Friday, September 13, 2013

You were trapped and now you're free

Today I am using the Goddess Oracle, Goddess Tarot and the Cat's Eye Tarot all by US Games Systems, Inc.

Hecate - Crossroads

You've come to a place where you need to make a decision. It is a huge life decision. Which way do I want to go in my life? This way or that?

Tara - Centering

This is asking you to purify yourself. Watch your food and drink intake. Make them as natural as possible. And then take time to go within and meditate asking your higher self to integrate more within you.

Ace of Staves

This is a gift of a great creative idea, start of a creative vision, something creative is happening in a big way.

King of Swords

This is where you are mastering your new ideas. You have studied and now you know the truth and you are using it wisely.

Five of Wands

Conflict is happening, but according to this picture,it's more of a fun house than a stress ball. Maybe the competition is a fun one, but this competition is making you better.

Six of Swords

You have been trapped inside a cage and now suddenly the door is open and you are free. What do you do now? You are so used to the comfort of your cage that you are afraid to venture forward. Know that what lies ahead is peace and calm seas in your life.

Queen of Pentacles

This queen cat looks a bit stunned. Maybe the huge abundance before her is so awesome that she is dumbstruck. Whatever it is, it will be nurturing to her soul and health.

My Take...

Big change has been in the cards for the last few days. But to find a true direction we need to go within and center inside ourselves seeking out the information we need. Big creative things are before us and we are really mastering our brainstorming and idea making with others. They make it fun for us. How many fun ways can we do this, you ask each other. And as you enjoy working on your bliss, you discover you are free from restrictions and now see that true abundance is before you. Enjoy it.

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