Reading for the Week of November 25th
Adelita of Fire (Knight) - Cayenne
Dare to take a risk! Be bold. Fiercely defend your passions and beliefs.
21. The World - Pachamama -
Ending of something and a new beginning where you are focusing more than ever on what passions bloom in your life.
Three of Air - Echinacea (rev)
Speak the truth about your heartache and what is hurting your heart right now. Others can heal from this. As this healing occurs you come away stronger and stronger.
3. Intention - Behind a mask
This asks you to be more authentic and show the real you. Stop hiding.
7. Energy - Joyous Fun
This asks you to have more fun and become more childlike. Enjoy your life more. Take time off.
3. Cycle - Increase - Cycle of Expanding Energy
This is a time of great growth and expansion. So if you run across a bit of chaos, just be prepared. It’s all a process. But remember that this time of change is all leading you in a beneficial direction.
8. Strength - Garlic (bottom of the deck-theme)
You have the power to persevere against all odds. Gentle strength. You will soothe a difficult situation by just becoming involved and putting your gentle touch into the mix.
Spirit Quartz
Connecting to the community. Share your gifts and passions with others.
My Take,
You are lighting the way by shining your light and others will follow your lead. You will need to be brave and strong and reveal your true beliefs. You have been through something that is now coming forward to help others. Where you were not noticed or have been snubbed, now you are being reveled for your accomplishments. Speak your truth about an old heartache and how you dealt with it. Time to open up and finally show people the real you and by your revelation others will heal. Show what brings you joy and what stabilizes you in your life. Where you find the fun will inspire others. Share your passions with others. Your gentle strength will assist you in more ways than you realize.
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