Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Troubles lead to angelic support - 3/26

I have gotten a few new decks. And here are two of them. One is the Shining Angels Tarot. It's a round tarot. It's SO COOL! These images on the cards are wonderful. It is definitely worth the money I paid for it. I also have the Keys to the Universe Cards that Mariann really inspired me to buy.


This is all about betrayal. Someone is being a coward. They have really caused many broken pieces in your life. But your guardian angels are watching out for you. This tough time you've been having is about to end.


Abundance is flowing. This change offered by the wheel is positive. But this angel is blindfolded. So make sure you tune into your guides and angels to get the guidance they offer. You'll be flying high in your heart chakra. This is also asking you to give back to Gaia in some way. Send her loving energy.


Creative movement forward. Woo! Woo! Woo! LOL! The angel with green wings is also in this card. There is a gateway opening to a new journey for us. Get into your child like awe mode and see the joy in the journey.


You have to choose sides. Do you want to be support the loving energy coming in and help maintain the stability of Gaia or do you want to live blindly? The Higher Realms are giving out ideas. All you need to do is grasp them. Try to stay away from gossip and criticism. And competition must be played in positive ways or you should stay away from that conflict all together. Try and see your conflict from a higher perspective. It's is indeed here to help you grow.

I have to admit. I am challenged by these "Key" cards. I feel like I don't really know what to do with them. So many things to consider when looking at them.


Key: Tune into the blueprint of the planet.
Allow the blue energy to flow through you. Imagine this 7th dimensional paradise that contains all the knowledge from ancient civilzations.


Key: Drink, bathe in and bless pure water and open yourself to the wisdom of water kingdom.
Archangel Joules oversees the oceans. His retreat in the Bermuda Triangle links Source and Hollow Earth. Water gives us access to messages from other planets and angels.


You've been having a tough time with someone who is causing you anxiety and backstabbing you in some way. Your angels are helping you and supporting you with this issue. But please know that this tough time is coming to a close. A time of abundance is coming forward for you. This will connect you more to your heart and your heart's desire. And your creativity will boom as a new gateway opens. Retain your child-like sense of fun. Because you will have some competition crop up. Don't take it too seriously. Know that this is just a growing process.

Hollow Earth is really coming out in these two Keys cards. We need to try and connect with this 7th dimensional wonderland. We can now access the knowledge of ancient civilzations and the wisdom of the water kingdom. This really links us to the One Source of All.


  1. Ooooh love those round angel tarot beautiful and the key cards are really fantastic giving us great guidance as to locations and focus for our finding information. Hollow Earth you know we have been getting that message for months now.

  2. When I first got it, the first card I pulled out was The Egyptians. Then I got these two cards. And I know Mariann pulled all of these in her readings.
