Sorry that I'm a little late with this today. I had a lot going on at work this morning.
Ascended Masters - Yes
Ganesh is telling us that we are moving in the right direction. We need to say "Yes" to the world (Gaia) and not to the old ways. We need to say "Yes" to refocusing our day on the positive and limiting our negative thinking. If you have a question today, the answer is a resounding, YES!
Ascended Masters - Positive Change
This is telling us that the changes we are making or considering making are positive for us. This change is one that sweeps across the world.
Your likes and dislikes have changed, and you've outgrown situations that once appealed to you. These are positive developments signaling yoru spiritual growth. Some of these situations are blessings in disguise, as they're pushing you to make necessary and positive changes. You may feel pushed beyond your comfort zone as multiple areas of your life shift and flux, yet the universe always stands ready to support you with whatever you ask for. Let go and enjoy this ride, because it truly is for the best. (From the booklet)
You've maybe turned off the television as your main form of entertainment, switched to different foods and began an exercise regime that gets you outdoors. Whatever it is, your change, the one YOU made for yourself is one that takes you in the right direction.
Messages from your Angels - Sonya
I bring you a message from your deceased loved one: "I am happy, at peace, and I love you very much. Please don't worry about me."
This is letting you know that someone from the other side is sending you a hello and letting you know that they are watching over you. Don't worry about them any longer. Pray for your own healing so you may be able to see them once again when the shift comes into your life. Focus on the positive and see a positive result.
Goddess Guidance - Eireen
There is no need to worry as everything is working out beautifully.
Eireen wants us to have peace. Peace of mind, peace of spirit, peace of body. She really wants us to sink into this emotion. Affirm "I am calm, centered and at peace." in every moment you are thinking otherwise.
Goddess Guidance - Maeve
Cycles and Rhythms
Honor the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions.
This is asking us to watch the cycles that happen in the world. Football comes around the same time every year triggering us to watch tv. Certain tv shows garner our attention drawing us back to the idiot box which is brainwashing us in a negative cycle. We need to get outside more often and get used to the cycles of nature and Gaia.
Messages from your Angels - Archangel Uriel
Your emotions are healing, which enables you to open to greater love. I will help you release anger and unforgiveness from your heart and mind.
We are really 'getting it' and Archangel Uriel is helping us open to this greater love that is coming in. Every day our expectations of this love is brining it to us.
Wisdom Cards - I freely express who I am
It is my birthright to express myself in ways that are fulfilling to me.
The wisdom cards are asking us to be free to be ourselves. Don't defer to anyone else. Be yourself. Live your life as YOU want to, not others who seem to think they know better.
My Take...
YES, a positive change is coming in for us. We only need to accept it and focus on it being a positive, peaceful change that is for our greatest good. We need to raise our vibration so we can even experience this change. And we do this by eating better foods, getting out in nature and letting go of worry. The HIgher Realms are assisting us as we do all of this as they watch over us daily. Allow them to help you. And as you raise your vibration you will be more able to express the True YOU. The YOU you always knew you were.
A lot of cards for a little message with a BIG meaning.
Have a wonderful day!
OMG just uploading my video, which is late too! And same type of message, don't allow others to dictate how we think or feel and that we are being given freedom with love and support of the angels.