Monday, December 31, 2012

Shine, shine, shine - 12/31

The Answer is Simple Oracle - Share Your Gifts

This is asking us to be brave, be bold, be passionate about your talents. And you need to share these talents with others. Don't be afraid. Yes, some people may not like your giving, and that is okay. Just keep putting your gifts out into the world.

The Answer is Simple Oracle - Thank God

This is a no brainer. Always thank our creator for everything you have, everything you want and everything you do. Doing things with a sense of gratitude always brings more of that toward you.

The Answer is Simple Oracle - Seek an Expert

Just like Alice with the Caterpillar, if you don't know how to do something, find a like-minded friend who has that talent and learn from them. That is what we do when we live in a community. We learn from each other. Seek out those that really strengthen your gifts.

Angel Tarot - Page of Earth

Scholarly, Dependable, Patient, Successful
Good news about financial matters. Wanting to do something more challenging. A new area of study.

Maybe you're looking to strengthen your gifts like I said in the previous card. Take a class, a seminar, a workshop, something that gets you in the know about what you want to know. And as you learn, learning is always wonderful, you grow in your gifts and they get better and better. This could also be a message about something scholarly. Maybe you will get a message about an opportunity to do some sort of learning with another person. Take that opportunity when it arises. 

My Take...

Share your talents with the world and watch your passions grow, your creativity expand and your heart blossom. Be bold and grateful. Always thank God for the riches he has provided. And if you get stuck, seek out a like-minded friend who has some knowledge you need. There is also a message about an important area of study for you that is coming into being. Plus you may be challenged in your creative bliss which will only make your talents stronger.

Quite a cool message about our talents and gifts today. Embrace what makes YOU you! Shine out today and show your gifts to the world.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Live your authentic truth - 12/30-31

Stasha Eve has recently taken a stand on 'no more oracle cards' & 'no more channelling'. And she isn't the only one getting this message about less channelling. The Angels, ascended masters and galactic beings want us to go within to find this inspiration. The wisdom is inside you. It always has been.

What I understand is that the channelling won't be cut off, it will just be less frequent. My own message was to connect to the higher realms and my inner wisdom by writing this guidance down. I'm a writer and have always gotten into 'flow' which I now realize is me working with the Divine. We all do it in our own way. They are also going to continue to give me guidance through my oracle and tarot readings. Whew. Relief there.

What way do you connect to the divine?
Your favorite way is indeed the best way for you. But I want to express to everyone to LIVE YOUR OWN TRUTH! Honor God by honoring your own heart. You have this wonderful guidance inside you, it is a spark of the divine. And what is right for one person is not right for all. Live authentically in your truth. And my truth is, I love oracle cards and tarot and connecting with the ascended masters who choose to give me messages. What is YOUR TRUTH TODAY?

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Healing leads to a new beginning - 12/28

Soul Coaching - Healing

Phenomenal healing energy flows through every cell in my body.

You're a natural healer. You knew this already. Plus it also means that you are on the mend/or a situation is being resolved. Have faith this healing ability is emerging within you. It's happening.

Soul Coaching - Emerging

I am emerging into the light with joy and ease.

Ideas and things that have been incubating within you for a long time are now moving toward manifestation. A period of new beginnings.

Angel Tarot - Four of Fire

Contentment, Peace and Abundance. A happy home life. The successful completion of a project.

This is all about stability, firm foundations. You are rejoicing over a happy event, anniversary or milestone of some sort. This can also talk of escaping unhappy circumstances, gaining freedom of some sort.

My Take...

You are a healer and are healing some aspect of yourself right now. Maybe this is something in your body, a dis-ease. You are on the mend. This healing is emerging within you more and more every day. And you are realizing that you can really do this. You are getting confidence as you work on healing every day. This healing is bringing about a new beginning for you. And this will be a happy home, a freedom from something that no longer serves you and you will rejoice.

Sounds pretty exciting and healing, doesn't it?

Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Divinely Inspired - 12/27

I thought I'd just throw this out at the beginning. I received another download of mystical information last night. The third such download in five-ish days. Although, I believe I have been getting these downloads for awhile and have only recently noticed them. I don't know what I am being given or what it all means, but I am excited to discover it all.

Now... on to the reading.

Featuring the Mystic Dreamer Tarot and the Archangel Michael Oracle Cards.

The Hierophant

This card shows a perfect balance of belief with practice. It's a good omen if you are facing a problem, and it indicates you know that solution. But you need to find a way to put this into practice. You are seeking to make wisdom clear to some student in your path. It can also indicate for you to seek out a teacher yourself. The Hierophant asks you to imagine what your life would be like if you lived by what you believed, not what others wanted for you.

He is your connection between heaven and earth. Getting a lot of connection messages like this lately. Very cool indeed.

The High Priestess

This card is about knowledge that his secret and hidden. It's about knowledge that you need and that can be revealed to you. This knowledge is beyond logic. You have to access it and trust your intuition when you do if you hope to understand the mysteries of it. This could mark the beginning of a personal spiritual journey. It also suggests sharing knowledge and not keeping secrets.

Knight of Swords

He is a single-minded, intensely focused guy. he knows what he wants and is certain he knows how to achieve it. His stunning intellect and mastery of language is a thing of beauty. He is very confident in his opinions and beliefs and loves to express them in friendly debates. Don't go to him with emotional problems, though, he is impatient in the face of emotions.

Decide To Be Happy Now

The angels have heard you and are answering your prayers. Instead of making your happiness contingent on future events, you can decide to just be happy. Don't worry, be happy. :) One thing to do is to focus on everything and everyone for whom you feel grateful. What is working well in your life? What are your blessings and your strengths? By allowing yourself to feel this joy and pleasure, you become empowered.

My Take...

We know the solution to a problem we are facing. We just need to go internally and seek this wisdom. We need to trust that we alone can sometimes help ourselves. We think this knowledge is hidden and it is, in a way, inside ourselves. Maybe as you teach others your wisdom, your answer will be revealed as well. And you need to do this with a single-minded focus. And don't worry about the outcome. Just be happy. Allow the divine to work its magic. Be in joy and receive the blessings of the Divine. You just have to decide that you want to be happy. And then be that. Ask Archangel Michael to help you.

Sounds divinely inspired, does it not?

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Focus in on your intuitive gifts - 12-26

Earth Magic - Crystals - Focus

It is time to bring your complete focus to the subject of your inquiry. Eliminate all distractions, and give this your undivided attention. Whether this is a project, relationship, or simply a relaxing time spent walking in Nature, be fully present to the situation. This sharpening of focus will expand your awareness and allow your inner guidance to penetrate your consciousness, which can then be parlayed into appropriate action. (description from the book)

We are asked to focus in our what we are being called to. Calls are going out all over the place, if you will only listen, receive or be open to the experience of upliftment. It has to do with our intuition. The crystal amethyst cave indicates that. As you hone your intuition, you will become more open like the entrance to this cave. Accept messages from only the highest light and highest vibration.

Earth Magic - Iceberg - Submerged

Whatever you suppress or deny and attempt to keep out of conscious awareness will show up somewhere and somehow as your shadow aspects. At one time you put them out of your consciousness for good reason, yet they remain contained by shame and guilt. Now is the time to allow these elements to surface and embrace them, whether they are perceived as positive or negative. (description from the book)

We are only getting a bit of the big picture. There is so much more to learn and experience here. They don't want to deluge us with information so we are getting it bit by bit until soon we will have the bigger, divine picture.

Earth Magic - Tree - Grounding

You have been feeling scattered and spacey lately. You are not fully in your body and that is because you have not been able to get grounded. This is quite literal in that your body is made of the materials of the Earth. So when you feel disconnected from your body, you are inevitably disconnected from Earth. So get yourself grounded by somehow directly connecting with Mother Earth. (description from the book)

This is reminding us to ground ourselves as we access these energies. Ground into Gaia. Step out into nature, yes, even if it is snowing. And I also am getting a connection to Hollow Earth here. We will begin to be contacted by these 5th Dimensional beings, I believe. So, be ready.

My Take...

Focus in on these great energies that are coming in right now. We are being contacted for a bigger mission and it all has to do with our intuitive gifts. Know that what we are receiving is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. And know that you need to become grounded in Gaia more and more frequently. Plus get ready to be contacted by Hollow Earth and the 5th Dimensional races. 

Should prove to be an exciting ride.

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Victory over hidden agendas of others - 12/25

Featuring the Ghosts and Spirits Tarot and the Gaia Oracle

Ace of Pentacles - Abundance in wealth. Steps represent ascension and unexpected opportunities. This is time to let your ideas manifest into abundance and material gain.

9 of Wands - you may need to push harder to complete your goals. Start tapping your inner resources and nature to catapult you forward to success.

2 of Wands - Don't be your own worst enemy. Self-imposed fears about 2 ventures arise. Embrace inspiration and peace.

6 of Wands - Victory! Yay! Now us the time to bask in your achievements.

Hanged Man - you may be at a crossroads. Try to see things from a higher, different perspective.

Empress - connect to your nurturing, creative power and be open to possibilities.

6 of Swords - Take a step back and reflect on your journey. Don't plant seeds of doubt. You're beginning to bloom anew again.

2of Pentacles - you may have to juggle responsibilities and make compromises along the way but you are coming to a more peaceful place in life.

The Message -
positive news, positive outcomes
The anxious wait is nearly over and a time if celebration us near. An issue of major importance has a positive outcome

The Temptress
Seduction, deceit, a broken promise
You are being seduced with dazzling promises that may not come to pass. Don't be deceived. Things are not what they seem. Keep your eyes open and your inner radar up and working at full blast. Don't fall for hidden agendas.

My Take...

Unexpected opportunities arise concerning ideas and ascension. You may need to work a bit harder, but you'll get there. New ventures look promising, but don't let fear stop you. You will have victory. If you see things from a new perspective and be open to possibilities and nurture yourself. Don't sabotage yourself with doubt. You may have to juggle a few things around in your life, but you'll be okay. Positive news arrives about your venture as long as you don't fall for another's hidden agenda.

Have a wonderful day.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Gift leads to change and a message - 12/24

Featuring the Sacred Circle Tarot

Ace of Cups - Spirituality 

Gift of love, new romantic interest, creative desire, spiritual awakening

Knight of Swords - Change

Confident in opinions, single-minded, intensely focused, confident with language

8 of Wands - Action

Fast moving creative energy, creative potential. Be ready to spring into action.

7 of Discs - Prudence

Take a break. You've done all you can for now. Waiting for your harvest to arrive.

16 - Initiation (Death)

End of something (job, relationship, situation). Welcome closure

18  - The Moon

Dreams, instinct, intuition, and fears. Provides illumination and shadows. Great inspiration is at hand.

5 of Wands - Grounding

Combat, competition, strife. Be prepared. Different people will bring different opinions to challenge you today.

Page of Discs - Health

Industrious, crafty, good with your hands, earnest about saving money. This page loves to learn new things. He brings a message about money, health or resources.

My Take...

We are being given a new gift of love. It could come in as a new relationship, new creative desire or a spiritual awakening. We are asked to be confident and focused in keeping our words and language of the highest light and vibration possible. And if we keep our words positive we ill have access to a great fast-moving energy and creative potential. It is asking us to be ready, on guard, because we could be challenged at any moment. While we are doing this, we are taking time for ourselves to reflect on all the great things we've accomplished. But be ready for an ending of something that could be a big change. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition because we are being illuminated and prepared. And even when conflict and strife show up on our doorstep, we will be ready for it. And in the end, we will receive a message about abundance, money or our health.

All in all it sounds like a great Christmas forecast. Have a MERRY one!

Make it a wonderful day!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Choice leads to soul mate - 12/23

Featuring the mini Druid Tarot.

7 of Cups
This is usually about a multitude of choices and a decision we must make. It causes you to daydream about things. Get clear. The harp speaks of how this choice will raise your vibration.

10 of Swords
This is betrayal, stabbed in the back. Maybe you are doubtful or maybe this points to the coward who betrays you behind your back. This picture shows someone lording over others but one lady has a wand. Someone quashing your inspiring ideas?

Queen of Swords
She is saying stand up. See the truth. Don't let your emotions overtake you. You are strong. Clarity comes from within.

10 of Cups
Your choices have led you to a bliss out. Emotional Abundance and fulfillment.

2 of Cups
And thus bliss out will bring in an important relationship for you. Think soul mate, twin flame.

My Take...

A choice you are about to make will raise your vibration and at the same time trigger others into realizing exactly how far off their path they've come. They may betray you or mentally hurt you in some way. But stand strong. Be brave. See the truth and it will set you free and lead to emotional fulfillment and an important new relationship.

Sounds good to me.

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Embrace clarity - 12/22

Featuring The Mini Witchy Tarot

The Devil - Something is falling away from us right now. We are in a transition period where the things we are in bondage to have to be dealt with. As we take a closer look at this, we are healed.

The Moon - what mountain are you climbing toward clarity? Pay attention to your dreams. The symbols in dreams really break through the uncertainty. Clarity will be gained.

King of Boulders (Pentacles) - We are putting our brand on the world. We are mastering our giving and receiving and maybe really bringing something related to prosperity into fruition.

My Take...

We are in a transition between uncertainty and clarity in some aspect of our life. And with this gained clarity we will really embrace abundance and make a mark on the world.

Sounds pretty cool to me.

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Spiraling, expansive creativity, love, widsom - 12/21

Thoth Tarot - 6 of Wands

This speaks of a a deep victory that we are experiencing or a win that touches us at an intuitive and spiritual level. There are opportunities for expansiveness in creative areas of our lives. Think breakthrough!

Thoth Tarot - Knight of Swords

This is a symbol for passionate thinking and mental determination. This is a picture of a focused, intentional, determined mind with all forces moving in the same direction. This will assure a goal you are wanting to accomplish is attained. It speaks of four levels of consciousness: mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. The center of the wings of the bird is a universal symbol for illumination, clarity and spiritual guidance. 

Thoth Tarot - 4 of Disks

This is all about power, vitality and forcefulness. It's about knowing what your limits and boundaries are to empower yourself and to empower others. It's all all about inner and outer power. Stability.

Thoth Tarot - 9 of Disks

This is where you are hitting the mark. Hitting the bulls-eye. It's about physical profit, benefit and gains in all areas of life: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. If we follow what has heart and meaning for us and if we organize and systemize things, the results are gains. Gains come as a unifying wisdom, with our love nature in a creative way. Gain comes as a result of utilizing our dynamic energy.

Wisdom of the Hidden Realm - The Spiral Dancer

Circuitous Route, Perception

Life is lived in a spiral circuitous route. And as the shift has arrived, the wave of ascension comes in spiral waves. Don't think you have missed it if you didn't feel anything significant today. The waves will continue to come to raise our perceptions to the point where one day we will realize that we have been spiraling upward all along.

Angel Tarot - The Lovers

Archangel Raphael
Intimate relationships, Carefully weigh your decisions, Good health

This is all about a new positive relationship coming into your life. Could be a twin flame, a soul mate or just someone new that you can count on. It is also about good health and getting more into eating right and exercise,Think the Yoga card from the Ascended Masters. :) And remember to carefully weigh any decisions you make through your own wise discernment. 

My Take...

We are experiencing a deep victory or win that touches us deeply, intuitively, spiritually. We are experiencing expansion and openness in our creativity. We are really getting passionate and determined to follow our bliss and make it come forth in the world. And we are getting more and more clarity about that. We just need to remember to know our limits and respect the boundaries that we need to maintain to empower ourselves and others. And then know that we are hitting the mark, the bulls-eye in the world of prosperity. We are abundant. We are bringing together our love nature and our wisdom in creative ways. And this bring about a dynamic energy that shines to everyone who witnesses it.

Know that our lives are lived spirally. Nothing is ever missed, we can always pick it up again on the next spiral around. And new, fresh, important people are being inserted into our lives.

Sounds like a pretty exciting ride. I hope you make it a great one!

Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A new dawn - 12/20

Grace Cards - Pray

This is asking us to go into prayer and meditation today in order to get ready for the shift tomorrow. They want us to look to heaven, your angels and guides for support and be ready for a transformation (see the butterflies by her head?)

Wildwood Tarot - 4 of Stones


What is coming is something that is protecting us from the harshness of the duality world we currently live in. A new dawn is coming for us and we just need to hunker down and get ready for it.

Goddess Guidance - Maeve

Cycles and Rhythms
"Honor the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions."

Just like the moon phases and the cycles of the tides, our bodies have cycles and so does the universe. We are completing a cycle that the Mayans have predicted forever it seems. Tomorrow is the day where one world ends and a new one begins.

My Take...

We are asked to pray and go into meditation. We are asked to know that what is coming is for our protection. It will be a new dawn. We just have to wait a little longer. And this will be the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Life goes on. A new day has dawned.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Smell the Roses - 12/19

Gaia Oracle - Gaia

Wisdom, Knowledge, Spiritual understanding

We are connected to Gaia and  this image depicts a woman who I assume is Gaia or maybe it could be us infused in the energy of Gaia. It speaks to me of getting grounded. Getting out into nature. Taking time to smell the roses in life.

Ask And It Is Given Oracle - 

I Am Becoming Consciously Aware of My Inner Being

This little child has what looks like very faint wings. She is trusting herself more and more and now is getting ready to fly. This is us. We are really trusting our inner guidance and asking for help when we need it. We are making a lift off into a new world.

Wisdom from Healing Oracle - Rely On Yourself

Just like when you and someone else is drowning, you need to save yourself first. And that goes with this shift as well. Focus on yourself and  your own needs first. Then help others. And if you just can't help others at this time, take time off and really focus in on YOU. Nurture yourself. This card reminds me of the 6 of Swords where it speaks of going from rough waters into calm seas. You are really getting your emotions under control right now.

Angel Tarot - Six of Earth

Gifts of money, time or effort. New career opportunities. Receiving a loan or paying off debts.

This is all about giving and receiving. We are being generous to ourselves and others right now. Just make sure that you live in a sweet balance. Don't give too much. Over giving can put us out of balance as well as over receiving.

My Take...

We are really getting grounded (or need to) right now. We are gaining the wisdom that is locked inside of Gaia and receiving spiritual understanding. Take time to smell the roses and have a little fun in your life. You are becoming more and more aware of your inner guidance and wisdom and have learned that all you need to know is right inside you. And because of this you are learning to fly to new levels of consciousness. You are relying on yourself more and more and really getting into balance where giving and receiving is concerned.

All and all it looks like a smooth ride into the energies of the 21st.

Hope you have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Atlantis/Ascension cards reading - 12/18

Atlantis Cards - The Silence

Be still and access your own inner wisdom.

Only in silence can we access the One Source of All. This card tells you to spend more time in contemplation and to go into nature where you can be still and peaceful.

Ascension Cards - Jesus

I respond with an unconditional love today.

Synchronicity! Glammiewitch also pulled this card yesterday. 

This reminds us that all challenging people and situations in our lives are tests to prepare us for ascension. Respond back to such situations with unconditional love and balance. Accept that you no longer need to act in triggered ways. Your response is up to you.

Ascension Cards - Marko

I am open to wisdom from the stars.

Master Marko represents the highest galactic confederation of our solar system which is on Saturn. Along with Commander Ashtar of the Intergalactic Fleet, he brings us wisdom and knowledge held by stellar cultures.

Marko assists Hilarion on the 5th Ray of Technology, Science, Truth and Knowledge to enable people to expand their highest mental abilities and develop spiritual technology for the future.

Your guidance is to open your mind to communications and connections from other star systems and universes and ask Marko to assist and protect you.

Ascension Cards - Hilarion

I open myself to the wisdom and guidance of Hilarion.

I can't believe this card came out next. So significant. He is mentioned in the Marko card. So we really need to be working with these two Masters.

Hilarion is the negotiator for Earth on the Council of Saturn and helps us remain connected to our spiritual journey. (I have also understood he is all about healing) As the master of the orange 5th ray of Technology, Science, Truth and Knowledge, (I wore orange today before I pulled these cards.) He invites you to open your mind so he can drop seeds for new ideas into your consciousness. He assists those who are ready to become higher channels and clairvoyants.

Your guidance is to sit quietly and ask him to help you be all that you can be.

Ascension Cards- Cosmic Heart (not pictured)

I breathe in the love from the Cosmic Heart and accept its influence in my life to transform and challenge me so I can in turn help others access this Divine love.

I went ahead and picked one more card. I am not certain whether I asked for this guidance to be for my blog specifically or just for me generally. So I apologize if this doesn't resonate with you. It surely resonates with me.

Unconditional love comes from Venus which pour out this love from the 9th Dimension. Since the 9th dimension is so hard to access for us, please call on Mother Mary and the Unicorns to be a liaison between the 9th dimension and the one where we currently reside. They will be able to move the energy down to a level where we can access it.

Truth and Healing - 12/18

Since we all seem in need of a bit of healing. I pulled some Archangel Raphael cards. He is the healing angel and he can assist us in healing whenever we ask him to.

Archangel Raphael Oracle - Alternative Medicine

I've pulled this card three times in readings in the last few days. So, this is very significant. We need to find alternative ways of healing ourselves. Sound therapy, color therapy, going and taking a shower can cleanse your aura. Reiki and acupuncture are great healing tools as well as massage therapy on feet and shoulders.

This also draws me to all the pink in the card. And this speaks of the Divine Feminine and how it is coming in strongly now. See how it pretty much dominates this card? Also the blue speaks of how you must communicate your truth to others and really embrace your passions at this time (red).

Angel Tarot - Eight of Earth

Skilled work is rewarded. Learning all there is to know about a topic. Going back to school. 

This is all about being great at your job, really pulling out all the stops and focusing on your passions. They say that when you do this you are really in your bliss and you bring in more healing energy to yourself and others around you.

Archangel Raphael Oracle - Sunlight

The first thing everyone sees on this card is, yeah, hot guy. But what I see is how sunlight and being in nature can really heal us in so many ways. The angels ask us to picnic near water, absorb the beauty of the area around where you live. And don't forget to give some love back to Gaia. Send her healing energy whenever you think about it.

Angel Tarot - Six of Water

Memories from your history or childhood. Issues regarding children. Romanticizing the past. 

This is all about sweet memories of the past and how past things can impact our lives. I also am drawn to past life memories in particular. Don't let the karma of the past influence you in this incarnation. Ask the angels and God to release you from karma from your past lives so you may live a full and fulfilling life today, now.

My Take...

The Divine Feminine is really making an appearance right now. She is asking us to speak our truths and live our passions. The angels ask us to start healing ourselves and using alternative ways to do this. Pharmaceutical ways are no longer the "right" way to get better. We really need to focus in on our passions and really live them to the fullest. Maybe we have been neglecting them due to being too busy in the worldly jobs we have. Raphael asks us to get into nature and embrace the sun's light. We are being changed every day by the sun's rays. And then they want us to release the karma from our own past and the past lives we may have lived before this one.

Sounds like we're ramping up to be cleansed. Get ready.

Have a wonderful day.

P.S.    Sorry for the blurriness of the card. I think some of the candle wax that was in the air from me burning my candles got on the camera lense. I have since cleaned it so maybe my videos will be much clearer.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Keep Moving Forward - 12/17

Housewives Tarot - 9 of Pentacles

The keywords for this card are: Discipline, Self-Reliance and Refinement.

It's all about showing restraint and exercising self-control and sacrificing to reach a goal or sticking to some program that you are a part of.

This also says that you can handle any situation and to trust yourself. Your inner wisdom is quite awesome.

It is also about a comfortable lifestyle and pursuing refinement. Being tactful and diplomatic and seeking high-minded activities. You need to enjoy the finer things in life because it is all coming to you.

Life Purpose Oracle - You're On The Right Path

Keep dong what you're doing, because it's working.

This is all about trusting that what you are doing right  now is enough. You have chosen the path and now you are traveling down it. Don't hesitate to keep moving forward. You're making the correct choices right now.

My Take...

You're beginning to see how your past actions have brought so much more success and abundance into your life. You're focusing more and more on what you want to come into your life and less time focusing on the lack of it. And because of this, the angels tell you that you are on the perfect path for you at this time. 

Good job! I'm so proud of all of you.

Have a wonderful day.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Messages Thoth, Mother Mary & Inanna

This is Thoth the Atlantian. Mother Mary is with me. Much will change in the future after the shift, when do much will be revealed to you all. Thoth enjoys your company and wishes you to write more often, connect with him more often. I would not be opposed to that myself. We have much wisdom to impart. Inanna is here as well welcoming you to the dawning of a new age and the vastness of your mission. So much more is ahead for you. A great journey awaits all who are chosen to ascend at this time. Some are not quite yet enlightened enough for such a transition but their time will come as well. Some will fake it until they make it, as you say. Such colorful language you humans have.

Speaking if walk-ins, the thought just came to your mind, I see. You are such a thing. You remember your accident and how you joked you came away from that a different person? Well, that is true. You are an angelic being chosen to live among the humans. Your vibration raises the vibration of all around you. You know things, feel things but attribute these to luck or good instinct. You are the angelic you believe to be your guardian angel. You are Raguel, in part, come to earth. You are a universal angel heeding the call to Gaia. Hollow Earth will soon contact you and reveal to you many truths. Your journey starts soon. It should be quite a ride, as you say.

In blessings and honor,
Thoth, Mother Mary and Inanna

The meditation is such that you place yourself inside a crystal pyramid inside Giza in Egypt. Connect your energy to the Sphinx and the stars. You will know which ones (Orion's Belt). This is merely a jumping off point, a gateway, if you will, to the stars. Astral travel isn't much different than this. You are hard wired to unlock and accept this knowledge.

The Emerald Tablets are your birthright, but much more vast information is available to you and those others who seek it. Hollow Earth, Lemuria, Atlantian knowledge will open to you. Your vibration will skyrocket, so be ready. You are about to hear your angelic helpers and ascended masters in a much more tangible way.

Good luck. We love you.
Inanna & Thoth

Friday, December 14, 2012

Time to be Tough As Nails -12/14

Today I am using the Housewives Tarot. This is such a fun deck. I recommend it highly although it doesn't subscribe to the Rider Waite images.

Queen of Swords

Sharp tongued, stern, mournful

The Queen has seen her share of hardships and sorrow. Never fear, she has pulled herself through the tough days by being tough as nails. She can also be a total witch with a capital B. Intensely perceptive and keen observation also describe this queen.

5 of Pentacles

Financial loss, misfortune, poverty

Indicates heavy financial loss. What you must remember, however, that in reality you've lost nothing. Gravity and misfortune may have claimed your tableware but it cannot smash your mojo. Collect the broken pieces and whip out the Krazy Glue.

Six of Wands

Victory, Triumph, Praise

She is triumphant against the trails that assaulted her in the previous card in this suit. Her beautiful home is the toast of the town and her neighbors can't stop singing her praises.

Page of Pentacles

Possessions, Determination, Fastidiousness

This page is better known as Mommy's Little Entrepreneur. He has a great respect for money and expensive objects. Always out to make an extra buck, he will gladly do more chores to supplement his weekly allowance.

5 of Swords

Accepting limitations, realism, time management.

Sure you think you can do it all, but no one is perfect. You should acknowledge and accept your limitations and focus on goals that are actually within your reach.

My Take...

It's a hard message today but a good one. You've seen more than your fair share of hardships and sorrow which through the Law of Attraction and by focusing on such you've brought financial strife, misfortune and poverty info your life or maybe just the promise of it. If it hasn't manifested in your life (or even if it has) you can have victory over this issue. Refocus your mind, your thoughts, to thoughts of beauty and goodness and the wonderment of a child. If you do not choose such a path, you will find yourself focused all on money, material gain and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you at this time in history.

The Queen of Swords and the Victory card offer us hope of coming out of these tough times, although, not unscathed.

Have a wonderful day. 

Message from Thoth

I read Mariann's blog and it screamed to me, "you are neglecting your duties, girl." So I went into a short meditation this morning and got a message from Thoth where he refers to me as "scribe of the ages" and I'm not sure why he added "the ages" part.

Listen and learn the Teachings of Thoth the Atlantian, scribe of the ages. You intuitively know all I am about to impart but the great forgetting, as we say, has caused you to lose this information temporarily, although, it has always been available to you.

The great pyramid is key to discovering ancient truths. Knowledge is hidden there on many levels of consciousness and you only need to tap into this flow to access it. You need not be physically present to do so. We are ready to release this information to all who will accept and embrace it. Get ready fore great wisdom is on your doorstep. That is all for now. Go into meditation and contemplate these ruins, fore the pyramids were much more grand in my time and I can only look at what's left as ruins. 

Inanna and I (Thoth) salute you.

Check out Mariann Moore's Thoth blog today:
THOTH Speaks - Principles of the EMERALD TABLET

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pursue your BIG DREAM 12/13

I'm getting a clear message that the angels and spirit want me to unplug from technology. Kind of hard with my job where I work on a computer all day long. I'm had to restart my internet modem at home three times since last night. Another message I've been getting is that it seems many of the oracle card readers are cutting back or abandoning this form of divination at this time. I think of it as a call to guide people who need guidance. Only the most dedicated seem to be keeping up with their readings or turning to other forms of divination to work to their strengths. I do admire that.

I think now is the most important time to get  the message out to people about what is coming in and what to expect from the Divine and this shift. (This shift can't happen without our support of it.)

I have had to change up my readings a bit since I was getting the same message over and over and I didn't want anyone to stop viewing because of "there she goes again" and turning me off. The message of the Divine still needs to get out even if it isn't through me.

That said, I've been really enjoying my Thoth deck. I used it in today's bonus reading. The messages from these cards seem to be speaking to me in a new way. And I am getting past my initial fear of them. Although, I'm not certian why they so stumped me before.

Here are the cards I pulled for today's blog.

Magical Messages from the Mermaids & Dolphins - Synchronicity

Your prayers and questions are being answered by synchronistic events. Notice them in order to increase their flow.

Everything is starting to line up and you are getting messages over and over today. I've been getting the message to disconnect from technology quite strong today. (See message above.)

Magical Messages from the Mermaids & Dolphins -  Alchemy

You have the Midas touch right now, and every project you begin turns to gold.

If you want to try something new, today is the day when you can't fail. And anyway, if you do fail, failure is only feedback on the way to success. Don't let failure get you down or cause you to derail your dream. Believe in yourself and your dreams. Your dreams are magical today.

Magical Messages from the Mermaids & Dolphins -  Healing Heart

You're a powerful healer. Keep up the great work.

I have got this message occasionally over the many readings that I've done so I know that some of you are closet healers. Come out of the closet, people! There is much healing to be done on this planet. Send your healing energy to Mother Gaia to assist with her ascension, I implore you. We will all be the better for it.

Life Purpose Oracle Cards - Time to Decide

Make a decision based on your true heart's desire

It's time to stop waffling and start pursuing your true heart's desire. I know you know what it is. You've put it on the shelf for too long and now is the time to dust it off and dive right in.

My Take...

We are getting many messages over and over today. And they all have to do with our BIG DREAM and what we want to do in the world. Don't let failure derail you from pursuing it. This quest is healing you from the inside, it is healing your heart. And that is so what we need now. We need to dive right into our heart and open it up wide so we can access this new Divine Feminine energy that is coming in so strongly. So, get off the fence and decide what you want to do about your true heart's desire, your BIG DREAM, and do it now.... TODAY!!!

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Love Is Coming In Now - 12-12-12

Today is 12-12-12. Ones are all about instant manifestation of your thoughts into form and twos are about partnership, unity, peace and feelings of hope that lead to positive outcomes.

The Wisdom of Avalon - The Dog

Loyalty, sincerity, unconditional love

This card reminds me of the Ace of Cups, which I drew in a personal reading for myself today from the Thoth tarot. It's all about emotional love and feelings and intuition. It reminds me of the Divine Feminine. Nurturing, mothering and creativity. )Kind of like the Empress). Everything reminds me of something else :) The Dog is about being a loyal companion of the Divine. We are no longer separate but joined together in a divine way.

The Wisdom of Avalon - Death

Portends a time of transformation, a total change in attitude. All things have their season. Endings and new beginnings. Rebirth.

It is a time of rebirth. I know death can be a scary card but I think it's a lot like the Tower, which is a card I've been embracing more and more. The things that no longer serve us fall away. And this is a bit further than that. We are being made new by embracing the unconditional love and divine feminine energy. And if you haven't yet embraced this. You should consider it. You need to shift your inner guidance.

The Wisdom of Avalon - Perception

This marker asks you to contemplate how you look at your world. Through what eyes do you see it? Shift your perception to the positive, more loving view.

This asks you to take a look at how you view the world. Are you seeing the world though negativity, complaining and criticism. Well, now is the time to shift those thoughts to the positive.

Angel Tarot - Two of Fire

You've come into your own. New partnerships or contracts. Continue to move forward.

This is all about inspiration, and how this inspiration is leading to new partnerships will assist us as we move forward.

Angel Tarot - Nine of Earth 

Enjoying life's little luxuries. Spending quiet time alone. Successful self-employment. 

Prosperity and abundance. This is about relying on yourself and handling a situation alone. Avoiding the unsavory and negativity and seeking high-minded activities.

Angel Tarot - Ace of Fire

An exciting new opportunity. Career advancement. Change your life now!

This is about an inspirational creative force to the extreme. Being ready to show your enthusiasm and get ready to show it to the world

Angel Tarot - Ego - Archangel Jophiel

A false sense of entrapment. Being overly focused on material things. Negative or fear based thoughts.

Angel Tarot - 9 of Fire

Don't give up. Protect that which you've created. Have courage and believe in yourself.

Continuing even though fatigued is a way to explain this card. You are standing strong and striving to be there even though you don't feel like it. You are strong and mighty!

My Take...

Unconditional love is coming in right now. We are bringing in this love which is nurturing us in divine ways. And we are being transformed by this love. And in our transformation we will have a new beginning. And to help this along, you need to keep your thoughts positive and refocus your bad days into good days.

We are coming into our own and getting into groups and becoming inspired by each other. And then as we grow we are enjoying the fruits of our labor and will make quiet time alone a priority. This will bring forth prosperity and abundance and a great inspiring, new opportunity that will become available to us. And this opportunity will scare us and cause fear but we need to stand strong and know that we are more powerful than we believe. Embrace this new opportunity and stand strong.

Great things are coming forth. 

Have a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My Own Reading - 12/11

Here is the reading I did for myself for 12-11-12.

Visualize Healing - The Burning of the Sage

Art Through The Eyes of the Soul Oracle
Address health issues with positive visualization. Use intuition to connect to the cause of your distress.


Enchanted Map Oracle
Your intuition allows you to see beyond the mundane, logical and analytical. Follow it. Trust your intuition to lead you to places that may not seem logical. Your hunches are right on target.

Retreat Into Nature / Solitude - Redwood Shamanka

Art Through The Eyes of the Soul Oracle
Take time out for yourself. Leave the daily routine and return refreshed and renewed.  Redwood forest is a silent sanctuary and gateway to the inner realms. It is said that the Redwood forest is a part of Lemuria.


Enchanted Map Oracle
As long as you orient your compass to True North - the direction of your higher power - you will never be lost.

Return from the Underworld / Engage Life - Journey to the Halls of Osiris

Art Through The Eyes of the Soul Oracle
A period of depression may be about to end. Tests and trials will create a metamorphosis in your entire being.

Follow The Leader (Reversed)

Enchanted Map Oracle
Gentle push to get up and take the lead. Be the one to voice what must be said. Muster up your courage and speak your needs aloud. Affirm what you like and what you feel.

Look Through The Mist / Find the Mystery - Eriu's Eyes

Art Through The Eyes of the Soul Oracle
Don't cloud your judgement with doubt -- believe. The secret of Divine creation is within you. The Goddess is waiting to help you manifest your dreams.

Slow and Steady

Enchanted Map Oracle
Slow and steady wins the race. It is a time for easy movement, unhurried steps and a steady heartbeat. Trust that taking life at a more leisurely pace will give you greater access to your dreams. Savor this time.

My Take...

I need to connect to my energy field and see beyond the logical and trust my intuition more than I already do. My hunches are right on target. I need to take more time out for myself and go into solitude and meditate and reorient myself to true North, which in my mind is the divine. I know I have been neglecting my meditation time lately.

I need to know that my trials and tests are about to end. Thank God! And this will create a metamorphosis in me. And I need to stand up and become the leader I was meant to be. (GASP!) And muster up the courage to speak my needs aloud.

I need to believe that the secret of Divine creation is in me and waiting to help me manifest my dreams. But I need to take this at a slow pace so as not to overwhelm myself. I need to savor this connection and make the most of it.

Wow. Sounds like a big order. I hope I am up to the task.

Have a wonderful day.

You have the answers - 12/11

I woke up this morning with Thoth and 12-12-12 on my mind. I had been wanting to get a message from him. My Ascended masters app had said he was the one I was working with. Two words came to mind upon arising this morning: AWAKENING and INTENTION. These are important elements as the beginning of the ascension approaches. We are all awakening in our own time and according to our own blueprint. And our intention around this shift is the key.

As i was lying in bed contemplating getting up, I noticed a grid pattern enmeshed on the black landscape of my closed eyes. This had to be THE GRID I kept hearing about. For some reason I imagined this grid to be made up of large squares considering it was wrapped around the planet. But this mesh was intricate, square a little bigger than the mesh of a screened door. Talk about getting into the fine details of life!

Then I asked again about 12-12-12. I'm like a dog with a bone on these sorts of things. And in my mind's eye I saw an animal much like a deer  but with long antlers that were straight and proud swooping back like some guy from an 80's hair band. The word ANTELOPE came into my mind. I have learned to trust such images and immediately thought this might be in the Power Animals deck I owned. And low and behold it was. It was the first animal in the book.

Antelope - Decisiveness

Make a decision and take appropriate action

So Thoth was telling me that we all need to make a decision about what this shift means to each of us. Don't hesitate, the antelope says. Now is not the time for discussion or debate. Decide. Right now. This minute.

You've come to a point where your choices are based on the combined will of Spirit and instinct which we call intuition. The more finely turned you are to your intuition, the more decisive you will be. So listen, decide and then act.

I picked three more cards to go along with this message from the same deck since the Animals seemed to be speaking to me.

Salmon - Determination

You know where you are going and you will get there

Trials and tribulation are all a part of your spiritual path and are necessary to make you stronger and more capable at dealing with life's unexpected moments. You must trust that your direction is being inspired by the deepest sense of your innate knowing. Align your with intention of spirit and nothing will stop you from moving forward.

Hawk - Focus

Choose your priorities and eliminate all distractions

This reminds me of the King Solomon card in the Ascended Masters deck with the title PRIORITIES. Look at the choices before you and select the one you are willing to give your passionate attention to. Once you decide, the right action to take becomes readily apparent.

Deer - Pathfinder

Trust your instincts to guide you through this situation

The forest is a massive place but the path is well-marked even if you can't always see the signposts. Stop trying to figure out what to do or which way to go. Go with your gut, trust your senses. Breathe and clear your mind and you will discover the right path as it looms before you like a beacon of goodness and light.

My Take...

We need to make a decision right now about what the shift and this influx of love means to us. And we need to make sure we make this decision right now. No dilly-dallying. All our trials and missteps have made us stronger and more spiritual (think Temperance). And we need to trust that we are getting the message we need to hear. We need to then focus on our highest priorities, the things we are passionate about and trust our inner senses to help us find the right path to follow. Once we do this, the path will be so apparent we will wonder how we ever questioned any of this.

Have faith and trust in yourself. You have all the answers you need inside you.

Have a wonderful day.