Since we all seem in need of a bit of healing. I pulled some Archangel Raphael cards. He is the healing angel and he can assist us in healing whenever we ask him to.
Archangel Raphael Oracle - Alternative Medicine
I've pulled this card three times in readings in the last few days. So, this is very significant. We need to find alternative ways of healing ourselves. Sound therapy, color therapy, going and taking a shower can cleanse your aura. Reiki and acupuncture are great healing tools as well as massage therapy on feet and shoulders.
This also draws me to all the pink in the card. And this speaks of the Divine Feminine and how it is coming in strongly now. See how it pretty much dominates this card? Also the blue speaks of how you must communicate your truth to others and really embrace your passions at this time (red).
Angel Tarot - Eight of Earth
Skilled work is rewarded. Learning all there is to know about a topic. Going back to school.
This is all about being great at your job, really pulling out all the stops and focusing on your passions. They say that when you do this you are really in your bliss and you bring in more healing energy to yourself and others around you.
Archangel Raphael Oracle - Sunlight
The first thing everyone sees on this card is, yeah, hot guy. But what I see is how sunlight and being in nature can really heal us in so many ways. The angels ask us to picnic near water, absorb the beauty of the area around where you live. And don't forget to give some love back to Gaia. Send her healing energy whenever you think about it.
Angel Tarot - Six of Water
Memories from your history or childhood. Issues regarding children. Romanticizing the past.
This is all about sweet memories of the past and how past things can impact our lives. I also am drawn to past life memories in particular. Don't let the karma of the past influence you in this incarnation. Ask the angels and God to release you from karma from your past lives so you may live a full and fulfilling life today, now.
My Take...
The Divine Feminine is really making an appearance right now. She is asking us to speak our truths and live our passions. The angels ask us to start healing ourselves and using alternative ways to do this. Pharmaceutical ways are no longer the "right" way to get better. We really need to focus in on our passions and really live them to the fullest. Maybe we have been neglecting them due to being too busy in the worldly jobs we have. Raphael asks us to get into nature and embrace the sun's light. We are being changed every day by the sun's rays. And then they want us to release the karma from our own past and the past lives we may have lived before this one.
Sounds like we're ramping up to be cleansed. Get ready.
Have a wonderful day.
P.S. Sorry for the blurriness of the card. I think some of the candle wax that was in the air from me burning my candles got on the camera lense. I have since cleaned it so maybe my videos will be much clearer.
As always we are in tune love the reading