The Earth is a place of continual learning. We fear, we want, we desire, we create and it is all good in the eyes of our creator, the I AM.
We must fully engage our I AM Presence to see the Divinity of all people no matter what level of learning they are at.
Who we are, at our source, is a collection if all we've ever come across, who we've interacted with, what we've learned through experience and teachers. We are a vast vault of knowledge. And many of us also have access to The Book of Life, the Akashic Records (whether we know it or not), where all knowledge is written and stored.
You are no one without your ability to experience.
Most, if not all, business people went through schooling to attain their desires to start a new creation like a company, an Esty shop, a regular job or an online school of thought.
We all learn. We all create based on everything that has ever touched us.
I honor the knowledge in all, even those who feel the need to throw insults at another. We are all on different paths in this place we call the Earthly plane.
Blessings to all on your journeys.
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