Water Signs Burden Reading
This is a reading focusing on your most important burdens and how to deal with them.
Burden: other people's interference in your love life
You have a soulmate coming in or they have already appeared. You two are like salt and pepper... You just go together. I can almost see a musical production number being acted out showing how right this connection is. It is very sweet. But other people are insisting to get in the way. They are talking smack about your love and what they are saying is not nice at all. Maybe this is an unconventional union, I don't know but the love just feels so real it's squishy. It is mainly the older folks who are dogging you. This is clarified by the ten of Water. Usually this is the happy family card. But ain't nothing happy about this family. You are fighting tooth and nail for this love. The card depicts salmon swimming upstream. So the struggle is real. If you don't fight this opposition your love is going to be left on the banks to rot and decay. The Queen of Pentacles clarified the two of cups. She is very grounding, very connected to mother earth. And she is offering you a pentacle, a new beginning in the world. Not sure who this woman is but she is on your side. You need to find her if you need emotional support during this time.
Burden: the Waiting Game
Something in your life is coming in for you. This is giving you the much needed time to work on yourself. This is a time to challenge yourself with ways to increase your personal power. This is aspected by the Emperor. He is a leader and in this card he is working on the details of building something. Something here is being built for your future. You will need to take the lead in your life to make whatever this is manifest. The card that clarifies the 3 of wands is the 6 of Wands. This is the card of victory, success and being recognized for your contribution to this endeavor. This is aspected by the seven of swords. Usually this is the thievery card. But I am seeing this map the man is holding as a blueprint. This thing you are building, or maybe the universe/god has these big plans but plans are being made for you even if you can't see them now.
Burden: being torn from your pedestal
There is just something big about your energy. You guys are so grounded it is almost like you have leveled up and other people are uncomfortable being in the brightness of your awesomeness. You seem to be juggling two energies. Could be about career, health, taking care of an elderly relative, any number of things. But you have two and are considering walking away from one of them due to all the nitpicking you are getting from others. This is clarified by the Fool. A new beginning is becoming available and this beginning has you working along side other kindred spirits who are creating things in the world just as you are. Your projects are so similar you have decided to work together or maybe your friends want to support this new thing and are diving in to assist you.
Burden Soulmate relationship grows to more commitment but others are still unhappy.
This is part two of section one. Kinda has the same sort of energy as the soulmate part but now you are more committed, more serious. This thing is real and it is gonna happen no matter what anyone else says. This is aspected by the King of Wands. This king likes to play games and make the rules so watch out for someone trying to take over your life kind of like a puppet master would. Dont let that happen. Someone comes in with fiery words of truth which helps matters but you guys will have a tough choice to make. A crossroads appears putting you both at different paths and fearful you might lose this divine connection. I pulled another card to clarify and got King of pentacles. This shows a man growing corn. You will need to plant seeds and grow something together to make sue this relationship won't go off the rails at the last minute. This could be having kids or creating a business together. Whatever it is it has to be the two of you together to make this connection stick for the long term.
this map you are creating for the project you are building is very important to your success. You have two offerings coming in at the end here which are both very grounded in nature. One has real movement while the other one is well loved. You will each need to stand up for your creation and fight for it to stay on the world. This is a fragile process and may mean you need to super nurture yourself and each other to pull it off. The message of truth is to transform what you have both made and love into something that works together.
Angel of Balance - being centered and self honoring in your choices Try to stay in balance with your goals and the energy you put out. You don't want to burn out before it comes to fruition.
Strategy - making a plan. This is the perfect time for setting up a strategy for achieving your goals.
Angel of Strength - personal power and inner strength. This is a time of increasing power for you. It is not a time to be passive or submissive but to speak your truth and take action on your own behalf. You are capable of taking greater control and directing your own destiny.
I hope this makes sense to you.
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