

Soul Coaching Oracle Voyage
I am safe and loved no matter where I am.

A journey is coming. It's new beginning. A new start. Get ready to raise your sails and fly across the waters of your life. It also is a reminder that you are continually loved and cherished by the divine I AM  Presence, God.

Angel Tarot 3 of Cups
A celebration! A wedding, graduation, or birth announcement. The need to have more fun.

This is a very favorable card. You are celebrating a victory of some sort. It is emotional and you are happy.

My Take...

We all have times where we get triggered into a type of mourning. Whether it is for a deceased loved one, lost relationship or some other emotional pain, we know one thing for certain: we won't always feel this way. 

As each day begins it brings to us a new day, a new wealth of opportunities and discoveries, any one of which could pull us out of this funk of regret and back onto solid ground.

Please know that this is true for you too. You will experience a new beginning. it may not be today or tomorrow but it will come faster than you can imagine.

This is when you will break through those limiting beliefs. You will once again find it easier to focus on all the joys and bliss in your life and see the blessings you've been missing. Like tempered glass that is heated and cooled, you will come away stronger and more in balance. And with this new sense of balance you will find an inner power, a reserve you didn't know was inside you. This is your connection to the Divine shining from inside your heart. 

You will remember that you too are a part of the divine. So take time to stand in this power and knowledge.

Then this new sense of balance along with the power you've taken back will set your life on a new course. And this course will be more spiritually directed because now you are leaning on the support of the divine, your angels and spirit guides.

And before you know it, you'll be celebrating your victories with your new like-minded friends. And as you look back on the regrets of today, they will seem dim in comparison to the great joy and bliss you will feel in the future.

You are renewed and reborn better than before.

Have a wonderful day.