Friday, July 19, 2013

Our Remembrance, the great un-forgetting has begun

Today's cards are from the Wild Wood Tarot.


The Seven of Vessels shows seven bowls placed in front of a skull as offerings. It is believed that the ancestors, if offered gifts, aide their descendants in times of need. Thus, these offerings serve two purposes: to honor those who came before, and to ask for their wisdom and guidance. The act of offering an ancestor food and drink also keeps their memory and spirit alive. Grief takes many shapes and no one shape is any less important than any other shape. Everyone mourns differently. There is no correct way. It is an organic process that takes time. Feel and embrace the mourning process for it is a part of life. Celebrate life and honor the people, places, and things that came before. Loss is not proper and mourning shouldn’t be one-size fits all. Remember what is lost in a way that honors what came before, what is, and what will unfold.

FOUR OF STONES - Protection

“Rest securely and know that your goals and ambitions are well-founded.”
The deer in the Four of Stones has found shelter from the elements. He is safe and secure for the time being. Like the deer, we must believe that our ambitions have merit in order to pursue them. We must be assured that our goals are not built upon shifting sand. A good goal is flexible and drifts like the wind but it must be rooted in something solid in order to take off on its own. Look at your ambitions and goals from each and every angle, build them up, and make them strong enough to stand on their own without your presence. Then send them outward to make a profit!

ACE OF STONES - The Foundation of Life

This card shows a carved stone standing proud in a grove of ancient trees. It reminds me of the stone that Zeus spit out of his mouth after Hera had made him believe he was eating one of his children. This stone has stood tall through the years telling us to have faith in the universe. The shadow falls before the stone, so depending on which way the stone faces it could be morning or evening.... a beginning or an end? There are many Cup and Ring symbols carved into the stone, whch could mean that the old ones, the ancients, our ancestors, are communicating with us today. 

My Take...

Usually the 7 of Cups is about many choices. Here it is almost like this is about putting our offerings out to our ancestors and the ancients that have come before us, old souls that dwelt here many thousands of years ago. We are letting go of something and regaining something else. It is a rebirth of energies. The ancients are handing us over something that has been withheld from us before. It all concerns our protection and how we feel when we have that rock of security above us. The Heavenly realms are protecting us from what is now being mourned. I keep thinking the end of the 3D world, the great experiment, the great forgetting, is now coming to an end. And just like when Zeus spit that rock out of his stomach and realized he'd been deceived by Hera, we will realize that we have been deceived by the 3D world as the energies and the heavens open us to us and we begin our remembrance.

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