Monday, September 30, 2013

It's time to receive because of all your good works.

Today I am using the Mary Queen of Angels oracle cards.

Inner Child

I nurture the child within me through playfulness and self-care


Today, I take action related to the priorities that I have previously put off. 


I am kind and thoughtful toward myself and others

Giving and Receiving

I balance being generous and receptive, because both are equally important

My Take...

We need to take action on those inner desires that we have that would be so fun and uplifting and awesome to do but we continue to put off in leu of other things that seem to need done. And it is not selfish to do things for you and just for you. You need to nurture yourself. Mother Mary is all about the nurturing. And taking action on your creative bliss and that thing you really love is not only going to help you, reduce your stress and a whole slew of other things, it will help others as well. Because as you do your bliss, it encourages others to do theirs. Remember that you can't always give, give, give. You must also receive and now is the time for you to receive for all your good work.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Sweet victory and a whole new world

The first thing you need to know is that you are on the right path right now. No matter what happens Or what road blocks befall you. Your path will never cease to be perfect for you. You may think that being the outspoken person that you are, You've somehow disrupted, put a kink in your path or royally screwed up something you see as key in your life. Know this. God has something called divine timing. And if you think you've stopped something from manifesting by something you said or did – know that it's God's doing. He does all things in his own timing and is on His own schedule. Never fear, all is still on track and rolling along perfectly. 

It's time to stop working so hard and start accepting help from others. You may think you can do it on your own, but when you get stuck in the mud, you need a friend's assistance to get you out and moving forward. It is time to focus yourself. What ideas or creative things have you been ignoring?  It's time to get busy doing that perfect bliss you love. Weave around those obstacles you see before you like a championship quarterback and you will find sweet victory. This will help a lot of people break out of their pack mentality. You know, the zombie-like state of not really listening, blindly following orders and doing things for the man. Things will change. That is certain enough. But this change is going to be a whole new world. When you get up on that horse and accept the help you've been waiting for, miracles will surely happen for you. 


(Indigo Angels oracle & Wisdom of Avalon oracle)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Allow, don't limit, your thinking as new things come in for you.

Today I am using the Goddess Guidance Oracle.

Ostara - Fertility

It's the perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas, and give birth to new conditions

We've been getting this message for a few days. New things coming in. Let go of the old and worn out. Put those old projects away or finally finish them up.

Hathor - Receptivity

Allow yourself to receive. This will increase your intuition, energy and ability to give to others.

This is the key part of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Allowing. This is something we all need to learn. We need to say what it is we want in the present tense as if we already have it. And then let the universe bring it to you. It seems simple but can sometimes be the biggest sticking point to not getting stuff. If you ask in the wrong way or keep asking over and over the universe takes that as a belief in lack and brings you lack.

Sulis - Bodies of Water

Spend time near water, such as a lake, river, or the ocean to recharge your batteries.

I heard this same message on a video recently. All the water elementals, including humans with water elemental pasts, were being called to assist with the upliftment of Gaia. And they said that being near water will help recharge you, if you are this sort of person. I know being near water totally helps you increase your intuition.

Diana - Focused Intention

Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on your target and you will make your mark.

As we focus on what it is that we want, we bring more of that into our lives. So focus on that thing you most love and it will be multiplied.

Abundantia - Prosperity

The universe is pouring its abundance out to you. Be open to receiving.

Prosperity and abundance. Yay! Who can ask for more?

Affirmation for today: The more I take care of myself, the more prosperous I am.

My Take...

New things are coming in so it is time to put away those projects from the past or finish them up and get them off your plate. Allow the universe to bring you the abundance and prosperity it wants. Don't limit yourself by unfocused or lost in negative thinking. Focus on the positive and what it is that you want to bring forth. To grow your intuition or recharge your batteries, spend some time near water or definitely by drinking water. Bless it first before drinking, please.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It is time to stop listening to others, and instead listen to your own inner wise one.

Today I am using Healing With The Fairies oracle and the Angel Tarot.

Make Music

Express yourself with music. The fairies urge you to sing, play a musical instrument, tap your fingers or crank up the stereo.

Music lifts the soul to new heights. It alters your mood and your outlook.You may be in a bad mood, or have had a bad outlook and to get into a better frame of mind it is time to listen to some really uplifting music.

Honoring Your True Feelings

By drawing this card, you're urged to listen to, and follow, your own true feelings. Do not betray yourself, or rationalize that it is acceptable to deny your inner voice of truth.

You have an inner counselor who is very wise. Listen to his/her teachings. You may have some loud shouting going on inside you to LISTEN UP! But you are going with what others are telling you. Only you know what is truth. Listen to the truth inside YOU!

Ace of Earth

The inflow of abundance. A promising business venture. Important documents or contracts.

The Hermit

Archangel Raziel
Spend time in quiet meditation. Spiritual teaching. Self-discovery.

My Take...

You have been feeling down and music will uplift your spirits. It is time to listen to that music which feeds your soul. Sing, play an instrument, just crank up the radio! Now think about those things you have been allowing others to tell you are your truth. What does the inner wise one inside you say to that? It is probably screaming at you and has been for awhile. Don't listen to the silly ramblings of others. Listen to your own inner guidance. And if you do, you will receive an inflow of abundance. Important truths are going to be revealed to you. So sit in meditation today. Teach yourself by calling on that inner wise one with the assistance of Archangel Raziel who is the angel of divine mysteries. It is time to discover the truth of you.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Chaos is swirling around due to relationship conflicts.

Today I am using the Archangels Oracle, Wisdom of the House of Night oracle and the Earth Magic oracle deck.

Relationship Harmony

Archangel Raguel. We angels are opening the hearts of everyone involved. Arguments and conflicts are being resolved now. 

Remember Who You Are

Archangel Michael. You are a powerful, loving and creative child of God. You are very loved. 


It's time to focus on fun and enjoy life instead of being so serious. 

The Moon

It's time to trust your intuition. Do you feel like soneone is full of themselves and leading you astray, then acknowledge your own truth and do so. It says to choose another card to see what is going on behind the scenes since people say one thing and mean another. The card I picked to define that was deceit. 


Be careful about your motives and making choices. Someone is betraying you and there is a price for betrayal. Only you know how much it will cost


Misunderstandings are brewing and chaos swirls around you now. There is nothing to fear. Stay out of the rain and ride out the storm until it passes. A new clearing will be in the air. Fresh and clean and newness will await the patient soul. 


Vision Quest
The desert is a place that is not only vast but deserted. This is asking you to put away the things of this world and go on an inward journey like the native Americans do. Reflect on your life and where you want to go. Do some deep inner work.


This is asking you to calm down, breathe and center yourself. You nourish yourself as you breath. So it is time to nourish your soul and receive the guidance you may have missed or have been ignoring.

My Take...

You may be having a bit of trouble with different relationships and these conflicts are being resolved by the angels. Everything will happen as it needs to be. Just keep in mind that all that happens is so  you can embrace the truth of who you are. And sometimes that may mean breaking free from some relationships.

It's time to focus on things that are fun and enjoyable to you. Follow your bliss. It is time to trust that intuition that you sometimes ignore because you have someone in your life who is not being truthful with you. They are either lying outright or are keeping the important details from you to keep you in restriction and under their thumb. Chaos is swirling around you now. And this may be like a sort of Tower moment where you are about to get your foundations shaken.

Gaia's message today is to go inward and then reflect on where you want to go in life. Breathe and nourish your soul with the bliss you love, the creations you desire to create and forget about those relationships that are falling away. Change happens like the falling of leaves in the winter. It is just a cycle.

Friday, September 13, 2013

You were trapped and now you're free

Today I am using the Goddess Oracle, Goddess Tarot and the Cat's Eye Tarot all by US Games Systems, Inc.

Hecate - Crossroads

You've come to a place where you need to make a decision. It is a huge life decision. Which way do I want to go in my life? This way or that?

Tara - Centering

This is asking you to purify yourself. Watch your food and drink intake. Make them as natural as possible. And then take time to go within and meditate asking your higher self to integrate more within you.

Ace of Staves

This is a gift of a great creative idea, start of a creative vision, something creative is happening in a big way.

King of Swords

This is where you are mastering your new ideas. You have studied and now you know the truth and you are using it wisely.

Five of Wands

Conflict is happening, but according to this picture,it's more of a fun house than a stress ball. Maybe the competition is a fun one, but this competition is making you better.

Six of Swords

You have been trapped inside a cage and now suddenly the door is open and you are free. What do you do now? You are so used to the comfort of your cage that you are afraid to venture forward. Know that what lies ahead is peace and calm seas in your life.

Queen of Pentacles

This queen cat looks a bit stunned. Maybe the huge abundance before her is so awesome that she is dumbstruck. Whatever it is, it will be nurturing to her soul and health.

My Take...

Big change has been in the cards for the last few days. But to find a true direction we need to go within and center inside ourselves seeking out the information we need. Big creative things are before us and we are really mastering our brainstorming and idea making with others. They make it fun for us. How many fun ways can we do this, you ask each other. And as you enjoy working on your bliss, you discover you are free from restrictions and now see that true abundance is before you. Enjoy it.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

An unexpected change rattles you, but you know the truth.

Today I am using the Sacred World Oracle and the Gummy Bear Tarot


The appearance of this card suggests that something unexpected may shake up your life. As fearful as this may seem, the change will ultimately be for the best. 

6 of Wands

You are having your day in the sun. Victory. Success. Accomplishment. You are finally getting the applause you deserve. Time to strut your stuff.


You are finally realizing your potential and are producing magical results. You  have put aside the distractions and are stepping into your creative potential by focusing on a goal and knowing you can achieve it.


You are insisting on fairness and acting on ethical principles. Maybe others around you are acting a bit on the shady side but you see the truth and acknowledge it. It is time for balance and right action. Accept that you have created the results in your world by what you thought in your mind, what you were reading and who you hung around with.

My Take...

A big and unexpected change will rattle your world. You have had victory in the past and it is now time to really dig in and produce those magical results in your present. You see the truth. You know the truth. And others may not see as you do but you know that balance is the ticket. It's time for a decision and you know it. Your goal is calling out to you to put the pedal to the metal today.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You are not alone, help is right there beside you

Today I am using the Magical Times Empowerment Cards and the Sacred World Oracle by available by US Games Systems, Inc. and you can also get them on


Believe you are not alone. Spirit is right beside you. Ask for guidance and it will come. 


Your dreams have chosen you. Find fulfillment in pursuing your destiny. This is the magic of life. 


Half man, half horse. We embody aspects of both. The intellect of man and the strength and bravery of the horse. Together we are ready to handle whatever is thrown at us. We have grown and developed in abundant ways. 

My Take...

You are not alone. God, the angels, your entire celestial team is always by your side supporting you in whatever you undertake. It is time to DREAM BIG because your dreams are finding you. It's time to really dig into those big dreams and know that they are truly possible. You have the knowledge, the hootspa and the bravery to really step out there and accomplish anything you set your mind to. Dream. Believe. And Achieve. You can truly do it!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You're an overcomer

Today I am using the Sacred World oracle and the Conscious Spirit oracle.


Overcoming obstacles
Memory, never forgets


Shape shifting


Showing off
All eyes on you

Spirit Guides

I open my heart to my guides and trust in the wisdom they share with me.

My Take...

We are overcoming obstacles that have to do with knowledge and memory and that is leading to a transformation that will allow you to show your true colors and stand out in a unique way. Ask your guides and angels to help you open to this new knowledge and trust in their guidance.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Trust in the Divine's plan for you.

I have been taking a brief respite from my readings in order to fill my energetic cup. It seems my cup has been depleted and now I am just getting it back into working order. Duct tape and spit do wonders. ;)

Today I am using the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms, The Sacred World Oracle, Conscious Spirit oracle and the Witches Tarot

Today is a day when you need to trust in the Divine's plan for your life. Are you following *your* plan or the plan of the creator? Trust that the Divine has the best plan for your life. You will be working in concert with others who have similar tastes, interests and likes. Like-minded friends, colleagues or whomever. And remember, you are an Earth Angel, here to assist with the upliftment of the planet. Don't turn away from this mission the creator has bestowed on you.

A new lover, romance, twin flame, soul mate, whatever is coming in for you and this new person will bring when them new inspiration and ideas that will really challenge you and get you thinking in new and creative ways that will make you happier. And then you will forge ahead a more generous person ready to take action on the abundance you have received.

Have a wonderful day.