Monday, July 5, 2021

Message for the Aries Collective July

Message for the Aries Collective July

Can be spiritual teacher, wise council, maybe institutions or even marriage

Confusion, lots of options, illusions

This is referring to a message of something passionate, inspirational, creative, or even the beginning spark of an idea of a passion project. 

Patience, harmony, balance, moderation

Could indicate a nurturing female who is kind and intuitive, someone who knows her feelings. Could just indicate loving yourself or self care. 

This is about independence, freedom or a well taken care of woman with no money worries. 

Lenormand: Garden, Scythe, Ship

Garden- place to interact with people. Could be social media or email, networking, clubs, etc. 

Scythe - sudden, abrupt and complete cutting away or clearing out. Could be separating from something of value. 

Ship - exciting adventure or profound journey, movement away from something. Time to broaden your horizons, charting new directions. 

The message: 

The Heirophant card depicts a deer and a key. Deer says to me pathways and a key opens doors. a path is opening for a new spiritual journey forward. It comes at a time of separation. The 7 of cups is about confusion and a lot of options but the sand dollar on the card says to me you were left behind washed up in a lonely beach and had a desert period of life for a time. Now a message is coming forward. It is one of passion and promise. Could indicate a new passionate relationship or exciting project is about to begin. Temperance says have patience with that. The queen speaks of nurturing ourselves and being kind to ourselves as well. We may be in a time of independence but we are well taken care of currently

Okay so let's read these cards up and down the columns including the lenormand cards. 

So you get a message via social media, email a phone call and it opens up something for you that is spiritual in nature. Maybe this is just a message to have faith in your abilities. Things are going to balance out. 

This message causes a big change in your life causing something to fall away and leave your life for good. But you have a lot of options here so you may not even miss what leaves your pervue. something that leaves may take with it a kind nurturing woman who may not have been as forthright as she seemed. 

Now you are moving forward into much calmer waters as a new message of passion, inspiration is revealed via an unattached person who stands on her own two feet.  I added a clarifying card, The Magician. This woman has a way of magically making you realize you have all the tools you need to move forward with this project or passionate new beginning.

Hope this makes sense. 


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