Cards from the Dreams of Gaia Tarot pocket version and the Magical Times Empowerment cards.
KNOWLEDGE -reversed
You are out of balance in how you are reflecting on things. Either it is too much reflecting or not enough. You decide your particular predicament. The card encourages Me-Time and maybe you just aren’t giving yourself enough of it. Or maybe you are over indulging. You might be disconnecting from others but need to reconnect. I think social media plays a part in this. Instead of receiving guidance, you need to send the guidance out into the world. Get back into the game and shine your light. This light reminds me of the STAR card. No matter how you look at it, your take on things is really needed right now.
SIX OF WANDS -reversed
You have hit a personal milestone but aren’t ready to preach it to the world just yet. Maybe praise of this sort just makes you nervous and uncomfortable. You will just have to get used to it because what you have to say needs to be heard right now.
This could also suggest that your confidence has taken a hit and you are windmilling to regain your emotional balance. You may have expected someone to have your back and you find yourself all alone with no allies. Stoke the fire within you! Because upright this card means success. It is available to you if you push for it. Have confidence in yourself and your hard work. The truth will come out eventually and it will set you free.
This card is also asking you to take that much needed me time. Are you giving and giving yet taking nothing in return. It is time for some much needed self care and pronto! Try not to over commit yourself to things right now. It seems you are prone to say yes even when you should say no. It is okay to not be the most responsible one in the room all the time.
This asks us to live with compassion. In a normal reading I would take this as compassion for others, acting as an earth angel for others, but based on the previous cards this reading it is about being kind to yourself. Don't discount your own needs right now.
My Take.
You need to take some self care time STAT! You are over giving and becoming unbalanced. Your light is mega bright right now because what you say matters and people around you know it. They are paying attention to you and what you say even if it has never been a fact in the past. Be kind to yourself and take a break and don't beat yourself up about it. Let others give to you for a change. Let them be the healing balm to your soul right now.
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