Saturday, October 26, 2019
Reading for the Week of October 28
You feel like your purpose or what you offer the world is being unnoticed. You have so much sweetness and joy inside you. You think the Universe doesn't have your back.
A time of waiting for your harvest to arrive. Be patient. All good things take time.
It is time to move forward after a time of stagnation. You are feeling better.
You need to make sure you give your time, money or advice. Someone needs to hear it. Don't hold back.
IS THIS ME? You don't think people are the real you and your are questioning your path. Are you going down the right road?
You are overly focused on something.
What you create doesn't seem to grow and if it does, it seems to go poor before it comes to fruition.
My Take
You feel like what you are giving to the world is going unnoticed. And you wonder, what is the point of continuing this? You are being worked on by spirit, god and the Universe to put you in the perfect position to help in some way. As soon as the growing has finalized, you will move forward like gangbusters. You will need to give of your time, talents, money or advice because someone needs to hear it.
You have been questioning your own path as you see it through the eyes of others. You need to forget what others think and just shine your authentic light despite what others do or think. If you do this, your current obsessions will make more sense or fall away completely. This growth is very fragile and it seems almost imperceptible to the naked eye. You are being protected as this process occurs. I believe you are meant for great things and god is preparing you for that outcome.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Energy Reading for Friday Oct 18
Cards used in this reading are from the Crow Tarot and the Archangel Animal Oracle
You aren’t feeling like you have mastered your calm assurance, and are feeling stressed You are acting very stubborn and rigid right now. Maybe you are stuck in a rut and just need to move to get the energy flowing. Kick yourself into gear!
Messages come in about your creative passion. A spiritual path is calling you. You may be more novice at this but see where this path might lead. New levels of consciousness. Map out your strategy for your creative calling. Stay grounded in the realm of the here and now. Be present.
MONKEY - Experience all life has to offer.
Be more free and start to think more outside the box. Monkeys are a powerful symbol of good luck! Playful and light hearted it wants to awaken your child-like spirit. Being innovative.
Winds of change are slow to come in. Take that time to get ready. You are holding back from expressing your truth right now. Regret and sorrow. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. You are all talk and no action. You need to go public with your ideas and opinions!
Thinking about the past and what has happened. Have you learned this lesson before or have you not learned it yet? Listen to your intuition in order to move forward from here. You are ready to give and receive without expectation. Time to turn over a new leaf and start anew from a new place. See the world as a magical place, like a child would.
My Take:
You are stubborn and don’t want to take action right now. But you need to kick yourself into high gear for something that is coming in. It is a calling of sorts and you will recognize it as such. But stay grounded and in the here and now. Try to be present and not just in your head thinking all the time. Don’t take things so seriously. Lighten up! Good luck will find you where you are! Get ready to go public with your ideas and innovations! A new pathway is opening for you to become more free in your public expression. Time to go bananas energetically!
Reading for Thurs, Oct 17
Cards used in this reading are from the Haunted House Tarot,
Vintage Wisdom Oracle and the Divine Circus Oracle
Jumping card: (current energy) 3 OF CUPS
You haven’t quite broken the surface of getting into some group you want to be included in. If truth be told, you are being overwhelmed by their emotions and in a way, psychically attacked by them. Learn to shield yourself from their energetic emissions. Use Archangel Raphael’s healing green energy to surround you in kindness and self-care.
This card depicts us in the midst of a time of trial and we are braving the storm. It may take a little longer to traverse the difficulties than you like but that’s okay. All the good things in life take a little time.
This Knight looks so intense. He is powerful and has ideas that are so awesome they really breakthrough the blocks. These inspired ideas will take us to a whole new level of experience. Raven symbology says we need to pause and take serious consideration before we take action on any messages we receive. This image is connected to Death, who is the messenger of the Gods in some culture. Swift and sudden change.
Depicts a figure named Raven saving a young girl. Evolution, rebirth, protection from negative elements. A calling or being called to do something important.
STRENGTH - Willingness to embrace life’s lessons, vulnerability, ultimate strength is in our ability to co-create with the divine. Protection from life’s slings and arrows and illusions.
INNOCENCE - View your circumstances through the eyes of a child. See it in its simplest form. Don’t overthink things too much.
DEVIL - REVERSED (theme) Addictions overcome. Releasing our burdens. Shrugging off shame and regret.
SUPERNOVA - Something in you needs to be unleashed. You are holding back from saying something and it needs to come out right now in order to heal your circumstance. A wild explosion of creative energy will be the result.
MAVEN & MASKS - Who do you want to be? This asks you to act as you wish to be and so it will be. Fake it until you make it. Taking off the masks and showing the truth in a situation.
My Take:
You feel like you need to be a part of some group (or you are in this group but feel set apart) but there is something blocking you from fully committing. All their needs and wants are overwhelming you currently so I am not sure why you want to be a part of this. You need to take time to heal before confronting any of these people. Some truth comes to the surface and it causes a huge ripple in the dynamic of this group. There is going to be a big change coming, sudden and swift and you don’t have any control of it You will just need to brave the storm for a little while. This will be a process. Just remember you are being divinely protected and directed by God. You have a calling and you will indeed be using it even if it is not as a part of this particular group. Don’t try to take everything so seriously and let it tear you down emotionally. You are taking a huge leap in evolution right now. And it may seem like you are taking steps backward but you are just seeing everything from a new level of experience. There is more creative expression that needs to be unleashed from you and this group is just holding you back right now. It may have to go away in order for you to grow. So, for right now, act as if everything is exactly how it needs to be. Do your job and stand back and watch the fallout happen all around you. Remember, you are protected.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Reading for Week of Oct. 14th
Cards used in this reading are from the Herbcrafter's Tarot, Halloween Tarot in a Ton and Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards.
THE LOVER'S - This is a card about making a choice. This card has both blossoms and thorns so you may find that you are very fruitful in your decision but it doesn't come without some stitchy complications.
Clarifying card: 2 OF BATS - you need to make a choice with your heart and not your head. Don't go overboard with the logic. Sometimes the path is not clear.
JUSTICE - This card says you reap what you sow. There are consequences for every action.
Clarifying card: 6 OF WANDS - Success! Victory. You accomplished what you set forth to do and now you are getting the rewards you deserve.
HIJA OF EARTH - This asks us to be flexible. Some things take time. Return to a beginner's path. Don't over think your decisions or make them too complex.
Oracle: UNKNOWN TERRITORY - You are exactly where you need to be. - Even if you don't have all the answers, keep moving forward!💛
My Take:
You will have a choice to make today but it doesn't come without its complications. You need to go with your gut and intuition on this because the choice won't be clear. Whatever you decide to do will have the desired effect and be ultimately successful. Go back to basics and don't try and make this all too complex. The simpler, the better. Be flexible. You may not know where this all will lead but you are doing exactly what you are meant to do at this time.
Friday, October 11, 2019
BOOK REVIEW - The Language of Tarot by Jeannie Reed
The Language of Tarot:
A Proven System for Reading the Cards
by Jeannie Reed
Paperback, 240 pages
Published September 8th 2019 by Llewellyn Publications
Goodreads synopsis:
Reading the cards can be as easy as reading this sentence.
Welcome to a world of tarot you couldn't have imagined until now--a world in which you can give accurate and insightful tarot readings with little or no guesswork while also developing your psychic ability. This revolutionary guide, written by a tarot master with more than thirty years of experience, teaches a simple, proven system that makes reading cards in a spread as straightforward as reading words on a page.
The Language of Tarot presents an innovative system that treats tarot as a science. It can be taught and learned. Jeannie Reed discovered that when the same two or three cards appear together, it usually represents the same issue in any client's life. This remarkable book translates many card combinations and supplies examples to support each lesson. You can be more creative and confident with card meanings as you uncover how they relate to matters of health, money, relationships, and more. With Jeannie's guidance, it's easy to become fluent in the language of tarot.
4.5 Stars
I have to admit that even though you don’t hear too many people reading the tarot in the way Jeannie Reed suggests, but this is the way I do it. I like to “tell the story” of the cards. It is exciting to see that others read like this as well.
I mesh meanings in a similar way you do with Lenormand. For instance, when you add 9 of Pentacles with the 10 of Pentacles you can come up with one idea. Then add your intuition based on some feature in the card artwork that stands out and suddenly these two cards can mean that “affirmations do indeed work.” The image of the lady in the 9 card looks like she is daydreaming, lying on a couch. That stood out to me. The ten is all about having your own happily ever after. Together you can see how this lady who is all alone could be wishing/affirming her desire for a family in the future.
If you are a writer or even like to write fiction, this way of reading will really resonate with you. It may take a bit of practice because using your intuition based on card images plus the actual meaning can take awhile to develop. But I find this way the easiest for me. In certain readings a card like the Tower can mean something altogether different if the cards around it are suggesting something else.
Go with your gut, guys. This is a wonderful way to read the cards. If you struggle with the actual meanings you still need to learn them in order to read this way. But don’t let a certain strict meaning keep you from finding the truth the spread reveals.
Be a brave soul and try this out for yourself. You won’t be sorry. I will be picking up this book again and again to refresh myself and keep my intuition raring to go. Thank you so much for putting this out in the world. It is so needed.,
I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.
BOOK REVIEW: A Course in Tarot: In-Depth Training, Exercises, Questions with Answers by Eleanor Hammond
A Course in Tarot:
In-Depth Training, Exercises, Questions with Answers
Paperback, 200 pages
Published October 15th 2018 by Red Feather
Goodreads synopsis:
The Tarot provides accurate insight into emotions, life events, relationships, career and money matters, family situations, and more. In this course, you will find easy to understand techniques to apply the wisdom of the Tarot to your life with any deck you choose. Because everyone will be at different learning stages, the lessons cover the basics all the way through to the deepening influences for seasoned readers. Taking a different approach than other course books, this program instructs students to comprehend in simple terms where each Tarot card originates and how to make personal links to each card. Once you identify how to connect the 78 cards to your life, you will find that you've already experienced each circumstance described in the Tarot, which makes it simple to read the cards. Included are exercises, an in-depth reading look-up sheet, test questions with answers, and even instructions on how to create your own deck. For use with any Tarot deck and appropriate for all skill levels.
4 Stars
There were a lot of things I liked about this book. Firstly, they break up the minor arcana and speak about how each number is different or the same based on each suit. For example, there was a section showing all of the TWOS (2 of Wands, 2 of Pentacles, 2 of Cups and 2 of Swords). It was easy to look to each one and see their similarities. It was refreshing to know that sometimes twos ca mean similar things based on the reading you are giving. It was kind of like a Numerology type of approach that I really enjoyed.
Even though I am a a graphic artist and know how to draw, I wasn’t compelled to draw each card in the sections provided. I would have rather the book paired up with a popular Schiffer deck and show those cards instead as examples. Similarly, there was a section to write down your own interaction with the particular cards in order to make the interpretation more your own. I think that is an awesome idea. I am not compelled to write in my books, so if you would like to keep all this info close at hand, using this workbook would be a great choice. I am more apt to write it all down longhand in a journal.
The interpretation of the cards in this are wonderful. I completely resonated with so many of the descriptions. I will definitely look to this book when searching for the correct meaning that just isn’t coming to me.
Lovely book and I feel quite a good one if you are new to tarot and want a nice introduction to it.
I received this book as a hardcopy paperback via Schiffer Publishing in return for an honest review.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Reading for Friday the 11th
Cards used in this reading are from the Tarot of the Golden Wheel and the Spirit Animal Oracle.
A creative project is emerging but you are not ready to act on it yet. Your movement forward has been stilled, stifled by something emotional. You aren't ready to move forward in a relationship.
ACE OF WANDS - This is the card of pure potential. Time to follow your heart and do that creative thing you've been contemplating starting.
This asks that you remember to give to yourself. Time for some self-care. It also says you are giving to others too freely and may become burned out or feel like they are using you. Remember that it is okay to say no. 6 of Pentacles also asks us to watch out about taking on any new debt.
Bottom of the deck (theme) STRENGTH - REVERSED
This asks us to take a measure of how we feel right now. Do you feel strong and sure or do you lack confidence? You may be prone to bouts of explosive anger right now so watch out! If you are worn out, take a break and renew yourself.
FLAMINGO SPIRIT- Embrace the in-between
Flamingos stand on one leg which says they have pretty good balance. We really need to stay in balance right now. This also says that we will need to stay strong when the storm comes. Flamingos are very resilient. So, we need to be strong as well.
GROUNDHOG SPIRIT - Time to let go
We need to let go of what is no longer serving us. But it also speaks of maintaining our boundaries. Don't let anyone walk all over you today. Stay strong. It is also a symbol of good luck so you will be able to maintain the spirit of this animal today even if you normally give in to other's demands.
My Take:
You are not ready to move forward with a creative project right now. But the ideas are just bursting forth. Take stock of these and keep a record of them. They will serve you in the future. You aren't in the right mindset for creative expression right now. You are tired and worn out. You need to take a break. Give to yourself for a change. This whole reading is wanting us to take stock in how we feel currently. Try to stay in balance when conflict crops up and others want us to do things for them. Just say no! Keep those boundaries in tact. If you do, you will find that luck will shine down on you today.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Reading for Wed the 9th & 10th of October
Cards used in this reading are from the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot and the Sacred Traveler Oracle
This asks you to create your own vision of what success means to you. Don't let others dictate the definition of success in your world. You have reached a significant personal milestone but are keeping it to yourself currently. No feedback for your endeavors. Could just mean that success is delayed for some reason.
What I hear is that you need to stand up for yourself instead of others. You need to protect yourself for a change. Can mean self care on a major level. It says you are struggling at working toward your goal. The challenges are causing set back after set back. Keep going. Use your inner resolve.
What has happened has happened. You just need to deal with it. Let go of what no longer serves you. I think it can also mean a refocusing onto the positive things in our lives is needed and we are beginning to already accomplish this. Be open to new opportunities.
Bottom of the deck (theme): 2 OF PENTACLES
You've got a lot going on and are keeping all your balls in the air as you try and be superman or super woman. Your emotions are also a bit harried. But you are doing an excellent job of multi-tasking. Just remember to not lose your balance.
Oracle: STEPPING INTO POWER - You are strong beyond measure.
Your life is calling for you to step into your full power and own your journey and path ahead.My Take:
Don't let others dictate your success. Do it on your own terms! You need to stand up for yourself, use your inner resolve and move to the next level. Whatever has happened... just deal with it and move on. You are the only one who will remember the struggle. Forgive if you have to for your own self care. You will have a lot going on late Wed and early Thursday. Just keep that in mind. Gage your reactions on your own scale and if you need to stay silent or burst forth the f-word, do it. You do you today!
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Daily Draw for Oct 5th
Cards used in this reading are from the Halloween Tarot and the Halloween 🎃 Oracle.
THREE OF PUMPKINS (Pentacles) - This card is about our gifts and talents and how we are using them to grow something. You are an integral part of something and you are being recognized for your success in being such an expert.
KNIGHT OF BATS (swords) reversed - you have a ton of energy to move forward but are missing one key ingredient... What to focus on. Upright this says you know what you want and you know where you are going. You are assertive and will steamroller over anything to accomplish your goal. Reversed says you are uncertain of all of this. You are timid and holding back your Greatness. Don't hold back! Shine!
The SUN 🌞 - This says that no matter where you go or what you do today success will follow you. Positive radiant energy. Happiness and joy. Today is a day to smile. Don't worry, be happy!
WINTER - Time to pause, reflect and let go of what needs to fall away.
Bottom of deck - HIGH PRIESTESS - all about intuition, following your own inner guidance, secrets and mysteries. Subconscious desires crawling to the surface wanting out.
My Take
Let's just say it: you are awesome! You have all these gifts and all this potential but today you are just done! You need a break. Time to sit back, go for yourself a sweet tea and veg in front of the tv or reading your favorite book. Don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow. Just sit back, be happy and don't worry about a thing.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Reading for the week of October 7th
Cards from the Dreams of Gaia Tarot pocket version and the Magical Times Empowerment cards.
KNOWLEDGE -reversed
You are out of balance in how you are reflecting on things. Either it is too much reflecting or not enough. You decide your particular predicament. The card encourages Me-Time and maybe you just aren’t giving yourself enough of it. Or maybe you are over indulging. You might be disconnecting from others but need to reconnect. I think social media plays a part in this. Instead of receiving guidance, you need to send the guidance out into the world. Get back into the game and shine your light. This light reminds me of the STAR card. No matter how you look at it, your take on things is really needed right now.
SIX OF WANDS -reversed
You have hit a personal milestone but aren’t ready to preach it to the world just yet. Maybe praise of this sort just makes you nervous and uncomfortable. You will just have to get used to it because what you have to say needs to be heard right now.
This could also suggest that your confidence has taken a hit and you are windmilling to regain your emotional balance. You may have expected someone to have your back and you find yourself all alone with no allies. Stoke the fire within you! Because upright this card means success. It is available to you if you push for it. Have confidence in yourself and your hard work. The truth will come out eventually and it will set you free.
This card is also asking you to take that much needed me time. Are you giving and giving yet taking nothing in return. It is time for some much needed self care and pronto! Try not to over commit yourself to things right now. It seems you are prone to say yes even when you should say no. It is okay to not be the most responsible one in the room all the time.
This asks us to live with compassion. In a normal reading I would take this as compassion for others, acting as an earth angel for others, but based on the previous cards this reading it is about being kind to yourself. Don't discount your own needs right now.
My Take.
You need to take some self care time STAT! You are over giving and becoming unbalanced. Your light is mega bright right now because what you say matters and people around you know it. They are paying attention to you and what you say even if it has never been a fact in the past. Be kind to yourself and take a break and don't beat yourself up about it. Let others give to you for a change. Let them be the healing balm to your soul right now.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Reading for Oct 4-6
Cards used in this reading are from the URBAN TAROT and the CONSCIOUS SPIRIT ORACLE.
This weekend it is all about having gratitude and trusting our spiritual team to inspire us toward the right path for us.
2 of Swords - going within and finding a solution to indecision about unresolved conflicts. Opposing ideas cause internal turmoil.
10 of Swords reversed - We are asking for help with the things that burden us.
The World - reversed - an end to this issue may take more time than you realize to resolve.
![]() |
Oracle from Conscious Spirit Oracle by Kim Dreyer |
Spirit guides - your spirit guides and passed on loved ones are trying to tell you something. Please listen and heed their warnings
My Take
Messages are coming through to you concerning some turmoil you have been experiencing. Your spiritual team is sending help your way. Watch for this assistance and be thankful for what they reveal to you even if it is not what you want to hear.
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