Do you ever feel like you want to get a little guidance yet you don't have access to oracle cards. Well, you should definitely check out Colette Baron-Reid's Website:
This link will give you the opportunity to not only choose ask a question but choose each card in a three card reading.
The cards above are from the link I mentioned and they are from the Wisdom of the Oracle deck.
Clean It Up, Be Flexible (Reversed) and Fork In The Road
When you see the images on the cards or the words... what does it say to you? That is the key to oracle cards. One card could have an image that reminds you of some time in your past and that is just the thing you need to focus on right now and it might remind someone else of something completely different. When you get a sense of the cards meaning something, go with that thought.
To me, the banners at the top of the Clean It Up card remind me of the Quiddich match in a Harry Potter book. And going with that thought, that might make the stag the patronis that Harry makes in the movie when he has mastered his magic a bit more. It is a powerful spell. So this card is powerful. If you do some cleaning in your world, which could be getting bills done, housework completed, clothes put away or just sorting out things to give away, you are making space for more good to come into your world.
The Flexible card reminds me of the Hanged Man card in the Tarot but here the head is closer to heaven and if you become more flexible about the things that come into your world and just go with the flow you will find your thoughts moving closer and closer to divine insights. That is so cool. Awesome, right?
And the Fork In The Road card shows two arrows pointing back the way you came but the monkey sitting atop the signs points to the one telling you to move forward. It is your choice now to take all you have learned and move forward toward your bliss and big dream or to stay where you are and remain stagnant. I choose my big dream. I have made a lot of big changes lately and probably hurt some feelings but I had to do what was right for me. I hope you all choose to do what is for your own highest good. And strangely enough when you do what is right for you, you will find others will discover their own path to joy as well.
I send you so much love and blessings on your journey.
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