Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Message from Archangel Joseph (Jophiel?)

Trust is like water. If you don't hold it just so it could slip out of your hands. Trust is important, essential right now. Trust is the beginning of the spiral of creation. Trust can heal. Trust can harm. Trust is a double-edged sword. Be careful who you trust. Not everyone is there to support your highest will. Trust the angels, your guides and God if you don't know who to trust. Ask for their guidance. They are all here for your betterment. They are all here to watch you, help you ascend into a new age, a new enlightenment of God's awesome creation. All is brand new. Every day a new adventure. Revel in it and watch it unfold in you, and in the universe. In you and in everyone else.

Joseph the Archangel (Jophiel? maybe)

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