Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Higher Connection - 12/6

When you add up all the numbers on these cards it resolves into a 2 Day. Twos are all about balance, peace, harmony, kindness, friendship, gentleness, cooperation and adaptability. It asks you to have faith, trust and courage that your prayers are manifesting.

Psychic Tarot - Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is all about connecting to the higher levels of awareness, your over-soul, your higher self, the christ consciousness and your angels and spirit guides. You are guided to, instructed to connect with these realms for your own betterment today. I was reading this morning about how the definition of "the word became flesh" didn't just mean that Jesus came to be the Son of God. We all are the "sons and daughters of God. This is why we can do just as Jesus did. He was connected to the Christos consciousness. They called him Christ because he had connected with this Christos consciousness. We also have this ability to connect to this universal energy. Christos means anointed. And as sons and daughters of God, we are all asked to accept this anointing.

Psychic Tarot - 6 of Wands

Victory & Success

This is the card where you are riding in on your horse and waving your banner because you've just had a victory in battle and you are coming home with your head held high doing your victory dance. The man depicted here is facing the crown chakra, so this tells me that you will have victory and success in connecting with the Christ Consciousness.

Magical Messages from the Fairies - Vegetarian

A new way of eating gives you more energy, greater health, clarity and stronger manifestation abilities.

And if you want to connect better to the Higher Realms, you need to eat better things, drink better things (water preferably) and get on a plant based way of eating. If it comes from the sun, is grown in the sun, it's probably okay for you to eat. They want us to get away from all the processed foods that are so prevalent these days.

Art Through The Eyes of the Soul Oracle - Rosslyn Remembrance

A Deep Secret Will Come To Light

Take special care in how much you reveal, and the way it is brought out into the open. Consider the impact the knowledge will have on others, and what they may do with the information. (From the booklet)

You are asked to connect to the higher realms because they have something very important to reveal to you. It is a secret that will help all. So, pray like the lady in the picture that you receive the blessings of the higher realms

Osho Zen Tarot - Projections

7 of Cups

Mariann Moore once told me that the 7 of Cups meant Multidimensionality. And I think that definition fits here. You are not only accessing the higher realms of just your higher self but you have the ability to connect to other realms, star systems and galaxies and get help from those sovereign beings from above.

My Take...

We are working on our crown chakras and having success with that. We are eating better and accepting the guidance that our angels, guides and masters have to give us, but we are also now able to connect to an even greater source, other dimensions that could also assist us in the ascension.

Hum... sounds pretty straight-forward to me. What do you think?

Have a wonderful day.


  1. We had an issue at work where they were planning on laying off one of our 2 photographers and making our department come in to do all the photo editing that the lady wouldn't be doing. I kept getting messages to think positively and focus on what you want. So that is what I did. I kept reorienting my thinking. But I kept letting slip into my thoughts how Scrooge-like that was to lay someone off at Christmas. Well, this morning... VICTORY!! The general manager was supposed to lay the person off and when he talked to the woman face to face, he couldn't do it!!! Yay! Thank you angels and guides and GOD! Hollah!

  2. As I read your comment, it comes to mind that as we access our higher consciousness it leads to acts of higher consciousness allowing Love and the higher self to be our directive instead of the ego lack mentality. Blessings all around
