Reading for Wed-Sun - Dec. 11th-Dec 15th
Cards are from the Mucha Tarot, Spirit Animal Oracle and The Good Tarot.
Death - After a period of pause and reflection, the Death card symbolizes the end of a major phase of your life that is no longer serving you, opening up the possibility of something far more valuable and for your own hIghest good. You must close one door to open another. Cycle change. New beginning, rebirth to new circumstances. You need to put the past behind you and part ways with the old, ready to embrace new opportunities and possibilities
King of Pentacles - This card signifies that you are confident and successful at attracting and managing wealth. Not only do you identify opportunities for growth and success you use this knowledge wisely for your own and others gain. You are transforming your vision into something tangible, something you can see and identify. Final fulfillment of a creative task.
4 of Cups, reversed - No more holding back or daydreaming. Time to grasp new opportunities. Time of introspection and to check in with the inner you. Things may seem hard and you may feel reluctant to move forward.
Queen of Cups reversed - Time to focus on your own emotional well-being for a change. Remember to not only take care of others but take care of YOU too! You are giving too much of yourself away and need to keep some things for yourself. Can be a warning that you are letting your heart lead your head.
The Tower - Unexpected and sudden change.Something big is changing in order to pave the way for your highest good to finally show up in your life. Time to re-build and re-focus. Surrender to this change. You can’t bypass it. Roll with the punches.
Ace of Pentacles - New beginnings, new opportunities in area of wealth, career, physical health and manifestation of goals. The universe is giving you a green light to move forward. Signifies abundance in all areas of your life.
Temperance - Balance and moderation in all things. Allow the flow of life to move through you. A clear long-term vision of what you want to achieve is close at hand. Higher learning.
Ace of Wands - A new opportunity with the potential to grow much bigger as time goes forward. This ace encourages you to follow your heart and live your passions. If you have been waiting for a sign that this idea is the right project, all signs point to YES, go for it!
6 of Wands reversed - You have reached a significant personal milestone. Receiving uncomfortable praise publicly for your work. Your confidence has taken a hit and you need to learn to accept the praise where you find it or learn to create your own definition of success.
Judgement- You are experiencing a cosmic up-leveling. Spiritual awakening. Accept your calling is reaching out to you now. You are reaching a significant change in your personal journey through life.
7 of Pentacles, reversed (bottom of deck) - You are questioning yourself about whether you are putting your focus into the right areas of your life. Examine where you are investing your time. Where you put your focus is what will come to being in your life. Time to prioritize. You may be feeling scattered, anxiety laden or stressed.
My Take - Something is ending in your life be it a job or something that has been important to you in the past. Now it is naturally falling away much like a snake shedding its skin. The journey through life sometimes has a bumpy patch and this is one of those times. Maybe we have learned something significant and now we are moving forward into a new realm, something bigger and better is on the horizon.
This ending has taught you something so valuable you will never be the same again. And you will share this new truth with others. There is no more holding back. It is time to stop daydreaming and start actually doing something very important with your time that will affect others in a BIG WAY!
In the past you have never felt like you mattered enough to put your ideas forth. You never felt like you possessed all the attributes you needed to accomplish a certain task but no one ever has everything they need to bring something big into existence. Just like with the myth of Santa, you need to believe in order to make it real. Time to believe in you and what original thing you can bring into the world. Your old mindset is what kept you from succeeding before. this old mindset is dying away giving you a new positive outlook on life and how you fit into it. You need to believe in yourself and your talents in order to really “succeed”.
Something is going to come to a tipping point and it will push you over the edge like a young bird gets pushed out of its nest by its mother. This might be a big amount of chaos coming forth and you might feel like you are literally falling like that little bird. Remember that the universe and God really do have your back. You will float down to the earth as good as new, better than new, in fact. Expect to get sudden insights during this confusing time. These will need to be written down and acted upon without haste.
You have so much potential and opportunities abound. Consider this a huge Divine nudge leading you forward. Stay calm and balanced when the stress knocks you to your knees. You will be able to use your intuition to solve some type of big problem you are experiencing. You must let your energy, dedication and motivation be your guide. This is all about you. Don’t surrender to what others want. This is where you went wrong in the past. It is your dream that will finally succeed not a dream of someone else’s making.
You need to let something go. You need to master your emotions and get your stress under control. Learn to detach and stand your ground when you need to. You can’t be a Pollyanna like you have done in the past. Your ideas may challenge others and what they believe is possible in this life. Stand strong. Stand up for yourself and don’t let others take advantage of you.
In order to succeed you will have to use a much more gentle touch. Don’t get too angry. Your tone is very important right now. Be calm and others will be as well. Being mad will not serve you and will only cause you more problems in the end.
Be open to a new situation that might trigger the fear response in you or looks like it will bring you pain. This is a blessing in disguise There will be a benefit to overcoming this challenge. Relax and go with the flow. It all will unfold pretty naturally after the initial lightning strike. Stay steady and calm. There is no need to prove to anyone you can do it. You have already done that. T people around you believe in you.. Now you need to believe in yourself.
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