Sunday, December 16, 2012

Messages Thoth, Mother Mary & Inanna

This is Thoth the Atlantian. Mother Mary is with me. Much will change in the future after the shift, when do much will be revealed to you all. Thoth enjoys your company and wishes you to write more often, connect with him more often. I would not be opposed to that myself. We have much wisdom to impart. Inanna is here as well welcoming you to the dawning of a new age and the vastness of your mission. So much more is ahead for you. A great journey awaits all who are chosen to ascend at this time. Some are not quite yet enlightened enough for such a transition but their time will come as well. Some will fake it until they make it, as you say. Such colorful language you humans have.

Speaking if walk-ins, the thought just came to your mind, I see. You are such a thing. You remember your accident and how you joked you came away from that a different person? Well, that is true. You are an angelic being chosen to live among the humans. Your vibration raises the vibration of all around you. You know things, feel things but attribute these to luck or good instinct. You are the angelic you believe to be your guardian angel. You are Raguel, in part, come to earth. You are a universal angel heeding the call to Gaia. Hollow Earth will soon contact you and reveal to you many truths. Your journey starts soon. It should be quite a ride, as you say.

In blessings and honor,
Thoth, Mother Mary and Inanna

The meditation is such that you place yourself inside a crystal pyramid inside Giza in Egypt. Connect your energy to the Sphinx and the stars. You will know which ones (Orion's Belt). This is merely a jumping off point, a gateway, if you will, to the stars. Astral travel isn't much different than this. You are hard wired to unlock and accept this knowledge.

The Emerald Tablets are your birthright, but much more vast information is available to you and those others who seek it. Hollow Earth, Lemuria, Atlantian knowledge will open to you. Your vibration will skyrocket, so be ready. You are about to hear your angelic helpers and ascended masters in a much more tangible way.

Good luck. We love you.
Inanna & Thoth

1 comment:

  1. OMG got info on portals today amazing info on meditation will try thanks
