Monday, July 22, 2013

Be gentle today, enjoy the journey

Today I am using cards from the Magical Times Empowerment oracle, the Goddess Guidance oracle and the Daily Guidance from your Angels.


Strength is gentle. True kindness has wings. Love in action endures. (peace, gentle power, grounding)


Focus on how far you have come. Not how far you have to go.You will find help in unexpected places.


You are on a journey to your own greatness. Your soul is longing to find the way. Only you can choose your path.

Hathor - Receptivity

Allow yourself to receive. This will increase your intuition, energy, and ability to give to others.


Take price in yourself and all that you have become. Feel honored by your choices. Achievements and actions.

Vesta - Home

Your household situation is improving, either through a move or a healthy change in the occupants.

Creative Project

Your soul longs to express itself in creative ways. We're guiding you to infuse artistry and creativity into your life. Creative expression makes you feel alive and excited and reignites passion toward your life.

Focus on Service

Your soul desires only to joyfully serve, and to swim in a constant stream of bliss. This stream continuously feeds you everything you need. Put your entire focus upon staying in this stream of giving and receiving in every situation, and in all that you do.

Fresh Air

Your body needs refreshment from oxygenated air generated by  grass, trees, plants and flowers. Spend time outside today, as near to Mother Nature's cradle as possible. Opening your curtains and windows to refresh your home as well.

My Take...

Be gentle with yourself today. I mean, be really kind to YOU. Don't beat yourself up because you're going to be starting off on this wonderful journey that will really open up your spiritual experience. Your soul really wants to connect more to you and how you live your life. The striving will be gone as you embrace these new energies that are assisting you. Allow yourself to receive this. Because as you receive, you are more able to give. And take pride in what you do. Don't pooh pooh your contribution as just being okay, you are on the leading edge, baby! 

All this will really help you in the area of home and family. You'll be closer than ever and if you don't have much of a family, per say, friends will really be playing those parts for you. Someone in your family, friends, etc may be sick and suddenly get better due to your assistance or just being around your high vibrations.

Your soul is really connecting more to you in order to delve more into creativity and areas where you shine and something from your past may be brought back to the surface and your interest reignited. Focus on joyfully serving a put as much of your focus as you can on that, being in joy. And remember to go outside and get some fresh air, air out your house and enjoy the outdoors.

Have a wonderful day.

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