Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Chaos is swirling around due to relationship conflicts.

Today I am using the Archangels Oracle, Wisdom of the House of Night oracle and the Earth Magic oracle deck.

Relationship Harmony

Archangel Raguel. We angels are opening the hearts of everyone involved. Arguments and conflicts are being resolved now. 

Remember Who You Are

Archangel Michael. You are a powerful, loving and creative child of God. You are very loved. 


It's time to focus on fun and enjoy life instead of being so serious. 

The Moon

It's time to trust your intuition. Do you feel like soneone is full of themselves and leading you astray, then acknowledge your own truth and do so. It says to choose another card to see what is going on behind the scenes since people say one thing and mean another. The card I picked to define that was deceit. 


Be careful about your motives and making choices. Someone is betraying you and there is a price for betrayal. Only you know how much it will cost


Misunderstandings are brewing and chaos swirls around you now. There is nothing to fear. Stay out of the rain and ride out the storm until it passes. A new clearing will be in the air. Fresh and clean and newness will await the patient soul. 


Vision Quest
The desert is a place that is not only vast but deserted. This is asking you to put away the things of this world and go on an inward journey like the native Americans do. Reflect on your life and where you want to go. Do some deep inner work.


This is asking you to calm down, breathe and center yourself. You nourish yourself as you breath. So it is time to nourish your soul and receive the guidance you may have missed or have been ignoring.

My Take...

You may be having a bit of trouble with different relationships and these conflicts are being resolved by the angels. Everything will happen as it needs to be. Just keep in mind that all that happens is so  you can embrace the truth of who you are. And sometimes that may mean breaking free from some relationships.

It's time to focus on things that are fun and enjoyable to you. Follow your bliss. It is time to trust that intuition that you sometimes ignore because you have someone in your life who is not being truthful with you. They are either lying outright or are keeping the important details from you to keep you in restriction and under their thumb. Chaos is swirling around you now. And this may be like a sort of Tower moment where you are about to get your foundations shaken.

Gaia's message today is to go inward and then reflect on where you want to go in life. Breathe and nourish your soul with the bliss you love, the creations you desire to create and forget about those relationships that are falling away. Change happens like the falling of leaves in the winter. It is just a cycle.

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