From the Archangel Michael Deck
Energy Healing Work - you either need energy healing or you are a healer!
Michael is telling us that we need to check our energy levels. Are we giving our energy away? Are we doing so much for others that it leaves us drained? Take heart, you are in control of your own energy system and you have the power to renew your strength.
Take a mental step back and ground yourself. Imagine you are a tree and your roots go deep, deep, deep into the Earth, all the way to the core. And then imagine that core Earth energy rising up through your root system all the way to your feet and into your entire body. Then imagine your roots continuing upward beyond your head into the Cosmos. Energize yourself and then give the rest to the Universe. As you receive, you also give. A lovely message for us to remember.
From the Wisdom of the Hidden Realm
The Lady of the Gift - Get your giving and receiving into balance.
The Camel Boy - ask for what you need and the universe will provide it for you.
The Camel Boy - ask for what you need and the universe will provide it for you.
The Lady of the Gift tells us that we may be out of balance. We may be giving much more than receiving. She asks us to imagine that the world is your church. When you tithe to the world, only give ten percent. Don't go overboard being a people pleaser. You need to remember to please yourself from time to time. Retain some of that energy for yourself. To be in balance you must give AND receive.
The Camel Boy tells us that we have been stingy with our creating. We've been trying to do it all ourselves. The Universe, God, Creation, The Cosmos, other people, they want to help you in every way. Allow them that gift. Ask for what you want, what you really need. And let them provide it for you. The act of someone giving to you is a great gift for not only you but them as well.
From the Oracle of Shadows and Light
Candy Cane Angel - it's time for a treat.
Candy Cane Angel - it's time for a treat.
You've been striving for a long time. Putting in the overtime and getting your work done. You've been an industrious little Angel, but you're now tired and exhausted. The Candy Cane Angel tells us that we deserve to treat ourselves. You always do for others, yet forget yourself. That is no way to live.
Put the I DESERVE back into your vocabulary. You deserve a treat today. Go out for an ice cream, take a nature walk, take that break you always insist you don't need. Do something for YOU today because YOU DESERVE IT!
If you would like to watch my YouTube video about this reading, check it out here:
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